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Old November 26th, 2017, 01:18 AM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Charmer View Post
(I just reread the gathering RP with the leader’s and it doesn’t look like Goldenstar mentioned Shadowclan sheltering in RC, so I’m going to operate under the assumption that Morningblue didn’t know, but Passionblaze might have.)

Morningblue noticed but didn’t acknowledge that he had surprised the deputy with his abruptness. He was used to it. As far as Thunderclan cats went, he was in the larger side. He rarely laughed or smiled or even spoke to cats he didn’t know well. Not only that, but when he did speak, his voice tended to be even and cold. He saw no need to do anything different. He wasn’t out to make new friends. He had his sister, and that was all the closeness he needed. The large blue tom mostly kept his head down and did his duty like a good soldier, and like a good soldier, he excelled in battle not just because of his physical strength but the fact that he saw weaknesses and strategies that others sometimes didn’t.

“When Snowstar asked us to try hunting in Shadowclan the patrol I went with got very close to their camp because there was no scent of them and we decided to investigate. Shadowclan territory had been completely flooded and unusable. They couldn’t have stayed there. They must have taken shelter in another clan’s territory with the clan leader’s permission. It obviously wasn’t Thunderclan. If Windclan was really as short on prey as Blazingstar said, He would have asked for Shadowclan’s assistance in fighting Thunderclan then and there to put pressure on Shadowclan since the would be indebted to Windclan. That just leaves Skyclan and Riverclan, and with kits and sick cats in tow, Riverclan territory being much closer, and Riverclan being known for their plentiful fish, Riverclan is much more likely. If that’s the case, Shadowclan may feel indebted to Riverclan so soon after being sheltered by them. If Riverclan asks for their help, there is a good chance they will do so. I think we should try and persuade Riverclan to fight with us. If I’m right, we would gain the support of Riverclan and Shadowclan in one fell swoop.” His argument made, Morningblue sat on his haunches, his cold, green gaze fixed on Passionblaze as he waited to see what the tom thought of his reasoning.
Despite the apathetic demeanor that the other tom was giving, Passionblaze kept a rather friendly gaze in his eyes. His job was to listen, to take action, and to keep the others safe. He viewed himself as a one-sided friend to all cats - outside or inside the clan. Passionblaze was not the type of cat to make enemies, on his behalf. As he settled into a comfortable position, with his tail lazily thumping quietly behind him, Passionblaze tilted his head from one side to another. From left to right. Slowly, nodding, taking in the information that his comrade was giving him. ''Mhm,'' Passionblaze hummed. ''I see,'' Now, it was his turn to think. It made sense - with the upcoming battle, they would need allies. Shadowclan and Riverclan would be good neighboring clans to work with. Passionblaze blinked, his gaze on the ground for a moment, slow nods coming from him. He then trailed his gaze upward, squinting his eyes as he made out the form of the other tom; Morningblue. Eureka! That was his name... Passionblaze cleared his throat, allowing a small smile to tug at the corners of his maw. ''Excellent thinking. That's completely understood. Shadowclan had been..flooded recently, and taken shelter with Riverclan for a small moment,'' He explained. It must had been harsh for the shady clan, but truthfully Passionblaze was thrilled that they were back in their own home. It created balance and peace. ''However,'' Passionblaze bowed his head. ''This is our battle, and battle alone. How fair would it be if we wiped out Windclan with four against one?'' Badly, so badly, Passionblaze wanted to win this war (which should had never started in the first place), but if they were to fight - if he were to fight, he would want it to be fair and square. Forget about help. One on one. Clan against clan. Personally, this was how Passionblaze felt when it came to fighting. As his name suggested, he was quite...Passionate, about everything; anything. ''That's just my opinion, though. We cannot just think about the win all the time. We have to think about the lives - the innocent ones that will be put in the midst of all this. Kits, elders, and the sick are all of us. Not just one clan. But, all of us. We should never weaken a home for a simple victory. But, to be honest with you? It's all up to Snowstar. It's what she wants to do, and as her loyal mates, we will fight alongside her. '' Passionblaze wasn't in control of this battle, but Snowstar was. If she sought help from the other clans, Passionblaze would be by her side to sort arrangements out. He also knew that perhaps the other clans wouldn't want to be involved in such...bloodshed. As a leader, you would avoid every horrific conflict to protect your clan mates. ''Trust me, I do understand where you're coming from; it's a wonderful reason, after all! But, do you understand where I am coming from? We all may be enemies, we all may not get along, but we always - must always become a team. We have our difficulties, but in the end we might as well all hang separately, or together.'' The words were out in the open, and Morningblue could take the deadly truth as he saw it. ''Besides, we all just finished a surprised attack,'' An easy one, for sure. The syndicate cats were no match, at all. ''And, we're all recuperating. We're getting ready for another battle, but the other three clans most likely wouldn't want out.'' Though the help would be appreciated. On the other hand, this all was simple opinion, and Passionblaze knew he could be wrong; maybe the other clans would want to offer their aid. Passionblaze secretly wished that Snowstar and Blazingstar would put their differences aside, stop being bitter about the past, stop fighting like two kits over a moss ball, and declare the battle off. Simply throw the battle away. There was no way Passionblaze wanted to fight again, but he knew that if he needed to, then he would. No questions asked.

Last edited by Brilliance; November 26th, 2017 at 01:22 AM.