Thread: New Beginnings
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Old December 3rd, 2017, 01:40 PM
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Default Re: New Beginnings

Originally Posted by Aleka View Post

Mercury bristled, arching his spine. He didn't really want to hurt the younger feline, not to mention he wasn't in the mood to fight at all. "I'm Merucry," He announced, willing his fur to flatten, but to no avail. A moment later, he tried to correct his posture, but all that changed was that his spine was slightly more lax, which most of been unnoticeable.
Since the younger tom was with Shadow, it was a fair guess that he was her trainee, though he didn't really remember her mentioning it, or maybe she
didn't after all. He kind of was faced with the problem of, what else was he supposed to say to him? The words, 'I'm, Mercury' seemed just bland in his opinion, and what exactly was he supposed to say in greeting? A part of his mind hoped that Shadow had told this rambunctious cat about him, but then, wouldn't he kind of make assumptions about seeing the pewter-blue Egyptian mau? He just didn't really know.
Originally Posted by Myik View Post

She turned her head quickly, seeing the tom her trainee was hissing at. He seemed familiar, but, it couldn't be. Shadow was sure almost all the fighters and hunters died. That battle wasn't easy and she had seen no one when they left. It wasn't until he spoke she realized. Her eyes widened and her ears flicked up. "Mercury?!" The she cat jumped down, looking over at him.
"I thought you died!"
Now having a clear visual of the other cat, he saw the bristling fur and unsheathed his claws, bearing his teeth. Icarius had never fought another cat in his life, but at the moment that didn't matter. He was ready to take down this other tom if he had to, he had faith in his size. After all, when he wrestled with his siblings in the nursery, his size always helped him win!
He didn't acknowledge the fact that the other tom was still bigger than him, or maybe he did and just chose to ignore it, regardless, the grey tabby lashed his tail back and forth with a low growl. When the cat gave it's name, a look of confusion crossed his face. Is that supposed to make me back off? Does that mean he's friendly or something? What am I supposed to do if he tells me his name?! Well, Mercury's fur didn't lay flight and he didn't seem to relax at all so neither did Icarius, though he wasn't baring his teeth any more.
It was when Shadow leaped down, repeating the cats name did the young tom fully let his spine relax, though he couldn't quite get his fur to lay flat yet. Flicking his ear with an uncertain look, he padded up to Shadow's side, sheathing his claws now. "Who is he? Is he one of your friends?"
He tried to recall if his trainer had mentioned him, maybe she did when she informed him they were leaving and he was still half asleep. Maybe that's it. Or maybe she didn't. Lately, before the Syndicate broke up, all that was on his mind was herbs and trying to remember what he was being taught. Now it was just a big jumble that he was still trying to make sense of.

Credit to the wonderful Endless on WCO for my profile picture! Wonderful picture of Hannibal <3
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