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Thistledawn May 24th, 2018 09:24 AM

Re: SkyClan Training Plateau

Originally Posted by Lonestar23 (Post 507093)
Blazingcomet had been out on the Training Plateau since earlier that morning. He hadn’t expected Cherrypaw to be there that early, but he was planning out a lesson - it wouldn’t be long before she would be a warrior, and he would go off in search of another apprentice. The funny thing was, he wasn’t quite sure if he would want to find another apprentice. After all, Cherrypaw was one feline he had a pretty special bond with - hopefully they would be able to spend some time together as warriors. Blazingcomet just felt old, thinking about his apprentice becoming a warrior - he’d be close to 30 moons at that point, and with still no kits, that was alarming. The tom couldn’t stand thinking about becoming old without a family. Hopefully he and Petal would be able to have one at some point. ”Morning, Cherrypaw! How are you today?” The tom asked, casting a cheerful smile across the area at his fluffy white apprentice. She was late - fashionably so - and didn’t exactly look like she’d been up early to get some hunting or practicing done. Her fur was going to be messy by the time training was over, Blazingcomet was sure of it, but she might as well have her fun - it was about all the fun she would get to have for a little while.

Letting out a gigantic sigh of relief, Cherrypaw padded towards her mentor. He seemed to be in a good mood so far, so perhaps she wouldn't start out this training session by getting in trouble. "I'm good." The white she-cat automatically responded. "It's a pretty morning, don't you think?" She cast her blue eyes up at the sky, appreciating the warming sun rays on her fur. She had been excited for another training session, but now that she was here all she wanted to do was climb up into a tree and take a little nap amongst the leaves and the breeze. When she was a warrior she'd be able to do that whenever she wanted. It was coming up soon, she remembered. The moons of training were going to pay off when Cherrypaw finally received her warrior name. "Alright, what are we doing today?" The apprentice asked, trying to keep her focus on her mentor.

Charmer June 10th, 2018 05:16 PM

Re: SkyClan Training Plateau

Originally Posted by Silver Fishie (Post 511784)

Heh, Shinefang teaching Ringpaw battle moves. This Trial is about to get rather... interesting. :3)

Ringpaw’s mouth hung open, then closed. It was true, if you thought about it. “I guess I just need to think through what is happening by nature.” She meowed. Perhaps he was right. It would take much more effort, and to be honest, the leaves were a good enough parsed to hold the juice than she could come up with.
“Snapbranch couldn’t tell a mouse from a beetle, even if you explained it to him.” She meowed, smiling. Even Shinefang admitted it! Her mentor was about as fluffbrained as a robin.
She continued on with her stem, crunching at the base of the leaves, nipping off the tangy branches, and sweeping them aside. It almost had a rhythm to it; find, bite, separate, move, dry. Repeat.
She reached out once more to grab ahold of another stem, except this time it got stuck on one claw. Her eyes narrowing, she flicked her paw up and down rapidly, trying to fling the dark green plant from her paw. It fell off and landed in front of her with a silent noise, and she bent down to begin working when Shinefang spoke.
When Shinefang gave her that direction, she immediately dropped the stem on the floor and swept it aside as she stood up.
“Where are we going? Are we looking for herbs?” She asked excitedly, her green eyes widening as she followed the large tom towards the exit to the den. Of course, she didn’t think through what he had said, and completely rushed in the fill the atmosphere with her chatter.
“I bet it’s fun looking for herbs. It’s much more fun with Snapbranch. He gets angry with me over nothing. You already know that.” She said in a flowing rush as she stepped outside. After being in the medicine den for awhile, the bright sunlight that radiated outside flashed in her orbs for a second, and the white light soon adjusted so camp came into view.
There were more felines roaming around than before, and she quickly scanned the crowd to make sure her mentor didn’t see her ‘messing around’ with Shinefang.
Herbs were important! Obviously, or else Medicine cats wouldn’t choose to make that their life. She looked eagerly back up to Shinefang, her ears forward and erect.

(Where to now?)

As they made their way out of the clearing and toward the training plateau, the young shecat continued to prattle on. She jabbers like a bird at dawn, he thought to himself, grunting in reply as they walked without really listening to what she was saying. It wasn't long before they reached the plateau and the old tom looked up at the flat stretch of stone above him. He sighed, realizing he hadn't had to climb the rock face for at least a pawful of greenleafs. Nevertheless, the old warrior unsheathed his claws and began to heave himself up the rockface. "Keep up!" he half shouted, half grunted as he climbed. The wind whipped through his yellow pelt as he made his way up in bursts, resting to catch his breath every few moments. It felt like a moon, but soon enough, he was hauling himself over the edge of the plateau and catching his breath on the wide expanse of rock. Just when he thought he had caught his breath, he felt his head swim and he sank to the ground, still huffing as he held up a paw. "Just...need...a minute..." he said between pants, coughing with the effort of speaking. His joints were on fire from the climb, and his heart was pounding in his chest.

pomegranate June 10th, 2018 05:57 PM

Re: SkyClan Training Plateau

Originally Posted by Charmer (Post 511838)
As they made their way out of the clearing and toward the training plateau, the young shecat continued to prattle on. She jabbers like a bird at dawn, he thought to himself, grunting in reply as they walked without really listening to what she was saying. It wasn't long before they reached the plateau and the old tom looked up at the flat stretch of stone above him. He sighed, realizing he hadn't had to climb the rock face for at least a pawful of greenleafs. Nevertheless, the old warrior unsheathed his claws and began to heave himself up the rockface. "Keep up!" he half shouted, half grunted as he climbed. The wind whipped through his yellow pelt as he made his way up in bursts, resting to catch his breath every few moments. It felt like a moon, but soon enough, he was hauling himself over the edge of the plateau and catching his breath on the wide expanse of rock. Just when he thought he had caught his breath, he felt his head swim and he sank to the ground, still huffing as he held up a paw. "Just...need...a minute..." he said between pants, coughing with the effort of speaking. His joints were on fire from the climb, and his heart was pounding in his chest.

Ringpaw bounced along through the woods after Shinefang, nervous about the battle session. She had no idea how much Shinefang would still know, but if he knew something; he was an even better mentor than Snapbranch if he remembered anything.
As they trotted through the woodland, she relished the sound of chirping birds around her. Green-leaf was here- no doubt about it. It was warm and blissful, and she took a moment to breathe in deeply to enjoy the cacophony of sights and smells.
Skyclan is beautiful. There is no other clan like this; no way no how. She thought, a mental purr rumbling through her skull. She may not be forestborn, but she was a Skyclanner through and through.
The duo soon arrived at the plateau, and she looked up to the training grounds.
Snapbranch never took her here, he was too embarrassed of his foolhardy apprentice.
“If another warrior sees you... and tells Grousestar or Auroraflame, Ringpaw. I’d be done for.”
Her mentor’s words ran through her brain. Even her mean denmates were nicer than him, they weren’t afraid to introduce her if needed!
Even at gatherings he shoved Ringpaw behind him when he spoke to others, as if even seeing Ringpaw would be a disgrace to him.
Purring, she jogged towards a large rock to begin the climb. She loved this slope, and as she dug in her claws to get ahold of the stone, she relished this. Just one moon as a warrior apprentice and it was all downhill, quite literally, as she hadn’t ever gone back up this hill.
“Me? Are you sure you don’t want me to help you?” She asked. What she had said to Shinefang may have sounded rude, so she made sure to add a helpful and caring lift to her voice. She didn’t want him looking at her like she thought he was old.
To be honest, most of the elders were much too crabby or sweet for her. She didn’t like sugarcoating cats; or plain stubborn cats. Shinefang was known to be grumpy, but he wasn’t that bad to be honest.
She turned and scrabbled up, and when she arrived at the top behind the yellow tabby tom she met his eye.
“Okay! Are you sure you don’t want to...” She trailed off awkwardly, not sure how to end it. He was already resting, and he couldn’t go see the medicine cat about unsteady breath. He was the medicine cat!
She shifted from paw to paw in apprehension.
What will he teach me? What if he finds out what a clutz I am? Or if I slip up on something simple? I’m still learning- but even Snowbranch didn’t want anything to do with me. Maybe he’ll show me how to get better.
Her river of thoughts streamed through her head, but she soon turned back to Shinefang, her split calico face smiling and her green eyes wide.

Charmer June 10th, 2018 06:14 PM

Re: SkyClan Training Plateau

Originally Posted by Silver Fishie (Post 511848)

Ringpaw bounced along through the woods after Shinefang, nervous about the battle session. She had no idea how much Shinefang would still know, but if he knew something; he was an even better mentor than Snapbranch if he remembered anything.
As they trotted through the woodland, she relished the sound of chirping birds around her. Green-leaf was here- no doubt about it. It was warm and blissful, and she took a moment to breathe in deeply to enjoy the cacophony of sights and smells.
Skyclan is beautiful. There is no other clan like this; no way no how. She thought, a mental purr rumbling through her skull. She may not be forestborn, but she was a Skyclanner through and through.
The duo soon arrived at the plateau, and she looked up to the training grounds.
Snapbranch never took her here, he was too embarrassed of his foolhardy apprentice.
“If another warrior sees you... and tells Grousestar or Auroraflame, Ringpaw. I’d be done for.”
Her mentor’s words ran through her brain. Even her mean denmates were nicer than him, they weren’t afraid to introduce her if needed!
Even at gatherings he shoved Ringpaw behind him when he spoke to others, as if even seeing Ringpaw would be a disgrace to him.
Purring, she jogged towards a large rock to begin the climb. She loved this slope, and as she dug in her claws to get ahold of the stone, she relished this. Just one moon as a warrior apprentice and it was all downhill, quite literally, as she hadn’t ever gone back up this hill.
“Me? Are you sure you don’t want me to help you?” She asked. What she had said to Shinefang may have sounded rude, so she made sure to add a helpful and caring lift to her voice. She didn’t want him looking at her like she thought he was old.
To be honest, most of the elders were much too crabby or sweet for her. She didn’t like sugarcoating cats; or plain stubborn cats. Shinefang was known to be grumpy, but he wasn’t that bad to be honest.
She turned and scrabbled up, and when she arrived at the top behind the yellow tabby tom she met his eye.
“Okay! Are you sure you don’t want to...” She trailed off awkwardly, not sure how to end it. He was already resting, and he couldn’t go see the medicine cat about unsteady breath. He was the medicine cat!
She shifted from paw to paw in apprehension.
What will he teach me? What if he finds out what a clutz I am? Or if I slip up on something simple? I’m still learning- but even Snowbranch didn’t want anything to do with me. Maybe he’ll show me how to get better.
Her river of thoughts streamed through her head, but she soon turned back to Shinefang, her split calico face smiling and her green eyes wide.

Finally, Shinefang was able to catch his breath, and he raised himself into a sitting position and looked at Ringpaw, his expression calm and discerning, if a little flushed from the exertion of the climb. "Now," he began, "What was it you were having trouble with exactly? What were you and your mentor going over?" Ringpaw wasn't the first cat in Skyclan or any other clan to have difficulty with fighting. Many cats didn't have a talent for it. If they did, there would be no use for the mentoring system the clans used. And not every cat served their clan through their battle skills. Some shecats wanted to be permanent queens, and some injured cats retired to the elders den early. All of that was just fine with him. But the fact was he had seen too many cats die in his life. Even here recently with Juniperpaw's disappearance, sometimes his mind would race with terrible, gruesome possibilities about what might have happened to her. It was his belief that every cat should have at least a basic knowledge of fighting for self-defense, and if this shecat's mentor was struggling with that, he'd lend a paw. After all, she couldn't be that bad.

pomegranate June 10th, 2018 06:31 PM

Re: SkyClan Training Plateau

Originally Posted by Charmer (Post 511857)
Finally, Shinefang was able to catch his breath, and he raised himself into a sitting position and looked at Ringpaw, his expression calm and discerning, if a little flushed from the exertion of the climb. "Now," he began, "What was it you were having trouble with exactly? What were you and your mentor going over?" Ringpaw wasn't the first cat in Skyclan or any other clan to have difficulty with fighting. Many cats didn't have a talent for it. If they did, there would be no use for the mentoring system the clans used. And not every cat served their clan through their battle skills. Some shecats wanted to be permanent queens, and some injured cats retired to the elders den early. All of that was just fine with him. But the fact was he had seen too many cats die in his life. Even here recently with Juniperpaw's disappearance, sometimes his mind would race with terrible, gruesome possibilities about what might have happened to her. It was his belief that every cat should have at least a basic knowledge of fighting for self-defense, and if this shecat's mentor was struggling with that, he'd lend a paw. After all, she couldn't be that bad.

Ringpaw smiled, trying to hide the move he had been teaching her.
“It was the front paw swipe. I- uh, we- haven’t gotten past that yet.” She meowed, her voice growing a bit more confident near the end. Snapbranch had tried to teach that to her, at their first session, actually.
Earlier today, she had entered the small glen Snapbranch had selected for their private sessions, and the training had commenced.
It had ended with her landing face down in the dirt at his large brown paws, a large bruise on her shoulder, and messy fur.
At the thought of her pelt, she turned around to glance at her fur.
The mottled calico markings were lost in the fray. Her already messy looking pelt pattern looked like she had been rolling in mud; it was so bad. Her fur was fuzzy and slick in some places, then spiked up and sharp like dry grass in others. Patches of tangled fur were in her belly fur, and she quickly licked her shoulder to smooth out one of the worst areas.
She would have to wash tonight, and thoroughly at that.
Turning back to smile at Shinefang, she flicked her tail up her spine to try and fix her pelt without drawing too much towards it.
“I’m not very good with balance, it gets difficult when I have to go on three paws. He also makes me do it on my right paw, I’m better with my left.” She started, indicating each paw with her tail.
Smiling, she looked up to the yellow tom.
“So where should we start?”

Charmer June 10th, 2018 08:56 PM

Re: SkyClan Training Plateau

Originally Posted by Silver Fishie (Post 511868)

Ringpaw smiled, trying to hide the move he had been teaching her.
“It was the front paw swipe. I- uh, we- haven’t gotten past that yet.” She meowed, her voice growing a bit more confident near the end. Snapbranch had tried to teach that to her, at their first session, actually.
Earlier today, she had entered the small glen Snapbranch had selected for their private sessions, and the training had commenced.
It had ended with her landing face down in the dirt at his large brown paws, a large bruise on her shoulder, and messy fur.
At the thought of her pelt, she turned around to glance at her fur.
The mottled calico markings were lost in the fray. Her already messy looking pelt pattern looked like she had been rolling in mud; it was so bad. Her fur was fuzzy and slick in some places, then spiked up and sharp like dry grass in others. Patches of tangled fur were in her belly fur, and she quickly licked her shoulder to smooth out one of the worst areas.
She would have to wash tonight, and thoroughly at that.
Turning back to smile at Shinefang, she flicked her tail up her spine to try and fix her pelt without drawing too much towards it.
“I’m not very good with balance, it gets difficult when I have to go on three paws. He also makes me do it on my right paw, I’m better with my left.” She started, indicating each paw with her tail.
Smiling, she looked up to the yellow tom.
“So where should we start?”

Shinefang frowned. The front paw swipe was the most basic move a cat could learn. It was the first thing a mentor would generally teach a young apprentice because it was so easy. From the way the young shecat's coat held a layer of dirt and grime, he would have thought she had been struggling to use the badger defense or some other advanced move that most cats take a while to get. But a front paw swipe? But as he continued to listen, the part about having trouble being on three paws stood out to him, and his tail gave a twitch as he pondered a possible solution. "If you have trouble being on three paws, the place to start is getting better at that," he replied. "Stand on three paws for me as long as you can. And lift you left paw. If that's the paw you feel more comfortable using, that should be the paw you use to strike. Again,don't try that yet. For now, just stand there." With that, the older tom folded his fluffy tail over his paws and silently watched.

pomegranate June 11th, 2018 06:24 AM

Re: SkyClan Training Plateau

Originally Posted by Charmer (Post 511921)
Shinefang frowned. The front paw swipe was the most basic move a cat could learn. It was the first thing a mentor would generally teach a young apprentice because it was so easy. From the way the young shecat's coat held a layer of dirt and grime, he would have thought she had been struggling to use the badger defense or some other advanced move that most cats take a while to get. But a front paw swipe? But as he continued to listen, the part about having trouble being on three paws stood out to him, and his tail gave a twitch as he pondered a possible solution. "If you have trouble being on three paws, the place to start is getting better at that," he replied. "Stand on three paws for me as long as you can. And lift you left paw. If that's the paw you feel more comfortable using, that should be the paw you use to strike. Again,don't try that yet. For now, just stand there." With that, the older tom folded his fluffy tail over his paws and silently watched.

Ringpaw’s excited voice bounced off of the rocks loudly. This was going to be alright. She could finally use her left paw!
“No! Right paws are more powerful! Use that one!”
Snapbranch’s command echoed in her head, and she tried to fight the urge to use her right paw. That one was a pale tan, her left paw was coal black.
Lifting at first the right paw, she narrowed her eyes and placed it firmly in the ground before confidently lifting her left paw.
She could feel the tenseness in her right paw move away as she flexed the other one; she was always more comfortable using her leg that could actually move when she wanted it to!
Beaming, she looked up and met Shinefang’s eye. Her balance wobbled a bit at first when she parted her focus, but she quickly righted herself.
“How am I doing?” She asked after awhile. A few moments before, she had been wobbling furiously, threatening to topple over. But when she stuck out her ringed calico tail, she found that her balance was much more even and steady paced.
She thought for a moment about one exercise she had done with Snapbranch. He had told her to climb onto a half fallen tree, one that had been knocked over by the recent storm. When she had scaled the rough bark, he had shouted up to stand on three paws, right paw out, and swipe five times without falling. She hadn’t even gotten past one. She had fell right off the uprooted tree, landing right in front of her mentor. It had been quite the fall, and she couldn’t stand for a second, but she was back up when he suggested hunting.
Hunting was lovely. She wasn’t very skilled in that either, but she loved the exhilarating chase when she could run; run far away from everything.
Of course, right after she uttered those words she had jinxed herself.
Her back left leg, the one with the scar, was getting tired after holding up the weight that her front paw was supposed to help carry. She tried to shuffle it backward into a more relaxed position, but the sudden movement rocked her backwards.
She landed with a hard thump on the cold stone below, her tail splaying out behind her as she fell into a sitting position.
Dismayed, she looked up at Shinefang, but instead smiled.
“Look! I still kept my paw up!”

Charmer June 11th, 2018 07:13 PM

Re: SkyClan Training Plateau

Originally Posted by Silver Fishie (Post 512033)

Ringpaw’s excited voice bounced off of the rocks loudly. This was going to be alright. She could finally use her left paw!
“No! Right paws are more powerful! Use that one!”
Snapbranch’s command echoed in her head, and she tried to fight the urge to use her right paw. That one was a pale tan, her left paw was coal black.
Lifting at first the right paw, she narrowed her eyes and placed it firmly in the ground before confidently lifting her left paw.
She could feel the tenseness in her right paw move away as she flexed the other one; she was always more comfortable using her leg that could actually move when she wanted it to!
Beaming, she looked up and met Shinefang’s eye. Her balance wobbled a bit at first when she parted her focus, but she quickly righted herself.
“How am I doing?” She asked after awhile. A few moments before, she had been wobbling furiously, threatening to topple over. But when she stuck out her ringed calico tail, she found that her balance was much more even and steady paced.
She thought for a moment about one exercise she had done with Snapbranch. He had told her to climb onto a half fallen tree, one that had been knocked over by the recent storm. When she had scaled the rough bark, he had shouted up to stand on three paws, right paw out, and swipe five times without falling. She hadn’t even gotten past one. She had fell right off the uprooted tree, landing right in front of her mentor. It had been quite the fall, and she couldn’t stand for a second, but she was back up when he suggested hunting.
Hunting was lovely. She wasn’t very skilled in that either, but she loved the exhilarating chase when she could run; run far away from everything.
Of course, right after she uttered those words she had jinxed herself.
Her back left leg, the one with the scar, was getting tired after holding up the weight that her front paw was supposed to help carry. She tried to shuffle it backward into a more relaxed position, but the sudden movement rocked her backwards.
She landed with a hard thump on the cold stone below, her tail splaying out behind her as she fell into a sitting position.
Dismayed, she looked up at Shinefang, but instead smiled.
“Look! I still kept my paw up!”

Shinefang observed as the apprentice lifted her left paw, dark as a shadow. Absently, he thought that could be an advantage while fighting at night. A darker colored paw could be harder to see. "Good," Shinefang answered the shecat. "don't forget to use your-" but before the old tome could finish, she had already figured it out and stuck out her tail, waving it as she wobbled and fought to keep her balance. And soon enough, she did. He could see now where she got her name: her tail was covered by a set of distinct rings. She wasn't able to stay up for long before she lost her balance again. This time, she didn't recover. She fell onto her haunch with an undignified 'thud' and just for a moment, he saw a flash of distress race across her features. But just as quickly, it was gone, replaced by a happy grin and an enthusiastic 'did you see me?' The old tom's whiskers gave a twitch. Ringpaw was not unlike a kit, practically starving for the attention of an older cat. It made his heart sink a little to see it. "You did," he acknowledged with a nod. "Now try again. This time, see if you can hold it til I count to ten. Ready?" The old medicine cat lifted a paw off the ground as he waited for her to get into position, then smacked his paw hard against the stone. "One robin feather, two robin feather," he chanted, striking his paw against the plateau with each number as he watched her.

pomegranate June 11th, 2018 07:39 PM

Re: SkyClan Training Plateau

Originally Posted by Charmer (Post 512269)
Shinefang observed as the apprentice lifted her left paw, dark as a shadow. Absently, he thought that could be an advantage while fighting at night. A darker colored paw could be harder to see. "Good," Shinefang answered the shecat. "don't forget to use your-" but before the old tome could finish, she had already figured it out and stuck out her tail, waving it as she wobbled and fought to keep her balance. And soon enough, she did. He could see now where she got her name: her tail was covered by a set of distinct rings. She wasn't able to stay up for long before she lost her balance again. This time, she didn't recover. She fell onto her haunch with an undignified 'thud' and just for a moment, he saw a flash of distress race across her features. But just as quickly, it was gone, replaced by a happy grin and an enthusiastic 'did you see me?' The old tom's whiskers gave a twitch. Ringpaw was not unlike a kit, practically starving for the attention of an older cat. It made his heart sink a little to see it. "You did," he acknowledged with a nod. "Now try again. This time, see if you can hold it til I count to ten. Ready?" The old medicine cat lifted a paw off the ground as he waited for her to get into position, then smacked his paw hard against the stone. "One robin feather, two robin feather," he chanted, striking his paw against the plateau with each number as he watched her.

Three robin feathers, four robin feathers...

Stunned, Ringpaw launched back up to her feet, rising upwards on the windy cliff to resume her position. She had a timer now! She fought back her smile, and a look of determination settled on her face in a wave. She would get better at this; Snapbranch had to respect her now!
Although, not really. Not until she could make it through this.
She jolted her paw higher up into the air, this time letting her joints tense and lock to assure herself that she would stay up. She bent her back knees slightly, to give her a bit more leverage.

Five robin feathers, six robin feathers...

Shinefang’s pawsteps started out soft, but grew louder and hardly as the numbers went on. Or was it just Ringpaw? She stretched out her tail a bit longer, the fur flowing even more as she lifted it up like a flag, but lowered it a bit more. If she had it up like that in battle, any enemy could easily grab her and knock her off balance.
She glanced up at him for a moment, and her focus snapped. She teetered to the left and to the right, but powered with her left back paw and righted herself. Flashing a confident smile; not to anyone in particular this time, to herself.

Seven robin feathers, eight robin feathers...

Ringpaw felt the time slipping by. This was slowly getting easier, just wait until Snapbranch heard that he had been outdone by Shinefang! Shinefang wasn’t even a warrior anymore, yet he was a better teacher than her stale old cat she had been assigned would ever be.
She didn’t feel like a warrior. As a kit, she had watched some apprentices grow older and never play games anymore. What was that? She gave out a delighted purr. She rather liked being free.
The only time she had ever heard any sort of kindness from the black tom had been when he called her a furball. She had purred and smiled all day long after that. That small name had been like an affectionate pet name; not really, but if she wanted it that way, she could have it that way.

Nine robin feathers...

Charmer June 11th, 2018 08:28 PM

Re: SkyClan Training Plateau

Originally Posted by Silver Fishie (Post 512296)

Three robin feathers, four robin feathers...

Stunned, Ringpaw launched back up to her feet, rising upwards on the windy cliff to resume her position. She had a timer now! She fought back her smile, and a look of determination settled on her face in a wave. She would get better at this; Snapbranch had to respect her now!
Although, not really. Not until she could make it through this.
She jolted her paw higher up into the air, this time letting her joints tense and lock to assure herself that she would stay up. She bent her back knees slightly, to give her a bit more leverage.

Five robin feathers, six robin feathers...

Shinefang’s pawsteps started out soft, but grew louder and hardly as the numbers went on. Or was it just Ringpaw? She stretched out her tail a bit longer, the fur flowing even more as she lifted it up like a flag, but lowered it a bit more. If she had it up like that in battle, any enemy could easily grab her and knock her off balance.
She glanced up at him for a moment, and her focus snapped. She teetered to the left and to the right, but powered with her left back paw and righted herself. Flashing a confident smile; not to anyone in particular this time, to herself.

Seven robin feathers, eight robin feathers...

Ringpaw felt the time slipping by. This was slowly getting easier, just wait until Snapbranch heard that he had been outdone by Shinefang! Shinefang wasn’t even a warrior anymore, yet he was a better teacher than her stale old cat she had been assigned would ever be.
She didn’t feel like a warrior. As a kit, she had watched some apprentices grow older and never play games anymore. What was that? She gave out a delighted purr. She rather liked being free.
The only time she had ever heard any sort of kindness from the black tom had been when he called her a furball. She had purred and smiled all day long after that. That small name had been like an affectionate pet name; not really, but if she wanted it that way, she could have it that way.

Nine robin feathers...

The shecat kept her balance as the old tom kept count. Without him even instructing her, she intuitively picked up on ways to improve her balance. He saw he bend at her joints when she began to grow tired and stretch out her tail to let it wave and compensate for the subtle weight shifts. Shinefang smiled warmly as he watched the look on her face, growing more confident as he counted out loud. The old tom had always enjoyed this part of mentoring, watching the moment when a young cat started to really understand a lesson, the moment they got it. Ringpaw wasn't his apprentice, or course. Just a young, spirited cat who happened to get stuck with a mentor who didn't understand that to train a warrior, a mentor had to move at the apprentices pace. Each of his apprentices had had their strengths and areas of struggle. Turtlebright was smart and resilient, but needed to be reminded to keep his paws up when he went to jump. Fennelheart was talented, but arrogant. Specklespring was enthusiastic, but needed a bit more time on tracking lessons. All had grown into fine warriors.

"Ten robin feathers! Rest!"

His order given, Shinefang brandished a grin. "Very good," he meowed coolly. You kept your balance well. Next time, try keeping your legs slightly bent the whole time. If you keep your body low, you'll balance more easily. Good job using your tail. Again," he said, raining his paw. "This time to fifteen. One robin feather. Two robin feathers. Three robin feathers."

pomegranate June 11th, 2018 08:50 PM

Re: SkyClan Training Plateau

Originally Posted by Charmer (Post 512340)
The shecat kept her balance as the old tom kept count. Without him even instructing her, she intuitively picked up on ways to improve her balance. He saw he bend at her joints when she began to grow tired and stretch out her tail to let it wave and compensate for the subtle weight shifts. Shinefang smiled warmly as he watched the look on her face, growing more confident as he counted out loud. The old tom had always enjoyed this part of mentoring, watching the moment when a young cat started to really understand a lesson, the moment they got it. Ringpaw wasn't his apprentice, or course. Just a young, spirited cat who happened to get stuck with a mentor who didn't understand that to train a warrior, a mentor had to move at the apprentices pace.

"Ten robin feathers! Rest!"

His order given, Shinefang brandished a grin. "Very good," he meowed coolly. You kept your balance well. Next time, try keeping your legs slightly bent the whole time. If you keep your body low, you'll balance more easily. Good job using your tail. Again," he said, raining his paw. "This time to fifteen. One robin feather. Two robin feathers. Three robin feathers."

Ringpaw slumped forward, sitting on her haunches to rest her paw. She stretched it out, flexing the meager muscles she had. Her fur ruffled a bit more when she bent her leg, but even as it was a bit weak she smiled at it.
“Thanks!” She meowed happily at Shinefang’s compliment. She was receiving more kind words in two tail flicks than she had received in her life leading up to now. He had even smiled.
For once, it felt good to just be still. Normally she bounced back and forth, more relentless than the tide, but here she felt like she could sit and think forever. She kind of liked it.
Until he gave her the next direction.
“Wha? But I jus-“ She caught herself, stopping midcomplaint. Shinefang had already agreed to help her, he didn’t agree to help a whining kit.
Scrambling to her paws, mint eyes focused once more, she got into position so that she wouldn’t have to correct herself.

Four robin feathers, five robin feathers, six robin feathers, seven robin feathers...

His voice rang in her head, but the thumping of his fluffy paw pads were a lot quieter and duller than before.
Paws grounded, lift up left, steady back, stretch out tail, relax shoulders, tense front paws.
Those were the steps she had come up with in her mind, and she was glad she remembered them. It was like a recipe, or her daily schedule. Follow the directions, and it gets easier as you continue.

Eight robin feathers, nine robin feathers, ten robin feathers, eleven robin feathers...

This time, she needed to experiment. In battle, she wouldn’t be able to stare at her paws. An enemy could swat out her legs, or scratch her eye, anything!
Now that she thought about it, being a warrior seemed a lot more... sad than she had thought. Living life every day, to do what? Kill others. Either prey or feline, it was still taking a life.
And besides, even holding up one paw was hard!
Now, time to experiment.
Lifting her gaze up, this time she locked eyes with Shinefang, her hues wide. Not in fear, but in focus, but a more mellow and trance-like focus than the brute and harsh determination some possessed.
She fought down the goofy smile.
It kept on returning, and she didn’t like scowling either.
It was already hard enough not to giggle!

Twelve robin feathers, thirteen robin feathers, fourteen robin feathers...

Charmer June 11th, 2018 09:39 PM

Re: SkyClan Training Plateau

Originally Posted by Silver Fishie (Post 512348)

Ringpaw slumped forward, sitting on her haunches to rest her paw. She stretched it out, flexing the meager muscles she had. Her fur ruffled a bit more when she bent her leg, but even as it was a bit weak she smiled at it.
“Thanks!” She meowed happily at Shinefang’s compliment. She was receiving more kind words in two tail flicks than she had received in her life leading up to now. He had even smiled.
For once, it felt good to just be still. Normally she bouncing back and forth, more relentless than the tide, but here she felt like she could sit and think forever. She kind of liked it.
Until he gave her the next direction.
“Wha? But I jus-“ She caught herself, stopping midcomplaint. Shinefang had already agreed to help her, he didn’t agree to help a whining kit.
Scrambling to her paws, mint eyes focused once more, she got into position so that she wouldn’t have to correct herself.

Four robin feathers, five robin feathers, six robin feathers, seven robin feathers...

His voice rang in her head, but the thumping of his fluffy paw pads were a lot quieter and duller than before.
Paws grounded, lift up left, steady back, stretch out tail, relax shoulders, tense front paws.
Those were the steps she had come up with in her mind, and she was glad she remembered them. It was like a recipe, or her daily schedule. Follow the directions, and it gets easier as you continue.

Eight robin feathers, nine robin feathers, ten robin feathers, eleven robin feathers...

This time, she needed to experiment. In battle, she wouldn’t be able to stare at her paws. An enemy could swat out her legs, or scratch her eye, anything!
Now that she thought about it, being a warrior seemed a lot more... sad than she had thought. Living life every day, to do what? Kill others. Either prey or feline, it was still taking a life.
And besides, even holding up one paw was hard!
Now, time to experiment.
Lifting her gaze up, this time she locked eyes with Shinefang, her hues wide. Not in fear, but in focus, but a more mellow and trance-like focus than the brute and harsh determination some possessed.
She fought down the goofy smile.
It kept on returning, and she didn’t like scowling either.
It was already hard enough not to giggle!

Twelve robin feathers, thirteen robin feathers, fourteen robin feathers...

Shinefang didn't listen stop to listen to her complaint before his count began. He might have been encouraging in his mentoring days but each and every one of his former apprentices could attest that he was not a cuddly mentor. He believes his apprentices were capable of great things and he demanded the hard work from them that would bring it out. It seemed easier for her this time. She was starting to figure out how to manage her muscles and how every little motion could help balance and unbalance her. His grin turned up again as he counted, this time with a certain cockiness. He was right as usual. He made a mental note to himself that at the first opportunity he'd have to give this Snowbark character a lesson in... well lessons he supposed. His thoughts were interrupted when the younger cat looked up, her eyes meeting the gaze of his only eye. There was an intensity to her focus that caught him off guard. This was no slacker, this apprentice was eager to learn. Any mentor would be lucky to have her as an apprentice. Yeah, I'm cuff the Snowbreath silly.

"Fifteen robin feathers! Stop! Rest."

The old tom gave a solemn nod. "Well done." Ringpaw was clearly starting to get a little tired. Though standing on one less paw didn't seem difficult, it took a surprising amount of concentration and strength. That was the idea. He wouldn't even bother with teaching her to strike today. "Balance is the key," he said gruffly. "You can be the biggest warrior, have the longest claws and the sharpest teeth and none of that will matter if you can't keep your balance.Likewise, you can be outmatched in every possible way in a battle, but if you can keep your footing, you still have a chance."

pomegranate June 11th, 2018 09:51 PM

Re: SkyClan Training Plateau

Originally Posted by Charmer (Post 512356)
Shinefang didn't listen stop to listen to her complaint before his count began. He might have been encouraging in his mentoring days but each and every one of his former apprentices could attest that he was not a cuddly mentor. He believes his apprentices were capable of great things and he demanded the hard work from them that would bring it out. It seemed easier for her this time. She was starting to figure out how to manage her muscles and how every little motion could help balance and unbalance her. His grin turned up again as he counted, this time with a certain cockiness. He was right as usual. He made a mental note to himself that at the first opportunity he'd have to give this Snowbark character a lesson in... well lessons he supposed. His thoughts were interrupted when the younger cat looked up, her eyes meeting the gaze of his only eye. There was an intensity to her focus that caught him off guard. This was no slacker, this apprentice was eager to learn. Any mentor would be lucky to have her as an apprentice. Yeah, I'm cuff the Snowbreath silly.

"Fifteen robin feathers! Stop! Rest."

The old tom gave a solemn nod. "Well done." Ringpaw was clearly starting to get a little tired. Though standing on one less paw didn't seem difficult, it took a surprising amount of concentration and strength. That was the idea. He wouldn't even bother with teaching her to strike today. "Balance is the key," he said gruffly. "You can be the biggest warrior, have the longest claws and the sharpest teeth and none of that will matter if you can't keep your balance.Likewise, you can be outmatched in every possible way in a battle, but if you can keep your footing, you still have a chance."

Ringpaw let out a huff as she finished. She placed one paw down on the stone once more, happy to have finished. Her eyes flickered back from Shinefang, and to her paws once more.
She was relieved to know that she could rest her paw now. If she thought about it, she shouldn’t have struggled so much with this. Shinefang just explained it well.
Snowbark Snapbranch could use some pointers.
For a second, she debated lecturing her mentor on how to teach her right, but she thought better of it. He would cuff her over the ears, first scowl and yell at her, then laugh with his friends about what a dumb apprentice he had.
“Do you think that I might be better now? At fighting? If balance is the foundation to a good attack, what is least important?” She asked, her orbs flickering back up to the yellow tom.
She lifted her paw that she had been standing on and licked it’s elbow gently with an even lap of her tongue, the tan fur there turning slick as she finished. She wound up gnawing on her claw, trying to rid a dead layer from her nail. When she finished, she licked her chops and stretched her back, her tail shaking as she finished. She felt more mellow, strangely.
All she could hear was:
One robin feather, two robin feather...

It repeated in her head, over and over again. It would be stuck in her ears all day after this. She couldn’t wait to busy herself with more herb shredding or sleeping or eating or fighting or something to get it out.
The wind certainly helped, the breeze in her fluffy ear fur vibrating her membrane and making her brain filled with sounds.
“Just wait until Snapbranch sees me now! I bet he’ll be impressed.” She meowed, puffing out her chest in pride. Next time she was forced to balance on a fallen tree, rotting and teetering in the air, she would stay up there with three paws in the air, maybe even balancing on her tail, for hours on end.
Eat that, Snapbranch!

Charmer June 12th, 2018 08:27 PM

Re: SkyClan Training Plateau

Originally Posted by Silver Fishie (Post 512358)

Ringpaw let out a huff as she finished. She placed one paw down on the stone once more, happy to have finished. Her eyes flickered back from Shinefang, and to her paws once more.
She was relieved to know that she could rest her paw now. If she thought about it, she shouldn’t have struggled so much with this. Shinefang just explained it well.
Snowbark Snapbranch could use some pointers.
For a second, she debated lecturing her mentor on how to teach her right, but she thought better of it. He would cuff her over the ears, first scowl and yell at her, then laugh with his friends about what a dumb apprentice he had.
“Do you think that I might be better now? At fighting? If balance is the foundation to a good attack, what is least important?” She asked, her orbs flickering back up to the yellow tom.
She lifted her paw that she had been standing on and licked it’s elbow gently with an even lap of her tongue, the tan fur there turning slick as she finished. She wound up gnawing on her claw, trying to rid a dead layer from her nail. When she finished, she licked her chops and stretched her back, her tail shaking as she finished. She felt more mellow, strangely.
All she could hear was:
One robin feather, two robin feather...

It repeated in her head, over and over again. It would be stuck in her ears all day after this. She couldn’t wait to busy herself with more herb shredding or sleeping or eating or fighting or something to get it out.
The wind certainly helped, the breeze in her fluffy ear fur vibrating her membrane and making her brain filled with sounds.
“Just wait until Snapbranch sees me now! I bet he’ll be impressed.” She meowed, puffing out her chest in pride. Next time she was forced to balance on a fallen tree, rotting and teetering in the air, she would stay up there with three paws in the air, maybe even balancing on her tail, for hours on end.
Eat that, Snapbranch!

"You'll grow to be better at balance if you keep this up," Shinefang replied, "which will help with fighting if that's what you mean. Milk before freshkill." Shinefang was silent for a moment, considering her question. "Power," he said assuredly. "If every fight was decided by who was the biggest and strongest, Riverclan would win every battle. But the fact is that wit and speed can win a battle and neither of then have the problem that power comes with: when you are the biggest and strongest, it's easy to underestimate your opponents. And that's how you lose." The old tom pointed to the socket that once held his missing eye. "A kittypet did this to me when I was an apprentice. Nearly old enough to receive my warrior name. I was stronger and more skilled with special training he didn't have. You can see how well that turned out."

The younger shecat seemed so pleased with herself, the old tom couldn't help but smile wanly "I'm sure he will be, kit," he said, reaching out a paw to tossle the fur on top of her head. And if he doesn't, I'll make a nest out of his pelt. Wanting to end on a high note, Shinefang skulked to the edge of the plateau, his claws already extended. "Let's go on and head back," he meowed gruffly. He turned and walked backwards over the edge, his gnarled claws finding purchase in the tiny cracks and crevices of the stone as he climbed down. "Much easier than going up," he huffed.

pomegranate June 12th, 2018 08:41 PM

Re: SkyClan Training Plateau

Originally Posted by Charmer (Post 512667)
"You'll grow to be better at balance if you keep this up," Shinefang replied, "which will help with fighting if that's what you mean. Milk before freshkill." Shinefang was silent for a moment, considering her question. "Power," he said assuredly. "If every fight was decided by who was the biggest and strongest, Riverclan would win every battle. But the fact is that wit and speed can win a battle and neither of then have the problem that power comes with: when you are the biggest and strongest, it's easy to underestimate your opponents. And that's how you lose." The old tom pointed to the socket that once held his missing eye. "A kittypet did this to me when I was an apprentice. Nearly old enough to receive my warrior name. I was stronger and more skilled with special training he didn't have. You can see how well that turned out."

The younger shecat seemed so pleased with herself, the old tom couldn't help but smile wanly "I'm sure he will be, kit," he said, reaching out a paw to tossle the fur on top of her head. And if he doesn't, I'll make a nest out of his pelt. Wanting to end on a high note, Shinefang skulked to the edge of the plateau, his claws already extended. "Let's go on and head back," he meowed gruffly. He turned and walked backwards over the edge, his gnarled claws finding purchase in the tiny cracks and crevices of the stone as he climbed down. "Much easier than going up," he huffed.

Ringpaw saw his missing eye in a new light.
If a Kittypet did that, he really wasn’t lying. Maybe training so hard to impress Snaobranch was as important as training hard to be a good warrior, strong enough to live and fight, but with enough sense to be wary of others.
“I bet others underestimate me. I’m small, but I’m sure I could fight off hoards of Riverclanners!” She meowed proudly as Shinefang’s paw rubbed in her brow.
“I mean, if I can learn to stand still for more than fifteen robin feathers.” She meowed, purring slightly at her own joke. Shinefang may not find it too amusing, but she certainly liked it.
Standing taller at his words of encouragement, she stepped forward after the tom. He was certainly right! Snapbranch would be impressed, and skill, speed, and wit were more valuable than power.
I hope I can be just like Shinefang one day. She thought, smiling to the back of his head. He was the type of role model she wanted to aim to be.
“I want to be just like you one day. A skillful fighter, and a reasonable clanmate.” She said aloud to him, repeating her thoughts so he could hear her compliment.
She padded forward and waited her turn, watching as the yellow tabby descended down the rocky cliff face.
How come going down was easier? Gravity, perhaps. Maybe that’s why it’s so hard to rise to the top. Her? Ringpaw wanted to stay in the middle from now on. Because if she had other attributes over power, like Shinefang said, she could learn to become a great cat who surprised everyone.
“Quick question, did you surprise everyone when you became such a great medicine cat?” If he had been a warrior before his new profession, she guessed that a lot of felines in Skyclan didn’t approve. But why not?
She stepped down a bit, holding on to the rocks below her with her claws. She looked like a tiny mountain goat, trying to balance on a toothpick on the windy mountain top that reached all the way to Silverpelt.
Her mint green eyes focused on the path Shinefang was walking on. If they could support a fully grown tom, they should be able to support a tiny little runt like her.
She leapt down a large jump, and landed at about Shinefang’s shoulders.

Charmer June 12th, 2018 09:57 PM

Re: SkyClan Training Plateau

Originally Posted by Silver Fishie (Post 512672)

Ringpaw saw his missing eye in a new light.
If a Kittypet did that, he really wasn’t lying. Maybe training so hard to impress Snaobranch was as important as training hard to be a good warrior, strong enough to live and fight, but with enough sense to be wary of others.
“I bet others underestimate me. I’m small, but I’m sure I could fight off hoards of Riverclanners!” She meowed proudly as Shinefang’s paw rubbed in her brow.
“I mean, if I can learn to stand still for more than fifteen robin feathers.” She meowed, purring slightly at her own joke. Shinefang may not find it too amusing, but she certainly liked it.
Standing taller at his words of encouragement, she stepped forward after the tom. He was certainly right! Snapbranch would be impressed, and skill, speed, and wit were more valuable than power.
I hope I can be just like Shinefang one day. She thought, smiling to the back of his head. He was the type of role model she wanted to aim to be.
“I want to be just like you one day. A skillful fighter, and a reasonable clanmate.” She said aloud to him, repeating her thoughts so he could hear her compliment.
She padded forward and waited her turn, watching as the yellow tabby descended down the rocky cliff face.
How come going down was easier? Gravity, perhaps. Maybe that’s why it’s so hard to rise to the top. Her? Ringpaw wanted to stay in the middle from now on. Because if she had other attributes over power, like Shinefang said, she could learn to become a great cat who surprised everyone.
“Quick question, did you surprise everyone when you became such a great medicine cat?” If he had been a warrior before his new profession, she guessed that a lot of felines in Skyclan didn’t approve. But why not?
She stepped down a bit, holding on to the rocks below her with her claws. She looked like a tiny mountain goat, trying to balance on a toothpick on the windy mountain top that reached all the way to Silverpelt.
Her mint green eyes focused on the path Shinefang was walking on. If they could support a fully grown tom, they should be able to support a tiny little runt like her.
She leapt down a large jump, and landed at about Shinefang’s shoulders.

Shinefang didn't respond to the apprentice's jabbering, focusing instead on the climb down from the plateau. He wasn't a young cat anymore and a fall from too high could end in a broken leg. And if that happened, well... who tends to an injured medicine cat. He supposed if it came down to it, Daydream may be willing to make a few trips to Skyclan. But of course, older cats didn't heal from injuries like broken bones nearly as well as younger cats. Sometimes they didn't heal at all... With a heavy heart he glanced up at the sheer edge of the plateau. He wished that before he had started to climb down he had looked into the distant from the top. He wished he had waited and watched the sun setting over the trees. In his heart, he knew he had probably stood on the training plateau for the last time.

“I want to be just like you one day. A skillful fighter, and a reasonable clanmate.”

Ringpaw's chiming little voice broke through his thoughts and he paused as he climbed. Just for a second, then he started carefully working his way down again. Be like him? She didn't know what that entailed. "Don't worry, kit. You'll be old and bitter before you know what happened." He heard her ask a question about becoming a medicine cat and as he was still searching for his next foothold, she suddenly dropped, hooking onto the cliff-side next to him like a squirrel on a tree trunk. "Starclan!" he gasped, catching the breath she had scared out of him. "I'm not a great medicine cat, kit. I'm just a warrior who saw what Skyclan needed and stepped up. Surgestorm, Wheatfur, Daydream, those are great medicine cats." Grunting with the effort, Shinefang climbed the last few feet to the ground and stepped down, shaking out his pelt and sending a cloud of grit from the cliff into the air. "When I took this job I'd been to the medicine den myself so many times I could figure out how to dress a battle wound. Those three taught me hour to treat illnesses with herbs. And I didn't even finish learning all that long ago." The old tom turned away, beginning to trot back toward camp. "They taught me as best they could, but I'm just doing the best I can here."

pomegranate June 13th, 2018 06:29 AM

Re: SkyClan Training Plateau

Originally Posted by Charmer (Post 512697)
Shinefang didn't respond to the apprentice's jabbering, focusing instead on the climb down from the plateau. He wasn't a young cat anymore and a fall from too high could end in a broken leg. And if that happened, well... who tends to an injured medicine cat. He supposed if it came down to it, Daydream may be willing to make a few trips to Skyclan. But of course, older cats didn't heal from injuries like broken bones nearly as well as younger cats. Sometimes they didn't heal at all... With a heavy heart he glanced up at the sheer edge of the plateau. He wished that before he had started to climb down he had looked into the distant from the top. He wished he had waited and watched the sun setting over the trees. In his heart, he knew he had probably stood on the training plateau for the last time.

“I want to be just like you one day. A skillful fighter, and a reasonable clanmate.”

Ringpaw's chiming little voice broke through his thoughts and he paused as he climbed. Just for a second, then he started carefully working his way down again. Be like him? She didn't know what that entailed. "Don't worry, kit. You'll be old and bitter before you know what happened." He heard her ask a question about becoming a medicine cat and as he was still searching for his next foothold, she suddenly dropped, hooking onto the cliff-side next to him like a squirrel on a tree trunk. "Starclan!" he gasped, catching the breath she had scared out of him. "I'm not a great medicine cat, kit. I'm just a warrior who saw what Skyclan needed and stepped up. Surgestorm, Wheatfur, Daydream, those are great medicine cats." Grunting with the effort, Shinefang climbed the last few feet to the ground and stepped down, shaking out his pelt and sending a cloud of grit from the cliff into the air. "When I took this job I'd been to the medicine den myself so many times I could figure out how to dress a battle wound. Those three taught me hour to treat illnesses with herbs. And I didn't even finish learning all that long ago." The old tom turned away, beginning to trot back toward camp. "They taught me as best they could, but I'm just doing the best I can here."

Ringpaw listened as he went on.
“Old and bitter? I mean, you’re um, elderly perhaps but you don’t seem bitter, just sarcastic.” She meowed. His tone had such a voice, it was rich but simply sad and a bit... deflated, like a wilting flower. But she had to agree, Shinefang was getting that age where even he called himself old. Checking, from all her visits to the elders den, there were only a few cats who even measured up to his age.
Imagine living that long... she thought. What would she even do? Well, she’d get to scold kits and apprentices for things that she had done in her time. That would be interesting.
For some reason, the air got extremely choked for just a split second, before it was ushered away by the breeze.
She swore she had seen Shinefang glance back at the top of the training plateau with an almost wistful expression that she couldn’t place on any feelings chart she had in her mind. She cocked her head as he turned back.
What was that about? She asked herself, but continue to scale down the cliff, the cool rocks sliding beneath her paw pads.
As she scrabbled for a foothold after jumping down, she let out an exclamation.
“Sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you!” She had thought he would have just continued on in silence, but she wanted to be eye level to see what he was saying through his one eye.
She couldn’t see it just yet, but if he ever looked at her he could.
“But isn’t Surgestorm dead? And who’s Wheatfur?” She asked curiously. She had never met or heard of a Wheatfur, and Surgestorm had just passed. Besides, why didn’t Shinefang think that he was a great medicine cat?
As he thumped down to the ground, she waited a few moments until he passed, not wanting to scare him again.
Landing softly on the grass below, she shook out one paw she had landed hard on, and let her claws pick into the grass. Her mint green eyes glimmering, she bounded back to his side.
“I think you’re doing fine!” She meowed sweetly. But what do I know? Maybe he isn’t just doubting himself. But I doubt that. She thought to herself with a hum.
Bouncing forwards, she smiled up at him.
“Thanks for letting me help with the herbs and training me. It was fun! Maybe I can come back tomorrow to help finish with that thyme.” She suggested, flicking her tail airily as she pranced beside him. “Snapbranch might be looking for me soon.” She growled sadly, looking off into the direction of where camp would be, if there were no trees in the way.
Her paws shaking, she carefully tiptoed closer and then stood up as high as she could and gave Shinefang a lick on the cheek.
She had really ever done that to Snowbranch and this one Elder, Cream something, but she knew that she always had done it to them when she was thanking them for a piece of fresh kill or an amazing story.
Stepping back down, she turned and glanced behind her one last time.
“See you later!” She called warmly, before rounding back and jogging off towards camp.
She couldn’t wait to show Snapbranch what Shinefang had taught her!

lone June 14th, 2018 02:23 PM

Re: SkyClan Training Plateau

Originally Posted by Thistledawn (Post 507412)
Letting out a gigantic sigh of relief, Cherrypaw padded towards her mentor. He seemed to be in a good mood so far, so perhaps she wouldn't start out this training session by getting in trouble. "I'm good." The white she-cat automatically responded. "It's a pretty morning, don't you think?" She cast her blue eyes up at the sky, appreciating the warming sun rays on her fur. She had been excited for another training session, but now that she was here all she wanted to do was climb up into a tree and take a little nap amongst the leaves and the breeze. When she was a warrior she'd be able to do that whenever she wanted. It was coming up soon, she remembered. The moons of training were going to pay off when Cherrypaw finally received her warrior name. "Alright, what are we doing today?" The apprentice asked, trying to keep her focus on her mentor.

Following her gaze up to the sky, the orange tom shrugged a little. He normally noticed things like the “pretty mornings,” but lately, he’d been almost too busy to really see things like that. ”I thought we’d start with a review. From there, I’ll teach you a few new moves, and then you can be done for the day.” Cherrypaw was becoming more advanced in her training. This didn’t come as too much of a surprise to him, he’d always thought she would do well, but she was advancing even more quickly then he had expected. ”That is, assuming you want to be done?” There was a teasing gleam in his eye as he spoke. Most apprentices (himself included at that age) would have welcomed a chance to get out of training early, after all the expectations and glamour had worn off and there was just bare reality left. Cherrypaw certainly wasn’t an exception to that - as much as he cared for the little she cat, he could guess she would probably be thrilled to get to go out and have some hard-earned time with her friends.

Thistledawn June 21st, 2018 10:18 PM

Re: SkyClan Training Plateau

Originally Posted by Lonestar23 (Post 513276)
Following her gaze up to the sky, the orange tom shrugged a little. He normally noticed things like the “pretty mornings,” but lately, he’d been almost too busy to really see things like that. ”I thought we’d start with a review. From there, I’ll teach you a few new moves, and then you can be done for the day.” Cherrypaw was becoming more advanced in her training. This didn’t come as too much of a surprise to him, he’d always thought she would do well, but she was advancing even more quickly then he had expected. ”That is, assuming you want to be done?” There was a teasing gleam in his eye as he spoke. Most apprentices (himself included at that age) would have welcomed a chance to get out of training early, after all the expectations and glamour had worn off and there was just bare reality left. Cherrypaw certainly wasn’t an exception to that - as much as he cared for the little she cat, he could guess she would probably be thrilled to get to go out and have some hard-earned time with her friends.

Cherrypaw knew she should get as much training in as she could to reach her maximum potential and become a warrior SkyClan could be proud of, but she certainly couldn't let this opportunity to have some "me-time" slip away from her. "That sounds great!" Cherrypaw purred, unable to contain her excitement. She'd just have to make sure she earned her free time by working hard during this training session. The apprentice wasn't too worried about making that happen, however. She knew Blazingcomet would alway push her to be the best she could be and would work her hard during this training session as he did during all the others. She was glad to have the ginger tom as her mentor, hoping one day she'd be just as good as a mentor as he was.

lone June 29th, 2018 01:04 PM

Re: SkyClan Training Plateau

Originally Posted by Thistledawn (Post 515433)
Cherrypaw knew she should get as much training in as she could to reach her maximum potential and become a warrior SkyClan could be proud of, but she certainly couldn't let this opportunity to have some "me-time" slip away from her. "That sounds great!" Cherrypaw purred, unable to contain her excitement. She'd just have to make sure she earned her free time by working hard during this training session. The apprentice wasn't too worried about making that happen, however. She knew Blazingcomet would alway push her to be the best she could be and would work her hard during this training session as he did during all the others. She was glad to have the ginger tom as her mentor, hoping one day she'd be just as good as a mentor as he was.

A smile broke out over Blazingcomet’s maw as he watched his apprentice’s expression, glad that she had retained some of her youthful excitement - it was nice to see apprentices who were both hardworking and playful, able to switch back and forth and knowing when it was time to work and when it was time to play. He had, unfortunately, had trouble telling the difference between work-time and playtime in his own youth, but it was much easier to tell now. Blazingcomet was glad Cherrypaw seemed to be smarter than he had as a young apprentice. In general, she cats seemed to be just a little smarter than toms as young cats. It varied, he supposed, but when he was an apprentice… it’d seemed as if every she cat was more determined than he was to do a good job. ”Good. We’ll start with you blocking my attack. Ready?” He moved back a little bit, eyeing the she cat almost doubtfully, like he wasn’t quite sure she would be able to do it. She knew this, though… surely she’d be fine.

Thistledawn July 2nd, 2018 10:24 PM

Re: SkyClan Training Plateau

Originally Posted by Lonestar23 (Post 518005)
A smile broke out over Blazingcomet’s maw as he watched his apprentice’s expression, glad that she had retained some of her youthful excitement - it was nice to see apprentices who were both hardworking and playful, able to switch back and forth and knowing when it was time to work and when it was time to play. He had, unfortunately, had trouble telling the difference between work-time and playtime in his own youth, but it was much easier to tell now. Blazingcomet was glad Cherrypaw seemed to be smarter than he had as a young apprentice. In general, she cats seemed to be just a little smarter than toms as young cats. It varied, he supposed, but when he was an apprentice… it’d seemed as if every she cat was more determined than he was to do a good job. ”Good. We’ll start with you blocking my attack. Ready?” He moved back a little bit, eyeing the she cat almost doubtfully, like he wasn’t quite sure she would be able to do it. She knew this, though… surely she’d be fine.

Blazingcomet's smile was contagious as a smile of equal radiance appeared on his apprentice's face as well. Glad she was sharing this moment with her mentor, the little white she-cat tried to take a picture of this moment in her mind to save for later. Maybe this could be one of the many memories the two cats could bring up when they were both older and wanted to reminisce in the good times. Though Cherrypaw was very eager to get her warrior name and be treated as a full member of SkyClan, she would miss training with her mentor and spending time with a (mostly) like-minded cat. "I'm ready!" The she-cat told the ginger tom enthusiastically. She'd noticed how Blazingcomet was eyeballing her, making her a little unsure. She tried to ignore it and keep her mind focused at the task at hand. He'd attack at any moment and she had to be ready. They'd done this before and Cherrypaw knew what to do now. She could do this.

lone July 9th, 2018 01:43 PM

Re: SkyClan Training Plateau

Originally Posted by Thistledawn (Post 519257)
Blazingcomet's smile was contagious as a smile of equal radiance appeared on his apprentice's face as well. Glad she was sharing this moment with her mentor, the little white she-cat tried to take a picture of this moment in her mind to save for later. Maybe this could be one of the many memories the two cats could bring up when they were both older and wanted to reminisce in the good times. Though Cherrypaw was very eager to get her warrior name and be treated as a full member of SkyClan, she would miss training with her mentor and spending time with a (mostly) like-minded cat. "I'm ready!" The she-cat told the ginger tom enthusiastically. She'd noticed how Blazingcomet was eyeballing her, making her a little unsure. She tried to ignore it and keep her mind focused at the task at hand. He'd attack at any moment and she had to be ready. They'd done this before and Cherrypaw knew what to do now. She could do this.

Upon Cherrypaw’s confirmation that she was ready, Blazingcomet prepared himself and, after taking one last look over his apprentice, sprang towards her. His paws hit the ground at an alarming speed, twisted paw more awkwardly than the others, but holding up surprisingly well. The tom had been practicing himself, and he was doing much better than usual. At the last moment, when it seemed like he was sure to crash into Cherrypaw and they would both crumple to the ground, the warrior leapt through the air and landed directly behind the fluffy white feline. Moving quickly, paying more attention to his movements than hers, Blazingcomet’s paw shot out and he tried to pull her down, curling his twisted paw around her hind leg like a hook. He’d tried this move before, and while it had an okay success rate, it wasn’t something he’d ever tried on an experienced warrior… they would know exactly how to counter it. He would make sure that Cherrypaw knew what she was doing… just in case an occasion where she would have to free herself from something like this came up.

RedHead July 15th, 2018 11:39 AM

Re: SkyClan Training Plateau

@Empress Of Evil

Okay, I might not have been able to successfully pull my prank, but at least training is the next best thing! Excitment coursed through the ginger tom’s veins as he bounded onto the training plateau, knowing his mentor wasn’t far behind. He’d jumped for joy when Auroraflame told him they’d be training today, he jumped for joy whenever they trained. Really, whenever he was doing anything that made his blood flow and his heart pump with excitement. That excludes apprentice duties, which he had to do quite a lot of. But Blazepaw figured that was worth all the trouble he got into. He was used to getting caught before doing a prank, but he’d continue it anyways, having learned the punishments at this point. He was great friends with most of the elders, and they appreciated how thorough he was with his job when caring for them.
But today, Blazepaw hadn’t gotten into any trouble, which was a record for him. And it seemed as if his evening was going to be taken up by training. Which was something the tomcat realized. I think I might lose my three moon streak... Of course, he always had something up his fur. He knew he’d find a way to land himself an extra chore for tomorrow, somehow. He always did, even if it was not on purpose.

Empress Of Evil July 20th, 2018 04:10 AM

Re: SkyClan Training Plateau

Originally Posted by RedHead (Post 523244)

@Empress Of Evil

Okay, I might not have been able to successfully pull my prank, but at least training is the next best thing! Excitment coursed through the ginger tom’s veins as he bounded onto the training plateau, knowing his mentor wasn’t far behind. He’d jumped for joy when Auroraflame told him they’d be training today, he jumped for joy whenever they trained. Really, whenever he was doing anything that made his blood flow and his heart pump with excitement. That excludes apprentice duties, which he had to do quite a lot of. But Blazepaw figured that was worth all the trouble he got into. He was used to getting caught before doing a prank, but he’d continue it anyways, having learned the punishments at this point. He was great friends with most of the elders, and they appreciated how thorough he was with his job when caring for them.
But today, Blazepaw hadn’t gotten into any trouble, which was a record for him. And it seemed as if his evening was going to be taken up by training. Which was something the tomcat realized. I think I might lose my three moon streak... Of course, he always had something up his fur. He knew he’d find a way to land himself an extra chore for tomorrow, somehow. He always did, even if it was not on purpose.

She followed apprentice through the woods, walking at her usual fast pace but Blazepaw still stayed in front of her. Perhaps the apprentice's enthusiasm was enough energy to make him walk faster than she normally did. Auroraflame had decided to do a bit of training with her apprentice today. There was still a lot he had to learn and since she had to juggle her deputy duties along with everything else that a normal warrior did, she didn't want to risk having Blazepaw fall behind the other cats his age.
Auroraflame always kept one eye on her apprentice whilst she let her attention wander to other places at the same time. She focused on her even pawsteps which created a rhythm beneath her. She focused on the gentle breeze that weaved past the trees that stretched high towards the sky, their branches moving outwards and the leaves creating a ceiling that hid the sky. Blue patches of the sky could be seen through the leaves but forest had a green glow to it because of the lush undergrowth.
"Don't go too fast!" She called to Blazepaw. "You'll need your energy for today's lesson!" She was planning on doing some battle training with the tom today. As they entered the training plateau, she noticed that the area was pretty much empty. Auroraflame made her way towards the centre of the plateau. Seeing as no one was here, she may as well embrace the space. She sat down, tucking her paws in beneath her and resting her tail in front of her paws. She waited for Blazepaw to settle down and then she spoke. "Alright, for the lesson we'll be doing some battle training and I'm going to try and cover a few things," Auroraflame started. "First, we'll revise on the moves which use our front paws, and then I'll teach you the 'leap and hold'. Once we've done a bit of work on that we can brainstorm and work on techniques specifically for you if your opponent has you pinned on the ground," she continued. She gave him a few moments to make a comment and then she leaped to her paws and moved a few steps away from the tom. "Okay, I want you to attack me with sheathed paws and try and use your frontal attacks as much as possible. You can use the front paw blow and try and give me a hard knock on my head, or you could use the forepaw slash and try to claw me, or you could surprise me with some other move. Of course, remember to have your paws sheathed," she said, gazing down at him sternly as she said the last part. "At the same time we'll be dodging and focusing on protecting ourselves. Feel free to aim for whatever body part you want, but both of us can only use our front paws to make our attacks. If I believe the way you use your front paws to attack is good enough, we'll move on and think about defense against frontal attacks." She wanted to make sure that they covered everything before they moved onto something new. With that, Auroraflame moved into an attack crouch, baring her teeth and moving her back ankles up and down, ready to reach forward and swipe at her apprentice, but she waited for him to make the first move.

Leopardblaze August 2nd, 2018 11:45 PM

Re: SkyClan Training Plateau
Leopardpaw glanced around the training plateau as she followed her mentor, excitement gleaming in her leafy green eyes. I hope I get learn how to fight! She flicked her tail looking at the sky nearly stumbling over a stick. "Whoah!" she hissed as quietly as she could manage even though she was certain that her mentor heard her stumble. " What are we going to do today, Dapplesplash?" she meowed turning to the tortoiseshell, trying to brush off that embarrassing moment , Leopardpaw's golden brown spotted fur fluffing in excitement. Suddenly a thought popped into her head. "Dapplesplash, are all of SkyClan's battle moves done from the trees?" she asked curiously.

@Ombre Party

Pluto August 3rd, 2018 11:34 AM

Re: SkyClan Training Plateau

Originally Posted by Leopardblaze (Post 530644)
Leopardpaw glanced around the training plateau as she followed her mentor, excitement gleaming in her leafy green eyes. I hope I get learn how to fight! She flicked her tail looking at the sky nearly stumbling over a stick. "Whoah!" she hissed as quietly as she could manage even though she was certain that her mentor heard her stumble. " What are we going to do today, Dapplesplash?" she meowed turning to the tortoiseshell, trying to brush off that embarrassing moment , Leopardpaw's golden brown spotted fur fluffing in excitement. Suddenly a thought popped into her head. "Dapplesplash, are all of SkyClan's battle moves done from the trees?" she asked curiously.

@Ombre Party

Dapplesplash hid an amused glance at her apprentice and continued walking as though she hadn't heard it. "Battle training!" She smiled, her gaze wistful. Her eyes flickered around to make sure they were almost at the Plateau, and she was correct. "No, not all of them." Dapplesplash shook her head."Even though its our strength, sometimes its better to have an entrance from the trees rather than fight in the trees. That being said, it's probably better if we fight we're our enemies are instead of taunting them like cowards." A couple more steps and they'd arrived at the Plateau.

Leopardblaze August 4th, 2018 06:48 PM

Re: SkyClan Training Plateau

Originally Posted by Ombre Party (Post 530747)

Dapplesplash hid an amused glance at her apprentice and continued walking as though she hadn't heard it. "Battle training!" She smiled, her gaze wistful. Her eyes flickered around to make sure they were almost at the Plateau, and she was correct. "No, not all of them." Dapplesplash shook her head."Even though its our strength, sometimes its better to have an entrance from the trees rather than fight in the trees. That being said, it's probably better if we fight we're our enemies are instead of taunting them like cowards." A couple more steps and they'd arrived at the Plateau.

"Yes!" Leopardpaw meowed full of excitement as she followed her mentor towards the training Plateau. She listened closely to her mentor as she explained that not all fighting was done from the trees. "I can't wait to start practicing!" she added flicking her ear, her tail twitching happily. "Are we going to practice them all today?" she asked looking around before turning to her mentor. She recalled how tired she felt on her first day of training even though it was climbing, something she would have to know very well.

Pluto August 4th, 2018 10:50 PM

Re: SkyClan Training Plateau

Originally Posted by Leopardblaze (Post 531305)
"Yes!" Leopardpaw meowed full of excitement as she followed her mentor towards the training Plateau. She listened closely to her mentor as she explained that not all fighting was done from the trees. "I can't wait to start practicing!" she added flicking her ear, her tail twitching happily. "Are we going to practice them all today?" she asked looking around before turning to her mentor. She recalled how tired she felt on her first day of training even though it was climbing, something she would have to know very well.

"Oh no! Of course not." She chided, but in an effort to keep up her apprentices spirit, she added, "That's impossible. As great as an apprentice you are, Leopardpaw, no apprentice will ever learn all the fighting and defensive moves in a training session." Wistfully she thought before adding once more, "Well except for maybe if that training session lasted a moon without pause." She joked.

Leopardblaze August 5th, 2018 12:36 AM

Re: SkyClan Training Plateau

Originally Posted by Ombre Party (Post 531445)

"Oh no! Of course not." She chided, but in an effort to keep up her apprentices spirit, she added, "That's impossible. As great as an apprentice you are, Leopardpaw, no apprentice will ever learn all the fighting and defensive moves in a training session." Wistfully she thought before adding once more, "Well except for maybe if that training session lasted a moon without pause." She joked.

Leopardpaw let out an amused purr at Dapplesplash, not letting her mentor's chiding phase her, "I guess that would be a 'little' long." She felt the excitement fill her chest, her tail flicking happily. "So what move are we going to do first?" she asked eagerly, enthusiasm filling her voice. Sunlight shone down, its golden rays warming her fur.

North August 6th, 2018 04:11 AM

Re: SkyClan Training Plateau
Cloverwhisker listened as Gorsepaw explained her lack of tail, ocean eyes soft and amiable. She was pleased to hear Gorsepaw had found solace in Shinefang, and entertained herself with training. Her apprentice had shown herself to be a very capable and determined she-cat, who Cloverwhisker was pleased to have as her apprentice. Before the creamy feline could respond to Gorsepaw, the excitable apprentice had darted off in the direction of the training plateau, Cloverwhisker trotting off after her. The warrior's tail was raised high in the air, her ears perked up, as she ambled over to Gorsepaw's side. She cast a thoughtful look around them, taking in the different scenarios being played out by mentors and their apprentices all over the plateau. After a moment, the quiet she-cat looked to her apprentice with reassuring eyes; "Whenever you're ready," She encouraged, attentive gaze ready to analyse what Gorsepaw had managed to learn independently. Cloverwhisker was impressed by Gorsepaw's ability to learn things for herself, and her eagerness to learn and challenge herself was something the warrior hadn't seen in many cats. She knew without a doubt that she would not regret mentoring Gorsepaw.

Pluto August 9th, 2018 07:59 PM

Re: SkyClan Training Plateau

Originally Posted by Leopardblaze (Post 531484)

Leopardpaw let out an amused purr at Dapplesplash, not letting her mentor's chiding phase her, "I guess that would be a 'little' long." She felt the excitement fill her chest, her tail flicking happily. "So what move are we going to do first?" she asked eagerly, enthusiasm filling her voice. Sunlight shone down, its golden rays warming her fur.

Dapplesplash laughed. "Well, would you like a defensive move, or offensive move first?" She asked her lively apprentice.

Leopardblaze August 9th, 2018 08:37 PM

Re: SkyClan Training Plateau

Originally Posted by Ombre Party (Post 533280)

Dapplesplash laughed. "Well, would you like a defensive move, or offensive move first?" She asked her lively apprentice.

Leopardpaw thought briefly about what type of fighting move she wanted to learn before meowing excitedly," An offensive move!" She wanted to be a great fighter when she became a warrior.

Pluto August 9th, 2018 08:55 PM

Re: SkyClan Training Plateau

Originally Posted by Leopardblaze (Post 533294)
Leopardpaw thought briefly about what type of fighting move she wanted to learn before meowing excitedly," An offensive move!" She wanted to be a great fighter when she became a warrior.

"Ok." She purred. "There is one, where if you lunge at a warrior, they might duck, and if they do, you must be prepared to dive down and knock the air out of their stomach with your paws." She demonstrated on a bracken bush. "Now you try." She indicated to a lower bracken bush.

Leopardblaze August 9th, 2018 09:16 PM

Re: SkyClan Training Plateau

Originally Posted by Ombre Party (Post 533299)

"Ok." She purred. "There is one, where if you lunge at a warrior, they might duck, and if they do, you must be prepared to dive down and knock the air out of their stomach with your paws." She demonstrated on a bracken bush. "Now you try." She indicated to a lower bracken bush.

Leopardpaw watched very closely as her mentor demonstrated the technique on the bush in front of them. "Ok," she nodded looking to the bush. She did her best to recreate her mentor's stance before she lunged at the bush, diving towards where the belly of a cat would be. Her paws hit the bottom of the bush near the place she was supposed to before stumbling a bit as she tried to balance herself when she landed.

NightWarrior4Life August 10th, 2018 04:04 AM

Re: SkyClan Training Plateau

Originally Posted by ~Northern_Lights~ (Post 532101)
Cloverwhisker listened as Gorsepaw explained her lack of tail, ocean eyes soft and amiable. She was pleased to hear Gorsepaw had found solace in Shinefang, and entertained herself with training. Her apprentice had shown herself to be a very capable and determined she-cat, who Cloverwhisker was pleased to have as her apprentice. Before the creamy feline could respond to Gorsepaw, the excitable apprentice had darted off in the direction of the training plateau, Cloverwhisker trotting off after her. The warrior's tail was raised high in the air, her ears perked up, as she ambled over to Gorsepaw's side. She cast a thoughtful look around them, taking in the different scenarios being played out by mentors and their apprentices all over the plateau. After a moment, the quiet she-cat looked to her apprentice with reassuring eyes; "Whenever you're ready," She encouraged, attentive gaze ready to analyse what Gorsepaw had managed to learn independently. Cloverwhisker was impressed by Gorsepaw's ability to learn things for herself, and her eagerness to learn and challenge herself was something the warrior hadn't seen in many cats. She knew without a doubt that she would not regret mentoring Gorsepaw.

The brown tabby dropped into a crouch and slowly crept forward. She was focusing on a rock, imagining it was a mouse. Once she felt she was close enough she pounced and held it between her paws. "Gotcha!" She exclaimed, yellow-green eyes shining proudly.

Pluto August 10th, 2018 10:40 AM

Re: SkyClan Training Plateau

Originally Posted by Leopardblaze (Post 533304)

Leopardpaw watched very closely as her mentor demonstrated the technique on the bush in front of them. "Ok," she nodded looking to the bush. She did her best to recreate her mentor's stance before she lunged at the bush, diving towards where the belly of a cat would be. Her paws hit the bottom of the bush near the place she was supposed to before stumbling a bit as she tried to balance herself when she landed.

"Let yourself slide more - even though a warrior will be taller than you, when their flying towards you, you're not going to want to be standing up. So once you slide, which shouldn't be for a long time, just a whisker length, don't forget to roll on your back and then strike out with your paws." Dapplesplash corrected. "Don't be afraid to tell me if you want me to demonstrate again."

North August 10th, 2018 11:58 AM

Re: SkyClan Training Plateau

Originally Posted by NightWarrior4Life (Post 533331)
The brown tabby dropped into a crouch and slowly crept forward. She was focusing on a rock, imagining it was a mouse. Once she felt she was close enough she pounced and held it between her paws. "Gotcha!" She exclaimed, yellow-green eyes shining proudly.

Watery gaze looked on encouragingly, eyes scanning Gorsepaw's movements attentively. The apprentice had done well in her self-taught endeavours, Cloverwhisker failing to find too many obvious errors. Careful analysis allowed the she-cat to pick up on one main flaw, "Your general posture was near enough perfect. But make sure you keep your tail more above the ground next time; not too raised prey can see it, but not too low it will brush against the ground and make noise," The she-cat explained softly, trying her best to sound confident in her explanation. She had never mentored, so she was eager to ensure she did everything correctly. Any other issues with Gorsepaw's hunting techniques would likely become more obvious in an actual hunting situation, given her demonstration revolved around an inanimate rock. But the creamy feline was quite contempt with Gorsepaw's general technique, noting it could probably do the trick at catching a mouse; not to mention she was a young apprentice, all self-taught abilities aside. "You can either run it through again, working on your tail, or move on to a different demonstration, as the tail issue is not too drastic," The mentor explained, tail flicking up in the dirt as she lowered down onto her haunches.

Leopardblaze August 13th, 2018 10:27 PM

Re: SkyClan Training Plateau

Originally Posted by Ombre Party (Post 533364)

"Let yourself slide more - even though a warrior will be taller than you, when their flying towards you, you're not going to want to be standing up. So once you slide, which shouldn't be for a long time, just a whisker length, don't forget to roll on your back and then strike out with your paws." Dapplesplash corrected. "Don't be afraid to tell me if you want me to demonstrate again."

Leopardpaw listened to her mentor's corrections playing out the scene in her head before nodding," I'll try it again!" She crouched slightly before lunging once again at the bush, diving more directly towards the place she was supposed to be. As her paws landed on the ground she felt herself slide more than she did on her previous attempt, as her mentor had instructed. She rolled onto her back as quickly as she could swiping her paws at the bush's small branches that hung over her head, managing to send a few leaves swirling down. She looked over to her mentor as she rolled onto her side as she got to her paws, "How was that?"

Pluto August 14th, 2018 11:59 AM

Re: SkyClan Training Plateau

Originally Posted by Leopardblaze (Post 534437)
Leopardpaw listened to her mentor's corrections playing out the scene in her head before nodding," I'll try it again!" She crouched slightly before lunging once again at the bush, diving more directly towards the place she was supposed to be. As her paws landed on the ground she felt herself slide more than she did on her previous attempt, as her mentor had instructed. She rolled onto her back as quickly as she could swiping her paws at the bush's small branches that hung over her head, managing to send a few leaves swirling down. She looked over to her mentor as she rolled onto her side as she got to her paws, "How was that?"

Dapplesplash nodded. "That was great!" She purred. "Lets practice a little more before we try another move." Dapplesplash said, adding, "Oh, and don't forget to slide on your back as you as you have balance! The more time you have for swipes at their belly the more of a chance you have at making them flee!" She said happily. Sitting down, she watched her apprentice with a purr.

Leopardblaze August 18th, 2018 08:51 PM

Re: SkyClan Training Plateau

Originally Posted by Ombre Party (Post 534479)

Dapplesplash nodded. "That was great!" She purred. "Lets practice a little more before we try another move." Dapplesplash said, adding, "Oh, and don't forget to slide on your back as you as you have balance! The more time you have for swipes at their belly the more of a chance you have at making them flee!" She said happily. Sitting down, she watched her apprentice with a purr.

Leopardpaw listened to her mentor, happy that she had done it correctly. She would never want to let Dapplesplash down. Focusing on what her mentor had told her she prepared to try the move again. "Okay!" she meowed determined to do it better than the last time. She lunged at the bush, diving into the same area as before. As she felt the ground under her paws she let herself slide for a heartbeat before twisting onto her back as quickly as she could so that the momentum would allow her to slide on her back as well. Landing a few swift blows onto the little branch. Getting to her paws she shook a few of the tiny leave that clung to her shoulder. " Was that better?" she asked hoping she had improved.

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