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RavensCall December 13th, 2022 06:27 PM

Re: RiverClan Streamstone

Originally Posted by Silverfur & Co (Post 1328750)
featherspirit shook her head no "Not yet. I was going to talk to Pikestar but he is sick." she mews looking at her mate and was nervous still trying to figure out which cat to talk to

“You’re right,” Goldenleaf meowed,”you should wait until Pikestar is better.”

Captain December 13th, 2022 09:46 PM

Re: RiverClan Streamstone
⋖ he/him ∘ fourteen moons old ∘ large curly-furred black-and-white tomcat ⋗

Once the clan meeting would officially start, the fluffy RiverClan apprentice's ears twitched at Gingerfrost's immediately clarification regarding Pikestar. He was fine, just sick with a dreadful cough. Cloudpaw nodded casually to that announcement, casting a glance over to the leader's den for a few brief seconds. Quarantined until further notice, with only Fawnpaw and Marigoldleap allowed to see him. Perhaps it was a tad predictable, but the large tomcat couldn't help but worry for his best friend's well-being. Yes, she was a medicine cat, but working so closely to sickness that could easily turn fatal... No. He shook his head, clearing his mind of such doubting thoughts. Fawnpaw would be fine. She was RiverClan's healer and was more than capable of taking care of her own health. Cloudpaw was just being paranoid and overprotective now that she had returned to them after a full moon. He made sure to take a breath and relax, though soon his attention would be stolen away by a chorus of... was that honking? Cats all around him seemed keen on uttering a mournful honk for their sickly leader, which made Cloudpaw choke back a snort as amusement bubbled within him. He refused to participate in such strange antics, but stars above, this was the hardest the young tom had tried not to laugh in a long while.

Once that was calmed down though, the curly-furred apprentice listened in on what more the RiverClan deputy had to say. Huh. The clan would be implementing new activities for their kittens. Interesting. Perhaps Cloudpaw could lend a paw or two in such training if they needed it. Sure, he wasn't a warrior, but he knew how to swim and how to fight, so that had to count for something. Right? Was that something he'd have to poke Gingerfrost or Fawnpaw about after the meeting? Or should he try to speak up now? Cloudpaw quickly decided to just keep his mouth shut and continue paying attention as best he could. There was more talk of lessons and... oh, there was the answer to his question. Okay, coolio. Soon after, the pretty RiverClan medicine cat would take the spotlight, explaining more about basic herb teachings that she planned on hosting for kits and then everyone. Cloudpaw should probably aim to attend all of those so that he stopped eating random plants out in the woods to see what they did. Thank goodness Fawnpaw knew nothing about him doing that though. Ahaha... She'd smack him silly.

Of course, the brown-furred dappled molly would soon reassure the whole clan personally regarding Pikestar's condition. Another understanding nod from young Cloudpaw, having faith in his close friend that she had this completely handled. Honestly, if anything, he was surprised (and a bit annoyed, to be honest) that Gingerfrost and Fawnpaw were allowing Marigoldleap to still be involved. Then again, she was still mentoring the young she-cat until she became a full medicine cat. So, it made sense. Cloudpaw breathed in and then exhaled a sigh through his nose, shuffling his paws slightly so they didn't grow numb sitting idly in the cold. What was next to be brought to their attention? He certainly didn't know, feeling out of the loop almost always when it came to inner politics. Now that life was slowly becoming better for both himself and RiverClan as a whole, he hoped to be more of an active presence around here. Now that Cloudpaw had the actual will to do so, thank the stars.
⋖ closed for interaction, solely a reaction post ⋗

Silverfur & Co December 14th, 2022 09:33 AM

Re: RiverClan Streamstone

Originally Posted by Holly Jolly Ashie (Post 1329080)
“You’re right,” Goldenleaf meowed,”you should wait until Pikestar is better.”

featherspirit mews "yeah your right hopefully he is better soon." she looks toward pikestars den and sat by her mate.

sock December 14th, 2022 04:29 PM

Re: RiverClan Streamstone
Rainglow had sat through this honking long enough. The tom's urge to return them had been rising, like bubbles to the surface of water. He shuffled his paws around a bit, and looked down. A very quiet noise escaped from his mouth. "Honk."

SpiritedWarrior December 14th, 2022 07:46 PM

Re: RiverClan Streamstone

She was glad to hear Pikestar was fine- just sick was all. It wasn't much of a big deal as long as RiverClan did as instructed and let Fawnpaw and Marigoldleap handle the situation. She nodded in agreement when the ginger deputy/acting leader said that no one else would be allowed in the den beside the medicine cat and her assistant.

The rule about swimming lessons being held at Cattail Pond for kits three moons and up was a bit unnerving, but she supposed that was because she was a queen a few times in her life and she'd never stop worrying for the safety of RiverClan's younger generations.

The young, dark brown warrior didn't think Larkpaw needed to learn Clan Etiquette, the young tom was kind enough to have never gotten in trouble with any leader in his life regarding how to behave when around the other Clans at the Gatherings or borders.

As the meeting went on, she heard the RiverClan leader's sickly honk and chortled as she watched one by one join in- never before had she seen something like this happen in RiverClan, but she was glad to have been able to witness it.


Pikestar's sickly honk was heard throughout the camp and made Littlestream chuckle, though she was unable to honk like some of her Clanmates, she did mrrp. Hearing there would be new etiquette and skills taught to the kits of RiverClan, the young cream tabby jumped up in excitement. Perhaps she'd be able to teach a skill or two that the younger generations could use in the future! I'll speak to Gingerfrost about it later... now's not the greatest time.

Since this next message was to mentors, the young cream tabby simply ignored it and waited patiently for the rest of the announcements.

RavensCall December 15th, 2022 03:01 AM

Re: RiverClan Streamstone

Originally Posted by Silverfur & Co (Post 1329383)
featherspirit mews "yeah your right hopefully he is better soon." she looks toward pikestars den and sat by her mate.

Goldenleaf purrs, curling his tail around his mate’s.

Silverfur & Co December 15th, 2022 12:52 PM

Re: RiverClan Streamstone

Originally Posted by Holly Jolly Ashie (Post 1329967)
Goldenleaf purrs, curling his tail around his mate’s.

featherspirit curled her tail with her mates and purred softly

Estelle December 18th, 2022 03:19 PM

Re: RiverClan Streamstone

High Rank Announcement [#hrannouncement]

Sometimes, when you announce a leader’s sickness, you get panic. Other times, when the cats are a little more level-headed, you get grief. This time, they get… Honks? The tabby’s brows rose in mild surprise when Goosehonk’s sad honk got returned by none other than the feline below the stone he stood on (Pikestar really didn’t sound good) and not only that, but began a chorus of honks from their shields and warriors. His confused, and somewhat questioning, gaze moved from the base of the Streamstone to Fawnpaw, who didn’t appear any wiser to the situation but gave but a shrug. This clan got weirder and weirder. Blinking away his confusion the tabby looked over the clan, honks still sounding. (And somewhere, within the deepest depths of his cold heart, as these honks seeped into his ears… And only to a select few ethereal beings, sounded a grieving honk from the depths of the ginger tabby. Honk. The soundless honk resonated within his chest as his lips pressed together in apprehension. Naturally, No One heard this honk for the tabby had made No Sound, he didn’t partake in such… Strange activities. But the thought was there, in honour of those who did honk for they’re leaders well being. He just wasn’t aware of it).

Once the honking died down, finally, Fawnpaw was able to speak. The deputy would’ve stepped back but before he could he realised there was nothing to step back on or for, as the medicine cat was at the base of the Streamstone, and stepped forward. He kept an idle eye on her, rather listening and picking out the important bits of what she had to say. He found that the clan-wide herb lessons were a rather good idea; it couldn’t hurt, and on the contrary prove to be useful in future situations. He remained silent as he waited for Fawnpaw to finish her announcement, leaving a heartbeat or two after she finished so the clan could process the new curriculum. Luckily, most seemed to have heard him when he said to come see him after the meeting if they wanted to teach anything, as only Goldensomething spoke out their voluntaria, to which Gingerfrost only subtly nodded. They could speak after if they wanted to teach anything.

With the curriculum and Pikestar’s sickness out of the way, they would be about halfway through this meeting – there wasn’t much left other than reassignments and some last bits of information. With Fawnpaw finished and clearly (albeit almost surprisingly) there being no questions, it was time for him to proceed with the meeting.
“Before we move on; I will be travelling with Raccoonear, Fogcloud and… Fawnpaw to ShadowClan. We’ll be leaving tomorrow at sunrise, and return by sundown. In the meantime, Wormbite will be in charge.”
He’d debated for a while on whether he should inform the clan or not. Ultimately though, he concluded that they were better off knowing, If anything to avoid any possible panic. Still, the tabby deliberately remained vague. And he waited but a brief moment before moving on to reassignments, not exactly wanting to deal with what the clan might have to say about the little trip. It hadn’t been his favourite choice either, much less Fawnpaw coming along, but he couldn’t change that now.

Tail flicking as he scanned the clan’s faces for their reactions, he quickly moved on to the afore mentioned reassignments.
“If Falconpaw, Silverpaw, Egretpaw, Sparrowpaw, Snowypaw, Copperpaw, Dewpaw, Foxpaw and Peachpaw could step forward.”
He waited a few moments for each apprentice to recognise their name and, hopefully, step up. Two returnees and seven reassignments… Seven reassignments too many. Holding back a huff he lifted his head, eyes coming to the apprentices.

“Silverpaw [ @maple. ]. You’ve recently returned to us;” somehow “it may come as a given, but to make it official, I trust Flintfang [ @Kat ] will be finishing your training.”
His green eyes briefly landed on the grey warrior, subtly wondering what his take on all this was. But there was little time for wondering, all he could hope is that Flintfang would cherish his sister’s return, strange as it may be.
“Falconpaw [ @Angelique ]; I’ll be overseeing your training myself.”
The molly had been missing for moons, but promised to do her best now that she was back. Gingerfrost expected to see results of that promise.

With the returnees done, it now came to the seven apprentice’s who’s mentors likely have gone missing. Casting his gaze onto the lot of them, he couldn’t help but wonder what caused so many mentors to always be disappearing.
“Egretpaw [ @Burning'Flame ], your training will be taken care of by Honeyblossom [ @Oceanflower ].
Sparrowpaw [ @/Burning'Flame ], you will be training with Goosehonk [ @perseus. ]”

The apparent starter of the honkening.

“Lilycreek [ @lonely.lilyx ], I trust you'll be able to handle Snowypaw.”
He recalled his conversation with the young apprentice; the tabby hoped that the apprentice might be able to find some sort of better role model in Lilycreek, what with how many kits she took care she might be a good influence on Snowypaw.
“Featherflame [ @Poprock ], you will be taking care of Copperpaw’s [ @Jinx. ] training.”
Once again he hoped the excitable warrior could teach Copperpaw some better coping mechanisms than lashing out.

“Dewpaw, Foxpaw [ @Birdspirit ], your training will be overseen by Flamebriar [ @NinjaBloss ] and Troutstone [ @Rabbiteye ] respectively.”
Both these apprentices were on the older side, it shouldn’t be too long before they ought be ready for their assessments.
“Peachpaw [ @Little Dakota ], Wolfsong [ @Rizo ] will be finishing your training.”
If he wasn’t wrong Peachpaw too was nearing the end of her training. That would be good.

“If I’ve forgotten anyone or believe you need a reassignment, then step up now.. please.”
He’d done his best to recall every apprentice who needed a new mentor, but there was always a chance someone slipped by. It happened, and he’d rather avoid it by putting out that question. Silently, he waited for the new pairs to meet and kept an eye out in case anyone stepped up.


*longfire* December 18th, 2022 03:33 PM

Re: RiverClan Streamstone
CInderpaw thought for a moment thinking if she was getting trained lately* thinking* nope the molly stepped forward waiting to get her reassignment

Peachpaw smied and turned looking for wolfsong wait who'se wolfsong? .... the molly thought hard but couldn't remember if she met him

Ian December 18th, 2022 03:35 PM

Re: RiverClan Streamstone
Flamebriar's ears perked up at all the new information, a slight frown twisting at her maw at the mention of ShadowClan. Why wasn't the Clan being told the reason for the travel? "Gingerfrost, has something happened with ShadowClan that we need to be concerned about?" As far as she knew, in RiverClan had been around when Lionstar tar had accepted her into the Clan and changed her name from Citrusflower to Flamebriar. While curious about what happened between RiverClan and her niece's Clan, it would not bother her if Gingerfrost decided not to speak more on the matter.

On the other paw, receiving an apprentice was much more positive news, and the former ShadowClanner scanned the crowd for Dewpaw. "Dewpaw? I'm to be your new mentor."

@Estelle @Birdspirit

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