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Undertaker August 5th, 2023 05:54 PM

Re: WindClan Territory
@Moonraven [Dreamlight] @Woodlow [Owlpaw] @Leafie [Littlepaw]
Leechscar flattened his ears and then rolled his eyes as Dreamlight hissed at him. She thought he was being mean about everything, it wasn't his fault that the truth hurt. How was he supposed to train Littlepaw properly if she didn't speak up and ask questions? Not bothering with just a useless argument, Leechscar watched Dreamlight teach the apprentice.

Littlepaw caught on quickly and made very few mistakes, however, Owlpaw seemed to be lacking compared to Littlepaw. His belly was way too low it was a surprise that he even managed to move with his legs cramped like that. He was too loud, annoyingly so, and he didn't put enough power into his leap so he fell short when landing. Leechscar parted his maw to correct the mistakes, and then remember that Owlpaw wasn't really his apprentice so he didn't need to correct him that was Dreamlight's job.

She'd snap at him if he was too harsh anyway. Owlpaw was a few moons behind Littlepaw perhaps that way he was lacking? Even so, since Littlepaw didn't need the extra adjustment he wanted her to catch something instead of sitting around waiting for Dreamlight and Owlpaw to catch up.

"You're a quick learner, Runt. Since Babybird needs some extra time, why don't you come with me? We'll track down that rabbit before the trail goes cold, Dreamlight and Babybird can catch up with us later." Even though he made it sound like a request, it was more of an order as Leechscar impatiently waited for the apprentice to follow him. He didn't wait long as he turned and began padding off. If Dreamlight hadn't made any process with Owlpaw by the time they returned from catching their rabbit, he'd lend a paw. But for now, this was Dreamlight's problem.

Fawn August 5th, 2023 07:15 PM

Re: WindClan Territory
618 words, 120 points #air
Frozenberry -
Inhale, exhale. Again. Repeat. Frozenberry had chosen a specific blade of singed grass to stare at, let Falcon deal with... whatever was happening -- intruders, two of them, one too nice. Too Nice. Scary nice. No, focus. Blade of grass. Inhale. Exhale.

His mind was a mess. HE was a mess. everything was the worst. his chest still ached with the pain of fading panic, paws on fire and stomach in knots. The brink of collapse awaited, tempting him, reassuring him with chilling sentiments like Falcon is here and can take care of you, make sure you're safe. And... and in a very pressing way, he was the last cat in this forest that Frozenberry wanted to be in the company of because he did this, he was the reason for the brokenness. Why nothing would be okay again, why he couldn't function. (so why was he relieved that he was here??) In a twisted, irreconcilable way, Falcon was both the worst and best cat to have at his side right now.

Were they gone yet?

It was the question on his tongue, but weakness prevented him from actually raising it as he peered around. Already, he felt close to death. Didn't need a serial killer vibe cat helping him into the grave. Thankfully, he didn't see the stranger -- just an on-guard Falcon in a protective stance, and that...

It calmed him. Took the edge off anxiety, because his body intrinsically knew that sight as safety. (the effect falcon had on him elicited a wide range of reactions. the hold he had on him, however. . .) Frozenberry didn't respond immediately, his eyes closing in exhaustion. Cleaning himself up? Didn't want to bother. He knew Falcon was prompting him in a strangely-logical way (clinical, really) but could be content just spending the next moon in his crumpled paper towel state. "Am I?" It came out with the tiredness he felt in his soul. He wasn't attempting to be petulant, but instead voice concern -- it Falcon took the time to assist him, it'd ultimately be for naught when he fell apart again. When that'd happen, he didn't know. A minute, a moon, it was anyone's guess. For once, he felt he properly looked like the grossness that he felt. Fitting, in the sense that nobody could feel betrayed when they found out what he really was. What they saw was what they got.

With that in mind, it was somewhat comforting weirdly that Falcon nevertheless wished to help him. Bucking up enough to get to his paws, he stood on shaky twig legs and heaved out a defeated sigh. gentle and small, he murmured, "where to. . .?" he hoped falcon knew where to go. he couldn't... he didn't have the capacity for that kind of executive planning.

And then -- he was pretty sure he was hallucinating. Because there was a she-cat in his line of vision, and . . what. What even. His head throbbed. There was no way. Did WindClan just have a constant revolving door of random outsiders feeling like Falcondive was The Cat to approach? The guy was built like a boulder and didn't strike the friendliest impression. Hallucinating. It had to be that. It was just. . . he hadn't hallucinated anything in so long--

dehydration? some water and cleanup would be good for him. "Not real. You aren't real." The firmness in his tone was especially hostile, absolutely at the end of his patience (with himself- but that extended to his figment of his imagination.) This was not the time for his body to be playing tricks on him. To Falcon, he beckoned him to continue, to lead the way. "Let's just go."

[ @BEAR. @Silk_Cradle_Ruler - you may have better luck arranging a rp with a high rank of the clan in the specific area for outsider joining jsyk!]
Content + Interaction Warning
This character frequently explores themes of mental health, extreme violence, abuse, trauma, and self-harm.

BEAR. August 7th, 2023 03:19 AM

Re: WindClan Territory
300 words / 60 pts
Alert eyes surveyed their surroundings, watching for any unauthorized signs of movement. Fellcone twitched his ear at Frozen's words, glancing down at them with a quirked brow. "Considering you have seemed to cease, I would say so." Done or not, it did not really matter. He would be cleansed regardless. Watching Frozen for a moment, Fellcone's tail reached to lightly flick his shoulder. "We will make this quick, then go to the tree." The tree would be easier to defend, let Frozen rest while Fellcon kept guard. (he was good at that)

Why he liked playing guard, he could not place. Frozen probably did not know either.. but, maybe eventually Fellcone would inquire. It seemed odd he felt so compelled to guard, almost dog-like in his impulse to do so. He shuddered uncontrollably, as if a cold breeze had swept through his brain and demand it. The smell of ferns teased his senses, but looking around, he saw no such plant. .. Weird.

He invited him to tag along, about to go when Frozen began to speak again. When Fellcone looked back, he saw nothing. Confused, he tasted the air - perked his ears, scanned for anything - nothing. Perhaps Frozen saw a ghost, but Fellcone did not believe in what cats preached. It was a bunch of nonsense to him. He stared at Frozen for a moment, examining him, before he continued on his path downhill. "Come, you will feel better when we are done."

The bottom of the hill had a small stream, smaller than the creek they previously rinsed off in. Fellcone took a seat by the water and began to gently splash it at Frozen's fur. He did not foresee Frozen taking care of himself, so he would do his best to remove the residue.

[ @Fawn ] #air

gs29513 August 7th, 2023 03:17 PM

Re: WindClan Territory
If anyone came upon her now, she’d definitely look stupid. Really, really stupid. But not as stupid as she’d look if she got her butt kicked by some random Riverclan warrior whenever that conflict ultimately came to a head. Why did Deadmoon look stupid? She was currently smacking away at a bush, and occasionally being hit in return as the younger branches rebounded instead of breaking.

She had ‘warmed up’ so to speak with a bit of pouncing about and swiping at the air, and had now set herself the challenge of leaping up and slashing at various twigs or buds, always landing on her feet. A few times she dodged rather exaggeratedly before and after, but in general she just smacked the bush, and receives twigs to the face in return. She was in a secluded corner of the territory by design, she didn’t want to look like an idiot in front of everyone, but it was still quite possible somecat would come upon her. (Open) #Earth

Fawn August 7th, 2023 03:31 PM

Re: WindClan Territory
413 words, 80 pts #air
Frozenberry -
Falcon’s mention of the tree eased his mind as he’d been imagining a post-panic walk of shame into camp where he’d have to face possible persecutors (exaggeration, but the prying eyes– he couldn’t stand the stares) and judgmental looks because really? A fully-fledged warrior couldn’t stand the mundane sight of trauma? Pathetic. Frozenpaw, that was what would happen. They’d demote him, with no reason not to. Frozenpawthetic, still ghosting about and adding nothing to the well-being of the Clan.

Frozenberry bit his tongue. failure – the thoughts were intrusive and nonstop in the wake of perceived weakness. Each word like pulling teeth, he ground out, "It … was seeing Twilightstar like that.” Falcon hadn’t asked, had made no indication of even being interested, but he felt compelled to share. A token of gratitude and meeting him halfway when he’d reacted with near-violence, and Falcon had nonetheless protected him from the clown car line of strangers (speaking of, he figured another would’ve approached by now, but apparently the hallucinations had other plans.)

The walk was slow, marked by the occasional stop as he regained his breath. He’d wished he possessed the articulation to better detail why Twilight’s wounds were upsetting, but that would reopen his own–and yet, the temptation persisted if only to attempt jogging Falcon’s memory. (it’d be no use, he knew it’d be another dead end.) By the time they reached the tiny stream, Frozenberry could’ve burst into tears. Exertion, emotion, thankfulness, overwhelming everything. Basic functioning alone was too much.

Water. That was the task at hand. And already, Falcon was splashing it onto him, making decent headway without his assistance while Frozenberry had been busy staring into the distance. He mumbled out an apology before beginning to do the same, wading forward to merge with the relaxed current. Taking his time. Gradually allowing the creek to sink beneath his fur’s layers, then shifting in position to reach new places across his body.

Finishing up, Frozenberry hesitated on shaking his pelt and instead let the droplets slide off naturally.

"I can go to the tree,” he said in offering, "if you want to return to the Clan. It sounded like an important meeting.” It was strange enough that Falcon had departed being a born and raised Clan cat (even if Frozenberry didn’t know how cognizant of that he was) and stranger still that he seemed to be in no hurry to resume listening.

[ @BEAR. ]
Content + Interaction Warning
This character frequently explores themes of mental health, extreme violence, abuse, trauma, and self-harm.

roo! August 7th, 2023 03:36 PM

Re: WindClan Territory

Originally Posted by gs29513 (Post 1452760)
If anyone came upon her now, she’d definitely look stupid. Really, really stupid. But not as stupid as she’d look if she got her butt kicked by some random Riverclan warrior whenever that conflict ultimately came to a head. Why did Deadmoon look stupid? She was currently smacking away at a bush, and occasionally being hit in return as the younger branches rebounded instead of breaking.

She had ‘warmed up’ so to speak with a bit of pouncing about and swiping at the air, and had now set herself the challenge of leaping up and slashing at various twigs or buds, always landing on her feet. A few times she dodged rather exaggeratedly before and after, but in general she just smacked the bush, and receives twigs to the face in return. She was in a secluded corner of the territory by design, she didn’t want to look like an idiot in front of everyone, but it was still quite possible somecat would come upon her. (Open) #Earth

featherpelt sighed as he walked along the territory, his long tail swishing behind him. he was supposed to be hunting while he was out but so far had very little luck. he took a deep breath and smiled softly as he gazed out from the moor. it was quiet. it was peaceful. it was much needed. his paws rejoiced from the long grass where they were hidden, his long pelt seemed to flow in the wind. it was nice to get out of camp every once in a while.
his ear twitched at a sudden sound. it was extremely loud. he crouched for a moment before it dawned on him that if they didnt want to be found, certainly they wouldnt be making so much noise. still-- featherpelt proceeded with caution, creeping towards the sound.

"hello?" he called out

[ jumping in here if you dont mind! ^^ ]

gs29513 August 7th, 2023 03:48 PM

Re: WindClan Territory
(Absolutely not! :heartbounce: ) #Earth @Roo_!
Deadmoon was making so much noise, and Featherpelt’s approach was so quiet, that when his ‘hello’ came floating through the air she jumped, twisted swiftly around, and yelped AHHHH! all in quick succession. Once she realized that the intruder into her little dojo was only another warrior her bristling fur relaxed, but embassment came on full force. Here she was, had probably been seen smacking a bush, and then freaked out at nothing more menacing than a hello. What a fool she looked. This, unfortunately for Featherpelt, put her on the defensive. Hello. I was just practicing my battle moves. while the words weren’t hostile in themselves, the tone in which they were delivered contained a pretty clear And if you have a problem with that you can take a hike.

roo! August 7th, 2023 04:48 PM

Re: WindClan Territory

Originally Posted by gs29513 (Post 1452777)
(Absolutely not! :heartbounce: ) #Earth @Roo_!
Deadmoon was making so much noise, and Featherpelt’s approach was so quiet, that when his ‘hello’ came floating through the air she jumped, twisted swiftly around, and yelped AHHHH! all in quick succession. Once she realized that the intruder into her little dojo was only another warrior her bristling fur relaxed, but embassment came on full force. Here she was, had probably been seen smacking a bush, and then freaked out at nothing more menacing than a hello. What a fool she looked. This, unfortunately for Featherpelt, put her on the defensive. Hello. I was just practicing my battle moves. while the words weren’t hostile in themselves, the tone in which they were delivered contained a pretty clear And if you have a problem with that you can take a hike.

featherpelt felt his ears flatten at the tone. he cleared his throat as his tail twitched nervously. he found himself poking at the dirt.

"right. of course. sorry." he clenched his jaw awkwardly. "and youre preparing to fight a.. bush?" it felt a little silly coming out of his mouth but thats what he saw happening before him. curiosity might killthis cat, but hed rather that then live not knowing.

gs29513 August 7th, 2023 05:05 PM

Re: WindClan Territory
Deadmoon felt a bit bad for the tone, seeing how chastised her clanmates sounded when he replied, but her momentary guilt was swiftly banished when he asked if she was going to fight a bush. A bush! Her! What did he take her for, a stupid kit? Well, if he had sarcasm she would return some right back. Yes, of course. What ELSE would I fight? Certainly not Riverclan warriors or something daft like that! The sarcasm was probably dripping out every pore of her being right now, accompanied by a hint of annoyance. She should probably ask if he’d be willing to spar with her, but that also felt like admitting defeat and meant she’d probably embarrass herself even more, which wasn’t really on the agenda at the minute, and she’d like to keep it that way. @Roo_! #Earth

roo! August 7th, 2023 09:14 PM

Re: WindClan Territory

Originally Posted by gs29513 (Post 1452829)
Deadmoon felt a bit bad for the tone, seeing how chastised her clanmates sounded when he replied, but her momentary guilt was swiftly banished when he asked if she was going to fight a bush. A bush! Her! What did he take her for, a stupid kit? Well, if he had sarcasm she would return some right back. Yes, of course. What ELSE would I fight? Certainly not Riverclan warriors or something daft like that! The sarcasm was probably dripping out every pore of her being right now, accompanied by a hint of annoyance. She should probably ask if he’d be willing to spar with her, but that also felt like admitting defeat and meant she’d probably embarrass herself even more, which wasn’t really on the agenda at the minute, and she’d like to keep it that way. @Roo_! #Earth

featherpelt stood rather awkwardly.

"right.. well.. i best leave you to that." he flicked his tail nervously "unless youd rather..not..fight a bush?" he could hardly believe the words coming out of his mouth.

him? fight? please! he looked about as intimidating as a twig, and built like one too. nevertheless, he tried his best to be a friendly clanmate. yet with every moment his stood there, he wanted nothing more than to continue his peaceful stroll. alas, starclan must've deemed otherwise by sending him this way instead.

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