Thread: Kitty Kingdom
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Old December 15th, 2017, 03:53 PM
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Default Re: Kitty Kingdom

Name- Silver
Age- 17 moons
Gender- Female
Rank(Ranks Below)- Warrior
Other/Powers: She may not have wings, she is still the "Queen" of convenience. She can create portals, although only 2 at a time. For every cat that travels through them other than herself, she is drained of her energy, although not enough so she is disabled. She can create them on any surface, with the only exception being on clouds, bodies of water, and in midair. She also better than average hearing, although she still tends to ignore what most everyone says.
Likes- Ignoring people, Eating Pigeons, oh, and watching the sun set.
Dislikes- Being Ignored, rabbits, bats, and Water.