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Old February 17th, 2018, 03:28 PM
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Default Re: Where the stars meet the earth

Originally Posted by Broken Madness View Post
For Verity? Hmmm well she was just injured by some cats that seek revenge and all and will soon run from the loners she’s bleeding pretty bad especially when Sano and libttina came along so why not help her? Unless you mean someone else like Cold the one you wanted a brother? :3
Either way she’s injured and not very pretty looking how about feeling pity for her?
Oh I meant like where it’s set, I know we are using verity and Krake I just didn’t know where

Fresh snow was trickling down through low clouds coating the earth in thick blankets of sleet and frost. The world set to sleep by the morbid scene of yet another grisely snow fall plagues the inhabitants of the land. Among the dark silvers and greys there was nestled in the branches of a bare tree a dark tom. His dark muddy tinted fur struck the scene like a little hole poked through a canvas of dull colours. Krake was settled in the crook of a beech tree his claws sinking into the pale wood as he watched the dark blue waves slapped against the pebble littered shore. Beneath his was a small fox den what he called Home, for this week at least. He found here far more serene than zoies barn that he had been settled in for a quarter moon but now he was drifting yet again before he stumbled here. The land seemed untouched, abandon and somewhat ancient with the old towering trees. The o ran so dark and ominous breathing just ahead of him with its powerful grumbles from deep down. He could have disappeared here and loved doing so, to sink into a works untouched by enemies. To have a family or even somebody to hold on to when the night grew cold. Yet his life was nothing but a slight dent in the memories of those he passed by. He was a pilgrim. A traveler by nature with the tendency to hurt those he left behind in his wake.


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