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Old January 17th, 2018, 08:14 PM
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rubinaito rubinaito is offline
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Default Re: Lion Guard Redux [Private]

"I suppose I'll have to stop by and give him my thanks," Atazi said, although her voice was stiff and ever so slightly choked up. "That demon belonged in Hell." She exhaled, trying to control the surge of emotions that rushed through, a flurry of anger, sadness, uncertainty, happiness... She couldn't push it down enough though and against her will she felt a couple of tears streak down her cheeks, her ears flattening against her head and her joints seeming to lock up. She heard Bunga and Kiara beg for answers, closing her eyes and trying to work up the courage to spit out what and who Lucifer was without bursting into wails of fright. It had taken her forever to manage to call him by name, much less hide her emotions away from all those around her. She did manage to push away the emotions within her, shoving them back down and away from her mind. She opened her eyes and stared right at Bunga and Kiara. "Lucifer is... was a tiger, and he was worse than any of your nightmares." Her voice lowered, anger flaring in her gaze. "Do not ask any more questions about him. You are lucky you've never met him." She snapped, a growl rising in her throat to cement the idea that it wasn't up for conversation- now or ever. She turned away and made her way to Kion. She looked him in the eyes, letting her tail sway slightly. "Why don't we take a walk." She didn't necessarily ask, although the option was there for Kion to deny it. She couldn't exactly explain why she was reaching out to Kion, but something about him was familiar. The shared emotions about Lucifer's death. The burden they would now share. She gave a slightly crooked smile. "I won't hunt down any more honey badgers this time." She added.