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Old April 3rd, 2017, 07:32 PM
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Default Re: SkyClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by Ludicrous Lunacy View Post

Pardus snorted, wrinkling his nose unattractively. "All due respect, your highness," sneered the trainee as he finally managed to fully hide the shame gnawing at his stomach, "If Halite were to send a message to you kittypets, it would come with a lot more than little me and Singe--oh, I think it used to be Singenight--killing one weak little apprentice." The ticked tom's tail lashed as he glared at the leader, yellowish olive eyes burning daggers at the older cat's face. Truthfully, although he knew Halite would probably be wiser and more strategic than that, it was the thought that counted. The trainee knew he couldn't escape alive--but maybe he could take some of the leader's bravery down with him. He ignored the fact that his shoulder had started going numb to the pain and shifted his weight to hide the weakness.
(Sry, mobile)
Grousestar was angered no more than he already was when the sarcastic title was spoken by the Dusk Sydnciate trainee, in fact, the leader seemed to completely ignore the taunt. He wasn't angry about what this cat was saying, he was angry because this was the second time his cats have been killed in regards to the Syndicate and truthfully, as charismatic and optimistic as he was, he wasn't going to let some rowdy band of murderers get away with killing his clanmates. His job was to protect and lead them and Starclan save the cats that prevented him from doing his job as clan leader. This was his life.
"So that's where the coward ran off to, hiding amongst murderers and heathens, I should have guessed. It suites him." Spat the leader threw gritted teeth. It was clear the leader hadn't forgotten that battle of liberation in Windclan, his cats had died fighting the followers of that cats rule.
"And you."
The tabby took a step towards the already injured cat, lips slightly curled back and a fiery anger burning within those green depths of his eyes.
"You are a sad excuse of a cat, I don't even believe you deserve that title. The crows wouldn't even pick your bones you're so disgusting. That apprentice? She was stronger and more capable than anything you could ever even hope to be, the same with each and every one of those warriors you attacked. Regardless if you're even capable of being called a 'cat', you're going to give me answers, I will force them from your throat if I have to. You're going to tell me everything there is about this Syndicate. Right here. Right now."

This was a side of Grousestar that no cat knew, no cat needed to know about it because this side of him shouldn't need to come out. But unfortunately, when it came to the well being of his clan? He couldn't be mister nice cat. He didn't want any of his clan to see him like this, it might scare them, but he was simply doing his best to protect his clan. He needed answers, and he was going to get them.

Credit to the wonderful Endless on WCO for my profile picture! Wonderful picture of Hannibal <3
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