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Old December 5th, 2017, 10:31 PM
Galaxy Of Wisdom Galaxy Of Wisdom is offline
The Madness King
Join Date: Oct 2016
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My Mood: Kingly

Default Remade the suffering of madness

You and many of your little friends has just found something that will be your worst nightmare. Welcome to the lab of hell, a old lab that was once used for horrific experiments that still live there to this day especially three. They were left in three huge experimental tubes filled with a unusual red blood like liquid, they are kept in separate rooms that are dark and filled with extremely old dry blood. But that's not all, broken tubes can be seen here and there meaning only one little thing. You're Not Alone. You can't escape so easily, your curiosity brought you here, some will die! Some will fight back! All will know the reason, the past behind these blood stained, broken and old walls. The reason why these beasts or one might say demons run free! And how greatly they have suffered just to be free. You are the reason. You are the key to true freedom. These monsters will not show mercy but they don't for a reason. They will not bow down or give up so easily.
Who will fall?
Who will live?
Who will give in?
And who will listen to the suffering voices of the damned?
The last main question: who will save them?
The three are left in those tubes, others are out and free seeking freedom or a way to free these three beasts. ...... what will happen to you?

Teenagers who end up dying: unlimited but it's recommended to have a living oc to stay in the rp but that's your choice.
The leaders: ( 3 open they guide the group if needed )
The smart ones: ( 4 open they know what to do and how to heal)
The fighters: ( 5 open they protect the group and fight back against the beasts )
The kind ones: ( 4 open they are curious and often explore they see the kindness in everything even if it means getting hurt)

The beasts: 6 open ( these are the tanks, they fight head on because of their strength and power)
The runners: 4 open ( fast, smart and tend to watch and learn before striking head on or form the shadows)
The 3: ( are not open, I will be rping them and they are known for being the fathers or just the protecters of the monsters but they will not come out until at least one of the kind or any one else accidentally lets one of them out giving you a few hours until the next one comes out than they all are free. )
The shadows: 4 open ( they are sneak around within the shadows watching and learning they fight with stealth )

Human Forum
If fighter what weapons you have
What do you have with you
Will you fight against them or listen to them?
Why are you here?
Love interest

Monster forum
What happened to you? Or what did they do to you?
Do you know the 3?
If so what's your relationship?
Love interest

My oc that are human will be Sasuke ( ) a fighter with a pistol and a knife. And sano ( ) a smart one.
The 3 will be revealed when let free.