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ChameweonRainbow April 5th, 2017 03:49 AM

Re: SkyClan Skyrock

Originally Posted by NightWarrior4Life (Post 221626)
"Maybe we could do a couple of races too! I've always wanted to do that...it was my dream since I can remember to race out on the green grass and open territory." She squeaked with excitement, following her friend turned mentor out of the camp for the first time.

The three-legged tom purred in soft laughter, his eyes glittering with amusement and caring. "I'm sure we can do some sort of speed training after your paw has healed."NeverFalter brushed through the exit into the grand territory of his home, Skyclan.

- to the territory thread-

The Cannibal April 22nd, 2017 11:20 PM

Re: SkyClan Skyrock
It hadn't worked, he had a feeling it wouldn't, but he had still held that meager hope that their leader would be different, more diplomatic, he tried to remain optimistic, but in the end, his proposal for peace had been passed aside like a stale piece of prey.
Flicking his ear in slight agitation, he would wipe any anger from his face and instead replace it with a look of determination, a dark, serious look in his eyes as he padded into camp and immediately hopped up onto the Skyrock, hardly pausing before yowling out for his clan to gather.

"All cats old enough to catch their own meal, may you please gather beneath the Skyrock for a clan meeting!"

Allowing his clan enough time to gather, he would then continue on with the news he must convey to them. Some may not be happy, but this was the only way to keep the Syndicate from continuing to harass their clan. Grousestar was a doer, he got things done, he wouldn't sit back and let things slide. He gave chances, but eventually they ran out, like as they have with the Syndicate.

"As many of you, or perhaps all of you, may know. The Dusk Syndicate has been harassing, attacking and killing Skyclan cats at the border we share. This is just as devastating to me as it is for all of you and personally I have grown quite tired of their antics, of their pitiful attempt to scare us, and have grown tired of them believing that we are weak. We are a clan of strong, good-hearted cats. It is time for us to put an end to this menace, it is time to go into battle again to show this band of monsters what Skyclan cats really are! To show them that we are something to be feared when angered!
So cats of Skyclan! We will lay siege to the Syndicate in less than a moon!
Take this time to prepare yourself for battle, sharpen and hone your skills and be ready for what is to come. These cats are ruthless and we must be ready for whatever tricks they may play. With Starclan at our backs, I have no doubt that we will defeat them!
We will show these heathens that the cats of the mountains should never be angered!
" With that yowled out, he would look down upon his warriors with a strong pride. He had faith in his warriors. They would be able to do this.
"Prepare yourself Skyclan."
Leaping off of the rock, the leader would retire to his den. He had plans to make.

goddess of ducks April 22nd, 2017 11:39 PM

Re: SkyClan Skyrock
Cliffheart was aroused by the call of the leader. Curious, he raised himself to his paws, slightly unsteady on his twisted Lomb. It was still sore from where it had been torn from his run in with ruptured ligaments. He approached the Skyrock and sat down, his twisted limb splayed out at an odd angle. He turned his pale green gaze up to listen to Grousestar as he addressed his a Clan. As he spoke, Coiffheart swelled up. He knew all too well what the Syndicate had done, and most noticeably, Onyx. He had had a run in with the black tom and it had not gone well either. He had not been able to attend the border patrols that had been attacked, but he knew there were many other casualties. He had even heard rumor one of the a Evil Era leaders was there. Which must have been the Windclan leader, as it was the only one whom he had not seen dead in battle. From what he knew, the Syndicate was full of hatred, and Get, evil, and rudeness, nine of which Ckiffheart liked. He had come too close, in a few occasions, to run ins with the Syndicate, and he was happy that Grousestar was moving to out a stop to it. Skyclan had succeeded last time it had out its minds to something. They together had brought down four evil clans, they would take the Syndicate in the same way.

~Vixen~ April 23rd, 2017 07:17 AM

Re: SkyClan Skyrock
Raccoonstep woke wearily from his long nap and padded under highroc to hear the leaders words

doghouse April 23rd, 2017 08:04 AM

Re: SkyClan Skyrock
Lioncry shook her head, yawning. She'd been dozing in a patch of sunlight near the nursery, because of her love of kits. She loved listening to them and watching their antics. Raising her head, the large, golden furred molly stared at Grousestar in shock. She didn't like battle, especially not after being in such a big battle only moons before. She shifted, knowing that it was necessary though, or else the Dusk Syndicate would continue to pick SkyClan off and SkyClan would have to leave or be reduced to nothing. That wasn't what she wanted. She remembered watching two Syndicate cats during the battle to liberate one of the other Clans. A tall, lanky black tom and a reddish brown tom with a dark head and white chest. They'd fought each other, and the black one had one, killing the other one. That made her nervous, because if these cats were willing to kill cats in their own group, she didn't know how much they would sacrifice in order to win. She closed her eyes, then looked back up, determination flooding her yellow hues. She knew, despite having several adoptive kits, that she would fight in the battle. Nothing would stop her from doing it, too. She wouldn't back out, and she would fight for her Clan.

Gusty April 23rd, 2017 10:31 AM

Re: SkyClan Skyrock
Sycamorebranch's amber eyes widened when he realized how serious Grousestar's speech was. Sure, he had heard that there were border skirmishes in which cats had died- and it was so devastating, so terrible!- but he didn't expect for fighting to come so soon.

The brown tabby warrior swallowed hard and pawed the ground uncomfortably. "Battle," He muttered under his breath, remembering the Evil Era clearly. Battle may be for the better good, but... was it really? Did they have to actually go fight? Was there really no other option?

Sycamore didn't like fighting. He knew he was weak-willed and probably the most useless warrior of SkyClan because of it. But still. The tom didn't enjoy the sound of claws rubbing against fur, or the sight of blood staining the land. But leader's orders were orders.

RedHead April 23rd, 2017 11:59 AM

Re: SkyClan Skyrock
At her leader's call, Speckledspring moved closer to the Skyrock, as she was already in the clearing. She had just been about to go out on a hunt when Grousestar called the clan to gather. At his words, Speckledspring's ears perked up. "A battle?" She mumbled to herself, starting to get bit excited. Of course, she was worried for the well-being of her clan, but she also wanted to prove herself to those fox-hearts. Speckledspring herself had never encountered a Dusk Syndicate cat, but she knew this time she wanted to. She wanted to look into their eyes and see fear creep into them as they saw how strong and noble Skyclan was. Speckledspring was actually very excited for this upcoming battle. What about Ebonypaw? Will she be able to handle all the injured cats that might come out of this battle? Speckledspring instantly started to think about all the possible outcomes of this battle, and readied her mind to try and think of all the possible solutions to the problems that may come up.

The Cannibal April 29th, 2017 10:57 AM

Re: SkyClan Skyrock
Despite the clan getting ready for battle, there were still ceremonies to take care of, young cats to be made warriors and things of the such and Starclan knew that each new warrior was a blessing. So, as he made his ascent onto the Skyrock, he couldn't help but feel confident in the strength and ability of his clan, not that it was ever questioned, but he felt it even more now. Reaching the tom, he would call the familiar beckoning of his clan.
"All cats old enough to catch their own meal, may you please gather beneath the Skyrock for a clan meeting!"
Waiting for the gathering of his clan, he would give them ample time to situate themselves before continuing on as usual.
"There are two young cats ready to become warriors today and one ready to become an apprentice. Blackpaw { @Immacat }, Littlepaw { @Myik } and Wurzel { @The Eye Of The Storm }, will you all step forward?"

Momotaro April 29th, 2017 11:05 AM

Re: SkyClan Skyrock

{ @Duskflight

Its hard to reply to now word, sorry this is short.}

The bi-colour padded forward, excitement in his bright eyes. He couldn't wait, I will finally be a clan cat! He shuddered in anxiety. He looked up a the leader. he was quite tall, and even beside Wurzel's bulk and power he looked intimidating. Though his eyes had a sparkle in them, like everyday was an adventure. He smiled, and waited for the leader to continue. he swished his tail, and twitched his paws. Finally.

731 April 29th, 2017 11:39 AM

Re: SkyClan Skyrock

Originally Posted by Duskflight (Post 244016)
Despite the clan getting ready for battle, there were still ceremonies to take care of, young cats to be made warriors and things of the such and Starclan knew that each new warrior was a blessing. So, as he made his ascent onto the Skyrock, he couldn't help but feel confident in the strength and ability of his clan, not that it was ever questioned, but he felt it even more now. Reaching the tom, he would call the familiar beckoning of his clan.
"All cats old enough to catch their own meal, may you please gather beneath the Skyrock for a clan meeting!"
Waiting for the gathering of his clan, he would give them ample time to situate themselves before continuing on as usual.
"There are two young cats ready to become warriors today and one ready to become an apprentice. Blackpaw { @Immacat }, Littlepaw { @Myik } and Wurzel { @The Eye Of The Storm }, will you all step forward?"

Blackpaw gave to the leader a icy blue gaze, he stepped forward, the siamese cat was a bit nervous, after all, he thought that he didn't trained as much as he thought with his mentor, but he knew that he couldn't because he was too old, already reaching the age of a warrior when he got a mentor, the cream tom was worried a bit, but nothing demonstrates that, no body message or a weird face, he was looking serious as usual, which was a bit strange for a apprentice, he turned his pupils to Wurzel, ''I wish that i had this happy face in a moment like that'' the tom moved his pupils very fast to the leader, before anyone noticed.

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