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Old February 15th, 2018, 09:24 AM
Galaxy Of Wisdom Galaxy Of Wisdom is offline
The Madness King
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Default Re: Talk About It { Private }

Originally Posted by Deranged Llama View Post

Pedrichor was baout to speak again, but was caught off guard as another feline leaped form the shadows and pinned Lucifer down. He himself leaped to his paws, a low growl ripping from his throat. He wasn't overall fond of Lucifer, but he wasn't about to let him get killed by a surprise attack. Bushing out his fur, Pedrichor was about to leap in and join the fray when the other spoke. He listened, ears perked with curiosity. Lucifer was trying to save him? Confusion swam in his deep gaze, and with a small sigh, he made to reply. "Pedrichor. What is it to you?" Before the other could speak, however, Pedrichor heard Lucifer cut in. He listened again, flattening the fur on his spine and tried to hide a shiver of cold and weariness with a lick at his chest fur. Deal with him?! What did that mean?! No way was he going down without a fight. "Deal with me." He repeated. "I'm afraid I don't quite understand." Pedrichor' she voice was calm and openly emotionless; he had taken the road of quietness and a cool tone of questioning as opposed to open-ended rashness.
@Broken Madness
Sano eyes glowed as he looks at Pedrichor “ who said you can speak kittypet?” He asks coldly making Lucifer growl “ Silence! Sano get out of here now! I don’t need a other body, I sure in hell don’t need the pain! Stay away from here!! This is my home no longer will I bow to your madness Sano!” Sano looks at Lucifer coldly than he looks at Pedrichor “ ... are you serious... are you seriously trying to go against me your brother for a worthless piece of dung... You’re mad.. you’re becoming weak and that’s not what we need!!” He hisses as his claws come out “ Hades dies tonight! Now you die here and now!! I will deal with snowwillow! Here I thought you were smart Lucifer but now I see you as a coward! A fool of a tom trying to play hero but you ain’t a hero! You’re a killer like our father you will become more than just come cat! You will be a monster no matter what it runs in our veins we’re not lovers we’re monsters! And If you ain’t going to accept it I might as well show it to you “ he growls with a slashing tail as he suddenly begins to pounce aiming for Lucifer.
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