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Old March 29th, 2017, 10:46 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Nighty View Post
[ikr? Stork just had his warrior ceremony, so it's a little weird now doing him as an appie.]
Storkpaw hoped he could get this shy tom cat to open up to him somehow. He didn't want the other apprentice to stay in hidden seclusion for all his life, he had seen a brother do that, and it wasn't ending well. He couldn't let that happen to a newly found friend. But he could push. Pushing him, forcing him to be open, would just close him up more and push him further away. Before he tried to help, he had to gain trust. But to gain trust, he had to show trust too. He had to trust Nightpaw, which wasn't hard for him. This cat was growing in him, and he had a desire to talk to him, to tell him that he had nothing to be shy, scared, or afraid of. He wanted to be there as a cat that Nightpaw could vent to about his problems, or how his day went. He wanted to help, to be a shoulder to lean on. But trust was needed in both directions before Storkpaw could move forwards.

Storkpaw noticed, that as he ended talking, Nightpaw had silent tears dripping down his cheeks. Feeling sorry for whatever he was going rough that had hpmade him emotional, he looked away, acting like he hadn't noticed. Storkpaw wished he knew what was wrong, so he could try to help, but he had to have patience. He approached the bottom of the tree, and watched calmly as Nightpaw hauled himself up the tree. Storkpaw, instead, stepped back and ran, giving himself a bit of a kickstart. He launched up the tree, and dig his claws in, sinking them into the rough layer. He scaled the side of the tree, climbing easily to the first branch. Tree climbing was one of his favorites as well, it had to be since his brother practically lived to hang around in the trees. He looked down, his blue eyes ablaze with a sense of adventure. He loved this, almost more than anything. "The view from here, it's amazing. Don't you think Nightpaw?" He asked, keeping his tone light, as to lighten the mood, not yo big his companion down with too many heavy questions.
( XD same with Night. Should we just start rping them as Warriors?)
In all honesty Nightpaw enjoyed the company, although he would never state it aloud, he liked Storkpaws company most, possibly even a little more than his brothers. The other apprentice was nothing but accepting, nothing but giving and never expected to be given something in return, Nightpaw often aspired to be like that, but his hopes were crushed with a view single words. The solid black Tom often refused to state his emotions aloud, rather he would say things other cats wanted to hear, say things that would please them. And in turn they would do things for him, complete tasks if he so wished, it the main thing he asked for was protection, not for him, but for his brother. After the day his parents died, the day him and Daypaw became apprentices, he made a promise to them in Starclan that he would protect his brother, no matter the risks, no matter what others thought he could and couldn't do. And he did. He still is, he gave up his freedom and his happiness to make sure his sibling lived to see another day. To him, Daypaw was the only family he had left, the only one he could lean on in times of need, and he used to, they would lean on each other, support each other. They didn't any more. They grew up. That made Nightpaw heart yearn for the older days, when they were still young, when his mother and falter were still alive, Morningdust and Treeleaf, he missed them dearly. He wanted to be engulfed in his mothers warmth once more, feel safe, feel wanted. He hated it here, he wanted to go live with his parents, laugh with them, cry with them. But if he did that, he would be leaving his brother behind, alone, to fend off the evils all by himself. And Nightpaw couldn't have that, he cared too deeply for his brother. The ebony colored Tom looked up at Storkpaw through his lashes " you....have. Do you have any s-siblings?" he asked softly, worry edged in his voice. He wanted to be able to call his companion a friend, he wanted friends, some cats to lean on. Cats that won't use his weakness against him.

As Nightpaw clambered up the tree he with held a gasp as his clanmates shot up the tree past him. Amusement twinkled in his hues and he quickly caught up with the Tom, slipping an closing his grip on the slick bark a few times. Once he made it to the branch his companion was perched on he let out a sniff and looked in the direction Storkpaw was gazing, his tail flicking back and fourth. The ebony Tom noticed what the other had done, looking away as he cried, he was thankful for that. He wanted to express his gratitude and opned his mouth to say it aloud but was cut off by the toms question. A little thrown off by this the ebony Tom turned his silver gaze across the territory once more, taking care in noticing all of the little details of the forest they dwell in. The dew that dripped off the tree leaves, the orange that mingled with the black and dark blue in the evening sky. He never realized this before, how truly breathtaking the world he lived in was. A certian sillage that dwelled in the higher heights of the treetops, he loved it. "I-it is. It's breath takingly beautiful." he whispered, awestruck by how he hadn't noticed this before, with all the trees he had climbed, and for how he had lived here all his life.


"As long as I exist, you will always be loved."
Spiderthroat is the Deputy of ThunderClan
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The waves that crashed upon
The rocks that you were trying to walk along

And in my head I heard them play a song
For you and me

Let's get lost at sea
Where they will never find us

Got stars at night to guide us
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