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Seraphon October 18th, 2017 04:32 PM

Re: ThunderClan Training Cave

Originally Posted by Chameleon (Post 405872)
Chameleonvine nodded,"Good."

Pinkpaw nervously entered the training hollow terrified to learn to fight.

"Yay!" Bingo jumped up and down.

Mango October 18th, 2017 06:22 PM

Re: ThunderClan Training Cave

Originally Posted by Leo the Loke (Post 406554)
"Yay!" Bingo jumped up and down.

Chameleonvine sighed in annoyance of Peachrain.

Seraphon October 20th, 2017 02:53 PM

Re: ThunderClan Training Cave

Originally Posted by Chameleon (Post 406667)
Chameleonvine sighed in annoyance of Peachrain.

Bingo gave her a sideways glance,"what is it?"

Mango October 20th, 2017 05:22 PM

Re: ThunderClan Training Cave

Originally Posted by Leo the Loke (Post 407395)
Bingo gave her a sideways glance,"what is it?"

Chameleonvine snorted,"Peachrain treating you like a kit." She meowed.

Mayflower October 23rd, 2017 06:28 AM

Re: ThunderClan Training Cave
Fernglow padded into the cave, his paw steps echoing off of the clod stone walls. He took a breath, exhaling and watching as it turned to fog in the colder air. Battle training. It wasn't his favorite subject, but it had to be taught. Especially when tensions were high like this. Shaking his head, Fernglow turned and watched Kestrelpaw with his greenish eyes. "So, are you ready to start?"


Momotaro October 23rd, 2017 09:08 AM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Chameleon (Post 402247)
(Okay, just bleeding and coughing then. IDK wounds lol)
Chameleonvine grunted as medicine cat began doing something to her. She wasn’t that aware of the sarcasm as the pain of the wounds distracted her.

Wheatfur binded the larger wounds with cobwebs, as most of the bleeding had died down. The molly was half unconscious, and to give her Poppy seeds may result in a form of comatose. He heaved up the warrior, laying her on his back, and started to walk back to camp.


Mango October 23rd, 2017 09:09 AM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by ~rattlesnake~ (Post 409594)

Wheatfur binded the larger wounds with cobwebs, as most of the bleeding had died down. The molly was half unconscious, and to give her Poppy seeds may result in a form of comatose. He heaved up the warrior, laying her on his back, and started to walk back to camp.


(Sure. Should I post her recovery in the med. den?)
Chameleonvine was carried off groaning before falling asleep.

Momotaro October 23rd, 2017 09:11 AM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Chameleon (Post 409596)
(Sure. Should I post her recovery in the med. den?)
Chameleonvine was carried off groaning before falling asleep.

{I have a long list of rps, but yeah, ill put you in the list}

Mango October 23rd, 2017 09:13 AM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by ~rattlesnake~ (Post 409599)

{I have a long list of rps, but yeah, ill put you in the list}

(MKAy. Sorry the wait for the username change is taking so long BTW feel free to ask for 1,000 prefixes, as techincally in the staffes eyes that’s what you bought)

BluBunnie October 24th, 2017 05:25 PM

Re: ThunderClan Training Cave

Originally Posted by Milky Way (Post 409548)
Fernglow padded into the cave, his paw steps echoing off of the clod stone walls. He took a breath, exhaling and watching as it turned to fog in the colder air. Battle training. It wasn't his favorite subject, but it had to be taught. Especially when tensions were high like this. Shaking his head, Fernglow turned and watched Kestrelpaw with his greenish eyes. "So, are you ready to start?"


Kestrelpaw stepped into the cave and looked around for a few moments, he wasn't super excited about battle training but he knew he needed to learn so he could protect his clan. His blue hues met the green ones of his mentor, "Yes, I am ready." he bowed his head, he was a bit nervous about battling against his mentor but he wouldn't let that show. He just hoped he didn't make a fool out of himself.

Mayflower October 24th, 2017 06:44 PM

Re: ThunderClan Training Cave

Originally Posted by BluBunny (Post 410510)
Kestrelpaw stepped into the cave and looked around for a few moments, he wasn't super excited about battle training but he knew he needed to learn so he could protect his clan. His blue hues met the green ones of his mentor, "Yes, I am ready." he bowed his head, he was a bit nervous about battling against his mentor but he wouldn't let that show. He just hoped he didn't make a fool out of himself.

"Great." Fernglow padded a little bit away from Kestrelpaw and sat, drawing himself up to the tallest he could muster while sitting. Giving Kestrelpaw a halfhearted smile, he said, "So, before we begin, is there anything you already know? I don't want to waste time on things like that while I could be teaching you something that can save your life in battle." Fernglow hated the sound of those words. The brown tom didn't enjoy war, although fights in good fun and training were fine. He just hated that there was a large chance Kestrelpaw's life would be in the paws of his teaching. The thought of his apprentice dying in a battle because of something he forgot to teach made the cat's large body shudder slightly. Calm down Fernglow, you'll do fine. Kestrelpaw is going to be fine. He will make a fine warrior.

BluBunnie October 26th, 2017 02:06 PM

Re: ThunderClan Training Cave

Originally Posted by Milky Way (Post 410582)
"Great." Fernglow padded a little bit away from Kestrelpaw and sat, drawing himself up to the tallest he could muster while sitting. Giving Kestrelpaw a halfhearted smile, he said, "So, before we begin, is there anything you already know? I don't want to waste time on things like that while I could be teaching you something that can save your life in battle." Fernglow hated the sound of those words. The brown tom didn't enjoy war, although fights in good fun and training were fine. He just hated that there was a large chance Kestrelpaw's life would be in the paws of his teaching. The thought of his apprentice dying in a battle because of something he forgot to teach made the cat's large body shudder slightly. Calm down Fernglow, you'll do fine. Kestrelpaw is going to be fine. He will make a fine warrior.

Kestrelpaw stood a bit taller as training seemed to begin, he thought for a few moments trying to think of any battle moves he knew. "When I was a kit I watched the Apprentices practice battle skills together and I would always attempt to try them myself but I never learn any specific battle moves." He stated. The battle moves he attempted as a kit weren't very good anyway.

Brilliance October 27th, 2017 09:22 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by The Little Robin (Post 405165)
The golden brown-furred female looked at the tomcat that laid in the hollow stump with her for a moment in silence, thinking for awhile about many unknown things. He looked rather comfortable and content being here with her, not looking bored or irritated or annoyed or just tired of hearing the warrior ramble on about her past. She would look down and see how their pelts touched, keeping each other warm in the cold harshness of nature. Autumnleaf could not recall the last time someone had been with her, like this, willing to hear her story and being so kindhearted. It made her smile down at her paws for a few seconds before she lifted her gaze to look back out at the dense forest that was laid out before them. The rain was almost completely gone by now, hardly there except for the darkened clouds. She remembered when cats used to make fun of her because of the warrior’s strange interests. No cat was supposed to love the rain, the thunder and lightning - it was abnormal and morbid, as others had reminded her now and then. There were times when she wished that she could just change completely overnight, become a new cat with a brand-new personality. She wished that others wouldn’t see her as this lost cause, the mere thought made her claws sink into the loose dirt for a moment as she shut her eyes. She was not useless. She was not hopeless. She was not some worthless bag of bones. Her eyes flickered open as she solemnly shook her head - what was the point in even trying to persuade herself that the words they said weren’t true? The small shecat glanced at Stonestream once again. Perhaps this tomcat had faith in her and did not see her like most others did. Maybe he was truly different compared to the others. Autumnleaf gave a small, almost unnoticeable huff of amusement towards her own thoughts. What a ridiculous thought process she was having right now. The warrior looked at the grey-furred male as he mentioned his own opinion of the clan of the stars, making her look up at the trees and the branches that hung above them. “I bet my brothers are poking fun at me from the stars right now.” She murmured with a slight chuckle, “Whitemist is probably scolding them about it too, shooing them away.” The thought of her family made her smile, having the image of them keeping an eye on her from Starclan with proud smiles, knowing that their little Autumnkit had made it this far in life and despite her hardships - she was far from quitting on them. Autumnleaf listened once more to this older warrior’s words, her ears twitching slightly as she looked out at the forest with an intent, observant gaze. “You don’t sound selfish to me.” The shecat mentioned, her tone soft as she turned to look at him, “When I think of selfish cats, you are far from one that comes to mind - don’t worry about that.” Autumnleaf had not known affectionate or kindness such as this in over ten moons of her life, this was far from selfish to her.

It had always made Autumnleaf slightly uncomfortable when talking about Lightningclaw and how he shaped her childhood, mostly because she didn’t understand how most of it clicked together. She could tell how Stonestream was somewhat confused at certain points, wondering why she and that tomcat weren’t seen more as siblings. The golden brown-furred warrior could not answer the questions that he wanted to ask because even she didn’t know the answers. He was her first love and there were so many times where she wanted to just scream out to the stars to erase him from her past. She didn’t want him to be her first love, she didn’t want him to be the one who has made up basically her entire youth. It made the shecat place one of her paws on her face to try and silently calm herself from breaking down again. The bobtail swore to herself that she would not let Stonestream see her breakdown - no, he had already seen enough of the cracks and weakness inside of her. Throughout her whole life, no cat had ever been there for her when she cried, nobody had ever pulled her close and let her cry into their shoulder. Throughout her 45 moons of life, Autumnleaf never had someone like that and that made her forbid to cry in front of others, knowing that they would just think about how miserable she looks and how they would wish pity upon that skinny thing that was Autumnleaf of Thunderclan. She broke away from her haunting thoughts when Stonestream spoke once again, making her look at the tomcat beside her with shining emerald-hued eyes. “I was a completely different cat back in my apprentice moons, believe it or not.” Autumnleaf said with a slight chuckle, not looking at him now when she said this, “If you put my 45 moon self beside my 6 moon old self - you would think you were looking at two different cats.” Back then, she had been determined, happy, adventurous and carefree to take on life with a smile. Oh, how the times changed though. Autumnleaf would never be the cat that she once was so long ago and the thought itself made a tear brim in the corner of her eye, but she quickly wiped it away nonchalantly like she was smoothing some ruffled fur on her head so that Stonestream wouldn’t notice. “It certainly was something that all the cats of Thunderclan admired back then. We were pretty well known among the clan as that one inseparable duo.” She said with a smile at the older male, “It was like one of those cliche stories, you know?” She shook her head to clear her thought process and start anew. There were times when the golden brown-furred warrior would grow silent for minutes on end, unsure of what to say or how to continue, but that was one of the catches when you talk to this female.

“Same here, same here.” She said with a little chuckle once again, replying to the male’s words, “I’m surprised that you’ve made it this far in the story. I’ll try to not talk you to death.” The grin that Stonestream wore on his maw made her feel warm and fuzzy inside, which was something that surprised her truly, thinking that she wouldn’t be able to feel this way again - the feeling of happiness and other emotions that she forgot the names of. He was quite the listener, this tomcat was eager and curious to listen to her tale. When Autumnleaf explained the incident in the training cave that day, she heard the tomcat speak, his tone thick with sorrow and heavy with emotion. It was something that she appreciated. “I probably still have a scar under my fur from the accident.” Autumnleaf mentioned, feeling her neck with a gentle paw for a moment, but unable to find anything truly noticeable, “Moving on with the story though, heh.” The warrior paused for a moment to recall the events that followed that dreaded day. “He didn’t mean to hurt me. He really did not mean to. Lightningclaw was just so into the fight, as I was, but just one small mistake turned into a big turning point in my life.” She remarked, looking down at the ground as she spoke, “As our mentors went to me, in shock to what had happened, Lightningpaw stood there, completely frozen in terror that he had hurt me. He called himself a monster.” The warrior kept back a laugh at that and chose to keep civil when talking about this, “He turned and ran, ran from the training cave and fled into the forest - disgusted with himself and his actions. I, despite my injuries reached out with a paw, the words refusing to come out as I struggled to call out to my dear friend. All the words that the two warriors had said to me were nothing but buzz in the background as I weakly stood up, blood dripping from my wound as I used the strength that I had left. I ran, weakly, after him as fast as I could. Limping and gasping from my wound, even though cats told me to stop, but no, I refused to lose him this way. I blamed myself back then for the accident.” She looked at the tomcat for a moment to silently make it known that her opinion on the matter had changed since then before Autumnleaf continued, “As I followed him, it began to rain. The skies had shown that it would earlier that day, so it was nothing out of the ordinary. If anything, it held me back, the water dragging my fur down and making everything more and more a struggle. I finally caught up to him when he halted to catch his breath and I don’t remember what was said exactly, but I remember him backing away from me, getting ready to climb a tree to escape and just avoid me, scared of hurting me again.” There was another long pause before she spoke again, her tail twitching behind her as she did so, “Then.. A bright flash.” Her tone was quiet, almost to emphasize the mood of the tale, “The world went white for a second. A lightning bolt came down from the sky and struck a tree,” A small smile came to Autumn’s face, but she did not look at Stonestream, “The tree lit up, scorched black and red with young Lightningpaw still against it. His body fell into the grass in a limp mess, his fur slightly burned and lightened smoke rising from his body. I remember collapsing several pawsteps away from him, believing my best friend to be dead right before my eyes.”

With the rain ceasing its heavy movement, Stonestream was able to think more clearly. With thundering rain, the stocky gentlemen always found it a hard time to think. Get his scatterbrained mind together. For others, many found the rain helpful, they tolerated it. And, many loved it. The bobbed tail Molly certainly adored the rain. It wasn't that Stonestream hated the rain. He simply hated the process of heavy rain ruining nice plans for a planned nice day. Other days, Stonestream found the weather perfect to tell little stories, or even nap. It was nice to sit around and not get wet. Maybe Riverclan wouldn't mind soaked pelts, but honestly Stonestream found dripping pelts a handful. But, he was comfortable with laying in this tree with his new friend. He listened to her story to get to know her a bit more. Hopefully to joke around and make her laugh. She may have been older, and not that young Molly she used to been, but to Stonestream she was rather still sparkling. Just needed to aim to get her to be more comfortable around him. And, viola! A taped heart...but not one completely heal. Time can only heal wounds, and most times that weren't even true. Through all the times Autumnleaf glanced at him, Stonestream never caught hold on her looks. The looks of hope that he could save her from whatever trouble that was deep inside her. Stonestream was too enchanted with the sky. Even if the rain made it look grey and bland. Autumnleaf’s words brought Stonestream back from his trance, and he dedicated his attention to her, blowing off a chilled chuckle upon her words. “I wouldn't put it past them.” he commented. Dipping his head to take a gander at his paw. “That's what siblings do. Make fun of you - dead or alive.” he softly added, then turned his gaze to peer upwards at the sky. While the earth was filled with life of all sorts, Stonestream believed that the heavens held the ultimate glory of life. Of happiness. Of longing. Where there was no rain, but all sun. Where the aroma was all sweet and not bitter. It made Stonestream think of his own mother, wondering if she was taking a jab about every mistake and every accomplishment he made in his life. He was sure everyone of his past usually made judgements about the decisions he made. Truthfully, Stonestream wondered the same. According to this Tom, there was no use of relying on old decisions, whether they were bad or moderate. The only thing that mattered was moving forward because the past didn't travel with you. It clung to you like a leech, making one regret ever living. The healthy thing to do was to accept, therefore that's the only thing the older tom done. When Autumnleaf commented about him not being selfish, it made Stonestream’s ears dance with little joy. “Well, you know, I try my best,” he licked his jaws. “Being selfish is soooo old news now. I prefer being arrogant with a little taste of conceitedness.” He joked, letting out a little snort upon his words. “But, seriously,” he paused, lowering his voice to a sincere level. “Thank you. I'm glad I'm not rubbing you in the wrong way.” Stonestream got along with...pretty much everyone within the clan. From the most annoying of cats to the most depressing ones. In the past, he remembered when he never had patience with others, but now being an older warrior, he learned patience. He learned it was a virtue, and not every young warrior would have it. Sometimes even older warriors haven't conquered the skill, but Stonestream was grateful to say that he knew what it meant it.

Stonestream silently waited for his new friend to continue. She was abnormally silent, but he picked up that she never talked much, really. Which wasn't bad at all. Some cats listened better than they talked. Like Stonestream himself, he rather keep the conversation going instead of hiding in awkward silence. It was a good way to keep his thoughts to himself. As he was currently thinking what he would eat once he made it back to the clearing. Because, boy! Wasn't he hungry! Stonestream imagined a large juicy plump flesh of meat within the food pile. And, if it were scrawny pieces of meat there, Starclan knows he would be going back to that food pile - a couple times. Just because he was older, didn't mean his appetite grew older. His memories shifted to when he was a nursing young’in and his mother told him how he used to suckle the life out of her. That he was one of the greediest kits in Thunderclan. It was quite an exaggeration, though if another knew Stonestream fairly well, they would know he was a bottomless abyss. He loved to eat. Point blank. Autumnleaf’s words reached the Tom’s ears just in time. He flicked them up for a moment. “Oh, really?” He tilted his head towards her, giving her a questioning look. “Ditto. Different train of thoughts, different views on the world, but pretty much the same appearance. Probably got a few grey hairs growing, but let's just keep that between the two of us, eh?” He winked. Stonestream agreed with Autumnleaf that putting his 48 moon self beside his 6 moons self...there would be a complete difference. Age difference didn't matter, nor did appearance. “Though, on a serious note, that's what happens. As we grow older, we go through life changing experiences, and it shapes us up - for better or worse.” He have a minimum smile. It wasn't a large one. Yet it wasn't a sad one. Stonestream knew you could never pause the game of life. It through lemons at you constantly, but if one could find the sweetest of things among the sourness, then make lemonade. Make something sweet out every misery. “You just gotta keep moving on. Or, you'll be a wandering fool your entire life.” He muttered, with a vigorous shake of his head. Stonestream patted her back gently with the tip of his tail. She looked torn. Just broken, and there was really nothing he could do for a shattered heart, but listen to her tale. If he known her in the past, then there was no doubt he would be ready to help her. He knew this Lightning was a large piece of her heart. Possibly it was unbearable to discuss him, so Stonestream held back his tongue of the millions of questions he had about this best friend of hers. Though most of them would be answered in her life story. “Oh, yes. Clichéd.” He laughed, deeply. Clichéd, yes. Because Stonestream felt that he could predict what happens next in the story. Inevitable the two would fall in love and live a life of happiness every couple experienced at first. It was like his tale with Leopardcloud...but more of the less deception he hid from her all those moons ago. No doubt, he did come to love her. Truly. Deeply. Madly.

“Well,” He boomed, straightening his posture to appear taller and facade a stern expression. “I would appreciate that. Even if Starclan sounds like a resort, these old bones still got goals to complete on this earth.” His broad shoulders became squared, and he tilted his head down to glow at the she cat. His eyes showed clearly that he was joking. He did still have goals to complete. Dreams to conquer. Because you were never too old to be creative. Stonestream felt that he had a couple more moons ahead of him before he kicked the bucket all too soon. As the Molly started to tell her tell once again, Stonestream became alarmed upon hearing her say that she was struck in the neck. Now, Stonestream knew it was a training session, but he also found it revolting that a Tom would ever hurt a Molly. He watched her rub her neck, seemingly trying to find her scar. It made Stonestream lean even closer to her, hoping to catch a glimpse of the scar. He immediately flinched back, when she moved on. Albeit, she finished on with her story, keeping the tom open with listening ears. His nose wiggled when she assured him that he didn't mean to hurt her. Apart of Stonestream found this true becuase why would a loyal member of Thunderclan ever want to hurt their clan mates? Aside from that, they were best friends. Stonestream was pretty sure that would be the last thing a best friend wanted to do. Although from her story, Stonestream made out that they were more lovers than anything - Focus, focus, Stonestream. Listen to her. Don't question her. So, he sat rigidly, keeping a solemn gaze towards her. She told the story in such a suspenseful manner that Stonestream refrained himself from excited questions wondering what happens next. It was raining. It was gloomy. Everything was on edge between the two. “Wow. You're fearless.” He uttered, shocked that she didn't stop. Nor, did she listen to reason that her wound would slow her down. It was either that...or that this Lightningclaw was the most special charm to her. Even though the parable she told was depressing...Stonestream was genuinely concerned, yet at the same time amazed. He wanted to know more, because knowing her story would mean he would know much about her. “You make it sound like this Lightningclaw is some type of hero.” He started to snort at his comment of sarcasm - but was that true? Was this Lightningclaw a...hero? Not necessarily a hero, but more so one with powers. It wasn't natural. But, it wasn't impossible...was it? Stonestream wanted to remain open-minded but truthfully he was a supernatural skeptic. This was real life. Not some fairytale. Stonestream never formally met this feline, however Autumnleaf spoke good of him. Justifying his actions of what he done wrong. “...I'm guessing he wasn't...dead?” He asked, his tone a bit on edge and his fur pricked up at the thought. It was a tough thing to think, but every story had a twist. He would just have to continue to listen.

Captain October 28th, 2017 03:00 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Constellation (Post 412273)

With the rain ceasing its heavy movement, Stonestream was able to think more clearly. With thundering rain, the stocky gentlemen always found it a hard time to think. Get his scatterbrained mind together. For others, many found the rain helpful, they tolerated it. And, many loved it. The bobbed tail Molly certainly adored the rain. It wasn't that Stonestream hated the rain. He simply hated the process of heavy rain ruining nice plans for a planned nice day. Other days, Stonestream found the weather perfect to tell little stories, or even nap. It was nice to sit around and not get wet. Maybe Riverclan wouldn't mind soaked pelts, but honestly Stonestream found dripping pelts a handful. But, he was comfortable with laying in this tree with his new friend. He listened to her story to get to know her a bit more. Hopefully to joke around and make her laugh. She may have been older, and not that young Molly she used to been, but to Stonestream she was rather still sparkling. Just needed to aim to get her to be more comfortable around him. And, viola! A taped heart...but not one completely heal. Time can only heal wounds, and most times that weren't even true. Through all the times Autumnleaf glanced at him, Stonestream never caught hold on her looks. The looks of hope that he could save her from whatever trouble that was deep inside her. Stonestream was too enchanted with the sky. Even if the rain made it look grey and bland. Autumnleaf’s words brought Stonestream back from his trance, and he dedicated his attention to her, blowing off a chilled chuckle upon her words. “I wouldn't put it past them.” he commented. Dipping his head to take a gander at his paw. “That's what siblings do. Make fun of you - dead or alive.” he softly added, then turned his gaze to peer upwards at the sky. While the earth was filled with life of all sorts, Stonestream believed that the heavens held the ultimate glory of life. Of happiness. Of longing. Where there was no rain, but all sun. Where the aroma was all sweet and not bitter. It made Stonestream think of his own mother, wondering if she was taking a jab about every mistake and every accomplishment he made in his life. He was sure everyone of his past usually made judgements about the decisions he made. Truthfully, Stonestream wondered the same. According to this Tom, there was no use of relying on old decisions, whether they were bad or moderate. The only thing that mattered was moving forward because the past didn't travel with you. It clung to you like a leech, making one regret ever living. The healthy thing to do was to accept, therefore that's the only thing the older tom done. When Autumnleaf commented about him not being selfish, it made Stonestream’s ears dance with little joy. “Well, you know, I try my best,” he licked his jaws. “Being selfish is soooo old news now. I prefer being arrogant with a little taste of conceitedness.” He joked, letting out a little snort upon his words. “But, seriously,” he paused, lowering his voice to a sincere level. “Thank you. I'm glad I'm not rubbing you in the wrong way.” Stonestream got along with...pretty much everyone within the clan. From the most annoying of cats to the most depressing ones. In the past, he remembered when he never had patience with others, but now being an older warrior, he learned patience. He learned it was a virtue, and not every young warrior would have it. Sometimes even older warriors haven't conquered the skill, but Stonestream was grateful to say that he knew what it meant it.

Stonestream silently waited for his new friend to continue. She was abnormally silent, but he picked up that she never talked much, really. Which wasn't bad at all. Some cats listened better than they talked. Like Stonestream himself, he rather keep the conversation going instead of hiding in awkward silence. It was a good way to keep his thoughts to himself. As he was currently thinking what he would eat once he made it back to the clearing. Because, boy! Wasn't he hungry! Stonestream imagined a large juicy plump flesh of meat within the food pile. And, if it were scrawny pieces of meat there, Starclan knows he would be going back to that food pile - a couple times. Just because he was older, didn't mean his appetite grew older. His memories shifted to when he was a nursing young’in and his mother told him how he used to suckle the life out of her. That he was one of the greediest kits in Thunderclan. It was quite an exaggeration, though if another knew Stonestream fairly well, they would know he was a bottomless abyss. He loved to eat. Point blank. Autumnleaf’s words reached the Tom’s ears just in time. He flicked them up for a moment. “Oh, really?” He tilted his head towards her, giving her a questioning look. “Ditto. Different train of thoughts, different views on the world, but pretty much the same appearance. Probably got a few grey hairs growing, but let's just keep that between the two of us, eh?” He winked. Stonestream agreed with Autumnleaf that putting his 48 moon self beside his 6 moons self...there would be a complete difference. Age difference didn't matter, nor did appearance. “Though, on a serious note, that's what happens. As we grow older, we go through life changing experiences, and it shapes us up - for better or worse.” He have a minimum smile. It wasn't a large one. Yet it wasn't a sad one. Stonestream knew you could never pause the game of life. It through lemons at you constantly, but if one could find the sweetest of things among the sourness, then make lemonade. Make something sweet out every misery. “You just gotta keep moving on. Or, you'll be a wandering fool your entire life.” He muttered, with a vigorous shake of his head. Stonestream patted her back gently with the tip of his tail. She looked torn. Just broken, and there was really nothing he could do for a shattered heart, but listen to her tale. If he known her in the past, then there was no doubt he would be ready to help her. He knew this Lightning was a large piece of her heart. Possibly it was unbearable to discuss him, so Stonestream held back his tongue of the millions of questions he had about this best friend of hers. Though most of them would be answered in her life story. “Oh, yes. Clichéd.” He laughed, deeply. Clichéd, yes. Because Stonestream felt that he could predict what happens next in the story. Inevitable the two would fall in love and live a life of happiness every couple experienced at first. It was like his tale with Leopardcloud...but more of the less deception he hid from her all those moons ago. No doubt, he did come to love her. Truly. Deeply. Madly.

“Well,” He boomed, straightening his posture to appear taller and facade a stern expression. “I would appreciate that. Even if Starclan sounds like a resort, these old bones still got goals to complete on this earth.” His broad shoulders became squared, and he tilted his head down to glow at the she cat. His eyes showed clearly that he was joking. He did still have goals to complete. Dreams to conquer. Because you were never too old to be creative. Stonestream felt that he had a couple more moons ahead of him before he kicked the bucket all too soon. As the Molly started to tell her tell once again, Stonestream became alarmed upon hearing her say that she was struck in the neck. Now, Stonestream knew it was a training session, but he also found it revolting that a Tom would ever hurt a Molly. He watched her rub her neck, seemingly trying to find her scar. It made Stonestream lean even closer to her, hoping to catch a glimpse of the scar. He immediately flinched back, when she moved on. Albeit, she finished on with her story, keeping the tom open with listening ears. His nose wiggled when she assured him that he didn't mean to hurt her. Apart of Stonestream found this true becuase why would a loyal member of Thunderclan ever want to hurt their clan mates? Aside from that, they were best friends. Stonestream was pretty sure that would be the last thing a best friend wanted to do. Although from her story, Stonestream made out that they were more lovers than anything - Focus, focus, Stonestream. Listen to her. Don't question her. So, he sat rigidly, keeping a solemn gaze towards her. She told the story in such a suspenseful manner that Stonestream refrained himself from excited questions wondering what happens next. It was raining. It was gloomy. Everything was on edge between the two. “Wow. You're fearless.” He uttered, shocked that she didn't stop. Nor, did she listen to reason that her wound would slow her down. It was either that...or that this Lightningclaw was the most special charm to her. Even though the parable she told was depressing...Stonestream was genuinely concerned, yet at the same time amazed. He wanted to know more, because knowing her story would mean he would know much about her. “You make it sound like this Lightningclaw is some type of hero.” He started to snort at his comment of sarcasm - but was that true? Was this Lightningclaw a...hero? Not necessarily a hero, but more so one with powers. It wasn't natural. But, it wasn't impossible...was it? Stonestream wanted to remain open-minded but truthfully he was a supernatural skeptic. This was real life. Not some fairytale. Stonestream never formally met this feline, however Autumnleaf spoke good of him. Justifying his actions of what he done wrong. “...I'm guessing he wasn't...dead?” He asked, his tone a bit on edge and his fur pricked up at the thought. It was a tough thing to think, but every story had a twist. He would just have to continue to listen.

The small shecat uttered a softened chuckle at her companion’s words, looking to him with a light smile for a moment. “I couldn’t agree more about that.” She mentioned, her bobtail flicking behind her ever so gently, “We all have some long term goals that we have our hearts set on before we join our ancestors, don’t we?” Stonestream’s gaze was always so comforting with a certain warm glow in his gaze, which made the female feel safe and comfortable. She could tell that he was actually listening to her stories without looking bored or annoyed in any certain sense, like some cats did when she would occasionally ramble. In order to stay on track and not lose anymore time, Autumnleaf shifted back to telling her story about how she was the way she was - it was a strange way to put it, but it seemed appropriate. The brown-furred warrior could see the tomcat lean slightly closer to her when she was feeling around for the scar that she most likely had from the past incident, making a light smile appear on her maw. “You sure are a curious one.” She murmured, her tone low, almost like she was talking to herself at this time, “I’m sure there is something there, but faded away from the many moons that it has seen.” Autumnleaf could see how interested and invested into the story he was when she went on to telling more of it, which made it certain that he was the right cat to talk to about such things right now. Perhaps, like she stated in the past, it would give her some closure and help her move on from the demons that haunted her memories. At his mention of her being fearless, the warrior looked down at her paws with a soft smile as she shook her head while giving a quiet laugh in the process. “I was in love.” Autumnleaf simply said, giving the tomcat a better definition towards her actions back then, “So in love that I had no sense of danger or common sense whatsoever - I’m sure that’s what comes with being in love with someone at such a young age though, I suppose.” Throughout her life, the female had learned that love made you do crazy things and made others see a different side of you while it happened. She knew, deep down, that the mistakes and regrets of her past would not go away with a simple swipe of her paw nor with venting her story to a newfound friend - acceptance and forgiveness, towards herself, seemed to be the best bet, but even now, she could not bring herself to do so. The shecat did bring her gaze to look at him though when he mentioned that her words made it seem like Lightningclaw was some sort of hero. “To some cats, after the day, he was a hero.” She muttered under her breath, her smile faltering ever so slightly when that was said. Autumnleaf knew that now it was time to tell someone the truth of what happened on that day. “Back in the apprentice moons, I was forbidden to tell anyone about what actually happened. Northpaw had said it was for the best.” She said, lost in thought for a moment, thinking back to her youthful days now.

Northpaw was the medicine cat apprentice back when she was still being trained to become a warrior, which made her think - what had happened to them? It didn’t matter though, not anymore. “I suppose the truth can be told now though, since it has been so long and Lightningclaw is no longer with Thunderclan anyways.” She said with a sigh leaving her before continuing on with the story, “After a few minutes of me laying there with his limp body, our mentors had finally found us, seeing the state of Lightningpaw and me grieving over him. I thought I had just lost my closest friend, can you truly blame me? Heh.” Autumnleaf shifted her stance, feeling her paws becoming numb slightly from sitting on them for too long, “I remember his mentor picking him up and we proceeded to head back to camp, prepared to tell everyone of his death.” She paused ever so slightly for effect. “However, right before he got to camp, he awoke from the dead, quite literally and it had shocked us all to the core. I mean, how could he be alive after that? Struck by lightning and a cat being able to live another day, it was unheard. Nonetheless, I was thrilled and so was our mentors. He, and I, were both taken back to the medicine den to be immediately treated by Zerosight and Northpaw, the medicine cats of that time - if you remember.” She stopped there for awhile, taking a few seconds to rest her voice. All this talking was making her rather tired and right now, a good nap sounded like the greatest treat to go back to once they would go back to the Thunderclan camp. “I don’t really remember what all happened after that, to be honest with you, some details are fuzzy from those times, but apparently the medicine cats saw something in Lightningpaw. He was apart of a plan from Starclan, given great powers that could strike down any enemy, quite literally.” She remembered that she had been dragged into the whole mess with the prophecy and all that because she was close to Lightningpaw and saw the whole event take place. “You don’t have to believe me if you want, I know it is something rather absurd to think about. We were not supposed to tell our mentors or any of our friends about his powers, not until the time was right. I respected this, of course, and gave Lightningpaw was full support. Unfortunately though, those powers changed him. He was never the same after that day.” She said this with a certain emotion in her tone that seemed to come off as unreadable, with a certain strained pain. Her whole life would never be the same after that fateful day with the storm. “Once we had been treated probably and such else, we went back to our normal lives as apprentices of Thunderclan, but nothing seemed to be truly normal. Lightningpaw would distance himself from me, claiming he would need time to train with his newfound powers. He said that I couldn’t help him either, that I would hold him back. I didn’t see him much because he was often training alone in the woods.” Autumnleaf mentioned, looking out in the dense forest, “I was left alone without my only friend. I felt worthless.. It was like I couldn’t do anything right after that.”

It took a moment with her stretching out her paws and giving a widened yawn before she was able to continue her tale. “Once I was on my own, it seemed like it was my time to step up and take my own life by the horns and focus on myself for awhile. While Lightningpaw was away, training on his own or with his mentor, I was training myself to become a grand warrior that would make all of Thunderclan proud someday. I would hunt, fight, track and even give the elders and queens fresh moss. I did whatever I could to become a good cat in the eyes of my own clanmates and be someone that would make my mother, brothers and even Lightningpaw proud.” She did not remember some things, but Autumn did remember training hard back then with hardly any breaks or rest to make new friends. She put all her time and effort into proving herself worthy of being by Lightningpaw’s side and Thunderclan alike. It had been a rough few moons for her, straining to catch the attention of her best friend while all of this. “About a moon before I became a warrior, Lightningpaw had promised me that when we became full warriors with new names that we would become mates.” The warrior mentioned, “He told me that I wouldn’t have to worry about training so hard because I would be in the nursery soon enough afterwards. In hindsight, I should’ve taken that as a bad thing, but I was young and often fantasized about having kittens with him.” Deep down, the brown-furred shecat truly thought about how others saw there. Was she really a pathetic cat that would do anything to catch the attention of another? Part of her wished that she could’ve warned her younger self of the stress and pain that she would go through if she continued down her path with him. Maybe it was destiny though - she was not sure. “Then that day came, where we were both named Autumnleaf and Lightningclaw, true and official warriors of Thunderclan from this day forth. It was a proud day for me, I remember seeing my adopted parents there and even my own friend Flintheart there in the crowd. I suppose that’s another cliche though, right? To all apprentices, the best day of their lives are their warrior ceremony.” The shecat was beginning to get awfully tired and she hoped Stonestream would not notice that occasionally nod of her head. It had been so long since she had slept peacefully and it all seemed to be catching up with her now. She did continue her story, despite this, keeping to her promise of not taking forever to tell it. “Soon afterwards, a couple moons later, I found myself heavy with his kittens, which isn’t really that surprising. They were born on a warm greenleaf day - Redkit, Adderkit, Sparkkit, Sparrowkit and Stormkit. My two sons and three daughters. I remember the day so well..” She went silent after that, looking off into the distance with a pensive gaze, seeming to go back in time when things weren’t seeming so hectic and awful as they once did, before it all went downhill.

Leucos October 28th, 2017 08:15 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by FadingEchoes (Post 412856)

ThunderStruck nodded, trotting out of the camp quickly.

SmokeWhisper followed the two out of camp, the silver tom bouncing lightly on his paws.

Badgerthroat quickly landed in some tall grass he was quiet not making any noise he smelled a mouse not far from the stream . Then he spotted it and his tail whent straight up in the air , he crept slowly then stopped he repeated this for some time . His nose twitched as he smelled the mouse's movements , the little mouse walked off and ate some more grass , the tom crept up some more and poked his head up from the tall grass then put his head back down
" I got you now " he whispered as his claws sharpened and slowly walked up to the mouse.

FadingEchoes October 28th, 2017 08:38 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Hawkstar (Post 412865)
Badgerthroat quickly landed in some tall grass he was quiet not making any noise he smelled a mouse not far from the stream . Then he spotted it and his tail whent straight up in the air , he crept slowly then stopped he repeated this for some time . His nose twitched as he smelled the mouse's movements , the little mouse walked off and ate some more grass , the tom crept up some more and poked his head up from the tall grass then put his head back down
" I got you now " he whispered as his claws sharpened and slowly walked up to the mouse.

ThunderStruck padded over to the stream, washing his paws in it quickly. He then shook off his paws, shivering as the cold water clung to his thick fur.

SmokeWhisper crouched, padding slowly towards an unsuspecting squirrel. His tail flicked slightly as he stalked the prey. With a sudden flash of motion, the silver tom streaked forward, pouncing on the squirrel and sinking his teeth into it's neck, cutting off it's life in a split second. With a quick thanks to Starclan, he picked the squirrel up, carrying it over to ThunderStruck and Badgerthroat.

Leucos October 28th, 2017 08:42 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by FadingEchoes (Post 412877)

ThunderStruck padded over to the stream, washing his paws in it quickly. He then shook off his paws, shivering as the cold water clung to his thick fur.

SmokeWhisper crouched, padding slowly towards an unsuspecting squirrel. His tail flicked slightly as he stalked the prey. With a sudden flash of motion, the silver tom streaked forward, pouncing on the squirrel and sinking his teeth into it's neck, cutting off it's life in a split second. With a quick thanks to Starclan, he picked the squirrel up, carrying it over to ThunderStruck and Badgerthroat.

Badgerthroat had snapped the mouse's neck with a purr he smiled at smokewhisper as he carried the now dead mouse in his maw . He trotted quickly as his tail was up and his brown eyes scanned the territory for any more prey . He set the mouse down " great catch smokewhisper " he meowed

FadingEchoes October 28th, 2017 08:47 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Hawkstar (Post 412882)
Badgerthroat had snapped the mouse's neck with a purr he smiled at smokewhisper as he carried the now dead mouse in his maw . He trotted quickly as his tail was up and his brown eyes scanned the territory for any more prey . He set the mouse down " great catch smokewhisper " he meowed

SmokeWhisper nodded in thanks as Badgerthroat walked over, "Thanks." He said through a mouthful of squirrel, "Shall we head back or keep hunting?" He asked.

ThunderStruck nodded to the two, "I'm fine with either." He said to SmokeWhisper.

Leucos October 28th, 2017 08:54 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by FadingEchoes (Post 412886)

SmokeWhisper nodded in thanks as Badgerthroat walked over, "Thanks." He said through a mouthful of squirrel, "Shall we head back or keep hunting?" He asked.

ThunderStruck nodded to the two, "I'm fine with either." He said to SmokeWhisper.

The tom smiled wide he was finally making more friends! Glorious day it was for him , his ear twitched
" hold on I hear something right around -" he trailed off into a meow as he leapt over a log and landed behind it. Then badgerthroat could be seen leaping back over the log with a squirrel in his mouth and set it down
" maybe we can hunt more? " he asked as his tail flicked

FadingEchoes October 28th, 2017 09:00 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Hawkstar (Post 412894)
The tom smiled wide he was finally making more friends! Glorious day it was for him , his ear twitched
" hold on I hear something right around -" he trailed off into a meow as he leapt over a log and landed behind it. Then badgerthroat could be seen leaping back over the log with a squirrel in his mouth and set it down
" maybe we can hunt more? " he asked as his tail flicked

SmokeWhisper nodded succinctly, bounding away to find more prey. He quickly found a crow busily pecking at the roots of a tree. He dropped into a hunters crouch, sliding slowly towards the crow until he was within pouncing distance. He then leaped, killing the crow with a swift pawstroke.

ThunderStruck padded away from the other two, soon finding a large vole. The gray and black tom dashed forward, hooking the vole with his claws and pulling it towards himself and biting it's neck, his mouth watering as the blood flooded his mouth.

Leucos October 28th, 2017 09:06 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by FadingEchoes (Post 412899)

SmokeWhisper nodded succinctly, bounding away to find more prey. He quickly found a crow busily pecking at the roots of a tree. He dropped into a hunters crouch, sliding slowly towards the crow until he was within pouncing distance. He then leaped, killing the crow with a swift pawstroke.

ThunderStruck padded away from the other two, soon finding a large vole. The gray and black tom dashed forward, hooking the vole with his claws and pulling it towards himself and biting it's neck, his mouth watering as the blood flooded his mouth.

Badgerthroat had caught another mouse as he accidentally bumped into Sprucetail who had been in a hunterś crouch . Green eyes met brown as the Orange she cat was startled she then caught her breath and realized it was her friend " hello badgerthroat nice seeing you around again " she meowed and badgerthroat held onto his mouse and laughed nervously but he was on his rump his ears where down in embarassment " same " The TOm said.

Mayflower October 30th, 2017 07:48 PM

Re: ThunderClan Training Cave

Originally Posted by BluBunny (Post 411569)
Kestrelpaw stood a bit taller as training seemed to begin, he thought for a few moments trying to think of any battle moves he knew. "When I was a kit I watched the Apprentices practice battle skills together and I would always attempt to try them myself but I never learn any specific battle moves." He stated. The battle moves he attempted as a kit weren't very good anyway.

"Well then, we better get moving." The brown tom rose slowly, his one good eye watching his apprentice. The cat hadn't had much experience with apprentices, after all Kestrelpaw was his first, but he was hopeful that he would succeed in training him to his full potential. "The most basic fighting moves are the crouch, dodge, claw, and bite. I'll teach you how to do a battle crouch and how to dodge attacks now, and then we can work on actual attacking later," Fernglow said while walking over to his apprentice. He couldn't help but wonder what was n store for this young cat.

(What do you have planned for Kestrelpaw?)

Akari October 31st, 2017 11:59 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory
FlarePaw Sprinted across he Border, wanting to Explore a different Clans Territory, and since Thunderclan was technically the Closest, he decided that would be the safest place to go. he Perked his ears as he started to venture into their terrortory, listening for any possible sign that he might be caught, since that was the last thing he wanted, especially with only a few moons until It Would be to Become a warrior. Truthfully, he was here because he needed a break from his clan....and also because he wanted to explore, but mostly a break from his clan. He Slowly Walked through the Trees, hearing the sounds of other cats and patrols in the distance, but not close enough that it would matter. He Stopped, and Walked back towards the Stream, which also made their border, Bending over its edge to get a quick drink.

Aquarius November 1st, 2017 11:21 AM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by billiebear6 (Post 406420)
Halfkit rolled over, trying to figure out what was going on. He saw
the fox walking closer to Wisteriapaw, and panicked. He didn't know what to do. He couldn't get close in time - that was almost impossible. What was he meant to do? He crawled forward slightly, picking up rocks in his mouth and using his front paws and swining his head to try and throw them at the fox,
but they didn't get very far.
Go away, fox! L-leave her alone! Stop it!
Don't do that! Leave! Go!
His voice went sore from screaming, and he was running out of ideas. He was panicing, shaking. He started crying, confused and scared.

As the russet vixen moved closer, it's tongue swiped maliciously around it's jaws. Wisteriapaw struggled to get up, noticing blood on on her forepaw where it had got the root. The molly kicked and thrashed, her light pelt becoming tan as the dir smudged onto her pelt. Her breath quick and shallow, she tried pulling herself up to reach Halfkit, but her efforts were never enough. The fox ran the last length before she could see the glittering of it's eyes, and she helplessly collapsed against the ground, letting out a mournful wail to signal that she surrendered. She closed her eyes as she heard the kit's wail, but suddenly heard something rustle behind her. She couldn't lift her head, but her mind was swimming and she couldn't recognize the scent. Assuming it was another fox, she half-heartedly opened her eyes, and her dull gaze caught sight of a tan pelt flashing out in front of her, something leaping and flying onto the fox, which bundled backwards. The two creatures rolled over in a flurry of teeth and claws, and before Wisteriapaw could do anything, the fox was whimpering, pacing away with blood dripping from it's haunches.

lone November 1st, 2017 04:09 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory
Right now, it felt a lot like Stormwing had lost everyone. She had lost an awful lot of cats over the moons, but this? This was a whole new type of low feeling. Her eyes remained looking down at the ground, her expression didn't brighten for anything, and she looked like she would have rather been dead then right there in the territory. Her soft blue optics weren't glowing as they had when she had come out here with Littlefoot before, nor were they sparkling with interest as they had with Leaf...paw, then, or at least she thought it had been Leafpaw, when he had told her about his collection. How many cats was it now? There was Crowpaw - Hiddentalon - Leafwatcher, that had been his warrior name - and now Littlefoot too. That was four cats that Stormwing had thought she might have feelings for (well, for Crowpaw and Hiddentalon, anyways) and every time they had been taken from her in some manner. Why did she even bother? She was never going to be able to trust anyone to stay for good. No one cared enough to stay for good. She'd lost friends, too, so many friends - too many for her to even name. Other friends she rarely saw anymore. And she was certain there were more she had forgotten, countless cats she was acquainted with that had fallen out of contact over the moons, and she would never see them again. Because that was Stormwing's curse - every time she got close to someone, they were taken from her. They died or something else happened. No one... no one was safe from the cursed silver tabby. So maybe she should just stop trying and admit the fact that she was always going to be alone, because who could she trust now? There was no saving angel for her. She was going to be forever alone, and the dreams that she'd once had of having a family were crumbling into ashes and dust.


The young, sandy colored apprentice padded into the clearing, her ears pricked up and alert, eyes scanning it as though she were searching for some unfound enemy. Kestrelpaw often looked like that. She was always observing. And looking for someone that she would be interested to talk to. She had lost cats to all sorts of things, and yet through it all, never once had her steadfast interest in observing and the nature of others faded. She had remained as she always had, and any grief that might overtake her was only shown in private. It was like she had been trained to be a soldier - well, perhaps a little less disciplined, but at only 11 moons old, Kestrelpaw felt as though she had been training forever. In another moon or so she should be ready to be a warrior. She had proven herself on the battlefield before, and she had proven that she was good at hunting. She had proven that she was mature enough. She had proven that she was intelligent enough, though there had been no doubt in that matter. And she was brave enough. So then, what was the reason she couldn't be a warrior in this very moment? Whatever the reason, Kestrelpaw would wait. She would continue to prove herself until the moment that she was looking foward to, and had been looking foward to since she was a kit: the moment she would become a warrior.

seasalt November 1st, 2017 06:37 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Lonestar23 (Post 414877)
Right now, it felt a lot like Stormwing had lost everyone. She had lost an awful lot of cats over the moons, but this? This was a whole new type of low feeling. Her eyes remained looking down at the ground, her expression didn't brighten for anything, and she looked like she would have rather been dead then right there in the territory. Her soft blue optics weren't glowing as they had when she had come out here with Littlefoot before, nor were they sparkling with interest as they had with Leaf...paw, then, or at least she thought it had been Leafpaw, when he had told her about his collection. How many cats was it now? There was Crowpaw - Hiddentalon - Leafwatcher, that had been his warrior name - and now Littlefoot too. That was four cats that Stormwing had thought she might have feelings for (well, for Crowpaw and Hiddentalon, anyways) and every time they had been taken from her in some manner. Why did she even bother? She was never going to be able to trust anyone to stay for good. No one cared enough to stay for good. She'd lost friends, too, so many friends - too many for her to even name. Other friends she rarely saw anymore. And she was certain there were more she had forgotten, countless cats she was acquainted with that had fallen out of contact over the moons, and she would never see them again. Because that was Stormwing's curse - every time she got close to someone, they were taken from her. They died or something else happened. No one... no one was safe from the cursed silver tabby. So maybe she should just stop trying and admit the fact that she was always going to be alone, because who could she trust now? There was no saving angel for her. She was going to be forever alone, and the dreams that she'd once had of having a family were crumbling into ashes and dust.


Leafwatcher had finally made it back, finally. Away from the evil Dusk Syndicate, away from the horrible things that had happened in the Dusk Syndicate, things that he didn't want to talk about, it was to horrific. But, he was finally back. He was finally home. He had let Roseleen go ahead, so she could meet with Snowstar. She would surely let her in. Well.. he hoped. He fluffed his pelt from the cold, green optics looking around calmly. It was where he usually hung out with Stormwing, the part of the forest at the back of the territory. Where he was catnapped also. That didn't matter anymore though, he was home. He scanned the terrain. Was Stormwing over here? Leafwatcher glanced around, and frowned. Probably not. Leafwatcher wished she were in this part of the territory though, just so she knew he was back. That would be a comfort, or at least an assurance. It would assure him greatly.

BluBunnie November 2nd, 2017 02:27 PM

Re: ThunderClan Training Cave

Originally Posted by Spoopy Way (Post 414017)
"Well then, we better get moving." The brown tom rose slowly, his one good eye watching his apprentice. The cat hadn't had much experience with apprentices, after all Kestrelpaw was his first, but he was hopeful that he would succeed in training him to his full potential. "The most basic fighting moves are the crouch, dodge, claw, and bite. I'll teach you how to do a battle crouch and how to dodge attacks now, and then we can work on actual attacking later," Fernglow said while walking over to his apprentice. He couldn't help but wonder what was n store for this young cat.

(What do you have planned for Kestrelpaw?)

Kestrelpaw ears tilted towards his mentor as he listened carefully. 'Crouch, dodge, claw and bite'
he thought. He was a bit nervous about learning the claw and bite part, he didn't want to make a mistake. "Is the battle crouch kind of like the hunters crouch?" He asked, he was honestly curious but he hoped he didn't sound stupid to Fernglow. "I was just wondering." He quickly added.

(I am still trying to decide my plans with him, I am not sure yet...)

lone November 2nd, 2017 05:19 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by tawny~ (Post 414992)
Leafwatcher had finally made it back, finally. Away from the evil Dusk Syndicate, away from the horrible things that had happened in the Dusk Syndicate, things that he didn't want to talk about, it was to horrific. But, he was finally back. He was finally home. He had let Roseleen go ahead, so she could meet with Snowstar. She would surely let her in. Well.. he hoped. He fluffed his pelt from the cold, green optics looking around calmly. It was where he usually hung out with Stormwing, the part of the forest at the back of the territory. Where he was catnapped also. That didn't matter anymore though, he was home. He scanned the terrain. Was Stormwing over here? Leafwatcher glanced around, and frowned. Probably not. Leafwatcher wished she were in this part of the territory though, just so she knew he was back. That would be a comfort, or at least an assurance. It would assure him greatly.

The silver tabby caught sight of a pelt she had not been expecting to see at all. Is that... Leafwatcher? She had never thought that she would see him again. And she hadn't been expecting to see him here. Stormwing's blue eyes flashed with fear and worry, and in the next moment, instead of heading towards her friend, she was padding away. Around him, like she thought he wouldn't see her, like maybe he was some sort of hallucination. And he had to be! The tom was gone, she wasn't going to see him again, and the young warrior didn't want to think about her loss. Everyone she had ever cared for (romantically, that was) was gone and she couldn't stand the idea of bringing another cat into that kind of thing was terrifying. Stormwing knew she wouldn't be able to handle it if she would find Leafwatcher again just to lose him later - even friends had been leaving her lately, and she was too scared to let herself find anyone. Stormwing was going to end up alone forever and maybe... just maybe... it was better that way.

seasalt November 2nd, 2017 06:17 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Lonestar23 (Post 415409)
The silver tabby caught sight of a pelt she had not been expecting to see at all. Is that... Leafwatcher? She had never thought that she would see him again. And she hadn't been expecting to see him here. Stormwing's blue eyes flashed with fear and worry, and in the next moment, instead of heading towards her friend, she was padding away. Around him, like she thought he wouldn't see her, like maybe he was some sort of hallucination. And he had to be! The tom was gone, she wasn't going to see him again, and the young warrior didn't want to think about her loss. Everyone she had ever cared for (romantically, that was) was gone and she couldn't stand the idea of bringing another cat into that kind of thing was terrifying. Stormwing knew she wouldn't be able to handle it if she would find Leafwatcher again just to lose him later - even friends had been leaving her lately, and she was too scared to let herself find anyone. Stormwing was going to end up alone forever and maybe... just maybe... it was better that way.

Leafwatcher had suddenly noticed Stormwing. And, the brown marbled tabby felt a wave of relief and comfort at the sight of her. "Stormwing!" He called, leaf green eyes glistening with relief. He knew she would be here, he just knew it, and it made him so very glad. He was finally home. His ears twitched as he eyed Stormwing circling around him, he smiled slightly. "I'm sorry... for disappearing. It wasn't in my control and..." He frowned. "I have probably made things worse around here concerning WindClan... and... worried a lot of cats who care about me." It was probably his fault if a war was started, he disappeared, and he suspected Snowstar accused WindClan of catnapping him. He hoped that wasn't the case. He really, really hope it wasn't the case. And if it was.. Leafwatcher wanted to do anything he could.. to stop a war from happening. It probably wouldn't happen, but... he could try. Try with all his might. He was determined too. That would help him, hopefully.

Brilliance November 4th, 2017 11:17 AM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by TheLittleRobin (Post 412667)
The small shecat uttered a softened chuckle at her companion’s words, looking to him with a light smile for a moment. “I couldn’t agree more about that.” She mentioned, her bobtail flicking behind her ever so gently, “We all have some long term goals that we have our hearts set on before we join our ancestors, don’t we?” Stonestream’s gaze was always so comforting with a certain warm glow in his gaze, which made the female feel safe and comfortable. She could tell that he was actually listening to her stories without looking bored or annoyed in any certain sense, like some cats did when she would occasionally ramble. In order to stay on track and not lose anymore time, Autumnleaf shifted back to telling her story about how she was the way she was - it was a strange way to put it, but it seemed appropriate. The brown-furred warrior could see the tomcat lean slightly closer to her when she was feeling around for the scar that she most likely had from the past incident, making a light smile appear on her maw. “You sure are a curious one.” She murmured, her tone low, almost like she was talking to herself at this time, “I’m sure there is something there, but faded away from the many moons that it has seen.” Autumnleaf could see how interested and invested into the story he was when she went on to telling more of it, which made it certain that he was the right cat to talk to about such things right now. Perhaps, like she stated in the past, it would give her some closure and help her move on from the demons that haunted her memories. At his mention of her being fearless, the warrior looked down at her paws with a soft smile as she shook her head while giving a quiet laugh in the process. “I was in love.” Autumnleaf simply said, giving the tomcat a better definition towards her actions back then, “So in love that I had no sense of danger or common sense whatsoever - I’m sure that’s what comes with being in love with someone at such a young age though, I suppose.” Throughout her life, the female had learned that love made you do crazy things and made others see a different side of you while it happened. She knew, deep down, that the mistakes and regrets of her past would not go away with a simple swipe of her paw nor with venting her story to a newfound friend - acceptance and forgiveness, towards herself, seemed to be the best bet, but even now, she could not bring herself to do so. The shecat did bring her gaze to look at him though when he mentioned that her words made it seem like Lightningclaw was some sort of hero. “To some cats, after the day, he was a hero.” She muttered under her breath, her smile faltering ever so slightly when that was said. Autumnleaf knew that now it was time to tell someone the truth of what happened on that day. “Back in the apprentice moons, I was forbidden to tell anyone about what actually happened. Northpaw had said it was for the best.” She said, lost in thought for a moment, thinking back to her youthful days now.

Northpaw was the medicine cat apprentice back when she was still being trained to become a warrior, which made her think - what had happened to them? It didn’t matter though, not anymore. “I suppose the truth can be told now though, since it has been so long and Lightningclaw is no longer with Thunderclan anyways.” She said with a sigh leaving her before continuing on with the story, “After a few minutes of me laying there with his limp body, our mentors had finally found us, seeing the state of Lightningpaw and me grieving over him. I thought I had just lost my closest friend, can you truly blame me? Heh.” Autumnleaf shifted her stance, feeling her paws becoming numb slightly from sitting on them for too long, “I remember his mentor picking him up and we proceeded to head back to camp, prepared to tell everyone of his death.” She paused ever so slightly for effect. “However, right before he got to camp, he awoke from the dead, quite literally and it had shocked us all to the core. I mean, how could he be alive after that? Struck by lightning and a cat being able to live another day, it was unheard. Nonetheless, I was thrilled and so was our mentors. He, and I, were both taken back to the medicine den to be immediately treated by Zerosight and Northpaw, the medicine cats of that time - if you remember.” She stopped there for awhile, taking a few seconds to rest her voice. All this talking was making her rather tired and right now, a good nap sounded like the greatest treat to go back to once they would go back to the Thunderclan camp. “I don’t really remember what all happened after that, to be honest with you, some details are fuzzy from those times, but apparently the medicine cats saw something in Lightningpaw. He was apart of a plan from Starclan, given great powers that could strike down any enemy, quite literally.” She remembered that she had been dragged into the whole mess with the prophecy and all that because she was close to Lightningpaw and saw the whole event take place. “You don’t have to believe me if you want, I know it is something rather absurd to think about. We were not supposed to tell our mentors or any of our friends about his powers, not until the time was right. I respected this, of course, and gave Lightningpaw was full support. Unfortunately though, those powers changed him. He was never the same after that day.” She said this with a certain emotion in her tone that seemed to come off as unreadable, with a certain strained pain. Her whole life would never be the same after that fateful day with the storm. “Once we had been treated probably and such else, we went back to our normal lives as apprentices of Thunderclan, but nothing seemed to be truly normal. Lightningpaw would distance himself from me, claiming he would need time to train with his newfound powers. He said that I couldn’t help him either, that I would hold him back. I didn’t see him much because he was often training alone in the woods.” Autumnleaf mentioned, looking out in the dense forest, “I was left alone without my only friend. I felt worthless.. It was like I couldn’t do anything right after that.”

It took a moment with her stretching out her paws and giving a widened yawn before she was able to continue her tale. “Once I was on my own, it seemed like it was my time to step up and take my own life by the horns and focus on myself for awhile. While Lightningpaw was away, training on his own or with his mentor, I was training myself to become a grand warrior that would make all of Thunderclan proud someday. I would hunt, fight, track and even give the elders and queens fresh moss. I did whatever I could to become a good cat in the eyes of my own clanmates and be someone that would make my mother, brothers and even Lightningpaw proud.” She did not remember some things, but Autumn did remember training hard back then with hardly any breaks or rest to make new friends. She put all her time and effort into proving herself worthy of being by Lightningpaw’s side and Thunderclan alike. It had been a rough few moons for her, straining to catch the attention of her best friend while all of this. “About a moon before I became a warrior, Lightningpaw had promised me that when we became full warriors with new names that we would become mates.” The warrior mentioned, “He told me that I wouldn’t have to worry about training so hard because I would be in the nursery soon enough afterwards. In hindsight, I should’ve taken that as a bad thing, but I was young and often fantasized about having kittens with him.” Deep down, the brown-furred shecat truly thought about how others saw there. Was she really a pathetic cat that would do anything to catch the attention of another? Part of her wished that she could’ve warned her younger self of the stress and pain that she would go through if she continued down her path with him. Maybe it was destiny though - she was not sure. “Then that day came, where we were both named Autumnleaf and Lightningclaw, true and official warriors of Thunderclan from this day forth. It was a proud day for me, I remember seeing my adopted parents there and even my own friend Flintheart there in the crowd. I suppose that’s another cliche though, right? To all apprentices, the best day of their lives are their warrior ceremony.” The shecat was beginning to get awfully tired and she hoped Stonestream would not notice that occasionally nod of her head. It had been so long since she had slept peacefully and it all seemed to be catching up with her now. She did continue her story, despite this, keeping to her promise of not taking forever to tell it. “Soon afterwards, a couple moons later, I found myself heavy with his kittens, which isn’t really that surprising. They were born on a warm greenleaf day - Redkit, Adderkit, Sparkkit, Sparrowkit and Stormkit. My two sons and three daughters. I remember the day so well..” She went silent after that, looking off into the distance with a pensive gaze, seeming to go back in time when things weren’t seeming so hectic and awful as they once did, before it all went downhill.

Every life that is lived held a goal. Personally to Stonestream, he felt that if a cat completed their goal, then they were gone. They were ready to die. But, if they didn't, then they were scared to join their ancestors. Death wasn't something to be afraid of. It was the thought where you would.go afterward. The afterlife...if there was one. Or, was there complete darkness, or constant dreams and nightmares? Stonestream knew that he would be welcomed to Starclan with opened paws, but what if there were other steps that needed to be taken? What if it wasn't that easy going to Starclan? All of a sudden, Stonestream wondered how the petrified thoughts ended in his mind. So, he blinked them away, and nodded vigorously upon her words. “Oh. Yes, definitely. No goal, what's the point of life? To me, it would be very boring.” Stonestream knew for certain that life was not guaranteed. It was a privilege. One that would be taken away easily. Because everyone dies, but not everyone live. The misery train of thought, hit him like a ton of bricks because he knew it was true. The kits that were unborn, the kits that were stillborn were his. Didn't even live when they came from their mother’s womb. Again, he was losing it. His mind was whirling. Sometimes the weather done that to him. Either a sign he was getting old, or depressed. Which was definitely not a road he would go down any longer. “But, you know, maybe some goals are to be lazy. Live carefree and make some memories. Bad or good. They both certainly shape you into a stronger cat.” He commented, softly. Staring down at his paws, and flexing his claws for a moment. He dug them lightly into the stump, but scolded himself for getting sidetracked. Stonestream had been interested in this scar she received. He wanted to lean in closer to take a good look at it, but knew it was inappropriate for such a act. If he hadn't reminded himself of personal space, he would had used his own paw to find her scar and get a hint of it. It was a rather weird thought, but he was curious. As she had stated, but Stonestream felt himself grow embarrassed so he pulled away, and simply smile and awaited for her to continue her story. “I mean no harm,” he dipped his head out of respect. “Though I have the fascination of a kit’s point of view.” He chuckled. He hoped that was a smooth move to cover the awkward move he made when he tried to analyze her neck. As she went on telling her tale, Stonestream gave an occasional nod of his head. Sometimes even tilting it to one side to the other. The broad tom gave a small smile upon her words: I was in love. Again, it was odd to think that two felines who grew up as siblings fell in love with each other, but at this inclining age of life, Stonestream thought he heard all sorts of taboo love stories. “I understand the feeling.” He spoke, deeply. For he had been in love onc- twice. He had experienced the power it gave him, and even the pain that followed. Love definitely had a way of making many strong, act without a care in the world. Love was incredibly sensitive...and sweet. And, cunning, yet coy. Love was truly...indescribable. Something he could never explain. “Everyone wants to take a dare on love. It's our biggest fear, yet our greatest desire. It makes us afraid, and make us brave. I don't know why love likes to toy with us.” He snorted, huffing and shaking his head. Stonestream held no negative motives as Autumnleaf discussed her story and emotions. And, he continued to listen to her, understanding parts of where she was coming from.

The tips of his ears lightly heated up, and he perked them from their folded state. Stonestream felt that he had somewhat insulted her when he meant no harm by it. “Did I offend you?” He asked, alarmed, his eyes widening for a moment as he took a moment to gaze at her. “Because I didn't mean to. It...was a joke. Sometimes, I joke too much. And, at the wrong time. At the...wrong moment.” Maybe this Lightningclaw had been a hero. Maybe he was still a.good Tom. Perhaps, Autumnleaf still loved him. Which was silly to think that she wouldn't love him. After all, they were adoptive siblings, they were mates, they have loved each other. According to Stonestream, it was not that simple to stop loving someone who once had been yours. However, he didn't want his new friend to think he was taking a jab at her past relationship, which he knew was important to her, but Stonestream didn't like to hear depressing stories without a little joke. Clearing his throat, Stonestream inwardly kept to himself that he would control his filter. Instead of talking, he would listen with opened ears. Her next words, made him shift his position. It was like a secret she was telling him. Something she had been hiding and ready to spill. One thing Stonestream loved, it was secrets. The fact that others trusted him with such delicates, made him feel fuzzy inside. The tom gave a bow of his head out of respect to the mentioned past medicine cat apprentice. Stonestream remembered Northpaw. He didn't know him personally, but he knew who he was at the time. It was sad to know that he joined the stars without a chance of proving his worth to the clan. Though he didn't comment on this, he continued to listen. As she continued on, she did answer one of his questions. Lightningclaw wasn't with them any longer. So...what did that actually mean? Was he dead? Had he fled? Got exiled? Anything could had happened, really. Again, Stonestream’s curiosity was hanging on the tip of a thread, and he knew if he waited long enough, his questions would be quenched. She trailed on with her tale, Stonestream blinked his eyes, kept quiet to listen on. It was absurd to think a cat rising from the dead. Insane, surely! Especially since Stonestream didn't believe in supernatural-types. But, he had refused to speak when a story was being told. So, instead, he outstretched his hindpaws as far back in a tight spot that he could, and crossed his front paws to lay his head down on them. Though the end of her continued tale, Stonestream had lifted his head for a moment. “Why wouldn't I remember them? I'm not that old, yknow. And, I'm definitely not senile.” Stonestream would had been lying if he didn't admit it somewhat offended him, but since his voice was heavily laced with a joking manner, it was hard to tell that he found the comment offensive in any way. Stonestream definitely remembered Northpaw and Zerosight. He remembered all the sea of positions that Thunderclan went through. Maybe...that made him sound old. Stonestream had no problem acting his age, but that didn't mean he liked to be reminded how old he was. So, he laid his head down back on his paws. “Not yet, anyway.” He murmured, truly hoping he never had to worry about forgetting much of anything.

As the Tom settled into a quiet state once again, he kept a sullen gaze on the she cat next to him. With his head lolled to the side, he flicked his ears at her every word. He took notice of her heavy eyelids, and the occasional nod of her head. Nap time already? Perhaps, she talked herself to sleep. The thought made Stonestream laugh internally. The loss of a close friend...must had been tough. It was still hard to convince Stonestream that this other tom had powers. It was very...exaggerated. It couldn't be true, but stranger things have been heard of. Autumnleaf’s motives wasn't any different from any other young apprentice. Stonestream knew he was the same way; hoping to be a grand warrior. A name remembered within Thunderclan. A recognized face. So, he understood that, and he understood the rest. Lightningclaw promised she would be his mate, and later she was heavy with kits. That brought a smile on Stonestream’s face as he truly adored little ones. “It must had been a very joyous occasion for you.” He said, softly which caused his voice to be deeper than intended. “...I never got to meet my first litter. We, uh, we had a miscarriage.” And, many more after that. Autumnleaf and Lightningclaw had the stars on their side when they welcomed in their sweet babies on their first try. Stonestream wasn't bitter about any of this because he did have wonderful daughters who loved the world, albeit lived a short, short life. They would had made wondrous warriors, but as far as Stonestream knew, he was the only sole survivor of his family. He held.no legacy, which wasn't something he moaned about often. What mattered most was that a happy life was lived. As long as he was still around, love was going to be thrown. Stonestream couldn't help but wiggle his nose upon the Molly's earlier comments. So, it seemed as if Lightningclaw grew a bigger head? Stonestream would had laughed, if he figured it was appropriate, but it wasn't so he kept it to himself. A cat obtain powers, and they feel like they are on the top of the world. Though Stonestream gave this unknown Tom credit for wanting to protect the ones he loved since he apparently thought of himself as a monster, or equivalent to the mentioned. “Those are some gorgeous names for your little ones.” Questions stirred on his mind, wondering where they were now. Perhaps they were proud warriors of Thunderclan. Though based on Autumnleaf’s deserted gaze, Stonestream figured not so much. It made him sit up, and look down at his friend. The next part was dreadful. It was like he could feed onto her sadness because the next part of the story was something he definitely wouldn't like. He has experienced many, many losses. Oddly, the loss of kits made him traumatized, and helpless. Either because he lost potential kittens, and that he lost his own daughters when they were young warriors. He just hoped...he pleaded that he wouldn't have to hear such hurt in a story. That's not something his heart learned to shield just yet. “Take your time, Autumnleaf...take your time.” He soothed. Remembering was painful. For some odd reason, Stonestream knew the climax was happening. He just didn't think he was prepared for it. Funny to think, this wasn't his story to tell. Yet, it held a suspenseful edge to it that made it appear as a thriller. One that he was not ready to hear the outcome because whether he knew it or not, his heart was going to be torn for a molly that he didn't even know that well. “You don't have to continue if you don't want to recall it. Don't stress yourself out.” He whispered, hesitating at first, but ended up lifting a thick paw to gently set it on her own, then removing it, as quick as he done the action. The reason why he was acting utmost gentle was basically because she probably knew. She probably knew that feeling of loss that he felt when he lost his own kits. Just maybe...but he didn't want to jump to conclusions without knowing the next part of the story.

Tundra November 4th, 2017 11:56 AM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Tigerdawn emerged from the tunnel and stopped. She turned to face her new apprentice. “I am going to show you the territory first, okay?”

Deerlie November 4th, 2017 05:27 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Spooky-Flameleaf (Post 416214)

Tigerdawn emerged from the tunnel and stopped. She turned to face her new apprentice. “I am going to show you the territory first, okay?”

She looked around. "W-What about the elders? Wont theyneed their bedding changed? Wont they needfood?" She wondered.She was afraid of going out of the camp.She shrunk down, her ears going flat. "Wont the kits need theirbedding changed?" She asked again. She heard a bird and spun around, her heart beating. She began to race back for the camp. Her mother had died in the territory, thats why she wasnt there for her ceremony. Only her two sisters and brother remained.

Tundra November 4th, 2017 05:30 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory
Tigerdawn warped her tail around Blossompaw’s chest and pulled her to her side. “Yes. But you need to know your way around the territory first.” The warrior scanned the apprentices eyes. She noticed fear in her gaze. “Your afraid, aren’t you?”

wren November 4th, 2017 06:46 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

[ I had figured they would move out to hutnign so I posted in the territory first ]
[ you know why you didn't see the post? Because I forgot to mention you... Face palm ]

@.:Blue Wishes:.

The crisp morning was clear, the lazy clouds retreated towards the highstone's just as the sun made an appearance over the forest setting the forest alight with orange and red. Palethunder was seated just outside the camp wall. He had awoken early due to a crow cawing angrily at something outside. He would have appreciated more sleep but it truly seemed there was little to no time for such things. With a yawn the Tom drew his tongue across his paw and began rubbing his ears and face, washing away last nights sleepiness with gentle strokes to his pale fur. Once fully groomed the Tom looked handsome in the lighting, his tall posture and slender body making him even more beautiful to look at. He was aware of others looking at him sometimes which made him wince, the Attenion was hard to handle sometimes. With a heavy sigh the feline stretched out his long legs and back before sitting himself down again, the dawn patrol would be sent out soon! Or perhaps he could catch someone to go hunt with. If he stayed in camp he would become irate witht the serene amount of laziness from other cats that weren't serving thunderclan to the best of their Abilties which would result in him yelling and screaming at them. Not a good idea. He gently lifted himself to his paws and began a slow trot towards the apprentices den, if anything an apprentice would willingly follow him out, and perhaps since all of his kin where- gone he would have loved a chance to mentor them just a little bit. He missed the pride he used to feel when watching his kits, watching them grow, than slowly the pain of relizing they where finally gone. Like everyone in his life. Gone. the large warrior made his way toward the den before ducking his head under the thicket. He peeked around and noticed how some of the nests where barren an empty. They were out with mentors or something, his eyes slowly adjusted to the lighting and he called out for someone. "Hey. Wake up sleepy heads" he whispered harshly. "Let's get a hop on the day shall we, feed the clan as a nice surprise perhaps?" he asked into the darkness. He than began to shuffle his paws with impatience.

lone November 4th, 2017 08:52 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by tawny~ (Post 415468)
Leafwatcher had suddenly noticed Stormwing. And, the brown marbled tabby felt a wave of relief and comfort at the sight of her. "Stormwing!" He called, leaf green eyes glistening with relief. He knew she would be here, he just knew it, and it made him so very glad. He was finally home. His ears twitched as he eyed Stormwing circling around him, he smiled slightly. "I'm sorry... for disappearing. It wasn't in my control and..." He frowned. "I have probably made things worse around here concerning WindClan... and... worried a lot of cats who care about me." It was probably his fault if a war was started, he disappeared, and he suspected Snowstar accused WindClan of catnapping him. He hoped that wasn't the case. He really, really hope it wasn't the case. And if it was.. Leafwatcher wanted to do anything he could.. to stop a war from happening. It probably wouldn't happen, but... he could try. Try with all his might. He was determined too. That would help him, hopefully.

The silver tabby folded her ears inwards, and watched the tom with growing suspicion. Was this even the same cat that she had met all those moons ago? What if it was someone pretending to be Leafwatcher, what if - what if someone, somehow, was tricking her? Stormwing's blue optics flashed worriedly as she stopped moving. "Yeah. You did worry everyone." What even happened? Do you even KNOW that you worried me? That I thought you were dead, gone, that I thought I would never see you again? She wanted to yowl, but she knew better then to say a single word in this moment. Right now, she was leaving things be. Even though Stormwing sometimes felt like she had the weight of the world on her shoulders nowadays, she had figured out a pretty simple plan that had been keeping her emotions safe; trust NO ONE. Nobody could be trusted as far as she was concerned, and she was going to make sure that she kept herself safe by not even trusting her friend who had returned. "You're probably tired - and should... get back to camp. Or something. I have to, um, to do... stuff." A weak excuse, but Stormwing was too nervous at the moment to make up one that sounded even remotely legitimate.

Empress Of Evil November 5th, 2017 01:38 AM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Constellation (Post 403714)

Passionblaze immediately had jumped back upon the Molly’s hostility. His fur had bristled, and his eyes bulged for a moment. He didn't need to be on anyone's bad side. From the looks of things, he took it as if she was going to cause herself harm. Like she wanted to jump onto that thunderpath and have her life taken away from her. Passionblaze shook his head, the thoughts simmering away as he blinked his eyes. “Are you positive about that? Because I don't think a cat in their right mind would willingly be walking beside the Thunderpath.” The thunderpath was a good distance from her, but Passionblaze was cautious. Monsters had the ability to swerve their way too closely off its path. Most felines would believe that these monsters stayed on their curved pavements, but those things were dangerous. They were unpredictable. From the looks of things, she knew who he was. He could tell, since she seemingly backed down. The only problem was that since Passionblaze was still quite new to being deputy, he didn't know many of the cats. Before, he was just another nameless face, but now...he was a representation of Thunderclan. Whatever he did would be critiqued by others around him. “chill, will ya? I was just concerned about your safety.” He was concerned about everyone's safety, so what did she expect? Passionblaze gave her an odd expression, tilting his head and raising an ‘eyebrow’ because what she said made absolutely no sense to him. “Yeah...um, sure.” His scoffed. The thunderpath wasn't dangerous? “It's a lot...a lot more dangerous than you'd ever know.” Just staring at the path made him uncomfortable. He could hear the screams of his former apprentice as she yelled his name to help her. He ran. He ran as fast as he could. But, that truck smacked the life out of her. Literally. And dragged her small body along. The ginger cat ruffled his fur, turning a crystal graze to the she cat.
It wouldn't kill if she gave a little respect. Passionblaze looked down at her, blinking his eyes because she was still in a battle stance. If she thought he was going to fight her, she must had gone mad. Passionblaze refused to fight mollies of his clan. He was raised better than that. So, he waited until she stood up. When, she did, he flicked his tail, noticing a change look in her gaze. Ah, this one had a slick attitude. More like feisty. Passionblaze didn't like the defiant action she made towards him, but instead of showing any signs of his annoyance, he simply repeated her action. “Heh, when I find the reason, I'll let you know.” He truthfully didn't know why he was out here. He was just aimlessly walking. Absentmindedly thinking. This was the last destination he would be at. “And, it's not safe to be around here. So, you want to tell me a good reason why you're playing around here?” His voice was calm, not stern at all. He admitted that he didn't have a good reason being here. He was distracted. But, she could have a better reason why being here.

At his response, the Turkish Angora opened her mouth to give a sharp remark of her own, but she couldn’t come up with something straight away. The warrior closed her mouth and frowned. She stayed silent and thought for a moment. The tom made a good point and the she-cat was struggling to respond right away. “Then maybe I’m not completely right in the mind,” Blizzardhail said slowly. “But of course, I’m not entirely insane!” She added quickly in a defensive tone. She normally didn’t care about how others thought of her, but she didn’t exactly want cats to think that she was insane. That was just a little bit too strange for her liking. Plus, she was talking to the deputy so if he repeated this conversation to anyone they would likely believe him, had she not added in that last statement. “I’m not that close to the thunderpath,” she repeated. “And even if a monster were to swerve off the path, I doubt it would hit me. I am perfectly capable of moving quickly if I have to,” Blizzardhail said. Monsters generally stayed off the path. In fact, the warrior was almost certain that not one had gone off the path in her lifetime. If there had been any, then no one had told her about it.
“Is that your job as deputy now? To babysit everyone and make sure that they don’t stray onto the thunderpath?” Blizzardhail scoffed. “I can take care of myself,” she continued. She was a strong she-cat and it wasn’t hard for her to look after herself. If the clan was broken apart and scattered somehow, the she-cat would be able to survive on her own without a problem. “I’m not a mousebrain. I know that the monsters could kill a cat easily. But someone as smart and graceful as me would never get killed hanging around the thunderpath,” she said, giving the tom a grin. The charming and less defiant side of her came out for a short moment just then. The warrior was usually funny and nice to be around, but she got fired up easily and could become very defiant if she wanted to. The she-cat had pretty much gone against everything she had just said before by saying that she knew it was dangerous. She could be very strange, and even a little annoying. Some cats would get annoyed by the way she so suddenly changed her mind after saying that they were wrong.
Blizzardhail snorted at the deputy’s response. So he didn’t have a very good reason and yet he was scolding her for getting too close to the thunderpath. “Well why wouldn’t I be around here?” Blizzardhail asked, her eyes lighting up as if surprised that he would ask such a question. “The thunderpath is….intriguing,” she continued, her gaze becoming distant as she stared in the direction of black surface. “It’s different from everything else that we have around us. It stinks and makes a lot of noise, but I think it’s just fascinating how different it is,” Blizzardhail continued. Her voice was now softer and less sharp. The thunderpath truly sparked up her curiosity and she liked spending her time staring at it and wondering what it was made of and why it was put there. She also wondered how the monsters worked. They swallowed the twolegs and yet they were still intact when they emerged from the monster.

Seraphon November 5th, 2017 07:44 AM

Re: ThunderClan Training Cave

Originally Posted by Haunted Rainbowsprinkle (Post 407481)
Chameleonvine snorted,"Peachrain treating you like a kit." She meowed.

"Is that bad?" He looked at her with big eyes.

seasalt November 5th, 2017 08:21 AM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Lonestar23 (Post 416631)
The silver tabby folded her ears inwards, and watched the tom with growing suspicion. Was this even the same cat that she had met all those moons ago? What if it was someone pretending to be Leafwatcher, what if - what if someone, somehow, was tricking her? Stormwing's blue optics flashed worriedly as she stopped moving. "Yeah. You did worry everyone." What even happened? Do you even KNOW that you worried me? That I thought you were dead, gone, that I thought I would never see you again? She wanted to yowl, but she knew better then to say a single word in this moment. Right now, she was leaving things be. Even though Stormwing sometimes felt like she had the weight of the world on her shoulders nowadays, she had figured out a pretty simple plan that had been keeping her emotions safe; trust NO ONE. Nobody could be trusted as far as she was concerned, and she was going to make sure that she kept herself safe by not even trusting her friend who had returned. "You're probably tired - and should... get back to camp. Or something. I have to, um, to do... stuff." A weak excuse, but Stormwing was too nervous at the moment to make up one that sounded even remotely legitimate.

Leafwatcher's mood dropped a bit. Something was wrong. He knew it. Also, he felt.. guilt. He felt so so guilty. For being catnapped in the first place. For not coming back sooner. It was weighing him down, and the guilt could be seen in his leaf-green optics. "I.. am so sorry...." He knew that Stormwing had.. lost so many cats in her life. And he could of been one of them. Leafwatcher wish he could of fled that stupid fight with those two Dusk Syndicate cats, he wish he could of fled into the territory, the camp, and acted like the fight, never happened. He also wished the stupid amnesia and all the things he did in the Dusk Syndicate, also never happened. It had haunted him for some time now. It would probably always haunt him. "Sometimes.. things are out of your control. You're probably angry with me.. furious even. And I wish it never happened.." Leafwatcher would never specify what happened, never. And he probably would never will. He didn't want Stormwing to know about it, he never wanted any cat to know. And, it was in the past, and it would stay in the past. His tail dropped to the undergrowth. Then, his eyes slightly brightened up. "I need to check something, you want to.. come with me?" He knew things were tense, and.. awkward, but lightening the mood just a bit. Just a small tiny bit.

Captain November 5th, 2017 01:11 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory
@Trickster~ [Flintheart, Firefall & Ebonypaw RP]
“We’re almost back home, you two should get some sleep after all that fighting.” Flintheart called back to Firefall and Ebonypaw as the three males padded through the dense undergrowth of the Thunderclan hunting grounds that he knew like the back of his paw by now after so many moons of hunting in this area. With every step that the older warrior took, the slashes from the Windclan tomcat that showed on his sides stung and ached as they threatened to open up once more after they had finally stopped bleeding. The worst injury that he had, however, was his deepened claw mark that was across the left side of his face, going across his cheek underneath his eye. If his opponent had struck him just a bit higher, Flintheart would’ve gone home with one less eye than he had the day before. The male’s usually clean and softened grey-furred pelt was drenched with scarlet blood and even some light grass stains from being thrown to the ground without any mercy. He had not been against someone so fierce as that tomcat before, one that wished to actually kill him without even a second thought. The pure crazed look that Spireflare that possessed in his eyes as he ran directly at Flintheart with his teeth bared and claws outstretched, it was a haunting thought that would keep kittens from sleep, without a doubt in his mind. “I’ll give you time to rest tomorrow, Ebonypaw, and we’ll pick up training the next day.” He decided to say now, “You deserve some time with your sister or just some alone time to regain your strength. Just because this battle has ended, does not mean this is over. We still have to meet Windclan on the battlefield one of these days.” The Burmilla knew that he was most likely thinking too far ahead and should not bother with this stuff now of all times, but he was a paranoid male and anyone who was close to him would know that. He wanted to prepare himself and his apprentice for war, but then another possibility popped into his head - perhaps Ebonypaw wouldn’t even wish to take part of the war? Some cats would most likely stay behind with their families while letting the stronger, more experienced warriors follow Snowstar into the warzone. As the tall tomcat thought about this while walking through the woodlands, he started to grow lightheaded once more like he had done at the Gathering, making his paws feel heavy as he began to stumble forward until he fell into the grass. Exhaustion and the loss of blood from his wounds was surely getting the best of him now as he panted for breath. Flintheart was often known for never taking breaks and pushing himself farther than anyone would normally go. He had known, long ago, that it would be his undoing in the future and that future was at this moment as he could feel his vision blackening ever so slightly as he grew closer and closer to the risk of passing out for the moment, but no, he would not let himself do this. He could hear Tornblaze and Boulderdust laughing at him, calling him weak and worthless for going down so easily, so the tomcat pushed himself to the bare limit as he shakingly got to his paws and began to weakly head forward ahead. “..Almost home.” He muttered.

Mango November 5th, 2017 04:18 PM

Re: ThunderClan Training Cave

Originally Posted by Leo the Loke (Post 416803)
"Is that bad?" He looked at her with big eyes.

Chameleonvine shrugged,” It’s rather embarressing I’d think. That’s all... I mean if my mother...ermm...adoptive mother...did that I’d be humiliated myself, but that’s just me.” She sighed wishing she knew who her biological mother.

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