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Old December 10th, 2017, 02:43 PM
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Default Re: Riverclan Deputy

(I can’t chose so it may change applications a few times lol)
Name: Cloudysky
Age: 40 moons
Gender/Identity: she-cat/ female
Appearance [Pictures and description please]: boop Cloudy always has a well groomed pelt and if she were a human, she’d make a great model with the way she mindlessly poses when she sits or lays down. She has long white fur that is a bit static on the top, which drives her insane trying to smooth it out. Her eyes are abouth, olive green if you were to pick a color. She has small and nimble paws, and sharp claws, but not as sharp as a kits claws ofcourse. She’s not that slender, nor is she pudgy either. And it isn’t due to eating habits, it’s just her body shape.
Personality [2-5 paragraphs please]: (breathe Okai, just breathe) Cloudy isn’t at first glance the cat you imagine leading your clan, no sir! She is quite the opposite in fact, as she is still unable to find a mate, she’s always searching, occassionally flirting with a tom or two, hoping to become their mate, but typically ending in a failure. She is often observed as quiet, prim, and proper, which isn’t what is wanted in a deputy. Enough with the negativity now. She has an apprentice named Vinepaw who she adores and really enjoys training (the user is really innactive) and she is great with kits who ask her why their mother’s say don’t bother talking to her, it’s truthfully because she’s observed as mean, but she’s not. She is kind and helpful, but just doesn’t display it well. Which can be mistaken for her modeling behavior. She opens up and reveals her true self rarely, and that is flopping down on the moss splayed out, talking with a southern accent instead of her typical old english or with friends, normal english accent. If she were deputy she’d work with warriors on making sure they got a fair share in patrols (finder not literally), help a warrior in need, ensure all the apprentices are satisfied with their mentor, that the kits are happy with their parents if not find them an adoptive mother (only if they are abusive that is), makes sure the elders are happy, and give her input on important things that Fallenstar asks about.
Plot Ideas[Optional]: Maybe she does something so heroic to earn her place as deputy, ie; pludging into ice cold water to save a kit and nearly drowning as she gets trapped under the ice and is able to find a hole just big enough to stuff the kit through, but can’t get herself out of the hole, and nearly dies?
Roleplay Sample: [Three throughout Cloudysky’s life each big step ie; kithood apprenticehood, warriorhood]
Cloudykit awoke and shook out her fluffy white fur,” Moma, Is it awright if I go an’ play in da’ snow?” Her eyes were bright and glowing white. This was the good old days, before peer pressure. She still is a happy go-lucky kit that is full of energy and isn’t ashamed of her southern accent. She loves to play a fun game with a friend or two, however; she is teased a little for her accent.

Cloudypaw was her apprentice name, her mentor Sparrowleaf, scorned her a little for her accent. She stopped using her accent, and focused on impressing Sparrowleaf. She had just finished training, her white fur was muddy. She sat down and began grooming her fur, to get the mud out of it. She watched the it get clean. She sat in a pose that was interesting, she was sitting sideways twisting her neck to groom her fur instead of the more convenient way of grooming her fur. Her natural face was a frown, so she left it frowning. She didn’t care about focusing on smiling. She did a delicate stretch before sitting down and carefully nibbling at a mouse, carefully and slowly, she glanced up at Eaglepaw Fleabrain! Just notice me and flirt with me! she thought to herself before giving up and approaching Finchpaw,” Greetings, Finchpaw. Ya going hunting tonight?” She meowed embarrassed that she let her southern accent come through on the word ‘ya’. She licked her shoulders and blinked a little in shame.

Cloudysky, what a pretty warrior name for her. She smiled to herself though she then remembered that she didn’t have any toms crushing on her, or a mate, or an apprentice, or any friends. She shook her head I got me, myself, and I. I’m good. She stretched and carefully walked putting one front paw directly in front of the other one as she made her way to the warrior’s den a she-cat bumped into her,” I feel a young lady like you should be more aware of your surroundings, ma’am.” She meowed politely, her nose upright, it was advice nothing more.
PPD: 12.59
Other Information: Forgive the infractions!!! It’s all general board stuff not RP!!!
Questions?: Is there a specific gender Fallen prefers? Could she maybe some day in the future take a temporary leave if she were to have kits?

Quick interview:

Answerfur: Cloudysky. Why would you like to be deputy?

Cloudysky: I feel I might be respected and able to find a mate. However, I wants to be deputy also to help make the clan better. I want to make the clan better. I want to keep the clan safe and make sure everyone is happy and sound.
RIP Blizz

My prefix finder website, consists of all the prefixes I could think of that are valid for wco linked here

Last edited by Mango; December 13th, 2017 at 10:33 AM.