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Old February 17th, 2018, 03:47 AM
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Default Re: Going deeper [ Private ]

Thomas didn’t exactly know what he was expecting, telling himself he wouldn’t get anywhere if he didn’t move from the parking lot. He was still in awe that he had somehow gotten this far. He didn’t remember why exactly he was here, he was just here. Forcing himself to walk, despite fears of what was up ahead. He told himself he shouldn’t be that afraid, that he couldn’t be that afraid, but there was still some part of him that just wanted to leave. Forcing it away, he stared at the building, placing a hand on the door and shoving it open. He saw vaguely familiar faces, not sure if they were a part of this or not. Why didn’t you read that entire paper? His mind scolded him, his hands in his pockets as he awkwardly made his way over.