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Old November 8th, 2023, 09:31 AM
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Spartan-117 Spartan-117 is offline
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Default Re: Nyan's Character Creator! (3.0)

Originally Posted by Tac Nyan View Post
Here you go! I hope you like him. If you're satisfied with your character, please send over the other half of the KK! @Spartan-117

WARNING!!! The following OC bio contains descriptions of abusive family members, mentors, and abandonment.


Current Name: Raincloud

Past Name(s): Patch, Rainkit, Rainpaw

Future Name(s): N/A

The name Patch was hastily given to him by his biological mother, Storm, because of the tri-colored patches covering his pelt. When they were found by the Clan as a kit, their adopted mother gave them the prefix Rain- because the black, dark gray, and white patches covering their pelt made her think of the sky before a storm. The suffix -cloud was given to him by his leader, Dawnstar, for a similar reason: His fur looked like a cloudy sky. They also have a gloomy, “cloudy” personality.

Nickname(s): Gloomy

This nickname is used in a teasing and sometimes rude manner to describe Raincloud because of his “gloomy” personality. It isn’t used by their parents, but it is used by their siblings and some other Clanmates.

Gender: Demiboy (identifies both as a tom and non-binary); AMAB; he/him, they/them (used interchangeably)

Sexual Orientation: Monogamous heterosexual heteroromantic; demisexual demiromantic

In other words, Raincloud is only attracted to she-cats. However, he can’t experience attraction unless he’s formed a strong platonic bond first. They don’t want to be in a relationship with more than one cat at a time.

Age (in moons): 12


Current Affiliation: ShadowClan

Past Affiliation(s): Rogue

Future Affiliation(s): N/A

Current Rank: Warrior

Past Rank(s): Kit, Apprentice

Future Rank(s): N/A

Mentor(s): Darksong: Solid jet-black cisgender she-cat with dark forest-green eyes that almost appear to be black.

Apprentice(s): N/A


Body Type: Raincloud stands at an average height. He’s neither small nor large. They’re scrawny compared to most ShadowClan cats, giving them a lighter build. However, he has a decent amount of muscle packed on, giving him some strength. Their ears droop distinctively at the tips. He has a long tail and a muzzle that seems too big for his face.

Fur Type: Raincloud has medium-length fur that’s thick and scraggly; they don’t keep it well-maintained. It’s oddly thin and smooth around his tail, making him look like a rat. Their fur is rough and coarse to the touch.

Fur Coloring: He’s covered from head to toe in large, alternating patches of black, dark gray, and white.

Eye Details: Raincloud has large, round eyes that make them constantly look concerned or worried about something.

Eye Coloring: His eyes are a strikingly vivid shade of blue.

Scars/Deformities: Raincloud is young, but they harbor multiple scars. He has a cluster by the end of his tail from multiple instances as a kit where he tried getting away from his parents’ harsh training sessions and they grabbed him; and from his time as an apprentice when he trained with Darksong, and she grabbed him from behind. They have a set of light scratches on their stomach from when, as an apprentice, their foster brother, Shadowtalon (then Shadowpaw) clawed them during a rough training session. A few scars crisscross his flanks. These come from various training sessions, both from kithood and apprenticehood (though mostly the latter, and the ones from kithood aren’t very big).

Other: Raincloud has rough gray paw pads and a black nose.

Image(s): N/A

Voice: Raincloud has a low, almost monotonous voice that they rarely raise. He’s learned to keep it carefully neutral.

Gait: They walk in a slow, hunched manner, though they’re unusually smooth and quiet.

Scent: He has the distinctive scent of his Clan, ShadowClan - pine needles, marshes, decay, and frogs - but the pine needle scent stands above them all.

Diseases/Conditions: N/A - if anything, Raincloud has a tougher immune system than their Clanmates.

The following will be ranked out of 10.

Coordination: 6/10. He’s decent at keeping himself and his movements together, but he isn’t a pro.

Reflexes: 9/10 - With their rough life, Raincloud has had to learn how to react fast. Still, he isn’t perfect.

Strength: 6/10 - They’re muscular and have undergone rigorous training, but Raincloud isn’t as passionate as many of their Clanmates, so they haven’t put in any more effort than they need to.


Detailed Description: Raincloud is an extremely antisocial cat. He doesn’t like spending much time around others and will hide as much as he can. Is there a dark corner in the camp? Maybe they can go on a lone patrol. Or there aren’t many cats in the warriors’ den... Raincloud will come up with any excuse to stay away from his Clanmates. Raincloud uses as few words as possible to communicate. They don’t like to talk, and anything more than quick chats or small talk is beyond them. Discussing anything bigger makes him shut off entirely. Raincloud hates the society they live in. However, he doesn’t feel like he can break social norms and comply with what others want. They don’t like conflict and want to just get on with their life. This means he doesn’t speak for what he believes in and will do things no matter how much he doesn’t want to. Whatever means staying alive. But who knows? Maybe if they find the right cat, Raincloud will be able to open up...

Raincloud tries to keep a tough exterior, and he’s good at it. Pretending to be something they’re not - that’s what they’ve learned to do. However, on the inside, he’s very sensitive. They try to block out the rough emotions, but they’re impossible, and they often explode when they’re alone. Raincloud has pain and trauma he can hide from others - but not from himself. And they embrace this. Whenever he’s criticized, whenever he hears of another horrendous thing his Clan has done, it hurts. They have conformed in the eyes of others, yes. But Raincloud will always hold true to what he knows to be right, even if everyone else thinks differently. That doesn’t mean they won’t sometimes wonder if they’re weird or out of place, though. It’s difficult to cope with his constant anxiety - always wondering if he’s hiding his emotions well enough, the neverending shame of what he makes himself do to please ShadowClan’s bloodthirsty ways, and the truth that, as much as he knows himself to be right, he’s still conforming to society.

This tough life has led to Raincloud having a pessimistic look on the world. They aren’t all bright and sunny, all looking forward to the future. Every day is new, gray, and bleak. A day of doing the same as yesterday. A day of doing things he doesn’t want to do. Maybe something will bring them out of this funk, but they can’t get out of this yet. Not on his own. And it certainly isn’t easy to find someone in ShadowClan who will help them.

Still, Raincloud knows his way around. They’ve learned to have a way with words to make others like them. It isn’t foolproof, but it’s far better than nothing. Pretending to agree with them usually works. He’s clever, figuring out problems quickly and reacting fast. Their sharp wits are something to be admired, even though they’re usually hidden by a quiet exterior and an avoidance of others. It’s okay, though - Raincloud is content with being by himself. Raincloud isn’t just good at thinking fast - they’re good at going into a deep dive of situations or anything they happen to learn about. Yes, he may jump to defense mechanisms, but he’s a fast learner and often thinks of things that others don’t. It’s a shame they don’t get to use these talents for another Clan - and that so much of their world is clouded by fear and desensitivity. Yet there’s always a chance for that to change... After all, he does have a moral compass. They just have to suppress it and try to pretend it doesn’t exist.

Traits: Antisocial, quiet, introverted, clever, sensitive, compliant, pessimistic, perseverant, discreet, anxious, thoughtful, agreeable, quick-witted, tolerant, desensitived, moral

Mental Age: 28 moons

Psychiatric Complications: Anxiety, Depression

Phobias: Thanatophobia (fear of death), scopophobia (fear of being watched), atelophobia (fear of making mistakes), thalassophobia (fear of drowning), kenophobia (fear of open spaces)

The following will be ranked out of 10.

Sociability: 2/10. Raincloud is almost always hiding from others, avoiding them as much as possible. However, if he must talk with others, he’ll try to appeal to them - but that doesn’t make him good at talking.

Outlook (1 being very negative, 10 being very positive): 2/10. Raincloud wants to stay alive, but their world is so bleak that it’s hard to find anything to be positive about or look forward to. To him, it’s like he’ll be stuck in the same cycle forever and that the world is a cruel and dark place.

Responsibility: 9/10. Raincloud is very responsible. With any task, they’ll work as hard as possible and make sure it’s completed. However, when it comes to taking responsibility... it depends on the crime. Usually, he will, but if it could mean his death, he’ll try to find a way to get out of it.

Cleanliness: 4/10. Raincloud doesn’t care much for personal hygiene, but they still clean themself. Occasionally.

Generosity: 3/10. He may give away so much of his life, but if he got to the fresh-kill pile first, that’s his piece of prey. Keeping possession of whatever they can makes them feel like they have some semblance of control over their life, even though they know they hardly have any.

Manners: 7/10. Not perfect, as Raincloud will find any excuse possible to be by himself, but he will act cordial around others.

Bravery: 4/10. Raincloud isn’t nearly as brave as many of his Clanmates. However, they’ll pretend to be.

More Logical or More Emotional: Logical

Favorite Season: Leaf-bare. Since it’s cold, there are less battles, and Raincloud can find more excuses to be by himself and bring back fresh-kill for the Clan so he’ll seem like a loyal, hard-working warrior. They have a strong immune system, which also enables them to be out for longer with less risk of catching an illness.

Favorite Food(s): Shrews, frogs

Favorite Word(s): Freedom, Hope, Cold

Favorite Sound(s): Pine needles crunching beneath his paws, the wind whistling through the trees, and the sound of silence

Greatest Hope: To make himself appear as the “perfect,” model ShadowClan warrior so others will leave him alone and he won’t have to worry all the time

Greatest Strength: Their cleverness and ability to mask their emotions

Greatest Weakness: His fear of showing his true self and his lack of communication with others

Worst Nightmare: Having someone discover their true feelings and getting executed for it

Deepest Darkest Secret: Raincloud hates ShadowClan with all his heart and wishes he could kill Dawnstar and leave, but he feels so stuck that he’s never even contemplated joining another Clan

Most Treasured Memory: Their first taste of freedom as an apprentice, when they managed to slip out during the night, explore the forest by themself, and have fun

Raincloud speaks in a monotonous voice
He rarely shows emotion, especially when he’s around his Clanmates; however, he could possibly slip up if he ever talked to someone from another Clan (alone)
Unless they fear for their life or reputation, they will use as short, simple words as possible in a casual conversation and often glance to the side, indicating that they want to get away
His tail-tip often twitches, and his claws often unsheathe, the only outward signs of his agitation he will show; his Clanmates don’t think anything of it
If caught off guard, Raincloud’s expression can look distant or haunted

Theme Song(s):
Therapy Session by NF
My Pain My Pain by Rauf Faik
Mama's Boy by Dominic Fike


Storm: Cisgender she-cat who is covered in large patches of dark gray and black. She has bright yellow eyes. Biological mother.
Batclaw: Black smoke mackerel tabby cisgender she-cat with distinctive pale markings around her amber eyes. Foster mother.

Snow: Solid, pure white cisgender tom with strikingly vivid blue eyes. Biological father.
Banebreeze: Dark brown classic tabby cisgender tom with dark ginger flecks, a full dark ginger tail, and green eyes. Batclaw’s mate. Foster father.

Ice: White cisgender she-kit with small gray splotches and pale blue eyes. Biological sister.
Shadow: Solid black cisgender tom-kit with piercing yellow eyes. Biological brother.
Coldheart: Black smoke classic tabby cisgender she-cat with heterochromia. Her left eye is pale amber, and her right eye is pale green. Daughter of Batclaw and Banebreeze. Foster sister.
Marshsnap: Dark brown cisgender tom with black tabby colorpoints and green eyes. Son of Batclaw and Banebreeze. Foster brother.
Locustfang: Dark brown classic tabby non-binary (AMAB) cat with green eyes and yellow sectoral heterochromia. Kit of Batclaw and Banebreeze. Foster sibling.

Best Friend(s): Ice, Shadow

Friend(s): N/A

Neutral: N/A

Acquaintances: Lilysong

Enemies: Storm, Batclaw, Banebreeze, Coldheart, Marshsnap, Locustfang, Darksong

Crush(es): Lilysong: Dark gray cisgender she-cat with a white belly, paws, and tail-tip. She also has a white dot on her cheek. Her eyes are turquoise.

Significant Other(s): N/A

Offspring: N/A



Ice and Shadow: “It’s not like I remember anything about them, but any cat would be better than the siblings I have in ShadowClan. Maybe, if our mother hadn’t abandoned us, we would’ve grown up together. Happy. Safe. Away from all this. Surely I wouldn’t hate them as much as I hate the others.”

Lilysong: “She’s like a ray of light, a breath of fresh air. She’s so positive and beautiful, but... I don’t know enough about her. What if she’s like the others? But then, what if I should take a mate who conforms to ShadowClan’s standards? That way, I’ll seem like a perfect warrior, bringing more kits into this awful mess. ...I don’t want to love her for ShadowClan.”


Snow: “I know absolutely nothing about my father. It’s not like I can judge him. Though I do wonder, did he know my mother? Did he know about us?”


Storm: “I don’t remember a single thing about her. But she did this to me. She abandoned me for no apparent reason. I was told that I was found near the end of leaf-fall, when it was getting colder... Could that have been it? I don’t care. She was willing to let me die, and instead, I got picked up by ShadowClan. I’ll never forgive her. Never.”

Batclaw: “I hate her. So. Much. She made my life miserable, always reminding me of where I came from and pushing me beyond my limits. She tried to teach me that being a ShadowClan warrior was right. She was obsessed with it, for the Dark Forest’s sake. I never received any love or affection from her. Now she still watches over my shoulder, critiquing me, making sure I don’t step out of line, talking about how wonderful I am, then saying in the next sentence that I’m a borderline failure and that I need to put more effort into this good-for-nothing place. Haven’t I done everything, mother?”

Banebreeze: “He’s slightly less terrible than Batclaw, but that isn’t saying much. He still tormented me, still was willing to drag me by my tail and give me scars, still pressured me. He’s nicer to me nowadays, but I know the second I share anything about what I truly think to him, his entire opinion on me will change. Surely that isn’t right.”

Darksong: “My mentor. She pushed me harder than any apprentice should be pushed, gave me more scars than my parents somehow, tried to make me a model warrior. My apprentice moons were some of the worst of my life, and compared to my kithood, that’s saying something. At least I’m a warrior now... but she still tries to check in on me. I hope she gets on the wrong side of a fox.”

Coldheart: “Could any cat be more uncaring? More selfish and cruel? I’ve seen my sister take more lives than I can count, gleefully licking the blood of the innocent off her claws. I pretend that she’s doing a good job, but really, I hate it. Why does she want to be like this? How is she like this? Unlike me, she’s not pretending. She worships Dawnstar. That makes it even worse. It’s all she’ll ever talk about.”

Marshsnap: “No cat could be crueler than Coldheart - except for Dawnstar herself - but Marshsnap comes close. He only cares about himself. He takes pride in bullying others, including me, and trying to get them down so he can seem higher. It’s frustrating. And annoying.”

Locustfang: “Yet another one of my foster siblings. They fall into the same waters - tormenting me, striving to be a model ShadowClan warrior, encouraging violence and bloodshed, following Dawnstar’s lead. Am I the odd one out, or am I the only one seeing common sense? Locustfang always says I’m frog-brained, which doesn’t help my inner struggles.”

Dawnstar: “If there’s anyone I hate more than my foster family, it’s Dawnstar. She’s the one who rules this Clan and enforces its ways. She’s horrible. Despicable. Evil. She seems to bask in the suffering of others and all things gory. I want to kill her, but I’m no fool. She’d tear my throat out in a second. She’s strong that way - and commanding. I can’t help but grudgingly respect her power and control, but otherwise, I spend every day wishing some mystical force would steal her remaining lives for good.”


Place of Birth: The outskirts of ShadowClan territory

Date of Birth: November 7th, 2022

Beliefs: They’ve been taught that the Dark Forest is the main ruling afterlife and that StarClan is the “weak” one that the other Clans look up to. Raincloud wonders if StarClan is actually weak, but he still mainly references the Dark Forest in his sayings, expressions, and thoughts. They also believe that there’s a separate afterlife where cats outside of the Clans go when they die.


Patch was born to Storm and Snow alongside his siblings, Ice and Shadow. They never knew their father, as he left before the kits were born. Since the cold season was coming and Storm wasn’t sure if she could raise her kits - and she didn’t want to be burdened by them, nor did she want any reminder of Snow - she abandoned them right inside ShadowClan’s borders when they were only a week old. Ice and Shadow died, but by some miracle - or was it a curse? - Patch survived. He was found by Banebreeze, who, seeing the opportunity for a new ShadowClan warrior, took him to camp and fostered him. Patch suckled from Banebreeze’s mate, Batclaw, who renamed them Rainkit. His new foster siblings were Coldkit, Marshkit, and Locustkit.

Rainkit was constantly told by their parents and siblings about their origins, how they were abandoned by a rogue she-cat and found with their siblings’ corpses around them. Coldkit, Marshkit, and Locustkit often teased him, though Locustkit was more inclined to put Rainkit down whenever he struggled during training sessions. Speaking of which, Batclaw and Banebreeze - especially the former - pushed them hard to the point of abuse, giving Rainkit permanent scars and constantly telling them that they wouldn’t be enough, that they had to fit the perfect model of a ShadowClan warrior despite their origins. This led to Rainkit hating ShadowClan and the life they were forcing him to lead. It was all he knew, but... it wasn’t right. It was hurting them. He didn’t want to be a warrior.

However, they learned pretty quick that to survive in ShadowClan, they had to pretend to like it. He became an apprentice as Rainpaw alongside his siblings and was given Darksong as a mentor. They hated her. Darksong was just as harsh and controlling as Batclaw, trying to force Rainpaw to fit a mold he didn’t belong in, hurting him constantly, and making him do things he didn’t want to. Rainpaw fantasized about escaping, but seeing what happened to traitors made them realize that they couldn’t. If he was to survive, to make any life for himself at all in the only world he knew, he had to find a way to deal with it. Even if they were constantly scared and watching their back, waiting for the moment someone would think they’d stepped out of line. Even if the world became dull and bleak.

His siblings became focused on becoming warriors, but they still gave Rainpaw a tough time, especially Marshpaw and Locustpaw. Rainpaw did their best to ignore them. During apprenticehood, he also discovered his identity as a demiboy. They didn’t undergo a lot of gender dysphoria, but they did realize that they didn’t feel fully like a tom, but they also didn’t not feel like a tom, so the label fit. Thankfully, most cats in ShadowClan were accepting of this, which was one less thing to worry about.

When Ivysnake was killed and the battles with ThunderClan started, Rainpaw pretended to care. He pretended to be out for ThunderClan’s blood. However, in reality, they didn’t want to fight at all. He got lucky - he never ended up participating in any of the battles, much to his parents’, mentor’s, and siblings’ disappointment. Not like they did, either, but they kept pushing Rainpaw, telling them that to really prove their worth, they should’ve participated.

There was one light in his bleak life. They fell in love with a fellow apprentice, Lilypaw, who was one of the few cats to treat Rainpaw with kindness and not have blood and death at the forefront on her mind. However, Rainpaw has been too nervous to seek her out again, and he constantly wonders if Lilypaw is still the same, especially after she became a warrior as Lilysong.

Now Raincloud is a warrior, alongside their siblings. He isn’t sure what comes next, but all he knows is that he’s stuck in ShadowClan - and if he doesn’t act like a “proper” warrior, his life could go even further downhill real fast. Or even worse, they won’t have a life at all.


Creation Date: November 7th, 2023

First Post: N/A

Purrks: I’d recommend getting “Well Insulated” and “The Collector”!

Other: Raincloud’s family members (except for Storm, Snow, Ice, and Shadow) and mentor are meant to be active (if you’d like). You can adopt them out to give him relations in ShadowClan!
my god! this was so worth waiting for! Sending the rest of the KK now!

Story Writing(tips and others) |

Lynxfang - Beefed Up Tier One
Shatterpaw - Skip The Steps
Burnetkit - Silver Tongue and Mind Reader

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