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Mango November 1st, 2017 06:36 PM

Re: October Gathering

Originally Posted by AbsurdJinx (Post 414931)

Juniperpaw buckled yet again as he successfully hit her, but she still refused to launch herself at him. She knew if she lunged at him she'd end up pinned, and that would be the end of the battle. So she took his abuse, conversing with him as she endured each and every hit. ``There's so many of us, a majority of us are still at our camps. Recruits will be here any second.``

He laughed,” Sure...we have more than you do...we are a three times as large as all clans, how do we know? We planted a spy in each clan...” he lied. As he slashed at Juniperpaw’s forearm.

wren November 1st, 2017 06:56 PM

Re: October Gathering

Originally Posted by AbsurdJinx (Post 414953)

As Augustus stood over a frightened Tumblestep, teeth bared in a vicious grin, prepared to give the killing blow, a rough force knocked him off his victim. The lanky black tomcat rolled off Tumblestep with a surprised yowl, paws scrambling against the ground for a paw-hold. He found a firm grip, and whipped around to face whoever prevented him from killing the timid Tumblestep. Instead of finding himself facing a feline in a defensive position, he found himself facing a flying paw with claws unsheathed. Without a single moment to adjust, thorn-sharp claws raked across his muzzle, drawing crimson blood. His head shot sharply to the side, eyes wide and jaw dropped with shock. Augustus quickly recovered, however, and narrowed his eyes, his lips forming a narrowed scowl. He glared at his new opponent, studying the she-cat carefully before launching an attack.

Meanwhile, Tumblestep lied on his back, where he had been while Augustus has stood over him. He was in shock, having not expected such a bold attack. The only injury he bore was a thin stream of blood running down his shoulder and off his arm into a tiny puddle of blood that had formed beneath him. His eyes were wide, his jaws forming an `o`, and his muscles were stiff and refusing to let him move his limbs. The only sign of life from him was the faint rise and fall of his chest and flanks. By the time Augustus was studying Daisyshade, Tumblestep had fully recovered and was rolling over to rise to his paws. As he rolled, he breathed heavily as he gasped for air. He wheezed quietly, chest heaving as air filled his lungs. Finally, he was on his paws, looking to Daisyshade for instructions.

As Tumblestep looked to Daisyshade for directions, Augustus had finalized his plan. The she-cat was a couple fox-lengths away, breathing heavily as if tired. Augustus couldn't help but smirk at this, a rather menacing smirk as well. With a lash of his rat-like tail, Augustus slowly stepped forward until he decided enough was enough. Finally, he glided forward, intending to slip to the side last-second and land a fury of blows on the she-cat's flank.

Daisyshade jerked her head to the side to study tumblestep scanning his body for amy serious injury to which she found nothing but a scratch by his shoulder which was bleeding. Nothing she needed to tend to suddenly. Her ears flattened with concern but she pushed it aside, he was safe for now. As she turned her Attenion back to the black Tom she saw him move with a flash, Just as she had turned he was moving already, gliding over the ground like a fish through water. As Augustus reached her, she felt a blow to her flank which nearly winded her despite being near her legs. She had no time to yell before the weight of the blow caused her legs to crumble and fell hard onto her shoulder with a grunt. She looked up at the Tom for a singular moment fear in her eyes, but I want a family. I'm not going to die, I need to do this for tumblestep... He can't stop me! gaining the will power she quickly tried prevent the opening of a window for Augustus to attack, using her position to her advantage she attempted to pummel his belly with hard kicks from her hindlegs using her strength.

Now she was huffing and puffing with the effort, once she found it was enough she rolled away to a safer spot so she could re gain her breath. She crouched a tail length away wheezing with the effort. Though her eyes remained fixated on the Tom, bloodshot and focused. "You can't win this!" she shouted at him despite the stillness of the air for a moment as if the whole battle ceased for her. "It's two agaisnt one, you have no chance" she wheezed looking at him through slit and narrow pupils. She hated her teeth again and tried to stand, she approched him slowly her guard down for a single moment. "Look around you, the DS is loosing! Your leader is a fool to think you could have won!" she snapped in a fiery tone, one she never used with anyone.

Meanwhile a white Tom with clack laws padded up from the shadows. His ears flicking toward the conversation of the pair, one he had farmiliarly seen around the DS a well known fighter, the other a useless clan cat. He knew the clan cat would be demolished quite easily, clan cats didn't know how to kill and he was sure the DS cats had enough drive to fight until they died or caused death. They weren't gentle things that's for sure. Just as he was about to pad away he spotted a grey warrior, slender frame and blazing green eyes that caught his Attenion. He smirked a flirty smirk and dropped into a crouch. The overwhelming scent of the female warrior was rolling off of him and vice versa, leverage perhaps could be arranged. Since he was facing the warrior he took a. Few steps towards the threesome, than bunched his hindlegs and leapt effortlessly over the quarrelling pair until he blocked the male from getting them them upon landing. "Hello buttercup!" he chimed as he landed beofre lashing out a paw towards the tom quickly


Role November 1st, 2017 07:10 PM

Re: October Gathering
Bump for rosebelly and arrow's fight @Lonestar23

wickedvirtues November 1st, 2017 09:11 PM

Re: October Gathering

Originally Posted by TheLittleRobin (Post 413523)
A warm, gentle smile appeared on the older tomcat’s maw as he looked at the orange-and-white-furred warrior before him. “I am relieved that I could get here in time to save you.” Flintheart remarked, his tone softened and rather casual as his tail swished behind him in a back and forth motion, “I was very fortunate to escape with my life after fighting that savage male. He was aiming to kill anyone that he could get underneath his claws, without a doubt.” He shook his head silently, thinking back to the crazy, enraged look that Spireflare had in his eye each time that he had come charging towards him. However, the Burmilla drew away from these worrying thought and focused on Thunderclan tomcat that he had rescued, bringing his attention to him for the moment and ignoring the fact towards the chaos that was surrounding them at the moment. “I’m alive and that is what is important.” He said, glancing behind him to check on the deep slashes that were currently on his flank and coated his blackish grey-colored fur with darkened scarlet blood, “Some scars will be left after that fight, but it was all worth it to make sure a clanmate did not go to Starclan on this night.” That was just the kind of cat that Flintheart was, hardly caring about his own well-being and putting effort towards his own clan and the cats within it instead. He chuckled ever so quietly at how shy and stuttery this cat seemed to be, perhaps it was the shock of battle or just the rush of adrenaline. “No need to thank me for this, I’m just doing what any noble clanmate would do for another warrior of his own clan.” The Burmilla simply remarked, feeling the sting in his face beginning to fade to just a numb feeling in his cheek. He hoped that the flow of blood soon come to a halt due to the fact of what a burden this would be for grooming afterwards. “Ah, don’t say that. Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses when it comes to helping a clan survive.” Flintheart said, hoping to reassure the male’s doubts about his fighting abilities, “It just happens to be a coincidence that I have a strength when it comes to combat after many moons of practice.” It came to slight realization to how long it had been since he had truly had a real conversation with another cat of his own clan, besides his own apprentice. This tomcat was interesting and a unique character, unlike most of Thunderclan that he had took notice of in the past. “It’s Flintheart.” He said, giving another lightened nod of his head to his own introduction, “It is a pleasure to meet you, Firefall.” Most cats would be on edge when talking to someone with basic war going on around them, but to Flintheart, it was nothing new - perhaps he was too humble for his own good. “Do you need any more assistance from me?” He decided to ask, feeling his paws grow a bit uneven underneath him, “Do you think you can fight or head back to camp on your own now? I want to make sure you are safe, of course.” Flintheart was not used to being social like this, leaving to be a little awkward now and then when talking.

Firefall returned the smile, a purr building in his throat. He didn't full out purr, because that'd be odd..odder than he was already acting. "And i'm greatful. My mentor spent most of my training on hunting, not fighting, so I would have been crow-food." He admitted with a small chuckle, somewhat blaming his mentor for his poor preformance, somewhat his anxiety. It was a mix of things that almost got him killed. "Sad, really, that he would aim to kill under..what's supposed to be a truce." He sighed, glancing around at the chaos, his ears pulled back. He swallowed a wail of terror. War under the full moon! His fur had smoothed. There were a few scratches near his chest that had torn away fur, the area clotted with blood in the remaining fur, he had scratches around, and his fur was dusted with a thin layer of dirt from being tackled to the floor. Firefall spotted the wounds on the tom, concern flooding his chest. "You should get those checked by the medicine cat, when the chaos dies down, you know..infectiony stuff." He mewed, unsure why he felt so frightened at the thought of the tom getting an infection. Clan loyalty? Something more? Adrenaline pumped through Firefall's veins, the threat of almost dying was still fresh in his mind, his tail flicked and he felt like he needed to run back to camp and be in the warm safety of his nest. But he was no coward, he wouldn't do that. Firefall spotted a flash of black fur, belonging to an apprentice, close by, surrounded by a crowd of cats. He wasn't sure why that tom stood out, but he just did. He didn't look too injured, so he tore his gaze away. "Heh, I suppose you're right. I could stock the whole prey pile." He jokingly boasted, his tail curling. "My mentor hated violence, honestly I don't know why they were made a mentor, so they never really taught me battle moves." He admitted with a tiny shrug, jealous of the cats with well-rounded mentors. Firefall sucked at maintaining conversation, but this one seemed to be going decently well, shame they were in the middle of a giant battle, or he'd sit and be more comfortable. "It's a pleasure to meet you, too, Flintheart." He mewed, dipping his head quickly. He liked this tom. He seemed witty, respectable, and intelligent. The type of cat Firefall liked to hang out with. Firefall then heard the roar of battle in his ears, startling him slightly. He must have been tuning it out as he spoke. He hated the sound. "Er, I think I may head back, I'll be no use here." He mewed. He didn't know how to heal correctly, or fight well, he'd be an easy target. He simply smiled as Flintheart remarked he wanted him to be safe. The thought made his tense muscles relax slightly.

fresh November 1st, 2017 09:18 PM

Re: October Gathering

Originally Posted by Haunted Rainbowsprinkle (Post 412615)
(Blue, based on the description I can leave her kinda unable to do anything, but a guaranteed life if she goes to a former healer...as Fennel’d kill herself if she killed a cat being a former DF member)
She winced on her shoulder,” Ever learned of aiming?” She teased lightly. She slashed again hoping to hit the forearm. She knew that Blue could duck, but she didn’t want to do anything that would be energy requiring.

{That would be great! Let's just finish this up quickly. Sorry for the late reply, I was unable to respond cuz I was sick :-(. You can have Fennel accidentally break her backbone like Briarlight or mangle her leg like Cinderpelt? }

The teasing enraged the small molly until red rimmed her vision. "You'll pay for this!" She rambled in a scream. "It'll be all your fault when you realize that we were right all along!" It was at a point where what Blue screeched didn't even make sense. She was slashing around wildly, not caring who or what she hit. Nothing made sense. The world swam around her in messy waves. Her jaws frothed and spittle flew every which way.

Captain November 1st, 2017 10:07 PM

Re: October Gathering

Originally Posted by Trickster~ (Post 415137)
Firefall returned the smile, a purr building in his throat. He didn't full out purr, because that'd be odd..odder than he was already acting. "And i'm greatful. My mentor spent most of my training on hunting, not fighting, so I would have been crow-food." He admitted with a small chuckle, somewhat blaming his mentor for his poor preformance, somewhat his anxiety. It was a mix of things that almost got him killed. "Sad, really, that he would aim to kill under..what's supposed to be a truce." He sighed, glancing around at the chaos, his ears pulled back. He swallowed a wail of terror. War under the full moon! His fur had smoothed. There were a few scratches near his chest that had torn away fur, the area clotted with blood in the remaining fur, he had scratches around, and his fur was dusted with a thin layer of dirt from being tackled to the floor. Firefall spotted the wounds on the tom, concern flooding his chest. "You should get those checked by the medicine cat, when the chaos dies down, you know..infectiony stuff." He mewed, unsure why he felt so frightened at the thought of the tom getting an infection. Clan loyalty? Something more? Adrenaline pumped through Firefall's veins, the threat of almost dying was still fresh in his mind, his tail flicked and he felt like he needed to run back to camp and be in the warm safety of his nest. But he was no coward, he wouldn't do that. Firefall spotted a flash of black fur, belonging to an apprentice, close by, surrounded by a crowd of cats. He wasn't sure why that tom stood out, but he just did. He didn't look too injured, so he tore his gaze away. "Heh, I suppose you're right. I could stock the whole prey pile." He jokingly boasted, his tail curling. "My mentor hated violence, honestly I don't know why they were made a mentor, so they never really taught me battle moves." He admitted with a tiny shrug, jealous of the cats with well-rounded mentors. Firefall sucked at maintaining conversation, but this one seemed to be going decently well, shame they were in the middle of a giant battle, or he'd sit and be more comfortable. "It's a pleasure to meet you, too, Flintheart." He mewed, dipping his head quickly. He liked this tom. He seemed witty, respectable, and intelligent. The type of cat Firefall liked to hang out with. Firefall then heard the roar of battle in his ears, startling him slightly. He must have been tuning it out as he spoke. He hated the sound. "Er, I think I may head back, I'll be no use here." He mewed. He didn't know how to heal correctly, or fight well, he'd be an easy target. He simply smiled as Flintheart remarked he wanted him to be safe. The thought made his tense muscles relax slightly.

“Ah, it would seem that I was given a mentor that was a complete opposite compared to yours.” Flintheart said with a low chuckle stirring from him, though it lacked amusement, “I would tell you the tale of my training moons with my own teacher, who was known as Tornblaze, but this does not seem like the appropriate setting for storytime.” The Burmilla’s eyes flickered up to the full moon that shined above them, still unaffected after this battle had begun, as Firefall spoke of the truce. “It is quite sad that despite this bloodshed and violence, our ancestors will still look on without any interference whatsoever,” He muttered, quiet as if he were speaking to himself and lost in his own mind, “I sometimes question why I hold any faith in them after this has happened, but I suppose we must keep our hope and wait to see what happens.” The area around them, once used as a peaceful ground for pleasant conversation and good laughs, was now scattered with blood and fur of cats - both from the clans and the Dusk Syndicate. It would seem like a sick joke if you told anyone that this was an innocent place to seek friends and information from. Flintheart drew away from these troubling thoughts, however, when the other male mentioned his wounds. He had nearly forgotten about them, the stinging pain was at the bottom when it came to his list of priorities. “I’m sure I’ll be fine, they just need some cleaning and I’ll be good to go.” The older tomcat insisted, “Other cats will need the healer’s attention back at camp after this night.” It came off as a stubborn side to Flintheart, refusing treatment for his own well-being - but why? Perhaps it was multiple reasons from being selfless towards his clanmates and caring about them more than himself or maybe it was because nobody ever really cared about his health, so he could get away with these injuries without any questioning. He was unsure, but there was enough time wasted at the moment due to his pensive thinking. Flintheart noticed Firefall’s gaze flicker off to somewhere else, which made the warrior turn his head to spot his own apprentice, Ebonypaw. “For the love of stars, Ebonypaw, get over here before a Dusk Syndicate cat squashes you.” He hissed to the black-furred male, showing that fierce protective manner that he held to his student, “You’ll be lucky enough to escape this battle without any deep scars to take home.” The tall Burmilla went back to his current conversation with the Thunderclan warrior for the moment once again. “See? You do have talents. There’s no harm in being skilled at hunting.” Flintheart said with a smile before he grew serious shortly afterwards, his claws sinking into the loose dirt underneath him. His ears perked up when the orange-furred tomcat mentioned heading back to camp. “Ah, I see. That’s understandable.” He said with a gentle nod of his head, “Let me and my apprentice escort you back for safety. I believe that he has seen enough violence tonight.” As his gaze rested on Ebonypaw before drifting back to Firefall with a softened greenish blue-hued gaze, the warrior grew silent before he began to walk, finding a safer way home. “Come on.” He mumbled to the two males behind him. After a few steps through the grass, Flintheart grew lightheaded for a couple seconds and stumbled on his paws, uttering a hiss of pain, exhaustion taking its toll on his body now. He refused to stop though or show any sort of weakness, especially now, bringing himself up against as he forced himself onwards as he went through the ache.

Burnpaw November 1st, 2017 10:21 PM

Re: October Gathering
Spitz had dragged himself along, bristling, by his back legs and panted in fury and fear. I'm going to die! I'm weak now!He mentally cursed the ugly she cat that had broken his front legs and pressed himself to the ground, reeking of fury. (Anyone want to take him prisoner for their clan?)

wren November 1st, 2017 11:43 PM

Re: October Gathering

Originally Posted by Burnpaw (Post 415168)
Spitz had dragged himself along, bristling, by his back legs and panted in fury and fear. I'm going to die! I'm weak now!He mentally cursed the ugly she cat that had broken his front legs and pressed himself to the ground, reeking of fury. (Anyone want to take him prisoner for their clan?)

The Russian blue she cat trotted along the outskirts of the raging battle, her ears where pinned to the back of her heav and her tail lashing ruth nicely as she moved fluently. She was searching for deserters or anyone reLly to attack or chase off once the broken from the give in the middle. But as she came around a bend a small shape practically dragging themselves away. The feline stoped a few tail lengths away than laughed a hearty laugh. It eas DS by the scent and Shiverlight knew it. hes so feeble. she thought as she approached. "where may I ask are you going?" she mused over him.

Burnpaw November 1st, 2017 11:48 PM

Re: October Gathering

Originally Posted by Celestial (Post 415210)

The Russian blue she cat trotted along the outskirts of the raging battle, her ears where pinned to the back of her heav and her tail lashing ruth nicely as she moved fluently. She was searching for deserters or anyone reLly to attack or chase off once the broken from the give in the middle. But as she came around a bend a small shape practically dragging themselves away. The feline stoped a few tail lengths away than laughed a hearty laugh. It eas DS by the scent and Shiverlight knew it. hes so feeble. she thought as she approached. "where may I ask are you going?" she mused over him.

The young tom bared his teeth and growled at her, as if trying to frighten the impending doom. He didn't respond. He was not afraid of death, and he was going to make sure she knew that from his hissing and spitting.

wren November 2nd, 2017 12:02 AM

Re: October Gathering

Originally Posted by Burnpaw (Post 415212)
The young tom bared his teeth and growled at her, as if trying to frighten the impending doom. He didn't respond. He was not afraid of death, and he was going to make sure she knew that from his hissing and spitting.

Shiverlight snorted angrily and stomped her paw on his face "I asked you where you where going crowfood!" she snarled coming into his eat and brstinh her teeth at him

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