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Old July 27th, 2019, 02:29 PM
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Default Re: All my cats!


Current Name: Ziggy
Other Names, if any: Snowball
Age (in moons): (1 month = 1 moon) 120 moons (10 years old)
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Asexual (Subject to change)
Creation Date: 7/27/2019

Residential Information

Current Affiliation/Clan: N/A
Former Affiliation/Clan, if any: N/A
Rank: N/A
Mentor(s): N/A
Apprentice(s): N/A

Interpersonal Connections

Father(s): Unknown
Mother(s): Unknown
Sibling(s): Unknown
Offspring: N/A

Best Friend(s):

Significant Other: N/A


Overview: Ziggy is a very large, fluffy white cat who spends most of his time either laying in the sun or griping about anything and everything. He never lets others get too close to him and doesn't get too close to others and it's been like that for his whole life which he has lived in luxury and ease with his twolegs and their other cats and dogs.

Though most other cats see dogs as a large and terrifying threat, Ziggy sees them as idiots with no mind of their own who fallows anyone with twoleg food. He's found that they're easily distracted and side-tracked and that can be used to his advantage when escaping them. He sees other kittypets as lazy obedient weaklings who listen to whatever their twolegs say, and while he does admit to the lazy part he doesn't follow others and will most often rebel when told what to do. Ziggy get's annoyed very easily and isn't afraid to show it with low growls and hisses. Even though Ziggy has been declawed, his paws still pack a punch and he knows it but prefers not to start fights not wanting to hurt any other cats.

Ziggy make look fat and he really is but his fur also puffs out a bit giving him the illusion of weighing more than he actually does, thankfully he's not just carrying around fat but also muscle and a lot of it. He's quite agile and jump from various spaces fairly easily but he sometimes misjudges the distance between a jump and ends up missing it, griping to himself on the floor. His tail often lashes violently whenever he sees anything even mildly annoying to him which, so far, has been everything.
Traits: Easily Annoyed, Non-violent, Outspoken, Liar, Hypocrite, Generous, Brave, Sometimes Ignorant, Intimidating, Lazy, Protective (May add more later)

Mental Age: 60 moons
Psychiatric Complications: N/A
Phobias: N/A

Sociability: 3
Outlook: 1
Responsibility: 6
Cleanliness: 10
Generosity: 8
Manners: 7
Bravery: 10
More Logical or More Emotional?: Logical

Favorite Season: Doesn't care
Favorite Food(s): Doesn't care
Favorite Word: Doesn't care
Favorite Sound: Doesn't care

Greatest Hope: N/A
Greatest Strength: Keeping himself distant
Greatest Weakness: His tendency to push others away
Worst Nightmare: N/A
Deepest Darkest Secret: N/A
Most Treasured Memory: When he saw his mother for the first time but it ends when he remembers getting taken away shortly after.

Quirk(s): N/A
Theme Song(s):
Welcome to the Black Parade - My Chemical Romance


Place of Birth: Twoleg den
Date of Birth: 120 moons ago
Former rank(s): N/A
Beliefs: N/A

Physical Traits

Breed(s): Part Maine Coon and part unknown
Fur Color(s): White/Dark Gray
Fur Texture: Soft
Fur Length: Long
Markings: Dark Gray fur in a crescent shape behind each ear, Dark Gray splotch of fur on his side above his left hind leg, Dark Gray tail
Eye Color: Dull Amber

Body Type/Structure:
Height: 1' 3"
Weight: 20lbs
Voice: Deep, Annoyed
Gait: Imagine a really fat cat and you've got it
Scent: Dog

Scars / Deformities: N/A
Diseases / Conditions: N/A

Coordination: 8
Reflexes: 10
Strength: 10
Hey hey hey peeps! I am now in possession of a Discord account so if you ever want out charies to do something out of the way of everyone else, come drop in there and I'm sure we can work something out!
Old July 30th, 2019, 04:30 PM
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Default Re: All my cats!


Current Name: Staz
Other Names, if any: (twolegs) Allen, Fuzzy, Calvin, Spots, Stripes, Meany, Otto | (other cats) Phantom, Freak, Shadow, Reaper, Creep | (himself) Staz
Age (in moons): 37 moons
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Creation Date: 7/30/2019

Residential Information

Current Affiliation/Clan: N/A
Former Affiliation/Clan, if any: N/A
Rank: N/A
Mentor(s): N/A
Apprentice(s): N/A

Interpersonal Connections

Father(s): Dead
Mother (s): Dead
Sibling(s): N/A
Offspring: Doesn't know them

Best Friend(s): Open
Friend(s): Open
Neutral: Open
Acquaintance(s): Open
Enemies: Open

Crush: Open
Significant Other: Open


Overview: Staz is a creepy cat who has stayed in the shadows of twoleg dens and of other cats for his whole life, he's only seen by others if he chooses to be otherwise he could be watching and you'd never know it. Over the years he's learned how to mask his scent with various object and plants as well as learning how to walk even in leafbare and not make a single noise as well as controlling how he breaths. He's been known throughout various twoleg dens and even to some cats in the forest as being the judge for all cats. Whenever he witnesses a cat being abusive, controlling, or anything along those lines that he considers evil, he'll silently slit their throats whenever he gets the chance but that's not to say that some haven't gotten away from him in the past.

He's been called by many names and has even faked his own death with another cat which is how he got the nickname phantom. However, with all these strengths comes a few weaknesses such as being a hopeless romantic, he can't resist a pretty face and ill do everything in his power to wow them. Second, he loves all things twoleg related, he's even learned the true names of twoleg dens which are actually called houses and a twoleg is called a person, human, man, or woman though he has heard other names for them. He also believes that it is his soul duty to bring every cat to justice for their misdeeds and prevent evil from spreading, he's even done this to various kittypets but he does have one rule, any kit under the age of 6 moons is excused from his judgement seeing as their true actions and intentions will be seen once they are older and more experienced.

Anyone who gets to know Staz will find that behind that ruthless, soulless smile and dead eyes, is a nervous by nature, anxiety ridden cat who really just wants to be accepted by anyone as being a good cat but instead he's drawn everyone to fear him. He's a very self deprecating cat and will often scratch himself because he believes he deserves it, in fact, he'll give himself a scratch for every kill he makes which is one of the reasons why his fur is mostly stained with his own blood. He's also quite paranoid and believes that someone is watching him, waiting to kill him if he makes a mistake on one of his judgements.

He's also a very kind cat though and tries his best to live by 'The Golden Rule' as the humans call it. He treats every cat with respect even the 'evil' ones which he makes sure to give a proper burial to which he learned from the humans. He's very loving and has actually been the father of multiple kits now but he hasn't seen them much, after they're born he leaves less than a moon later so as to not get attached but some of his old lovers believe that he's watching out for them which at times he is. He's quite generous and prioritizes others needs and wants before his own.

Mental Age: Unknown
Psychiatric Complications: N/A
Phobias: Death

Sociability: (Aside from the whole judgement aspect) 7
Outlook: 10
Responsibility: 3-8
Cleanliness: 1
Generosity: 10
Manners: 10
Bravery: 9
More Logical or More Emotional?: Depends

Favorite Season: Spring
Favorite Food(s): Watermelon
Favorite Word: Anything starting/ending with sh
Favorite Sound: Sh

Greatest Hope: He'll help build a better world
Greatest Strength: His morals
Greatest Weakness: His morals
Worst Nightmare: Being the reason for a more hate-filled world
Deepest Darkest Secret: He questions what he does daily
Most Treasured Memory: The first time he met with his first lover

Quirk(s): Tends to wear a creepy smile, though it is unintentional
Theme Song(s):
The Rolling Stones - Paint It, Black
The Who - Behind Blue Eyes


Place of Birth: Between two houses
Date of Birth: 37 moons ago
Former rank(s): N/A
Beliefs: Believes in a higher power that controls everything

Physical Traits

Fur Color(s): Black and smoky gray but it looks more like a dark brown because of the blood
Fur Texture: Sticky, sharp
Fur Length: Medium
Markings: If you push back his fur you'll almost certainly see a scar from one of the scratches he's given himself.
Eye Color: Dark Brown

Body Type/Structure: Skinny but relatively muscular especially when it comes to his legs since he runs a lot
Height: Average
Weight: Average
Voice: Weak voice almost like he's scared unless he's out judging cats, then his voice is cold and sharp like an icicle.
Gait: Moves swiftly and fast taking the max distance he can with each step
Scent: Dried blood and frosting (not a good combo)

Scars / Deformities: Scars all over his body but hidden by his fur
Diseases / Conditions: Not sure

Coordination: 10
Reflexes: 10
Strength: 9

Image(s): N/A
Hey hey hey peeps! I am now in possession of a Discord account so if you ever want out charies to do something out of the way of everyone else, come drop in there and I'm sure we can work something out!

Last edited by Vexing; July 30th, 2019 at 05:19 PM.
Old August 4th, 2019, 11:03 PM
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Default Re: All my cats!


Current Name: Greyclaw
Other Names, if any: Greykit, Greypaw
Age (in moons): 28 moons
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Asexual
Creation Date: 8/5/2019

Residential Information

Current Affiliation/Clan: Windclan
Former Affiliation/Clan, if any: N/A
Rank: Warrior
Mentor(s): N/A
Apprentice(s): N/A

Interpersonal Connections

Father(s): N/A
Mother (s): N/A
Sibling(s): Open
Offspring: N/A

Best Friend(s): Open
Friend(s): Open
Neutral: Open
Acquaintance(s): Open
Enemies: Open

Crush: N/A
Significant Other: N/A


Overview: Greyclaw is an apathetic cat who doesn't care about you, what you do, who you talk to, etc. but this doesn't mean she's entirely emotionless. You see, when she was younger, she had a friend who she would prefer not to remember the name of who committed suicide and she felt like she drove him to do it which is why she's closed off herself to anyone and everyone. For being emotionless though, Greyclaw is a very smart cat and a good problem solver as well as being very blunt about what you really mean. She values honesty.

Greyclaw's fur is mainly a very light grey with darker shades mixed in around the face and near the tip of her tail. However, on her tail is three dark brown stripes wrapping all the way around the tail. He back and upper sides are grey but mixed with light brown with dark brown spots all over. She has greenish-yellow eyes.
Traits: Blunt, Cold, Emotionless, Distant, Smart, Doubtful about herself

Mental Age: 60 moons
Psychiatric Complications: Permanent Apathy towards anything and everything
Phobias: N/A

Sociability: 1
Outlook: 1
Responsibility: 5
Cleanliness: 1
Generosity: 3
Manners: 7
Bravery: 5
More Logical or More Emotional?: Logical

Favorite Season: N/A
Favorite Food(s): N/A
Favorite Word: N/A
Favorite Sound: N/A

Greatest Hope: That maybe she'll care about someone
Greatest Strength: Her lack of emotional attachments
Greatest Weakness: Her lack of emotion
Worst Nightmare: That one day she'd wake up to find everyone in the clan just like her, empty inside
Deepest Darkest Secret: She doesn't connect to others because she doesn't want to hurt them or burden them with her feelings.
Most Treasured Memory: N/A

Quirk(s): She stairs at things upside down from time to time
Theme Song(s):
Gasoline - Halsey


Place of Birth: Windclan
Date of Birth: 20 moons ago
Former rank(s): Kit, Apprentice
Beliefs: That dead cats go somewhere just not some wonderland called Starclan

Physical Traits

Breed(s): 1/2 California Spangled 1/2 Burmilla
Fur Color(s): Light grey, light brown, dark brown
Fur Texture: Not soft but not rough either
Fur Length: Long
Markings: Dark brown stripes on her light grey tail, dark brown spots dotting his back and sides
Eye Color: Greenish yellow

Body Type/Structure:
Height: Naturally above average due to her breeds
Weight: Above average but not because she's fat, she's just muscular
Voice: Blunt, emotionless, cold, but sort of soft
Gait: Long strides
Scent: Leaves

Scars / Deformities: Long scar going across her right eye
Diseases / Conditions: N/A

Coordination: 10
Reflexes: 5
Strength: 10

Image(s): N/A
Hey hey hey peeps! I am now in possession of a Discord account so if you ever want out charies to do something out of the way of everyone else, come drop in there and I'm sure we can work something out!

Last edited by Vexing; October 4th, 2019 at 02:58 PM.
Old August 7th, 2019, 08:35 PM
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Default Re: All my cats!


Current Name: Mousepaw
Other Names, if any: Mousekit
Age (in moons): 8 moons
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual
Creation Date:

Residential Information

Current Affiliation/Clan: Thunderclan
Former Affiliation/Clan, if any: N/A
Rank: Apprentice
Mentor(s): Open
Apprentice(s): Not old enough

Interpersonal Connections

Father(s): Unknown kittypet
Mother (s): Unknown kittypet
Sibling(s): Unknown kittypets
Offspring: N/A

Best Friend(s): Open
Friend(s): Open
Neutral: Open
Acquaintance(s): Open
Enemies: Open

Crush: Open
Significant Other: (Will depend on the crush)


Overview: Mousepaw is a smaller than average cat, a 'runt of the litter' if you will so she's dealt with a lot of teasing and being made fun of. Because of this, it's become quite hard for her to trust others but once you do gain her trust she'll open up and show her true colors. When first meeting Mousepaw, your first introduction will probably be a few growls, sly remarks, sarcasm, and the cold shoulder but if you finally befriend her, you'll find that Mousepaw is a very self-conscious cat who is very scared about what others think about her. She's kind and protective of her friends and isn't afraid to start fights to protect them but her crushes, well, that's a whole different story. You see, if she has a crush on you, you'll know it just by how cold and flustered she acts when around you and the sudden snaps at everything you say but this is only because she's never had anyone teach her how she's supposed to express those feelings so she uses anger.
Traits: Sarcastic, fun-loving, protective, cold, snappy, gets flustered easily, angry, adventurous, impulsive, prideful

Mental Age: 6 moons
Psychiatric Complications: N/A
Phobias: bees

Sociability: 4
Outlook: 6
Responsibility: 7
Cleanliness: 9
Generosity: 5
Manners: 6
Bravery: 10
More Logical or More Emotional?: Emotional

Favorite Season: Newleaf
Favorite Food(s): Mouse
Favorite Word: Strong
Favorite Sound: Mice squeaking

Greatest Hope: She'll be seen as an amazing warrior
Greatest Strength: Her determination
Greatest Weakness: Her impulsiveness
Worst Nightmare: That she was kicked out of the clan
Deepest Darkest Secret: She's very emotional when alone
Most Treasured Memory: Catching her first mouse

Quirk(s): N/A
Theme Song(s):
Good To Be Alive - Andy Grammer


Place of Birth: Twoleg den
Date of Birth: 8 moons ago
Former rank(s): Kit
Beliefs: Starclan, The Dark Forest

Physical Traits

Breed(s): Tabby
Fur Color(s): Ginger with tabby markings
Fur Texture: Soft
Fur Length: Medium
Markings: Tabby markings all over her body
Eye Color: Green

Body Type/Structure:
Height: Smaller than average
Weight: Smaller than average
Voice: High pitched and childish
Gait: Quick short steps
Scent: Grass

Scars / Deformities: N/A
Diseases / Conditions: N/A

Coordination: 8
Reflexes: 8
Strength: 6

Image(s): https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl..._h0wFXoECA0QBA
Hey hey hey peeps! I am now in possession of a Discord account so if you ever want out charies to do something out of the way of everyone else, come drop in there and I'm sure we can work something out!

Last edited by Vexing; August 28th, 2019 at 11:54 PM.
Old August 11th, 2019, 01:49 PM
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Default Re: All my cats!


Current Name: Silktail
Other Names, if any: Silkkit, Silkpaw
Age (in moons): 76 moons
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Creation Date:

Residential Information

Current Affiliation/Clan: Shadowclan
Former Affiliation/Clan, if any: N/A
Rank: Elder
Mentor(s): N/A
Apprentice(s): N/A

Interpersonal Connections

Father(s): Dead
Mother (s): Dead
Sibling(s): Kittypets (dead to him)
Offspring: N/A but he wishes he could've had them, he loves kits and has always wanted to be a father so instead he'll watch after the kits and apprentices while their parents rest or hunt.

Best Friend(s): Open
Friend(s): Open
Neutral: Open
Acquaintance(s): Open
Enemies: Refuses to consider anyone his enemies

Crush: Open
Significant Other: N/A


Overview: Silktail is a skinny, light grey cat with a lot of problems. You see, when he was a warrior, he went out on a patrol by himself even though he was specifically told not to because there had been recent bedger sightings but back then he was arrogant and thought a badger couldn't be so tough. He was proven wrong when he encountered the badger and it took him down with just one swipe, wiping out the sight in his right eye as well as the color and he lost the ability to control the right side of his mouth. Why the badger didn't finish him is something he still couldn't figure out but a patrol found him a while later, stumbling and bleeding furiously as he passed out in front of them then awoke the next morning in the medicine cat's den with his face pretty messed up.

This also made his dream of being a father someday just that, a dream because his new look repelled she-cats and even toms so being a father was out of the question. However, after he became an elder, the cats seemed to trust him more and he got the honor of being allowed to watch after kits and apprentices while their parents were out hunting or just resting. After being around kits so much, his demeanor drastically changed making him more social, friendly and even more resilient.
Traits: Friendly, trusting, careful, usually happy, pacifist, defensive, responsible, fatherly, graceful, resilient, open-minded, chill, selfless

Mental Age: 20 moons
Psychiatric Complications: Insomniac
Phobias: Badgers and even the mention of them will send him into a panic

Sociability: 10
Outlook: 10
Responsibility: 9
Cleanliness: 6
Generosity: 10
Manners: 10
Bravery: 7
More Logical or More Emotional?: Emotional

Favorite Season: Leafbare
Favorite Food(s): Any that he's sharing with someone else
Favorite Word: Dad
Favorite Sound: Laughter

Greatest Hope: That he'll be considered normal someday
Greatest Strength: His selfless nature
Greatest Weakness: His pacifistic nature
Worst Nightmare: A badger made its way into the camp
Deepest Darkest Secret: He was mates with a kittypet for some time
Most Treasured Memory: A kit accidentally calling him dad

Quirk(s): He often moves his tail a lot when trying to emphasize his words
Theme Song(s):
I'll Follow You Into The Dark - Jay Skot


Place of Birth: Riverclan nursery
Date of Birth: 76 moons ago
Former rank(s): Kit, Apprentice, Warrior
Beliefs: Starclan, The Dark Forest

Physical Traits

Breed(s): Maine Coon/Siamese
Fur Color(s): Light grey with darker grey at the tip of his tail
Fur Texture: Soft
Fur Length: Long like trip over it long
Markings: His tail fades into a darker grey near the end
Left Eye Color: Light orange

Body Type/Structure:
Height: Average height
Weight: Below average weight
Voice: Soft and caring
Gait: Stumbles often when walking
Scent: Wet bark

Scars / Deformities: can't move the right side of his mouth, a scar running along the entire right side of his face with little branches coming out from it like cracks
Diseases / Conditions: blind in his right eye

Coordination: 4
Reflexes: 4
Strength: 8

Hey hey hey peeps! I am now in possession of a Discord account so if you ever want out charies to do something out of the way of everyone else, come drop in there and I'm sure we can work something out!

Last edited by Vexing; September 24th, 2019 at 09:31 PM.
Old August 12th, 2019, 06:28 PM
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Default Re: All my cats!


Current Name: Redfeather
Other Names, if any: Redkit, Redpaw
Age (in moons): 17 moons
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Creation Date:

Residential Information

Current Affiliation/Clan: Shadowclan
Former Affiliation/Clan, if any: N/A
Rank: Warrior
Mentor(s): N/A
Apprentice(s): Open

Interpersonal Connections

Father(s): Dead (and I'll explain why)
Mother (s): Dead (and I'll explain why)
Sibling(s): Dead at birth
Offspring: None yet

Best Friend(s): Open
Friend(s): Open
Neutral: Open
Acquaintance(s): Open
Enemies: Open

Crush: Open
Significant Other: N/A


Overview: When Redfeather was an apprentice, he had a mentor who taught him everything and actually became his best friend until one day when they went out hunting and they were attacked by a fox. He attempted to save his mentor but he just ended up getting knocked out until a hunting party found him next to the body of his dead mentor. After that, he wouldn't take a new mentor for a long time until eventually, his parents decided to teach him themselves so that very same day they went out hunting. After a few minutes and a large stack of prey, they were beginning to head back to camp when suddenly, his mother went silent and he as well as his father turned to see her limp body hanging from the jaws of a fox. His father, overcome with rage, attacked the fox ad managed to weaken it but he just got killed as well. Redfeather looked at the bodies of his parents and remembered his mentor, it made him so mad, so very, very mad that he leaped at the fox's head and clawed out its eyes, causing the fox to stumble backward as Redfeather ripped out its throat. After that, he dragged the bodies back to the camp himself including the fox for the fresh-kill pile.

Ever since then, Redfeather made a vow to himself to never let another cat under his watch come to harm, whether it be a clan cat or a kittypet he will defend them with his life. He now constantly gets flashes of those attacks whenever he catches the scent of a fox. He also insists on going hunting and on patrols alone and it's worked out in his favor, allowing him to kill every fox he comes across.
Traits: Determined, headstrong, too selfless, persistent, defensive, basically imagine a medieval knight protecting his king but in cat form and you've got Redfeather.

Mental Age: 30 moons
Psychiatric Complications: PTSD
Phobias: sanguivoriphobia (fear of foxes)

Sociability: 7-14
Outlook: 2
Responsibility: 19
Cleanliness: 5
Generosity: 19
Manners: 12
Bravery: 20
More Logical or More Emotional?: Both

Favorite Season: N/A
Favorite Food(s): N/A
Favorite Word: N/A
Favorite Sound: N/A

Greatest Hope: That he can save his clan from any danger that may come.
Greatest Strength: His determination and persistence
Greatest Weakness: His tendency to reject help
Worst Nightmare: Everyone he's failed ridiculing him for not being good enough.
Deepest Darkest Secret: He thinks his family is dead because of him and he's haunted by their memory as well as his former mentor.
Most Treasured Memory: Catching his first piece of prey with his parents.

Quirk(s): frequent panic attacks and nausea
Theme Song(s):
Warriors - Imagine Dragons
Spirits - The Strumbellas


Place of Birth: Shadowclan
Date of Birth: 17 moons ago
Former rank(s): Kit, Apprentice
Beliefs: Starclan

Physical Traits

Breed(s): Ginger tabby
Fur Color(s): light and dark ginger
Fur Texture: Frizzy
Fur Length: Medium
Markings: Tabby markings
Eye Color: Orange

Body Type/Structure:
Height: A bit above average
Weight: A bit below average
Voice: Confident but sad, soft but rough, light but heavy
Gait: Long strides
Scent: Marigold

Scars / Deformities: N/A
Diseases / Conditions: PTSD

Coordination: 10
Reflexes: 10
Strength: 10

Image(s): <img src="https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2018/08/15/06/10/ginger-cat-3607364_960_720.jpg" alt="Image result for ginger tabby"/>
Hey hey hey peeps! I am now in possession of a Discord account so if you ever want out charies to do something out of the way of everyone else, come drop in there and I'm sure we can work something out!
Old August 28th, 2019, 11:08 AM
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Default Re: All my cats!

Poppypaw, Poppyshine


|Former Affiliations|

|Future Affiliations|


|Future Ranks|
apprentice, warrior




missing front right leg

| Determined | Distrustful | Quick-Tempered | Fun-Loving | Pessimistic | Loyal | Affectionate |
Poppy has had a hard life and therefore has a difficult time trusting others. She tend to be very uptight around new cats--a habit from her days as a loner in Two-Leg Place. She can be very snappy when she is angry, upset, or sad, but overall, she is a reliable, fun-loving, high-energy molly with a determined attitude and a "I'll sleep when I'm dead" feel. She tends to be very pessimistic, and she can't help but see the worst in others and herself. She doesn't let her missing leg stop her from being herself and doing what she loves. She loves her friends and family with all of her heart and would die for them if the need arose.

Poppy was born in Two-Leg Place to two strays, along with several other kits. From the very beginning, her life was difficult. Her father abandoned his kits and mate, leaving the she-cat alone to take care of her kits on her own. Poppy's mother and several of her siblings died of disease when Poppy was barely 6 moons old. While she may have looked almost full grown, she had no idea how to take care of herself. She spent almost 6 more moons as a stray in Two-Leg Place, scavenging or fighting for food and shelter. She never made friends, but she made plenty of enemies. One day while running away from a dog, she ran across a Thunderpath and got hit by a Two-Leg monster. She was left extremely injured, half dead. She ended up having her front right leg amputated. She was adopted by Two-Legs and lived comfortably with them for many moons, but she knew that she didn't belong in Twoleg Place. She had been trying to escape for moons. After over 10 moons of living with the Two-Legs, she ran away into the forest outside their garden. She is currently just outside WindClan territory.

credit: https://www.pinterest.com/melsmithslis/



|Best Friend(s)|





|Mental Age|
20 moons

dying, being forgotten, her friends finding better friends/realizing what a bad person she really is

Sociability: 8/10
Outlook: 4/10
Responsibility: 7/10
Cleanliness: 5/10
Generosity: 4/10
Manners: 7/10
Bravery: 6/10
More Logical or Emotional?: Emotional

Coordination: 6/10
Reflexes: 5/10
Strength: 7/10


|Body Type/Structure|
small and thin (almost bony)

|Fur Texture|
soft and smooth, patchy where she has old scars

seal point

|Eye Color|


|Theme Song|
lovely (with Khalid) by Billie Eilish & Khalid
image credit: ​https://www.coconcoaching.be/en-plot...cht-niet-meer/
Hey hey hey peeps! I am now in possession of a Discord account so if you ever want out charies to do something out of the way of everyone else, come drop in there and I'm sure we can work something out!
Old August 28th, 2019, 11:09 AM
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Default Re: All my cats!

Velma, Flutterkit, Flutterwish


|Former Affiliations|


|Former Ranks|


6 moons


Biromantic Asexual

light brown, tabby, curly fur; white chest, muzzle, and paws; darker brown stripe down back and striped tail; light green eyes

|Physical Disabilities|
sterile (can't have kits), has always been small and weak

|Mental State|

| Easygoing | Loyal | Guarded | Sensitive | Ambitious|
Flutterpaw is a dreamer. She is very passionate for those things she believes in and the cats she cares about. She is rather easygoing. She prefers spending time in her head than spending time with others. She daydreams a lot about anything, and she is extremely ambitious. She has big goals that she plans to reach. While she mostly keeps to herself, she cares deeply for those few she is close to and would do anything for them. While she is rather closed off, her trust is easy to gain. It’s her friendship that you have to work for. She doesn’t like talking about herself and prefers listening to others. Her feelings are easily hurt, as while her emotional attachments are few, they are strong. She doesn’t like schedules or being ordered around, preferring to be impulsive and go by her own rules. She can read others very well and knows how to get into the heads of others—a skill she only uses for good. She is very warm, caring, and playful with those in her inner circle but intense and serious to those outside of it. She is a romantic, although one may not assume that at first glance. She hates criticism and tends to shut down when given harsh criticism. She often blames herself for things that may not have been her fault. She isn’t the best in conflict.

Flutterpaw was born a kittypet to a cat breeder. She is purebred, and she was the runt of the litter--sickly and tiny. She was thrown out at only 4 moons old. With nowhere to go, she managed to survive long enough to be spotted and taken in by a ThunderClan border patrol.
Images credits: https://www.dogbreeda.com/Cat-Charac...Hypoallergenic


|Best Friend|
Icepaw @Fuzzyfeline || extremely grateful for, cares about deeply

Hootpaw @CATharsis || used to be close

Outlook: 7/10
Responsibility: 6/10
Cleanliness: 6/10
Generosity: 5/10
Manners: 7/10
More Logical or Emotional?: Emotional


|Theme Songs|

Slytherin Primary/Slytherin Secondary
(according to Sorting Hat Chat)


|Creation Date|
Hey hey hey peeps! I am now in possession of a Discord account so if you ever want out charies to do something out of the way of everyone else, come drop in there and I'm sure we can work something out!
Old August 28th, 2019, 11:14 AM
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Default Re: All my cats!


Current Name: Otterpaw
Other Names, if any:
Age (in moons): 10 moons
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Creation Date: August 24 2019

Residential Information

Current Affiliation/Clan: Thunderclan
Former Affiliation/Clan, if any: Loner
Rank: N/A
Mentor(s): N/A
Apprentice(s): N/A

Interpersonal Connections

Father(s): Seal (Missing)
Mother (s): Carnelian (Dead)
Sibling(s): N/A
Offspring: N/A

Best Friend(s): Open!
Friend(s): Open!
Neutral: Open!
Acquaintance(s): Open!
Enemies: Open!

Crush: Open!
Significant Other: N/A


Otter is a very simple cat, he likes to swim. You see, ever since Otter was just 5 moons old, he would always jump in the water and start swimming around, this always gave his parents heart attacks because they were always afraid of him drowning but he never did. One day, he was just swimming around in the little pond behind and old, abandoned two-leg home when suddenly, he looked over to his mother and saw that she was staring, wide-eyed at the ground just as she stumbled and fell over. Otter jumped out of the pond and ran over to her but it was too late, one of her heart-attacks had finally gotten her...apparently they ran in her family. After that he ran back to his den to look for his father but he was nowhere in sight, all that was there were just bloody pawprints leading farther into the forest. He followed them for a moon until they came to a stream and ended, suggesting that his father wiped his paws clean. After that he went back to his old den and did something he should've done a moon ago, he buried his mother, wailing loudly the entire time as he dragged her lifeless body into the hole and covered her up. And he's just stayed there ever since, he even marked her grave with a stick that splits off into a mini tree shape at the top.
Traits: Intense, Hyperactive, Easy-going, depressed, anxious, lonely, confused, secretive, trusting, self harmful, upbeat (on the outside), inquisitive

Mental Age:
Psychiatric Complications:
Phobias: Acrophobia, Arachnophobia, Nyctophobia, Leporiphobia, Thanatophobia, Cardiophobia, Spectrophobia

Sociability: 10
Outlook: 3
Responsibility: 10
Cleanliness: 10
Generosity: 10
Manners: 10
Bravery: 6
More Logical or More Emotional?: Emotional

Favorite Season: Greenleaf (the water is best then)
Favorite Food(s): Fish
Favorite Word: Fish
Favorite Sound: Rushing water

Greatest Hope: He'll find his dad
Greatest Strength: His determination
Greatest Weakness: His fears and disorders (up for fears down for disorders)
Worst Nightmare: Drowning
Deepest Darkest Secret: He thinks he's the reason for his mom's heart attack and that that's why his father left.
Most Treasured Memory: His mother and father holding him for a while, crying about how they were so worried after his first time swimming.

Quirk(s): He'll tend to drag his tail in weird patterns on the ground whenever he's thinking or deep in thought, he scratches his neck a lot occasionally causing bleeding, OCD enough said.
Theme Song(s):
Lonely Dance - Set It Off


Place of Birth: In his den...he thinks.
Date of Birth: 10 moons ago
Former rank(s): N/A
Beliefs: N/A

Physical Traits

Breed(s): Havana Brown
Fur Color(s): Brown
Fur Texture: Almost always wet
Fur Length: Medium
Markings: N/A
Eye Color: Green

Body Type/Structure:
Height: a bit above average
Weight: a bit below average
Voice: squeaky, upbeat, inquisitive, basically how you'd expect an otter to sound
Gait: walks in long strides
Scent: wet cat

Scars / Deformities: N/A
Diseases / Conditions: Social Anxiety Disorder, ADHD, Depression, Insomnia, OCD

Coordination: 6
Reflexes: 10
Strength: 10

Image(s): https://www.google.com/search?q=hava...adJJJWEWSDJJM:
Hey hey hey peeps! I am now in possession of a Discord account so if you ever want out charies to do something out of the way of everyone else, come drop in there and I'm sure we can work something out!

Last edited by Vexing; October 9th, 2019 at 05:22 PM.
Old September 2nd, 2019, 07:07 AM
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Vexing Vexing is offline
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Default Re: All my cats!


Current Name: Camilla
Other Names, if any:
Age (in moons): 23 moons
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual
Creation Date:

Residential Information

Current Affiliation/Clan: N/A
Former Affiliation/Clan, if any: N/A
Rank: N/A
Mentor(s): N/A
Apprentice(s): N/A

Interpersonal Connections

Father(s): Not in contact with anymore.
Mother (s): Now in contact with anymore.
Sibling(s): N/A
Offspring: N/A

Best Friend(s): Open
Friend(s): Open
Neutral: Open
Acquaintance(s): Open
Enemies: Open

Crush: N/A
Significant Other:


Overview: Camilla is a very hardworking and loyal cat who left her old two-leg den after a falling out with her parents about her liking she-cats and getting caught with one in between two two-leg dens. AFter that she left in the middle of the night and walked away from the two-leg place, until she came to an abandoned factory and decided that this would be her home.
Traits: Hardworking, Loyal, Motherly, Outgoing, Determined, Sensitive, Caring, Easily impressed, Not easily angered

Mental Age: 50 moons
Psychiatric Complications: N/A
Phobias: N/A

Sociability: 10
Outlook: 8
Responsibility: 7
Cleanliness: 4
Generosity: 9
Manners: 10
Bravery: 10
More Logical or More Emotional?: Emotional

Favorite Season: N/A
Favorite Food(s): N/A
Favorite Word: N/A
Favorite Sound: N/A

Greatest Hope: That her parents will stop being so close-minded and accept her for who she is and who she loves.
Greatest Strength: N/A
Greatest Weakness: Cats making fun of her sexuality.
Worst Nightmare: Her remembering how much her parents disapproved of how she feels towards she-cats.
Deepest Darkest Secret: N/A
Most Treasured Memory: N/A

Quirk(s): N/A
Theme Song(s):


Place of Birth: Two-leg den
Date of Birth: 23 moons ago
Former rank(s): N/A
Beliefs: N/A

Physical Traits

Breed(s): Tabby/Maine Coon
Fur Color(s): light brown
Fur Texture: Rough
Fur Length: Long
Markings: Slight tabby markings on her back and around her face but they're barely noticeable.
Eye Color: Orange

Body Type/Structure:
Height: A bit taller than the average tabby.
Weight: More on the hefty side but not too fat.
Voice: Motherly
Gait: Short strides
Scent: Rusted metal

Scars / Deformities: N/A
Diseases / Conditions: N/A

Coordination: 6
Reflexes: 5
Strength: 5

Hey hey hey peeps! I am now in possession of a Discord account so if you ever want out charies to do something out of the way of everyone else, come drop in there and I'm sure we can work something out!

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