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Old July 17th, 2017, 04:09 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Nursery

Originally Posted by woly View Post
"Driftstream thats it," she gave a small chuckle. Her eyes wandered to the shecats four kits, giving a soft smile,"You have beautiful kits, they look wonderful." she said softly. The other queen looked surprised that Sunsong seemed to be talking to her, which made the ginger cat a bit curious as to why. She herself didnt know what she would do without Smokethorn at her side to support her, and she didnt see other cats visit Driftstream that often, which made her sad. She turned her gaze back up to the molly,"Whos the lucky father?"
Driftstream was growing a bit more comfortable with the other queen, who seemed very easy going and approachable. Perhaps they could be friends, in the future. However, that thought vanished as Sunsong asked who the father was. She stiffened, snapping her gaze to her four kits and refusing to say anything for the longest time. How do you tell a clanmate you were in a forbidden relationship, and the father had died? Driftstream was Dapplestar's daughter, she should have known not to break the code and become mates with another. StarClan punished her by ending Liontuft's life.
"Liontuft... he's dead." She muttered, hoping Sunsong didn't recognize the name of the ShadowClan warrior. It seemed less suspicious if she gave the name of the father rather than avoid speaking of him. Maybe the other would pity her for the fact her mate was dead, and forget all about his name.
"Lost no. Be happy."