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Old October 4th, 2016, 12:39 AM
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Default Dusk Syndicate Ranks

The Dusk Syndicate Ranks

Kits - Born from a cat in the Dusk Syndicate or stolen. They are all kept and stored in the nursery alone (unless they need their mother's milk) until they reach about six moons, then they become more independent. They may or may not take the test from eight to ten moons, if not even earlier. Unworthy kits will be killed. Worthy kits will have the choice to be a hunter or a fighter, unless more cats are needed for one of those specific ranks.

Fighters - Cats who fight for the syndicate. They also go on patrols to capture cats for the Dusk Syndicate.

Hunters - Cats who hunt for the syndicate. They are often classified as 'lower-ranked,' for all they do is hunt. Some hunters are mistreated.

Guards - Guards do not have their own den; they sleep outside or guard the Dusk Syndicate at all times. Guards also accompany fighters when they patrol for cats to capture or healers when they go to collect herbs. Guards are chosen by the Co-Commander and the Commander, you cannot begin as one. If the leaders see a cat who could probably be more helpful in the Dusk Syndicate as a guard, they will speak to that cat and his or her rank will change automatically, no questions asked. Guards have some control within the ranks, and their word should be listened to if the Commander or Co-Commander are not there.

Healers - Healers aid the cats who have been injured. They are considered weak by other gang members, because they show mercy to those who have shown weakness or weakness in battle. They must be able to take the prejudice of others. They sleep and work in the healer's den.
*The healers of Dusk Syndicate are not as knowledgeable as a Clan medicine cat, and at first, they may know nothing of herbs at all and would have to slowly learn from other healers.

Elders - There are no elders in the Dusk Syndicate. When a cat gets too old to hunt or fight, they are killed, or exiled. Sometimes they will be sent on a mission which is impossible for them to come out alive of. This is the most common way they handle elders, as it is seen as an honorable death.

Co-Commander - Rules under the Commander, but can tell any other cat what to do as well. The Co-Commander is kind of like the 'deputy' in the Dusk Syndicate.

Commander - Is to be listened to at all times. The Commander must have no trouble killing cats or bare mercy of any kind.

Social Ladder
The Dusk Syndicate has a strict social order. It is expected for cats lower in the ranks to submit to cats above them. If they show disrespect, harm may come to them. Remember, weakness is the highest dishonor.
This is the social ladder, the top being the most respected.


Lastly, only the Commander and Co-Commander are considered high ranks, neither healers, or guards are.

Last edited by Empress Of Evil; October 29th, 2018 at 02:19 AM.