Thread: Mapleclan
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Old January 13th, 2018, 02:45 PM
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Default Re: Mapleclan

Originally Posted by Shadomaru View Post
Swiftgaze turned his attention to his apprentice. He was thinking about what to train her today. Another yawn escaped him. Thinking with no sleep was harder than it looked, but then a thought occurred to him. Today would actually be a good day of training. He didn't get up. He'd wait for a little to see if Wisppaw would come to him.
Originally Posted by Merrypotatoes View Post
( @JaxenAmethyst sure thing! If you would like to pm me first that would be great!)
( @Shadomaru So is it alright if your kitty mentors Wisppaw?)

Away from the other cats, a black and white small figure was dashing around in the darker parts of the clan’s camp. The only thing you could see clearly was the figures green eyes. Then it was gone. It vanished between a small crack, only to reappear again a bit farther away from where it vanished. When the figure finally reached the end of the shadows safety it, or should I say he, came into the light.

That thing was SilentScatter. One of the warrior of the clan. He kept his eyes glued to the ground hoping no cat would try to start a conversation with him. 'Just get a piece of prey, then your home free.' the small tom thought to himself. He was getting closer and closer to the pile of prey due to the sweet aroma becoming stronger. His stomach growled rather loudly which he winced at. 'Almost there..' he bent down and plucked a piece of prey from the pile and began to pad off, letting his guard down.


Wisppaw was already awake. The small molly was waiting outside the apprentices den for her brother to wake up. After a while, the grey and white she cat let out a sigh, she spun on her paws and headed back into the apprentices den to wake up Stonepaw,who growled. Sure, Wisppaw may be annoying but she respected others sleeping time.

So as usual, she whisper-screamed to her brother in his ear..which she knew he could hear. “STONEPAW WAKE UPPPPPPPP!!” She smirked as a yowl came from her panicked brother but she tackled him and out a paw over his mouth. “Shhh.” She pointed her tail to outside..which the heavily breathing male nodded and followed her out.


Stonepaw followed his sister outside, he was quite furious after getting that horrible way of waking up. Whisper-Screaming in ones ear could cause a heart attack. When he saw his sister giggle that pushed him over the line. “What is WRONG with you?!?! That could’ve made me have a heart attack and you know it!!” Wisppaw rolled her eyes. “Oh shush, I knew that, but I also knew that you just say that for me to leave you alone. So dont give me any of that Fox Dung.”

Stonepaw’s tail lashed angrily. To anycat that walked past, it looked as if the two cats where giving a stare down, one looking furious while the other looked calm. He growled at her and went off to go get food and ignored Wisppaws sad sigh.


Gingerbird turned around-mouth stuffed. Her eyes widened in suprise. “Er..hang on..” The I get molly chewed and took a big gulp to swallow her food. “Ok. Er..”she though for her response to his question. “Of corse, but expect me to be groggy.” She smiled.

Her green eyes showed playfulness but her voice held seriousness. “You always seem to talk to me at the wrong times. When I’m eating, cleaning myself,”she giggled. “That one time were I was using the dirt place. Your definitely an unique cat.” She laughed a bit to herself remembering her howl in suprise that time that he walked in on her using the dirtplace.

(Sorry if there is spelling errors I have to eat XD)

He laughed and smiled “seems it’s just the way it is.” He flicked his tail back and forth looking at her[/QUOTE]
Originally Posted by Flameleaf View Post
[I just realized Reed doesn’t have a mentor]

Mangostar emerged from her den, tail flicking. She blinked a few times as she sat down in the entrance. The leader looked around the camp. She watched the cats walk around camp and talk. Mangostar licked a paw and drew it over her ear as she continued to watch.

Reedpaw was eating a shrew. He took small bites, and soon fishined. He swiped his tounge around his jaws as he buried the remains. What to do, what to do? The young apprentice jumped to his paws and ran across the clearing to a small patch of moss. He scooped up the moss and formed it into a small ball, then he flung it across the clearing and ran after it.

[Both open]
ginger bird could mentor him)

The bored molly looked around camp. She wanted to DO something. Anything to get out of the camp. She got up and slithered into the warriors den. The small Molly then looked for her mentor but sighed as he wasn't there.'Where is he?' she asked herself before going out into the clearing and sniffing the air. A faint smell of him blew over to her. 'Aha!'

The white and grey she-cat sneaked over to her mentor then pounced on him, her blue eyes shining with pride. "I found ya!" She purred happily.

The Molly smiled at him but then yawned. "Hey, shouldn't you...I organizing hunting patrols or somthin?" The ginger Molly tilted her head playfully.

"Because last time I checked that's what deputies do." She purred waiting to see his reaction. Her ears swiveled back towards where she heard Wisppaws cry of victory.
Ig: _vintagetee_