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Old January 2nd, 2018, 07:13 PM
red_inactive red_inactive is offline
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Default Re: ThunderClan Territory

@Random Melody

The area was silent, with not even the twittering of birds to disturb the quiet. The ground was snowy white, with a smattering of dead grass poking out of the white powder. The trees surrounding the clearing stretched high up into the air, their skeletal branches reaching up for a sun that was hidden behind a thick layer of clouds. A small, sudden crack rang through the silent clearing, startling a flock of birds enough to send them twittering with fright up into the grey sky. A tom with a pelt as black as the midnight sky raised his paw, inspecting the dry branch he had stepped on before shrugging and moving on. His tail wove through the air, streaming behind him weightlessly as he drifted through the territory he had abandoned not too long ago. Neverwing exhaled, watching the white steam curl from his mouth and into the air, disappearing as the cold breeze swept it away. He smiled to himself, the smirk faintly devious in appearance. The tom had been going through quite a bit of drama the past few months, trying to 'find' himself. Originally, Neverwing had headed towards the Dusk Syndicate after running from the clans in an attempt to relearn what it meant to be a feral cat- the clans had changed his views and it had wrecked havoc on the tom's soul, struggling to figure out if he should abandon his training for a new life with his beloved Blackstorm or continue with his devious ways. In the end? The decision would be made by Blackstorm himself. Neverwing had returned to the ThunderClan territory with only one thought in mind. To confess his sins to Blackstorm and let the tom determine whether Neverwing would continue being a rogue or return to ThunderClan alongside him.

Parting his jaws open to get a clearer scent of the area, Neverwing finally stopped, settling down on a large rock that marked a very special spot. It was a place that Neverwing and hopefully Blackstorm held dear- where Neverwing decided to blindly follow Blackstorm out of the territory, and confess his love to him right then and there. The black Maine Coon wasn't sure why he treasured the memory, but it didn't matter. If he was going to meet Blackstorm, it would be here; under the trees, out in the territory, beside a great boulder where it all began. He curled his tail around his haunches and waited.
Inactive account: keeping just for archival purposes.
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