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Old March 15th, 2017, 01:22 PM
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Cool Re: SkyClan Territory

Originally Posted by Nighty View Post
Because of how he was, Cliffheart did not accept the promise that he would be a great father immediately. He still doubted himself, which was something he would most likely always do. The dusty tom smiled though, not wanting to worry his mate with his own self doubts. He wouldn't know if he was a good father until he had actually interacted with the kits. But when he thought about it, he had never truly interacted with kits, except for when he too was a kit. Maybe he could talk to some cats around camp and ask them. No, they wouldn't want to be bothered by him. He'd figure it out. He just needed to trust Starclan and himself that he would be great, but that trust wasn't easy to come by for him. He ward that she said the squirrel would be enough, but part of him still wanted to hunt. He shrugged though, not wanting to force her into anything. "Alright then." He replied simply as he laid his tail across the middle of her back, letting his tail tip flick over the side of her belly. He was going to be a father, but he didn't know how. Either he had to figure it out before the kits were here, or he'd just have to wing it and hope for the best. "Oh, Scorched? I was thinking about going back to Ebonyaw, to see if I could get this splint off. Then maybe we can get some more hunting done before you have to go to the nursery."
Scorchedpetal let herself lean on him very slightly, as to not put too much pressure on his leg. She purred, listening to him before she chuckled. "Hunting, hunting." she mocked playfully. "At this rate there would be too much food to go around." she purred, nuzzling him playfully. "And that sounds like a great idea. I'll talk to Ebonypaw, or maybe even that ghost, Aconite, for advice on what to eat and stuff like that." she purred. "You'll be a great father, just think of all the little you's you'll see running about one day. Maybe one of them will become leader as well." she meowed, giving him a kind smile. "Trust in your heart, and you'll see it soon enough." she said finally, and brushed her tail on his back.