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Old November 23rd, 2017, 01:07 PM
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Default Re: What are you thankful for?

Mine is kinda pathetic.
I’m greatful for a roof over my head, water, food (good or not), having a good private school (despite the fact I dislike going to school), having friends, WI-FI, WCO as an entirety (I don’t have the time to mention everyone on WCO lol) and these members of WCO: @~rattlesnake~ @Charmer @Ryder @.:Blue Wishes:. @BluBunnie @Undercover @Cherish Cat @Fern @Random Melchester or @Random Melody (IDK which you are now) @Duskflight @Jingle @Mad King @fenic! @AbsurdJinx @Rose Queen @Beau
And the ppl who helped me become myself(some who are gone) @Cloudy @Nighty @Lichen @Crow @Zero to Hero @Gusty @woly @Shadomaru @Duckie @Fallowstar @Deceptionstar @seasalt @Flameleaf @Shoes @Insert_Username_Here (IK some of them left WCO still...). @And everyone one else here!

@~rattlesnake~ Thank you for being a friend to me. When Wheatfur had an apprentice finder, you remembered to mention me to let me know it started.

@Charmer you are willing to assist me in plots that require Shinefang and are a kind person all around.

@Ryder When I returned from my hiatus you were one of the first ppl willing to RP with me, and that means a lot to me.

@.:Blue Wishes:. You are kind and are a smart person.

@BluBunnie you are kind, caring, and make me feel important on WCO.

@Random Melody you make me tear up (no it’s not a crush it’s your personality) you let my character kill Snowstar, you welcomed me when I returned from my hiatus way back before WCO became WCO. You’ve always been a friend to me *sniffles* I’m stopping because I’m tearing up.

@Duskflight you always have been my local buddy, (lez pretend we found out without breaking rules) you are kind and hard-working and I hope your at the college of your dreams now.

@Undercover You are the person who brightens my day. You are active and are the best roleplay partner in Shadowclan I could ask for.

@Hawkstar You always welcome me into your fanclans and it’s so kind.

@Fern You help with out Goldenstep X Lynxsky family tree and are active it means alot to me...

@Jingle You give me meme gifs, (click the spoiler to see it) you pranked me on that video call *blows nose from crying so hard* by not telling me your camera was on...oh well, you only saw my ear...and me in a swimsuit. *laughs until I cry* dirt or whoever you love. You are the reason I am me.

@Mad King You use to toment me by making my profile pink for fun, you keep me inline with my behavior, and are an awesome staff member. Even though I have a fear of PM’s now

@Rose Queen You always have been there, I might have feared you for most of my time here, but I learned to care for you...discovered your not a robot, and shipped you with Mad King.

@fenic! You are so corny (humor wise) and are such a good Mini-Mod and I’ve always thought you’d go far in your WCO life, and I was right. Having Russetstar and being a mini-mod. I couldn’t be more proud unless you became site owner (BTW when are you doing RC ceremonies)

@AbsurdJinx You are a close friend to me and help me know what’s wrong and right. I couldn’t stand WCO without you!

@Beau You invite me in your plot between Halfgaze and Passionblaze (which we never did) and are a thoughtful person.
@Crybaby (At the Disco) You are amazing and beautiful and such a good RPer!

I’m taking a sobbing break before continuing lol.

@Cloudy When I was a new member of WCO you took it apon yourself to help tutor me through PM to help me become a better roleplayer

@Ocean You were so kind and caring. How could I forgot you. I miss you so much. I hope you one day visit WCO and see this message awaiting you.

@Nighty You helped me practice adding detail to characters for applications and calmed me when I applied for an HR (which I’m yet to get) and I’m ever so greatful for everything.

@Lichen Wow. I’m tearing up already on you. You brought the sunshine into my world. I was a low unknown member of WCO when you found me and made me feel special and important. You are the reason I’m active on WCO and well, popular. *has a crying fit* I hope all is well for you.

@Crow You were the nicest staff member ever, when you were a staffle. You cared for us and understood we were human and made mistakes. You forgave. I couldn’t be more thankful. You roleplay well and I admire your roleplaying ability, I look up to it.

@Zero to Hero Zerosight has always made me all sappy. So, thank you for creating Zerosight. Then, thank you for creating Surgestorm so Yellowpaw can think she’s discovered the meaning of life and fall in love with Surge (who’s waaaay to old her) You as a human are nice and caring, your friendly and welcoming to others. You are so amazing, I don’t know what I’d do in a WCO universe without you. Also, I’m impressed you were the last to go from two HR’s to 1 HR. And you’ve had Surgestorm longer than any HR’s been on the leaderboard, perhaps longer! And I think real life time Surgestorm has been alive longer than any of the other HRs. ILY in a friendship way (not in another way)

@Gusty You and Halite are special to me and dear to my heart. (Halite perhaps more irl, but still...) You helped me through my early days of WCO and *tears up* always are here for me.

@woly You probably are suprised I put you in the list, but when you originally joined and we insulted the daydream out of eachother, it helped me learn how to insult ppl who bully me irl. And when we made-up through a PM I felt you were a smart, responsible person who I can look-up to.

@Shadomaru You always have been nice, such as inviting me to your wedding with Random or applying to my finders before they were very detailed or agreeing to RP with me.

@Mystery You are kind and friendly, how could I live in a world without you?!

@vos You were so amazing. Almondstar/fall will always be in my heart. PLS ONE DAY ACCEPT MY REQUEST FOR INSTAGRAM!

@Duckie Thank you for banning my account, IK this sounds insane, but it’s true. It braced me for the years to come. I may have spent the day after being banned beating my head against my bed sobbing, but I felt it taught me a valuable lesson, thank you.

@Fallowstar Thank you for serving WCO. Thank you for teaching me not to steal other characters names and for existing.

@Deceptionstar Thank you for creating WCO. Thank you for being nice. Thank you for stalling on Deceptionstar (the character)’s death until I could join WCO In his death I loved how he was drinking beer and stuff...Mad King tightened the belt on the rules here.

@seasalt Tawny~ You have been an amazing friend for the chatbox in the General board. IDK how I’d chat on WCO without you.

@Flameleaf Thank you for letting my friend try Roleplaying with you on my account once. Thank you for applying to (literally almost every finder I have) and thank you for being on WCO.

@Shoes Thank-you for becoming Socks to Shoes (lol) *cries harder* You’ve influenced my life so much.

@Insert_User_Here Thank you for existing and being nice...

@Role Thank you for applying me for RPOTM and being a RP partner

@Doodle thank you for being on WCO with me.

@thelittlestdragon thank you for helping me grow interest in the the non-clan stuff...

@Alicewolfheart thank you for being in my WCO family and letting the Chameleon kill your human character.

(I’m crying to much I’m forcing myself to stop) @Charmer Thanks for putting me on your thankful list *sobs myself to death*

R.I.P Okapi died of crying
RIP Blizz

My prefix finder website, consists of all the prefixes I could think of that are valid for wco linked here

Last edited by Mango; November 23rd, 2017 at 08:26 PM.