Thread: ELSGUARD rp
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Old December 31st, 2017, 03:03 PM
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Drago Victinius Bloodward Drago Victinius Bloodward is offline
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Default Re: ELSGUARD rp

Originally Posted by Northern Lights View Post

Inside the castle Darkwings was finishing her speech. "As the Army of Shadows, we will rise to bring the light!" She raised her metal shield and shouted, "FOR ELSGUARD."

Her army followed her out onto the battlefield, echoing her with roars of confidence and fury. She entered the fray, using her sword to chop through the necks of the enemy and her shield to block and bash.
@Silverfur & Co ) drago didn't have time to think about if hiroga would stay dead or not for the other enemies appeared siroga, seraph, hades (not the greek god lol), Vladimir, destro, and the last one surprised drago for it was fire claws father though it was not really him just a reanimated evil version still very powerful though drago faced them his expression hidden behind his helmet the only hint if emotion was the fire in his eyes arya stood behind him her arms restig on his shoulders and pistols in hand pointed at the enemies the battle still raged around them
*looks around* the fact that i stumbled back here is amazing

picture credits go to my cousin who designed the logo specifically for me