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Old December 15th, 2017, 05:25 PM
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AbsurdJinx AbsurdJinx is offline
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Default Re: SkyClan Medicine Cat's Den

Originally Posted by king kaleb! View Post
the glare daydream was giving shinefang were as if he were an enemy,tail lashing from side to side. they knew he was right, they knew that juniper were right, but they just couldnt admit that. they never liked to admit that they needed help, it just wasnt in their vocabulary. despite their aggressive attitude, they stood still obediently, raising their head slightly so shinefang could take a better look at their neck wounds. they knew geckoleaf would scold them for doing something like this, going back to their old ways and not caring for themself, but they couldnt help it, there were so many cats that needed help, that it was hard to focus. but daydream stayed quiet, because they knew they were in the wrong. they old let out small hisses here and there when feeling herbs pressed into their wounds. ¨burdock roots are good to sooth the wound, dried oak leaves are good to prevent-¨ they paused, letting out a small hiss as more herb were placed on them,¨infection. dock is also good for that aswel.¨ they explained, they wanted to be of some use in the moment.
Originally Posted by Charmer View Post
Nightpaw mrrowed softly with laughter as Juniperpaw praised her work cleaning the injuries. "Ah thanks," she said, echoing the teasing manner in which the Riverclan cat had praised her. But on the inside, she was beaming after the compliment and ecstatic that she'd been able to help Daydream in some way.

"Close Junebug. It won't just prevent infections. It cures them too. When I was a new warrior, my brother Yellowfoot thought it would be a good idea to meddle with a rats nest in an abandoned twoleg place in our old territory. The mousebrain got himself bitten by a rat. Ever seen the inside of a rat's mouth? They're filthy creatures. The medicine cat at the time treated him with burdock root when he didn't go to get the wound checked right away and spiked a fever. If it can handle infections from rat bites, it won't so much as let an infection get near Daydream. When Shinefang glanced up at the Shadowclan medicine cat's face, the younger cat was seething with hatred. Truth be told, Shinefang didn't like to be told what to do either, and he might have felt the same hostility if her were in their paws. But there was no way he was telling them that. "Bite me, and I'll bite back," he warned in a low murmur.

"What did you say?" Nightpaw said, getting to her feet. The black shecat's tail gave a lash as she looked at the Skyclan medicine cat in a way that wasn't exactly angry, but more like surprise that was just beginning to bud into anger.

"Stand down," Shinefang ordered, his voice slipping seamlessly into that of a patrol leader commanding the respect of the warriors he led. "Do I look like I'm in any shape for a brawl?"

Nightpaw looked at Daydream, her tail still twitching with agitation as if unsure what she should be doing. But ultimately, she didn't move. The old tom was trying to help. She just didn't like him talking to Daydream like that.

As he continued to apply the herb, the Shadowclan cat began listing herbs to help with wounds. "Mmmhmm," he said, a little pleased with himself when he noticed he knew all of those. Treating wounds was one area he was very well versed in. But he suspected that the herb lists were not so much for his benefit as Daydream's. The Shadowclan cat had already had to be told what to do, which he suspected they didn't like, and scolded, which no cat liked. "What's good for bellyache?" he asked. "I had a kit in here a couple of nights ago complaining of one but couldn't for the life of me figure out how to help. I thought she'd eaten bad freshkill so I gave her yarrow to make her vomit. Then I tried giving her a couple of petals from a yellow flower up on my shelf there. I don't think that did anything." Having finished with the herbs, the Skyclan tom backed up. "Alright, you're all finished. You can have Geckoleaf check you out when you drop off Junebug though if you'd fee better with more practiced paws doublechecking my work."
She stared through shocked eyes as Nightpaw launched herself to her own paws with a lash of her tail. Juniperpaw watched the exchange between the warrior apprentice and the older tomcat, unsure as to how to react. Luckily for her, the brief confrontation ended as quickly as it had started, and Juniperpaw let her tail-tip brush Nightpaw's flank in an attempt to calm the warrior apprentice with just her presence. It wasn't shocking to hear such a comment come from Shinefang though Juniperpaw had never been on the receiving end of one of his sharp remarks. In all honesty, Juniperpaw preferred to keep it that way.

Juniperpaw took mental note of Daydream's list, eager not to let even a bit of the knowledge slip from her mind. She'd have to remember all this if she were to look after her clanmates. She nodded with a distant expression across her face as she continuously went over the herbs and their uses. She was brought back to reality at the mention of Geckoleaf, sharply turning her head to where both Daydream and Shinefang were within her sight. After a quick moment where Juniperpaw registered what had just been said, she rose to her paws and swiftly approached her friends. ``Actually, your work looks great, Shinefang. Daydream will recover just fine, I'm sure.``

She didn't want to be the one to break the news, especially not so soon. Daydream would be heartbroken. Juniperpaw could deal with Geckoleaf's abrupt disappearance without letting it affect her on the outside, just as she'd done and would continue to do when her biological mother disappeared. She didn't let her grief show unless she was alone, and even then Juniperpaw tried her best to be the most upbeat and outgoing feline. Meanwhile, she was sure Daydream would become even more distant and aloof than they already were, and Juniperpaw did not want to see her sibling-figure become even more closed off. ``Shouldn't we be, um, doing something? We came here for a reason, I believe, didn't we, Daydream?`` Juniperpaw focused her attention on the ShadowClan cat, attempting to change the subject.
My activity is likely gonna be a lil' wacky, so please be patient with me if we're roleplaying! Thank you so much!

Last edited by AbsurdJinx; December 15th, 2017 at 05:25 PM.