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Old December 31st, 2017, 06:41 AM
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Default Re: New year and One year

Originally Posted by NightWarrior4Life View Post
So guys I've decided to reveal my first plan for the near future... 4 (or 5) new cats will be joining the clans. I know, I know I need to stop making new cats that I'll probably never use but there's a twist...

Get ready for:
FinchFlower of Riverclan
HareStorm of WindClan
FernIce of ThunderClan
And SpeckledBird of ShadowClan.

FinchFlower: a white and tortoiseshell she-cat with pale green eyes. Small.
HareStorm: a wiry brown Tom with pale green eyes. Blind
FernIce: a white she-cat with one blue eye, one green eye.
SpeckledBird: brown tabby she-cat with green-brown eyes.

They all have an eating problem.

FinchFlower: was the runt of her litter. Her mother was very paranoid and therefore decided to feed Finchkit more than the others and eventually stopped feeding the others all together. She didn't realise this and therefore kept Finchkit by her side 24/7 and kept feeding her and feeding her. As Finchkit became older and closer to apprenticeship, she became a very fat cat and her mother stopped feeding her so she could lose some weight. After this, Finchkit was given some prey to try and get her eating normal food but Finchkit wasn't having it. She only wanted her mother's milk. When FinchPaw hadn't left the nursery for moons, begging and begging for food, her mother ran away and had more kits because she couldn't put up with FinchPaw anymore.

HareStorm: His parents and siblings (except for 2) were killed. They were raised by their Uncle. Bullied for being blind and afraid of storms, HarePaw ran away and ended up being taken away by twolegs for a few moons. He returned not being able to have kits and he was very fat and lazy. He returned to WindClan gaining his warrior name Harestorm but was bullied again for being fat and sleepy so Harestorm stopped eating to become a slim good-looking Tom again. After a few moons, he tried to eat prey again but because his body wasn't used to it, he was sick. He now only ate every couple of moons.
HareStorm's sister had kits but her mate ran away so Harestorm and his brother decided to help her raise them.

IceFern: former kittypet. When she came to the forest she never really liked prey and therefore only ate a bite of every piece. Other cats can see she is struggling but she insists that the rest of the clan needs feeding before her. Moons had gone by and FernIce now had kits but after talking lots to her mate (who she loved dearly and who supported her through everything and loved her unconditionally) they decided ,for her health and for the kits', it was best to give them away to another queen.

(You can theorise all you want about FernIce's kits being HareStorm's sister's kits...)

SpeckledBird: became deathly ill one day from eating a bad piece of prey and it scarred her for the rest of her life. She was always afraid of eating-the thought of eating repulsed her. Every time she ate she had to bring it back up because she hated it.

Let me know what you think
That's all so sad! How do they survive? I hope they get better. It would be interesting if they could help lead a premature "therapy" group for insecurity, or neediness, or just problems. The concept would be new, but might fit in and make some heartbreak go away.
I am looking for family and friends for Jaggedkit!
You can find me playing Animal Crossing or Fire Emblem: Three Houses, being hyped for Feral, watching MHA or T7DS, or reading Warriors and Wings of Fire.