Thread: [RiverClan] united in grief [plot finder]
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Old December 22nd, 2023, 09:22 PM
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Default Re: united in grief [plot finder]

The lost little angel
She/her | RC Kit

Meet a little Snowflake

Brief Description:

Snowkit is a mini version of her dad in a way, in partial looks and personality. And if you go with cedar as the killer then maybe she is what causes Cedar to finally snap.
She looks just like Skydancer and keeps following Cedar like a duckling for some reason, already begging him to be her mentor for reasons only she knows. Everyone thinks its cute and doesnt tell her to stop and it could be what triggers this all, that the green monster cannot shake this little kit that looks just like Skydancer~

She's much like pre death Skydancer in personality and wants to be just like him! Little Snowkit is hard to feed, as she keeps giving her food to anyone who even seems like they'd want some, and tries her best to toddle after apprentices to 'help' change the nursery bedding. Snowkit constantly cuddles anyone she can (its a cold winter for a little kit!) and while sweet isnt overwhelmingly bubbly, more quietly pleasant.

Post death not much will change, Snowkit was too young to really understand what happened and is just as kind, if a bit sad she'll never be a warrior like dad.

However she wont take his change very well, when he storms up to the covenant to beg for like she'll follow behind, confused and scared of whats happening to Skydancer and once she realizes he's going back (if he does) she'll cry her little heart out he's leaving her behind.

And should he not be resurrected? Well dads turned into someone scary and dark and though she loves him Snowkit just cant help but start to fear him.....
Accept the character's unwaivable untimely demise: Yeeeeeesssss >:3c
Mention: @dino.

(boring format sorry lol)
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