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Old February 17th, 2018, 07:44 AM
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Default Re: WindClan Training Moor

Originally Posted by Fuzzyfeline View Post
(Thank you.)

Silentpaw gave the slightest of nods showing that she understood. Bracing her muscles she waited a heartbeat before pushing herself off the ground again. She just made it over the ginger tom landing firmly on the snow. With a swift side step she was turned around doing so she added the last part of the move landing her right beside Stormbreeze. She didn't snap at her mentor's leg afraid she wouldn't be gentle enough. Pleased with herself she looked at Stormbreeze with bright pale blue eyes, full of hope. I thinknI did it right! She told herself excitement filing her white and pale grasy body.

Buttercupbreeze was impressed. Thrid times the charm. She thought using the well known saying. Waved her puffy tail. "You did that perfectly Shadepaw!" She praised her apprentice. Well it wasn't completely perfect her balance was iffy but it was good enough. Watching her roll around like a kit made her purr.
"No need to apologize, it's not like I'm going to punish you for having fun." She told her apprentice once again glade to have her as an apprentice. Buttercup wasn't one to be strict that's why she normallu purred instead of yelled at her apprentice when she was being kitish. Shadepaw remanded her of herself when she was the same age. She'd always had that playful part in her personality it was just always there. From kit you'd to now, it was always there.
“Well that’s a relief!” Shadepaw mused. “If I couldn’t have fun, I’d melt into a giant puddle of old mousebile.” She crouched down again, watching the small clouds drifting over the Moor. The cold bit down on her pelt, but thankfully it was getting a bit better today. She straightened back up, then looked up at her yellowycream mentor, and said: “Can we have a practice battle?” She meowed excitedly. Shadepaw was dying to try out her new moves. “Pleeeeeeaaaaasssseeee?” She widened her eyes and tried to look as convincing as possible. Shadepaw worried that Buttercupbreeze might say no. The sky looked like it might start storming, but they had enough time. She hoped.


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