Thread: Flax Finder
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Old February 21st, 2018, 01:48 AM
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Default Re: Flax Finder


Character Name:

Role Chosen:
Close/Best Friend

Personality Traits:
Protective/Caring: Ever since Shadepaw was born, he had always tried to see the good in cats around him, no matter the ways they would treat him or look at him. He was just an overall kind cat to interact with, even if you couldn't really talk to him for obvious reasoning. He's the kind of tomcat who would run to someone's side immediately if he saw someone getting bullied, defending them without question until they would be left alone, even if it meant taking the harassment instead of the original cat. Even though he doesn't really have any loving family to care for him, he always tries to be a caring person towards the youth and elder felines – at least, the ones who can tolerate him and his strange appearance. They are few, but it is better than none at all, right? He does the best he can to do the best he can.
Introverted/Isolated: This kind of is self-explanatory considering that Shadepaw has never really had any real friends or family since he opened his eyes. Through the early moons of his life, young Shadepaw had to learn how to be independent and play on his own time. In the moons that he has spent on his own, he has learned to enjoy the little things in life from gentle rainfalls to relaxing breezes within nature and usually can be found out in the territory with his mind wandering about many things – although you will never know what.
Supportive/Understanding: While Shadepaw is still trying to figure out his place in the world and what he stands for, he has always accepted other cats for who they are and the choices they make – if they are reasonable, of course (even he has a line that will not be crossed when it comes to this kind of stuff). But he definitely is not the type to judge someone without a logical reason and always offers silent support to anyone that he sees going after their dreams or just trying to be themselves. Although, he does feel bad that he cannot voice his support to others, but Shadepaw certainly does his best when the times get tough.
Doubtful/Emotional: On the outside, this young tomcat can seem like a really happy, carefree soul that tries his best to be there when times become difficult for others, but sadly enough, he has to deal with his own inner demons on a daily basis. He hates himself, with how he looks and that he cannot even speak. Every time he looks at his reflection or sees someone look at him with disgust, Shadepaw scolds himself for being this way, being not like a normal cat and he often is convinced that he doesn't deserve to be a part of his clan, but he fights hard for himself each day, trying to be as normal and kind as he can be, no matter how much inner torment he endures inside.

Brief Appearance/Breed:
Shadepaw is what is known as a lykoi, which is more commonly known as the werewolf cats. His fur, rather than being soft and silky, is course and rough to the touch, but doesn't even cover his entire body. His paws, underbelly and center of his face are completely lacking of any fur and accompanied with his amber-hued eyes – the poor tomcat is truly a horrifying creature to most of his clanmates, especially young kittens and his fellow apprentices. Being an ugly-looking animal, some cats think that he isn't even a cat and show faces of disgust when they see him – even know he does not mean any real harm to his clan, or anyone for that matter.

Reason for Relation:
With Shadepaw's unusual appearance and Flaxkit's struggle with gender identity, I do believe that the two of them could be each other's main sources of comfort and support in their lives. Even though Shadepaw is mute and has no way of verbally communicating with Flax, I do believe that he would be a loyal and devoted friend to them throughout their transition and life overall.

Compatibility [1-10]:
Personally, I would have to say an eight or even a nine, but we can never be too sure until they've actually interacted with one another.

Their Relationship with Flax:
Overall, I am striving for them to have a close, supportive friendship where they can have each other's backs when the going gets tough, because with Shadepaw's issues and Flaxkit's struggle with their gender identity, they are more than likely to run into some bullies sometime in their lives. I want them to be each other's support to keep them on their paws when they give up and maybe, in the way future, when they are old apprentices or warriors – perhaps their friendship can shift into a more romantic route, but if you wish to keep them as just friends, then that is perfectly fine with me. I would just like to find someone for poor Shadepaw to love down the road.

Their Reaction to Her Gender Identity:
As stated before, multiple times actually, Shadepaw is a very supportive and caring tomcat, so without a doubt, he would accept Flaxkit and any choice that she would make when it comes to their gender identity and he would be there as their shoulder for support and comfort every second that they are going through their transition. Yes, he may not be the best cat for standing up for them against bullies, but if they do become as close as I intend, he would definitely put his own fears and insecurities aside for them to protect their friend.

Roleplay Example(s):

"Ah, it seems like the snow is finally melting away for good." The black-furred tomcat thought silently to himself as he stepped out of the apprentice's den with a gentle smile resting on his muzzle as the bright sunlight peeked through the trees above the Skyclan camp and warmed his back, making his muscles relax as he stretched out his front paws and giving a widened yawn in the process. The dreaded season of Leafbare was slowly going away and the forest was showing signs of Newleaf already, which made him already in a good mood on this quiet, peaceful day. Out of the corner of his eye, however, Shadepaw could see a few warriors give the lykoi a strange look, but at this point, the young apprentice was used to it and wasn't affected at this moment. He simply flashed them a kind smile and a slight tilt of the head before making his way through the camp's clearing, the male's paws brushing through the soft, dampened grass as his skinny, barely-furred tail swished back and forth behind him in a steady, calmed fashion. It was a nice day out today and he would surely not let some rude felines ruin that for him – that would just be foolish, wouldn't it? Shadepaw gave a light shake of his head, deciding to not dwell on such things and just proceed with his morning meal before he would most likely take a walk out in the territory and see if any flowers have started to bloom or at least peek out of the grass. Yes, that sounded like a wonderful idea for him. Surely nobody in the camp would wonder or even care if he went away, so that was stress off his shoulders, as it always had been since he started to go out on his own. "I do wonder if Grousestar will have a ceremony today though, I believe some of the kittens are growing awfully close to their training moons." Shadepaw wondered, pausing in his walk and glancing at the leader's den. It wouldn't really affect him in any manner, but he did like to attend ceremonies when he could – they just fascinated him for some reason. Realizing that he was growing off-track again, the apprentice quickly made a little dash over to the fresh-kill pile so that his mind could just rest for a moment or two as he picked out a small thrush among the prey brought in by the dawn patrol only minutes previously. It was important to leave the freshest and biggest meals for queens and elders, every cat knew that, even him, so of course, Shadepaw respected that with full loyalty as he rested down near a tree on the edge of camp, digging into his meal now.
The gentle, softened chirping of birds within the trees above him made Shadepaw lift his head, glancing up at the branches of the greenery that rested above and all around him as he took a peaceful walk through the Skyclan hunting grounds. Perhaps he could catch one and bring it back to camp, gift it to one of the kindhearted elders or something along those lines. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves now." Shadepaw decided, blinking at the drops of freshly melted snow as it dripped off the leaves of a shrub that was pawsteps away from the lykoi. It was a wondrous sight to behold and to be completely honest, the youth wondered in any other cats thought like him – taking in such small details of nature and just admiring all the changes that the seasons caused their land to go through. It was probably likely that there was someone out there, but in the saddened truth, the amber-eyed tomcat would probably never get a chance to meet them if he even could talk. He gave an almost amused huff at the mental image of the 'mystery cat' screeching at the sight of him and then bolting off before he even could say hello. It was all just a joke to him at this point, this fate that was sealed for Shadepaw. "It could be worse." A tiny voice in the back of his sea of thoughts whispered, but that made the youth roll his eyes. What could possibly be worse than a fate such as this? Now that he gave that a true thought, there most likely was a case that was worse than this out there in the world, but with this head, that possibly never was truly certain to the male. He was tired of thinking this way through and eventually collapsed into the grass with a huff of breath leaving his parted jaws. Why couldn't he just relax for one day without any worries and pensive thoughts such as these? Shadepaw didn't want to be this way, yes, that was certain – he just wanted other cats to like him. He wasn't that bad of a male, was he? Yes, he was a bit strange-looking and he was mute, as they say, but was that all that his clanmates saw in him? Was that the harsh reality that he had to live in as a young cat with many, many moons still left to live? He didn't want to admit it to himself, but the voice in his head did it for him.


Last edited by Captain; February 21st, 2018 at 03:48 PM.