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Old November 15th, 2017, 12:17 AM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Shoes View Post

Jadepaw felt like jumping up and down and squealing like a little kit, she was finally an apprentice! She was no longer Jadekit, she was Jadepaw. She liked the sound of that, but she also couldn't wait until she got her warrior name, of course, that was a long way away. While beginning her training was exciting, the real reason for her excitement was that she had finally escaped her mother. Her mother didn't yell at her or hit her, no, it was what her mother didn't do. Her mother just didn't seem to care, in fact, some of the only times Jadepaw remember actually hearing her speak was when she told stories of Jade's father, Dream. Jadepaw hadn't really met her father, but she assumed it had nothing to do with her and everything to do with her mother if she had a mate as crazy as Fawnpatch she'd stay away too. But now, Jadepaw didn't have to be around her mother anymore, so her father must love her now, all she had to do was find him and she's truly have a family!
It had taken some time of asking around, being sent to different warriors who she was told might point her in the right direction, but eventually, she found out what exactly her father looked like and where she might look to find him. As the sun started to set in the distance, she thought it might be just the perfect time to speak to him. She had a mouse clamped in her jaws and a shine in her eyes, determined to share a meal with her father and form a relationship of sorts.
Most might wonder why Dream was such an ambitious Tom with a leisured schedule. Most wonder why he seemed so carefree, so, irritating. Truth be told, Dream did not care for much. Or, many. He allowed himself to believe that he needed no one. He was the only one who could fend for himself. Take care of himself. The only thing that mattered was reaching his dreams. His visions. The only question most could never get a straight answer from was - where did Dream see himself. Where? That was an excellent question. Followed by: how, when, why? Evidently, Dream did not see himself as being a leader, nor a deputy. Definitely not a medicine cat. That all seemed disastrous to the Tom. He hardly liked the clan he was in now, so why would he want to actually help these little pieces of unwanted riffraff?
To be honest, Dream wanted to reach the highest level of serenity. He worked hard around here (not really). He deserved a break, right? Of course he did! The marbled bengal just finished going for a quick run. His heavy paws feeling light as he made fast movement. He had no intentions of going hunting...or doing anything for that matter, so he took a run. Forget about everything else. Forget about hunting or Patrols. Dream did what he want, and no one could tell him otherwise.
As he strolled through the clearing, a smirk placed on his maw, the different brown shaded cat thought about his next activity. Running? Done. Climbing? Hm...did he truly want to do that at the moment? Sharpening his claws? Eh, doesn't sound too tempting. Seeing what Pyritecrest was up to? Maybe not. That Tom had been busy. And, Dream was pretty sure that Pyritecrest's filter was blabbering as well. That left around two things for the Tom to do. Plan his goals (which always been an all time favorite to him) or The former obviously won when it came to Dream. After a quick meal perhaps he should find a nice spot to evenly plan out the rest of his moons. Many didn't know it, nor did his actions show it well, but Dream was a very passionate Tom. When it came to his goals, he loved to talk about accomplishments. Or, even failures.
He trotted further into the clearing, throwing a nod of acknowledgement to some of his clan mates. As he passed an apprentice, who he has failed to recognize as his daughter, the tom's eyes lit up at her catch. "Good job, kit!" He praised, as he trotted passed her. Something should had been familair within this kit. Those eyes...that pelt color, but nope. Just like Dream forgot a lot of his past flings and the products of his kits, Dream didn't take a notice that this apprentice did take on a minimum appearance of her mother. Which, would had clicked in his mind, if he had dared to care about what happened in the past. Since Dream was rather carefree about his actions, the thought of Fawnpatch didn't even cross his mind...not one bit.