Thread: Battle!!!
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Old October 16th, 2017, 05:24 PM
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RedHead RedHead is offline
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Default Battle!!!

So, to bump up my RPing activity a little bit, I figured it would be best to put my cats out there for battle!
The fights will hopefully go quickly and smoothly, they don't need to be long and drawn out unless there is already some pre-tension between those two characters.

So, below is the list of my cats that are open for battle, and what specifically they need.

.:Character Site:.


** Means this cat can/will kill others

1st Fight-A young DS cat that she fights, preferably a trainee. She fights this cat off Flame @Fern
2nd Fight-A young WC warrior that injures her greatly, and then either her uncle Passionblaze comes to her rescue and fights them off

Only Fight-A DS trainee that he fights/kills

1st Fight-A DS cat (Any age, as they will injure him greatly) Patch @SamCats
2nd Fight-A young cat (Either WC or DS) that he fights, but they chase him off as he is already very hurt

Only Fight-A WC warrior that he preferably knew as an apprentice during his time in Windclan, and so they are angry at him, calling him a traitor. They injure him greatly, but he ends up being able to chase them off

1st Fight-An older DS cat that she can chase off
2nd Fight-A young Windclan warrior that tries to fight her, but she chases them off, more of a funny annoyance battle X3

Only Fight-A cat (DS or ThC) that almost kills her, because she refuses to fight back. Then I'll need a different cat to come and save her

1st Fight- A DS cat that almost kills her, but they end up showing some mercy and she escapes (Hopefully this can lead to some future plots)
2nd Fight- A weaker ThC apprentice that she kills/almost kills

2 Fights
-Open to any ideas-

1st Fight-A cat that her Light side fights, and she refuses to try to fight back
2nd Fight-A fight when her dark side takes over, and she kills the cat she is fighting

3 Fights
-Open to any ideas-

2-3 Fights
-Open to ideas-

1 Fight
-Open to ideas-

Only Fight-He's not going to really fight back. I would prefer it to be a young DS cat that he refuses to hurt

2 Fights
-Open to ideas-

2-3 Fights
-Open to ideas-

Only Fight-Just a DS cat he can defend someone against

1st Fight-A long fight with a DS cat that leaves her weakened (And future plot development)
2nd Fight-A fight against another, strong DS fighter whom Nightvenom [ @Constellation if you're interested ] will possibly save her from

1-2 Fights
-Open to ideas-

Only Fight-Against a cat that almost kills her because she refuses to fight back, She will be saved by someone, so open to that too
( @Lonestar23 If you-know-who is interested XD )

*Note* If he does kill, it will be COMPLETELY on accident. I just think it will give him character development before he has to go live as a loner/rogue.
Fight 1 and 2 are open to ideas
3rd Fight-He will save his mother from being killed Halfgaze @Beau

3 Fights
-Open to ideas-

*Note* He is a hunter, so his fighting skills aren't the best. But he is a well built cat, so he has strength and can take on most cats
1st Fight-Seriously injure her Fadingechoes @FadingEchoes
2nd Fight Oakenshade @Undercover

1st Fight-She will greatly injure the cat, they can be from any clan Honeypool @Lawlipop
2nd Fight-This will be a larger cat, and she will have some difficulty fighting them, but in the end, she chases them off, though she comes out greatly injured
3rd Fight-This will be the cat that her son Donovan saves her from. Halfgaze @Beau


So yeah! Those are all of my cats that are participating in the battles, though if you have an idea for one of my cats that aren't listed here, feel free to say it, and then maybe I'll take you up on that!

So, here's a mini-form to help me keep things organized!!

Name of your cat:
Name of my cat:
Fight #:
Plot Ideas (Preferred):

Okay, so there we go!! Hopefully this gets some of my more inactive characters some development XD

Character Site
See the bottom of this page here for characters available to RP.
I respond to rps on Tuesdays, Friday mornings, and Sundays.

Last edited by RedHead; October 22nd, 2017 at 10:08 PM.