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Old April 28th, 2024, 01:03 PM
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Default Re: A Very Impulsively Made Kit Finder!

Trigger Warning: This post contains frequent mentioning of blood, gore, and similar topics that may cause discomfort to some readers.

(Names for each given theme include Blizzard’Kit for the Winter Theme, Sea’Kit for the Water Theme, and I will include my other theme ideas in anther section)


Spring-Time-Theme: This theme would allow Nectar’Kit to keep the name of Nectar’Kit, as well as anybody else who had already given a flower-example. Other Springtime name ideas include Sunny’Kit, Bloom’Kit, Butterfly’Kit, Grassy’Kit, Breeze’Kit. Nectar’Kit would remain Nectar’Kit.

Weather-Theme: Name ideas for this include Stormy’Kit, Thunder’Kit, Lightning’Kit, Blizzard’Kit, Rain’Kit, Shower’Kit, Puddle’Kit, Sunny’Kit, Cloudy’Kit, Snowy’Kit, Frosty’Kit, Windy’Kit, Breeze’Kit. Nectar’Kit would take the name of Blizzard’Kit, judging off of the sudden bright white half of his pelt.

Little-Critter-Theme: Name ideas for this include Beetle’Kit, Millipede’Kit, Moth’Kit, Butterfly’Kit, Mite’Kit, Mantis’Kit, Leech’Kit, Caterpillar’Kit, Eel’Kit, Fly’Kit, Slug’Kit

There are also Plant Themes, Bird Themes, Sound Themes, and a wide variety of other options! I would be pretty flexible with Nectar’Kit’s name, and on your end, the idea of themes was pretty smart. Nectar’Kit’s name could be whatever, names aren’t much to me.

Then, of course there’s always Bloody’Kit-

Just- don’t look at all of the blood. Look at me, now, look me in the eyes. Hey, I said look at me- me! Please, eyes on me…

~ General ~

As much as I’m going to make this guy’s life as complicated and harsh as a possibly can, I am also going to make Nectar’Kit the definition of a gentleman. Unfortunately for this particular gentleman, I got too obsessed with your suggestion on making a kit sick, so here we are; Nectar’Kit is stuck with a blood issue. He starts to bleed and struggles to stop, faints every time nobody’s looking, is the king of nosebleeds, and his small injuries can lead to death in days if he isn’t careful. This blood struggle will show itself the moment he’s born, from a little trail of blood falling from his nose and not stopping, only ending after excessive amounts of effort to end it. But Nectar’Kit seems to positive and optimistic to be too emotionally hurt by his blood problems. He walks around with a smile on his face, tries to play around with the other kits as much as he can, and tells everybody that he’s sure he can still be on their level even with his issue. But someone, maybe Spiritbunny, maybe someone completely different, would eventually come to realize that Nectar’Kit doesn’t feel the way he declared that he does about himself. This Gentleman is a liar. But he’s the most selfless kind of liar there is out there.

Sure, you’ve given me lie after lie, but why should I care? You’re still an angel, are you not?

- Basics -


Nectar’Kit has thin, soft, and wispy fur that’s a little longer than average. Nectar’Kit’s colors are split half and half, because I’m indecisive and didn’t want to choose between him looking more like Spiritbunny or his NPC father. The Spiritbunny-Similar half is on his left side. This side of his pelt is pure, snow-white, and we can only imagine how obvious that will make his blood when the time comes. The other half of his pelt, similar to NPC-Father’s, is somewhat of a mixture between russet and brown. The top is a mix between the two colors, and it slowly fades into Russet as it goes down his flank, stopping at his underbelly where the Spiritbunny-white color comes back. He has his mother’s eyes, maybe a little pale and frostier. They look a little icy and cold, but he tries to make up for it by smiling all the time. The skin on his nose and ears is dark, almost black. He is a tiny thing.

Here is a mostly accurate reference-

Ha. Spoiler within a spoiler. He is smaller and thinner than average, and during his lifetime, he won’t pick up too much muscle because he and everybody else who cares for him is pretty worried he’ll die off due to internal bleeding if he gets too athletic. But he’ll come to really like swimming, so that’ll keep him lean and strong enough to beat the current when need be. Fortunately for the cats who worry about him and his safety, it’ll be pretty clear when he’s bleeding, thanks to the 50 to 60 percent of white fur on him. Nosebleeds will be very clear.


I’ve noticed that you seem to enjoy repeatedly bashing my head. You must have unaddressed anger inside. Would you like to talk about it?

Nectarkit makes it his life goal to make others feel good. If that meant he would have to burn for all eternity to protect an enemy’s emotional state, then so be it. He is selfless to the point it’s dangerous. His manners are top notch, he respects everybody no matter what their age is or what they’ve done to him, (usually), and he can always find reasoning for whatever pain anybody has caused him. He is the kind of guy who would get punched, blink it off, then smile and literally tell them to go again if it makes them feel good. This is partially because he feels like bad actions make everybody feel guilty somewhere inside, and by letting others hurt him he’s helping them grow aware that they’re making bad decisions. Nectarkit will half some problems in a battle, now won’t he? The only thing that will change this mindset of his is if one of his loved ones has been hurt real bad, and that’s when he can get angry.

Due to this excessive amount of selflessness and kindness, Nectarkit will fall victim to all sorts of madness and violence. He knows that he should be careful with everything he does and try to dodge as much violence and pain as he should because of the whole blood thing, but retaliation makes him feel like a bad person, as if he’s just as bad as his opponent. As expected, this will cause him a lot of pain and suffering, all thanks to the fact that he wouldn’t hurt a fly. People will come, he’ll wave and smile, they’ll threaten him, he’ll offer them emotional guidance because that’s just how he is, they’ll beat him, he wont defend himself, and then he’ll go cry himself to sleep the next night. Sometimes kindness should have its limits, but he doesn’t seem to care.

Nectarkit will declare that his blood issue is nothing to him, and he’ll live live long and decently healthy, keeping pace with his clanmates effortlessly. Sure, he faints whenever he breathes too hard, but that won’t matter! He wants others to feel like they can trust him to actually be helpful and worth it, not just some extra mouth to feed, blood to clean. He’ll assure people whenever he bleeds like crazy that he’s ‘lived through it before, it’s fine.’ He’ll brush everybody’s worries off and tell them all that he’s always there to help, not be helped. He makes a strong effort to convince everyone that he’s overflowing with positivity and confidence, ambitious and prepared for anything in his way. He claims to be ‘happier than ever’ with all of his issues, and he refuses to be an obstacle for his clanmates. Again, emotional support on wheels.

And, also again, a little liar. He thinks it’s best to tell everybody he’s doing just fine because he wants them to feel like they’re in a safe space with his company, and that his own clearly non-existent problems will never get in the way. For the most part, the lies work, and his peers + older cats just see an enthusiastic and optimistic cat hobbling around with a bloody nose encouraging everybody to follow their hearts and have growth mindsets. Meanwhile behind the happy-mask, he’s crippling- though, I’ll go into more depth with that in another section.

He feels that his only purpose is to guide others into happier lives, and that’s all he was born for- if he was supposed to be born at all. So, while he spend his life bleeding and crying whenever he finds a chance to be alone, he’s also going back and forth about his worth and purpose on this planet! He’ll have a fun story ahead of him. But unlike the tears, his emotional support is infinite.

Calm down. Breathe. I’m here.



- Kindness - Nectarkit will do everything in his power to make as many people feel good as he can, even at a personal cost.

- Generosity - Nectarkit is willing to give anyone anything to make their day a little bit better. He’ll happily lose something just to let somebody else enjoy it, leaving him empty of everything good! Fun!

- Trust-Worthy - Tell him a secret, he’ll bring it to the grave. Nectarkit will find himself carrying hundred of pounds of other’s emotional information on his shoulders.


- Selflessness - Nectarkit would die for his friends, family, rivals, enemies, anybody. Unfortunately, he doesn’t value himself in any shape or form.

- On the Quieter Side - When his guidance isn’t needed, Nectarkit is alone and relaxing in the peace of silence. He loves some quiet and time to recharge. Nectarkit is an introvert.


- Unconfident - Nectarkit views himself as the equal to a punch bag. Helps others, gets beat, has no right to care. He despises himself for the problems his existence blood issue causes his clanmates.

- Resistless - Hit him once, hit him twice, three times, etc., he’ll just sit there and take it. He just accepts that he deserves it and the attacker deserves the relief and not retaliate at all.

- Secretive - He’ll refuse to ever tell a soul how he feels about himself and his situation, other than a character or two that the plot allows. He’s too shut up and closed off from others, and he is afraid that being honest will make everybody who’s trusted him to be the happy little person he identifies as turn away and feel bad for loving him in the first place. He already feels undeserving of love, why make it worse by leaking these secrets?


Left to right: The more dark stars, the more of the subject there is.

Kindness- ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sociability- ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Generosity- ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Intelligence- ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Courage- ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Confidence- ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Ambition- ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Loyalty- ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

Physical Stats:

Speed- ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Strength- ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Swimming- ★ TBD ★ (Well, he’s unborn, so it gets complicated-)
Climbing- ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Balance- ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Senses- ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Hunting- ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Flexibility- ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

~ Family Life ~

Kind of important for a kitten-family finder, right? Now, if Nectarkit actually winds up having seven siblings, there is absolutely no way he is going t trust all of them. He wouldn’t trust them all if he had two siblings. If anything, Nectarkit would choose one other kit to trust with his problems, but that’ll depend on how he interacts with them all in the first place. Nectarkit will try to be his siblings’ therapist as much as he can. He won’t shut up about it, either- the moment you do so much as mention a problem in his earshot, he’s u in your face telling you that he’ll always be there for you and you can tell him everything. When he’s really young, he’ll confidentially tell Spiritbunny that he can help ‘raise his siblings’ as if he isn’t one of them because of the absence of their NPC-Father. He’ll be pretty serious about it, too- but he’ll realize that was stupid to say once he’s a little older, laugh it off and go cry in a corner about it when nobody’s looking. He will love Spiritbunny to death, and if he ever detects any emotional struggle in her, he’ll try and destroy it with optimism. Spiritbunny, if you liked the idea, could also be one of the cats/THE cat that Nectarkit trusts with all of his confidence-related problems. Someone to lean on, a happy and healthy Parent and Son relationship.

~ Other ~


Nectarkit will try his hardest to look all happy and merry in front of his parent for a while, especially if she ends up losing some kits and getting her heart broken. He wants to make her as happy as he can. He thinks they’re the most wonderful mother/father a kit could have, and he wants the best for them. At the worst, Nectarkit will wonder why he can’t just have two parents raising him together, and wonder why Spiritbunny was unable to just keep loving the father forever. But he doesn’t blame Spiritbunny for anything- it’ll just make him wonder whether or not he was supposed to exist.

One day, I can imagine him just wandering up to Spiritbunny with the little rueful smile, “Question. Am I an accident?” That would make for a fun conversation between the two of them.

If Spiritbunny ends up being a cat who Nectarkit trusts with his misery and lack of confidence, then that would make them pretty close as parent-and-child. Their relationship would be strong and positive, and Nectarkit would suddenly get really angry if anybody did anything to her. There’s something new: Guve and Receive. Hurt Nectar’Kit’s loved ones and he’s after you.

You hurt him, didn’t you? Well, don’t worry, YOU won’t be hurting anymore.

You’ll be too dead to feel that way!

Also, I think it would be interesting if Nectarkit, not sure what to call Spiritbunny (Mother, Father, Mama, Papa, Dad, Ma, Parental-Reassurance-Guardian, etc.), just went with “Mapa.” A mix between Mama and Papa that’s easy and fun to say. Honestly, he’d probably shamelessly publicly call them Mapa as an adult in front of the entirety of RiverClan.


It isn’t very common for anybody to enter the world bleeding from their nose nonstop. Nectarkit would make his way into the world, nose bleeding with white face-fur stained red. But usually nosebleeds aren’t much to worry about, so most cats wouldn’t be too worried. But when the bleeding won’t stop, Spiritbunny might begin to get paranoid. If she’s already lost several kittens, then seeing Nectarkit’s nose bleeding itself to death would probably freak her out a little. The nosebleed will stop after some time, and Spiritbunny would get reassured that Nectarkit will live just fine- nosebleeds are nothing deadly.

But as he grows, it becomes obvious that something’s wrong. Nectar’Kit’s always tired, always dizzy and light-headed, always bleeding (even when poked just a little), and nosebleeds keep on happening with no reason to. There are some other plot ideas that I have to accompany this.

~ Plot Ideas ~


Did I mention that Nectarkit does a lot of fainting?

Well, why not make that important to a plot? This plot actually has two parts, so I’ll separate them to distinguish them from one another.

Part 1: Nectarkit, very young, looses consciousness publicly for the first time in the middle of some sort of game or playing-activity with a friend or Spiritbunny, and gracefully faints of the spot. If Spiritbunny is present, I’m sure he would see this as a little jump-scare and panic a bit. Nectarkit won’t be out long enough for a medicine cat to have to be involved, but he will be out long enough to cause some worries. When he wakes up, Spiritbunny would be relieved and while Nectarkit cries out his own pain and confusion about why everyone’s all worried and staring, Spiritbunny would assure him that he’s alright and there was just a little accident.

This would mark the point in time where Spiritbunny is sure something is truly wrong with his son. All the nosebleeds, all the bleeding, and now he faints when it isn’t even very hot outside? That’s not right.

Part 2: After some more passer-outer episodes (as they happen more cats would get less freaked out with each one because of their abundance) some of Nectar’Kit’s siblings would likely be confused. Spiritbunny knows the topic about Nectarkit’s bleeding is a sensitive topic to him, so she tries to explain some things to his siblings in private when he’s out doing his own thing. Nectarkit could accidentally hear out Spiritbunny’s explanation, listening to them tell his brothers and sisters about how something’s wrong with him and the way he bleeds, and he’d finally realize that yes, something is really wrong, and yes, he needs to worry. From then on, he’d start to loose his confidence, and he’d also start trying to convince everybody that everything is alright and he’s perfectly happy the way he is.

So plot twist- although Spiritbunny might just be the cat Nectarkit loves most in life, even though it isn’t really her fault, it could be her explaination that results in Nectarkit’s confidence and masking problems. Not that she would have known he was there, it would just be an ironic event.


Still a kit, Nectarkit could stumble upon some not-so-nice kits/apprentices and get himself jumped. Of course, he would try and be nice with them, only defending himself by discouraging them to harm him. When they don’t listen, he gets hurt and doesn’t react. This woudln’t be the first time he gets attacked, but it would be one of the worst, at least during his kithood. He still wouldn’t do much fighting back, but he would certainly feel miserable during the whole one-sided fight.

Once it was over, he’d quickly escape to Spiritbunny bleeding and holding back tears, and when Spiritbunny asked him about where on Earth the wounds had come from, quietly and shallowly he’d tell them the truth. Spiritbunny, as his parent, would most likely be able to tell that for some reason Nectarkit feels bad for telling her the truth. He just feels like the bullies had some feelings they wanted to get out there and by messing with up (very violently messing with him, though-) they were blowing off some steam. That would be a fun conversation: ‘No, my child, getting beat is not an achievement. Learn some self-defense, Will ya’?’

Yeah. Mapa will have to deal with a lot of Nectarkit’s self-caused problems.

If I come up with more plot ideas, I’ll throw them in here. For now, though, I’m all out.

- Story/Relationships Through Time -


During the time period that Nectarkit is still a kitten, the blood issue will be making itself known mostly subtly- nosebleeds, fainting, light-headedness, all that good stuff. He will develop his overly generous mindset during this time, not trust anybody, and slowly lose any positive views on his self-worth. Throughout his kitten days, there will not be much improvement when it comes to his mental health. Spiritbunny may or may not notice some signs of his misery while he is still this young, but he will not admit to it.

Nectarkit and Spiritbunny: Nectarkit, while he is a kit, will always rush over to Spiritbunny whenever he has a physical problem. If he gets a nosebleed, he hurries over to her to get it fixed. If he gets cut, it’s the same. When he feels light headed, he finds them and they help him lay down in some shade and solve fix dizziness. But he won’t come to her with his emotional struggles. Only physical. If Spiritbunny notices an emotional issue in his son, if he brings it up, Nectarkit would just raise an eyebrow and ask why they think that, saying that he’s as happy as he could ever be and he’s sure he’ll make it through okay.

Nectarkit and Siblings: Nectarkit’s siblings are both bound to notice his blood thing and bound to have their own struggles, so I don’t expect Nectarkit to be bathing in their attention anytime soon. I am aware that he is not the main character here, they are all side characters. He will play with them normally, try and keep himself on their level, and zip on out of social interaction whenever he’s drained or about to faint. I can see Nectarkit and Spiritbunny having some sort of secret code (blinking, tail flicking, ear twitching) for the blood problem- whenever Nectarkit gets lightheaded when playing with his friends, to prevent drawing too much attention and worry, he could code his way into Spiritbunny’s attention and Spiritbunny could rescue him from the game, into the safety of the nursery or the camp sidelines.

Nectarkit and Self: Near the beginning of his kithood, before Nectarkit truly understands what’s going on with his physical state/blood, he will be happy, innocent, and loving towards himself and everyone else. But as he begins to realize that he’s worrying Spiritbunny and is becoming a problem in the eyes of his clanmates, his confidence gets all messed up. The blood thing isn’t just important to him because it puts him in double- maybe triple- the amount of danger he would have been without it, but it makes him a burden. This definitely takes a toll on his self-esteem, and even at his young age, he’ll feel terrible for being such a complicated kit. This lasts for a while, all through his kithood and beyond.


Yes, Nectarkit lives to become Nectarpaw. I don’t plan on him bleeding out this early. During his apprenticeship, Nectarpaw comes across more bullies and social distractions, and mixed with his problems with training and athletics, for a while, being an apprentice is a nightmare. But eventually he realizes he can trust someone- maybe Spiritbunny, maybe someone else… maybe both? To be determined!

Nectarpaw and Spiritbunny: I can see Spiritbunny encouraging Nectarpaw to go out and find some friends, but sadly, all Nectarpaw seems to be able to do is encourage other cats, silently refusing to out his trust in anybody at all. So, as for the idea I’ve been referencing a bunch, Spiritbunny could be the cat who Nectarpaw comes to trust. Eventually they would manage to get Nectarpaw to break his wall for a second and admit to all of the misery, explaining his perspective on himself. But during the beginning of his apprenticeship, he will stay secretive. This will make the misery increasingly worse, but he keeps the mask up just fine. Occasionally, someone will make a comment on how tired and gaunt he sometimes seems, but he’ll throw in a: ‘Ah, just a blood thing, I’m all good!’ to defend himself. He’ll take his blood issue and use it to cover up his sadness. He can’t sleep, too busy in thought and sorrow? Ah, blood thing! So tired he could fall over any second? Ah, blood thing again! Caught crying alone? Er- yes! Blood thing, of course! That makes sense…! As you can see, he is a little stubborn when it comes to secrecy. But if Spiritbunny/someone else can get him to break and spill the tea, he’ll get a little better.

Nectarpaw and Siblings: Chances are, Nectarpaw will fall behind his siblings. Athletic activities are dangerous and risky, but because they’re necessary for his training, Nectarpaw will have to work through them anyway. He’ll be slow and careful, probably have a delay in reaching his warrior ceremony. As he watches his siblings shoot on forward ahead of him, Nectarpaw’s misery worsens, and somehow, his confidence levels get lower. His siblings might have just adjusted to his tired appearance, maybe assuming that’s just how he looks thanks to the blood thing. Cats aren’t known for grasping the concept of biology, so this would make complete sense. He’ll keep on encouraging and loving on them, doing all these things he’s done since birth, just with misery eating his insides as he does.

Nectarpaw and Self: Oh goodness. Prepare. So anyway, when he was a kit, we know that Nectar’s misery was in development, but once he reaches apprenticeship, he’s his the bottom of it all and can’t figure out how to escape. I mean, this is the pit of all of his misery and sadness, the sorrow’s final-boss for him. Once he watches every single apprentice surpassing him when it comes to success and athletics, it’s just immediate: confidence gone, out. Like the flame on a candle it just died instantly. The mask doesn’t go down with it- in fact, it goes up. Nectarpaw just keeps getting and better at masking how he feels, just like his emotions get worse and worse. Now, depending on whether or not he actually finds a friend to trust with these feelings, he may or may not get the lost confidence thrown back at him- it all depends! I’d just see where the Roleplay-Current took me.

Speaking of Roleplay-Currents taking me into the unknown- who knows what Nectar’Kit’s warrior days will look like! If he has a lot of friends by then, great, he’ll have a good social life. If he doesn’t, well whoops, back to the misery. But I’m sure character development will hit somewhere, right? He will recover from his sadness eventually. Maybe.

~ Why Nectarkit? ~

I know some people appreciate it when people explain why exactly they think their character should be accepted, so I guess this doesn’t make me look too desperate. Anyway, I’ll give it a try, if

The most selfish answer is: I need a RiverClan character and I haven’t found a chance to make one so this finder was practically calling to me. If Nectarkit isn’t accepted, that’s alright, I’ll get my RiverClanner one day. So that’s the simplest reason. In addition, I just adore the idea of one of my characters actually having a positive relationship with their biological parent, because that’s rare for me. Spiritbunny’s relationship with Nectarkit would be a happy and healthy one and I would love to see how far they could go together. With that said, enjoy reading over everybody’s applications, and I hope you don’t go through too much indecision when choosing. Good luck!

~ Conclusion ~

I hope you’ve enjoyed reading about Nectarkit and his miserable life. What I hope people will get from this description is that Nectarkit has a physical issue that leads to all sorts of problems: low self-esteem, athletic troubles, family freak-outs, and more fun things like that. If you have any questions about him, feel free to ask me, I’m always open! Enjoy reading everyone’s applications, and have fun roleplaying Spiritbunny! Have a nice day!


Not sure what this is. Maybe like- some sort of roleplay preview? Not quite a roleplay example, it’s structured too differently/too quick from my usual. Whatever it is, enjoy.


Nectarkit- Early Symptoms/Signs of the Issue

Wake up. You’re bleeding, Nectarkit.

The small, multicolored tom-kit, somewhere in between the sleeping and waking world, shut his eyes even tighter. His paws shifted uncomfortably on his nest, claws unsheathed and poking at the bedding. He didn’t want to wake up yet, it was far too early- the middle of the night, at least. And the pain wasn’t that bad, just a little sting burning somewhere on his jaw. It was nothing compared to a warrior’s battle injuries. Nectarkit, dizzy with sleep pulling his thoughts down, responded to the voice in his head with a thought. …No thank you. I’d rather sleep… for a while…


Nectarkit, when falling back into a complete sleep, had landing right on the mysteriously injured area of his jaw, and the very moment the side of his face hit the nest bedding, a searing pain shot through his mouth. The exhaustion that had been tugging him back to rest vanished in an instant and the awareness of the waking world hit him. Icy yellow eyes flying open, Nectarkit felt his claws grip the bedding beneath him and his ears fall back in surprise. Alright, alright, I’m up! He promised himself, taking a single deep breath. I’m awake. And in some mild pain, it seems! He opened his mouth to draw his tongue across the fur around his mouth, checking to see if his thoughts were right to think he was bleeding. He must have poked his lip on something in his sleep, or something like that, but nothing too crazy- the taste of blood came just as he was nearly finished checking for it. His eyes widened a little when he realized that it had already begun to fall down his chin and onto the nest, streaming messily from his teeth to nest below him.

Nectarkit glanced down at the little crimson puddle forming below his head, breathless with his heart beat starting to race around in his chest. How long had he been bleeding? When had something poked the stuff beneath his tooth? His eyes stayed locked on the unexpected sight of his blood left on the nest, gaze only shifting to follow each new drop that fell from his mouth. Then finally, his voice came to him, frail and shaky.

M…Ma… Spiritbunny!” He broke his stare away from the puddle and landed it on his parent. “Wake up- wake up! There’s blood again, Mapa- a lot of blood- but I don’t remember where it came from, I don’t…” His voice drowned away. He probably got poked by one of his teeth in his sleep, but how much damage was done? Why hadn’t he woken up earlier if he had bled this much? Why did I bleed like that? The question was grazed into his head now. Why so much? Why so long? His voice was quicker once he retrieved it. “…stop it. Spiritbunny, please make it stop. The blood. Spiritbunny!

It’s the third time this has happened to me… already the third. What’ll happen when I get hurt really bad?

How long will it be before I die?

Life is cruel. We’re stuck worrying about whether or not we’re gonna lose our lives from the very second we’re born. Some do, some don’t.

You never know. Never.

And, of course, my nose was bleeding for at least half of the time I spent writing this. Gotta be in character, ya’ll.

Good luck to everyone else who applies!
How’s it going?

Feel free to stop by, request a roleplay, or just chat! I’m all open!

WIP Character Biographies //

Have a nice day! ~ Fritz ~
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