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Seraphon November 13th, 2017 11:04 AM

Re: ThunderClan Training Cave

Originally Posted by Okapi (Post 420764)
She sighed,"Not slower..faster."

Bingo tried bolting in the crouch. Fast but slow enough that Chameleonvine could observe him.

Mango November 13th, 2017 11:54 AM

Re: ThunderClan Training Cave

Originally Posted by Leo the Loke (Post 420765)
Bingo tried bolting in the crouch. Fast but slow enough that Chameleonvine could observe him.

She nodded,” Better.” She replied

Seraphon November 13th, 2017 02:05 PM

Re: ThunderClan Training Cave

Originally Posted by Okapi (Post 420775)
She nodded,” Better.” She replied

Bingo broke the crouch to jump up in triumph.

Mango November 13th, 2017 02:06 PM

Re: ThunderClan Training Cave

Originally Posted by Leo the Loke (Post 420834)
Bingo broke the crouch to jump up in triumph.

Chameleonvine purred,” Try to pounce of this moss, keep your claws shethed or they’ll get stuck in the moss...” she meowed.

Seraphon November 13th, 2017 02:07 PM

Re: ThunderClan Training Cave

Originally Posted by Okapi (Post 420836)
Chameleonvine purred,” Try to pounce of this moss, keep your claws shethed or they’ll get stuck in the moss...” she meowed.

Bingo dropped back into his hunters crouch and slowly-but not too slowly-stalked forward, when he thought he was in range.

Mango November 13th, 2017 02:08 PM

Re: ThunderClan Training Cave

Originally Posted by Leo the Loke (Post 420839)
Bingo dropped back into his hunters crouch and slowly-but not too slowly-stalked forward, when he thought he was in range.

She smiled,” Good, pounce when you feel ready.”

Seraphon November 13th, 2017 02:12 PM

Re: ThunderClan Training Cave

Originally Posted by Okapi (Post 420841)
She smiled,” Good, pounce when you feel ready.”

Bingo resisted the urge to waggle his haunches, if this were real prey he wouldn't want to alert it, plus he wanted to surprise Chameleonvine with an unexpected pounce. Then, when even HE wasn't expecting it, he pounced, and landed squarely on the moss. Mostly because he pounced when it was a couple tail lengths in front of him.

Slyfoxgirl November 13th, 2017 05:58 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory
Flame quietly snuck into ThunderClan territory. She decided to rest by a nearby tree no trying to draw any cats near. She quietly drifted off to sleep.

Vesper November 14th, 2017 07:48 AM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Spooky-Flameleaf (Post 420665)
Tigerdawn's gaze flicked toward her apprentice. She noticed the fear in her voice, but said nothing.
"Yes." She mewed simply.

THe she cat quickly padded off. She looked back, "Can we hunt?" She asked. She crouched down, her tail flicking back and forth. The crouch was right, but her tail was flicking, hittin gthe leaves.

Tundra November 14th, 2017 08:09 AM

Re: ThunderClan Territory
Tigerdawn lightly touched her tail with a paw. "Keep your tail still." She instructed. "Preferably keep it next to you." Tigerdawn dropped into a crouch and curled her tail next to her side as an example.

wickedvirtues November 14th, 2017 08:15 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Charmer (Post 417179)
Morningblue ran through the woods of Thunderclan territory. The brisk leaf fall air blowing through his fur. He felt alive out here. Alive and free, the master of the vast forest his clan called home. He kept his ears pricked as he ran, listening to make sure his new apprentice was keeping up, and careful to keep his speed at a level she'd be able to handle. She may have energy and spirit, but this was her first time out of camp. Powerful, lean muscles pushed him on, and at last when they began to close in on the Shadowclan border, he slowed to a trot, the thick and sickly sweet smell of the pine trees burning his nostrils.
@Trickster~ Bumpalicous definitious

Lynxpaw followed, if she had a tail, it'd be streaming behind her as she ran behind her mentor, thrilled. Wind blew through her short fur and her eyes gleamed, half-shut against the breeze. She was finally out of camp! She'd been there for 6 long moons. Finally! She could explore, run through the forest, hunt, fight! She stumbled a few times, fur catching on brambles or branches and leaving white tufts, though she didn't seem to mind. Her fur had grown somewhat thick, she had plenty to spare. And she didn't fuss over her pelt much anyways. It was just fur, she was having too much fun to care. Seeing her mentor slow, Lynxkit clumsily skidded to a halt, claws sinking into the dirt as she slightly lurched forwards, before steadying herself and standing on her paws upright. She scented the air, the scent of pine filling her mouth. "ShadowClan?" She asked, guessing.

Charmer November 14th, 2017 09:52 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Trickster~ (Post 421726)
Lynxpaw followed, if she had a tail, it'd be streaming behind her as she ran behind her mentor, thrilled. Wind blew through her short fur and her eyes gleamed, half-shut against the breeze. She was finally out of camp! She'd been there for 6 long moons. Finally! She could explore, run through the forest, hunt, fight! She stumbled a few times, fur catching on brambles or branches and leaving white tufts, though she didn't seem to mind. Her fur had grown somewhat thick, she had plenty to spare. And she didn't fuss over her pelt much anyways. It was just fur, she was having too much fun to care. Seeing her mentor slow, Lynxkit clumsily skidded to a halt, claws sinking into the dirt as she slightly lurched forwards, before steadying herself and standing on her paws upright. She scented the air, the scent of pine filling her mouth. "ShadowClan?" She asked, guessing.

Morningblue turned toward his new apprentice, eye glinting with surprise. "Very good, Lynxpaw!" he said, not bothering to hide that he was impressed. "Shadowclan cats enjoy living in thick shade with soft ground because they hunt and fight using stealth. Do you know what sort of prey they like to hunt?" he asked, curious how knowledgeable Lynxpaw was already about the other clans.

Vesper November 15th, 2017 02:09 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Flameleaf (Post 421363)
Tigerdawn lightly touched her tail with a paw. "Keep your tail still." She instructed. "Preferably keep it next to you." Tigerdawn dropped into a crouch and curled her tail next to her side as an example.

"Kay." She copied her crouch and crawled forward. She smelled a mouse. Mouse! I hope I can catch it! She crawled forward, making sure the leaves were silet under her paws and then pounced, biting the mouse on the neck. The mouse squeaked and fell dead, but she noticed something was wrong. It didnt try t orunn. She let it go and backed away but something hit her. A net trapped her. She writhered on the ground and growled.

lone November 15th, 2017 06:58 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory
Seeing Crescentmoon in her grief was partly uncomfortable for Ottertail. He didn't know how to comfort her. He respected the she cat a great deal, and it was always hard for him to see another cat in pain, but he wasn't very good at fixing something like this. How could he? What could be said or done to lessen his friend's grief, knowing that the cat who had perhaps been her closest friend was now gone? "I'm... so sorry." In an attempt to comfort her, the tom lightly draped his tail over her back. It wasn't going to help for her to return to ThunderClan and know that there was a new medicine cat, especially because it should have been Northpath - and Ottertail knew it as well.

Still, he couldn't help but feel a spark of hopefulness that it would turn out alright in the end. Maybe someday Crescentmoon would find someone else, and Ottertail would be there for her until that happened. He would help her with her kits. Being a single mother was not easy, his own mother had raised her kits on her own and she had been one of the most amazing cats he had ever met - doing everything herself. That was how he pictured his friend turning out, being an amazing she cat - more then she already was. The one kit, the lighter one, South, had an accusing tone in his voice as he addressed Ottertail. "I didn't do anyth-" He was cut off by the other kit, who defended him. While the tom was grateful for her help, he was somewhat surprised that he had been accused in the first place. Still, he understood how it had to look. Their mother had been fine before meeting him. Perhaps that would have been news best revealed in private, when she would have more time to grieve and wouldn't feel like she had to remain strong in front of her kits - as Ottertail could tell she did when she seemed to calm. He knew she was still hurting.

It hurt him to see a friend hurting, especially a close friend, but at this time he was glad it wasn't Mintberry - she was his very best friend, more so then anyone else. Even as he was hurt by her pain, there was still that flicker of relief and the hope that she would be okay. As soon as he got her back to ThunderClan, and settled in, perhaps she would be okay. That would be nice, having a friend actually be alright - and it was something that Ottertail was ready to have. So far, he'd had some friends having troubles. First Mintberry and her night terrors (which was never fun for him to know, especially because he wished she would wake him up and tell him when it happened) and now this. At least he could be there for Crescentmoon if she needed him in the night, just as long as she wasn't afraid to wake him up.

His best friend might not want to bother him, but he wished that she would. And he wished that Crescentmoon would as well, if either of them needed anything - he would be there. "Well, um... until you can find someone that you can trust, I'm willing to help you." He gave her a smile. It felt a little awkward to say that, especially since Ottertail didn't know the first thing about being a father, but he did know a lot about being supportive. He knew that that was the best thing he could do for her right now, was just be there. Keep her in the moment, try to avoid sensitive subjects, and do what he did best - try and make her laugh. Or at least keep her talking, he was pretty good at conversation as well, so that shouldn't be a problem either. "Well, there are quite a few new faces. I imagine you'll be staying in the nursery with your kits?"

There were some new queens, cats that should be able to keep Crescentmoon company for a while, help her get over her loss and help her with her kits when Ottertail couldn't. But at least he could protect her - if he was acting like the kits' father, in a way, then maybe he could keep the cats with bad intentions away. He knew there were some cats who would take advantage of her situation. A single mother with two kits, recent loss, and looking for someone to help her? Someone she could trust? They would snap that up in a heartbeat, take her and treat her with less respect then she deserved. Ottertail could flirt when he wanted to, quite easily, but he respected his friend too much for that and he wasn't as bad as these cats. They acted like she cats were nothing more then pretty symbols of their masculinity, which was the last thing a she cat deserved to be treated as. Ottertail knew this - but they quite clearly didn't.

"We should hurry back. I'll get you and your kits settled because I'm sure you're tired; maybe tomorrow we could go hunting or something?" He offered with a smile. He wanted to keep an eye on her, make sure that she was going to be okay - the tom had a tendancy to get overprotective, and it seemed those instincts were kicking in. He was worried, too... what if something happened and he wasn't there? Crescentmoon was a very pretty cat, as he had noticed in apprenticehood, and she was probably going to become a target for flirts as soon as she arrived. Ottertail would just have to be careful.

Make sure that she was treated right, and hopefully she would be able to defend herself against whatever advances were made. He remembered her as being shyer, less willing to speak up - hopefully she would speak up against something like that. Otherwise, he would step in... and chances were, it wasn't going to be good when he did. Like said before, he tended to get overprotective - especially over close friends like her.


It didn't sound boring to Kestrelpaw at all! Well, the sleeping part, maybe - but she'd been training pretty hard herself, except with the recent battle, she'd had some trouble. It was sort of hard to train with injuries, but they were healing up nicely. That was the reason she was out here, her injuries were healing. "I've been healing. That battle took a lot from me," She remarked with a half-smirk. The fact that the battle had taken so much from her was annoying; Kestrelpaw had had a lot more that she was prepared to give, but according to Caliapaw (the new medicine cat, who was younger then she was) she needed some rest. Kestrelpaw wasn't sure if putting her trust in someone so young was smart or not, and she didn't fully accept the other cat. "What's your opinion of the new medicine cat?" She asked, in a way that seemed to be out of nowhere as she looked at the tom. If her personal opinion was asked she would give it, of course, but for the moment being she was more curious to know Kestrelpaw's.

The tom nodded as he heard Honeyvenom speak, his tail twitching back and forth slowly. Hanging out with kits didn't sound so bad, especially because he found them to be better company then some warriors. Some warriors could be quite hard to get along with, and he wasn't thinking about his "ex" anymore, he was more or less thinking about the cats who had teased him when he'd first started hanging out with Minnowstripe. They had treated him like he was stupid and worthless, and Leafsparks had hated it. "Maybe I could come and hang around the nursery with you one day." He mewed, and then a half-teasing smile spread across his maw. "Then again, you might be a mother at that point - who knows?" He purred, giving Honeyvenom a light nudge. He imagined she would make a great mother, she seemed like the type of cat to have loads of patience and experience to younger cats, which Leafsparks found admirable.

Then again, he quite liked Honeyvenom. He found her to be excellent company, and she had such a nice personality, and... okay. That was quite enough, Leafsparks didn't need to be going that far, after all. All he needed to worry about right now was keeping himself safe. He wasn't ready to try and begin another relationship anyways, although having a friend wouldn't be bad. If he could maintain a steady friendship with Honeyvenom, without anything happening, then perhaps he would be able to consider something else. Until then? He would be more careful. It was frightening to wonder about all the bad things that could happen, after all. He should have been expecting her question but he wasn't, and to his surprise, it caught him off guard.

"Umm..." Why was Leafsparks having to think about this? He should know this down! Like, seriously! "I used to hang out with Minnowstripe - she was a, um, friend of mine, I guess you could say... but before then, I did a lot of things. I made friends. I'd go hunting a lot, and now I suppose I can get back to those things." He'd left quite a bit of the story out. Minnowstripe hadn't really been exactly "a friend," no, she was more of a nightmare - to be honest. And now that he was free, what would he do? Probably whatever he could, before the ghost from his past showed up again.

@Empress Of Evil

wickedvirtues November 15th, 2017 07:34 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Charmer (Post 421772)
Morningblue turned toward his new apprentice, eye glinting with surprise. "Very good, Lynxpaw!" he said, not bothering to hide that he was impressed. "Shadowclan cats enjoy living in thick shade with soft ground because they hunt and fight using stealth. Do you know what sort of prey they like to hunt?" he asked, curious how knowledgeable Lynxpaw was already about the other clans.

"T-Thanks." She panted, chest heaving. She grinned at her mentor. She glanced over the boarder, the scent of pine trees thick. She blinked. ShadowClan territory was a lot different. "er..frogs?" She guessed, seeing one of the slimy green creatures hop in the distance. They were not appetizing, they looked like slime and bone. "Bleh!" She spat, sticking out her tongue and wrinkling her muzzle.

BluBunnie November 16th, 2017 12:22 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Lonestar23 (Post 422108)

It didn't sound boring to Kestrelpaw at all! Well, the sleeping part, maybe - but she'd been training pretty hard herself, except with the recent battle, she'd had some trouble. It was sort of hard to train with injuries, but they were healing up nicely. That was the reason she was out here, her injuries were healing. "I've been healing. That battle took a lot from me," She remarked with a half-smirk. The fact that the battle had taken so much from her was annoying; Kestrelpaw had had a lot more that she was prepared to give, but according to Caliapaw (the new medicine cat, who was younger then she was) she needed some rest. Kestrelpaw wasn't sure if putting her trust in someone so young was smart or not, and she didn't fully accept the other cat. "What's your opinion of the new medicine cat?" She asked, in a way that seemed to be out of nowhere as she looked at the tom. If her personal opinion was asked she would give it, of course, but for the moment being she was more curious to know Kestrelpaw's.

Kestrelpaw nodded sadly, the recent battle had taken a lot from the clan. Kestrelpaw had been injuried as well but thank Starclan that he wasn't hurt as much as others. He could guess how frustrated the she cat must be to not be able to train as hard as she wants to. The tom was a bit surprised by Kestrelpaws random qyestion, "Hmmm, to be honest I haven't spoken with them much. They seem okay, what do you think about them?"

cloud fur November 16th, 2017 04:05 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory
cloud fur crawled out of the warriors den and made her way towerds the camp entrance

Charmer November 16th, 2017 07:29 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Trickster~ (Post 422144)
"T-Thanks." She panted, chest heaving. She grinned at her mentor. She glanced over the boarder, the scent of pine trees thick. She blinked. ShadowClan territory was a lot different. "er..frogs?" She guessed, seeing one of the slimy green creatures hop in the distance. They were not appetizing, they looked like slime and bone. "Bleh!" She spat, sticking out her tongue and wrinkling her muzzle.

Morningblue's whisker's twitched, amused by his apprentices candid dislike of frogs. "They do. Lizards too. But also some of the same sort of prey were catch: mice and squirrels and the like." Glancing at the direction in which his apprentice was gazing, he saw the little, green piece of prey that had caught her attention and inspired her distaste. "That may not look appetizing, but an empty belly may change your mind. That frog is clearly over the border though. And it's against the warrior code to trespass on another clan's territory, and especially to steal prey from another clan." The lecture felt a little hollow in Morningblue's mouth. He believed in the warrior code, but he also had gone with a group of cats into Shadowclan territory for the express purpose of stealing prey not that long ago when the two legs had scared all the prey out of Thunderclan. He wanted to tell himself that it was a desperate time, and it was for his clan, but he had never been comfortable with it. He wished Snowstar had never asked them to go. Their presence that day may very well be the difference between Thunderclan fighting one clan or two. "Let's keep moving," he said, coolly, headed for the Windclan border next. Shortly, they reached the edge of the treeline where Morningblue could scent the marker and see over the moor. "I'm sure you'll have no trouble telling which territory this is," he said evenly, his mind troubled over the war to come between his clan and the cats who made their home here,

The_10th_Doctor November 17th, 2017 12:40 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory
@FadingEchoes @Ennard

Willowleaf sat calmly a few feet from the ThunderClan camp entrance, grooming his pale gray tabby pelt. He and Frostedpaw had volunteered to take Boulderdust hunting today. Now all he needed to do was wait.

Barnabas November 17th, 2017 12:48 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Kyra-Wolfe-666 (Post 422939)
@FadingEchoes @Ennard

Willowleaf sat calmly a few feet from the ThunderClan camp entrance, grooming his pale gray tabby pelt. He and Frostedpaw had volunteered to take Boulderdust hunting today. Now all he needed to do was wait.

Boulderdust made his way out of camp, looking around for the cats that had agreed to take him out hinting. "Im here. Where's Frostedpaw?" meowed the elder.

FadingEchoes November 17th, 2017 12:49 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Kyra-Wolfe-666 (Post 422939)
@FadingEchoes @Ennard

Willowleaf sat calmly a few feet from the ThunderClan camp entrance, grooming his pale gray tabby pelt. He and Frostedpaw had volunteered to take Boulderdust hunting today. Now all he needed to do was wait.

Frostedpaw trotted towards the warrior, dipping her head in respect to the older cat, "Hello Willowleaf, is Boulderdust almost here?" She inquired, tilting her head to the side as curiosity bubbled from her, "Where are we hunting? Do you know any special hunting moves? How's this?" She asked, throwing questions out one after another as she dropped into a hunting crouch, her tail flicking in excitement.

The_10th_Doctor November 17th, 2017 12:54 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by FadingEchoes (Post 422943)

Frostedpaw trotted towards the warrior, dipping her head in respect to the older cat, "Hello Willowleaf, is Boulderdust almost here?" She inquired, tilting her head to the side as curiosity bubbled from her, "Where are we hunting? Do you know any special hunting moves? How's this?" She asked, throwing questions out one after another as she dropped into a hunting crouch, her tail flicking in excitement.

Willowleaf raised a paw to silence the apprentice. He nodded as Boulderdust came up them. "Hello, Boulderdust. I trust you're ready?" he turned to Frostedpaw. "Remember, a cat can only handle so many questions at a time." he sounded friendly and he purred at the small cat.


Barnabas November 17th, 2017 01:52 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by FadingEchoes (Post 422943)

Frostedpaw trotted towards the warrior, dipping her head in respect to the older cat, "Hello Willowleaf, is Boulderdust almost here?" She inquired, tilting her head to the side as curiosity bubbled from her, "Where are we hunting? Do you know any special hunting moves? How's this?" She asked, throwing questions out one after another as she dropped into a hunting crouch, her tail flicking in excitement.


Originally Posted by Kyra-Wolfe-666 (Post 422945)
Willowleaf raised a paw to silence the apprentice. He nodded as Boulderdust came up them. "Hello, Boulderdust. I trust you're ready?" he turned to Frostedpaw. "Remember, a cat can only handle so many questions at a time." he sounded friendly and he purred at the small cat.


( @Okapi is joining us)
Boulderdust looked at the apprentice in amusement. "You remind me of myself when I was an apprentice." he purred.

Mango November 17th, 2017 04:21 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Ennard (Post 422960)

( @Okapi is joining us)
Boulderdust looked at the apprentice in amusement. "You remind me of myself when I was an apprentice." he purred.

Redpaw snorted unplesently,” I’ll bet anything Boulderdust won’t make it far. His bones are decaying. Just a fact not an insult.” He retorted to no one specific

Barnabas November 17th, 2017 04:52 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Okapi (Post 423030)
Redpaw snorted unplesently,” I’ll bet anything Boulderdust won’t make it far. His bones are decaying. Just a fact not an insult.” He retorted to no one specific

Boulderdust looked at redpaw, dipping his head down to the apprentice's face. "Hey I have a deal for you. If I don't end up making it I'll let you take a blow at me and I'll treat you as a warrior from now on." whispered Boulderdust.

Mango November 17th, 2017 07:19 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Ennard (Post 423059)

Boulderdust looked at redpaw, dipping his head down to the apprentice's face. "Hey I have a deal for you. If I don't end up making it I'll let you take a blow at me and I'll treat you as a warrior from now on." whispered Boulderdust.

Redpaw’s eyes lit up,” Deal. But my mentor will still make me do apprentice duties.” He chuckled then forced his face to straighten Warriors don’t have fun

wickedvirtues November 17th, 2017 07:47 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Charmer (Post 422716)
Morningblue's whisker's twitched, amused by his apprentices candid dislike of frogs. "They do. Lizards too. But also some of the same sort of prey were catch: mice and squirrels and the like." Glancing at the direction in which his apprentice was gazing, he saw the little, green piece of prey that had caught her attention and inspired her distaste. "That may not look appetizing, but an empty belly may change your mind. That frog is clearly over the border though. And it's against the warrior code to trespass on another clan's territory, and especially to steal prey from another clan." The lecture felt a little hollow in Morningblue's mouth. He believed in the warrior code, but he also had gone with a group of cats into Shadowclan territory for the express purpose of stealing prey not that long ago when the two legs had scared all the prey out of Thunderclan. He wanted to tell himself that it was a desperate time, and it was for his clan, but he had never been comfortable with it. He wished Snowstar had never asked them to go. Their presence that day may very well be the difference between Thunderclan fighting one clan or two. "Let's keep moving," he said, coolly, headed for the Windclan border next. Shortly, they reached the edge of the treeline where Morningblue could scent the marker and see over the moor. "I'm sure you'll have no trouble telling which territory this is," he said evenly, his mind troubled over the war to come between his clan and the cats who made their home here,

Lynxpaw could smell pine from here, her nose crinkled. It was much different than the scent of ThunderClan which she was used to. She twitched her nub of a tail, her ears pinning back slightly. She looked up at Morningblue, her eyes shining. The frog had now hopped into the trees, to be caught by a ShadowClan cat probably. She didn’t see herself eating them. “Yeah, I’d only eat them if I had to though..” she mumbled, sticking out her tongue slightly. “Blech, I didn’t wanna catch it anyways. Thank you, border.” She mumbled, thanking the line of scents. Lynxpaw didn’t want to steal prey, especially RiverClan or ShadowClan prey. She remembered, when she was still a small kit, prey had been scarce and she remembered something about a hunting patrol coming here, crossing the border, and hunting. But she’d barely left the nursery, so what did she know? That was moons ago, anyways. ThunderClan wasn’t going to steal again..she hoped. Then she might have to participate! Pushing the paranoid thoughts away, she focused on the present. “Okay.” She agreed, not wanting to think of when her Clan had stolen prey to benefit themselves, even if she wasn’t part of it. She followed her mentor, the strong scent of heather overtook the pine scent of ShadowClan. She tensed visibly. “WindClan.” She mewed tensely, her form rigid. She knew they were in conflict with the moor-living Clan, she wasn’t sure over what, but she didn’t feel comfortable being too close to the border. Just in case. Lynxpaw nodded, tasting the air, the scents of rabbit and heather present among cat-scent.

Charmer November 17th, 2017 08:09 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Trickster~ (Post 423159)
Lynxpaw could smell pine from here, her nose crinkled. It was much different than the scent of ThunderClan which she was used to. She twitched her nub of a tail, her ears pinning back slightly. She looked up at Morningblue, her eyes shining. The frog had now hopped into the trees, to be caught by a ShadowClan cat probably. She didn’t see herself eating them. “Yeah, I’d only eat them if I had to though..” she mumbled, sticking out her tongue slightly. “Blech, I didn’t wanna catch it anyways. Thank you, border.” She mumbled, thanking the line of scents. Lynxpaw didn’t want to steal prey, especially RiverClan or ShadowClan prey. She remembered, when she was still a small kit, prey had been scarce and she remembered something about a hunting patrol coming here, crossing the border, and hunting. But she’d barely left the nursery, so what did she know? That was moons ago, anyways. ThunderClan wasn’t going to steal again..she hoped. Then she might have to participate! Pushing the paranoid thoughts away, she focused on the present. “Okay.” She agreed, not wanting to think of when her Clan had stolen prey to benefit themselves, even if she wasn’t part of it. She followed her mentor, the strong scent of heather overtook the pine scent of ShadowClan. She tensed visibly. “WindClan.” She mewed tensely, her form rigid. She knew they were in conflict with the moor-living Clan, she wasn’t sure over what, but she didn’t feel comfortable being too close to the border. Just in case. Lynxpaw nodded, tasting the air, the scents of rabbit and heather present among cat-scent.

"Very good," he said evenly, with much less enthusiasm than before. "I don't know how much other cat have told you, but I'm sure you already know that there's trouble now between Thunderclan and Windclan. For right now, it's best that don't come near this border unless you're with me or another warrior. Understood?" Windclan had killed cats on the border before and tensions were high. He'd hate to think of what might happen if Lynxpaw met a patrol on her own. "They hunt rabbits and tend to prefer open spaces. In combat, Thunderclan cats tend to be bigger stronger than Windclan cats, but Windclan cats are quick and agile. Never underestimate one." Would Lynxpaw have to fight in the battle to come? He couldn't be sure. But he owed it to his apprentice to make sure she was well prepared in any case.

wickedvirtues November 17th, 2017 08:18 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Charmer (Post 423174)
"Very good," he said evenly, with much less enthusiasm than before. "I don't know how much other cat have told you, but I'm sure you already know that there's trouble now between Thunderclan and Windclan. For right now, it's best that don't come near this border unless you're with me or another warrior. Understood?" Windclan had killed cats on the border before and tensions were high. He'd hate to think of what might happen if Lynxpaw met a patrol on her own. "They hunt rabbits and tend to prefer open spaces. In combat, Thunderclan cats tend to be bigger stronger than Windclan cats, but Windclan cats are quick and agile. Never underestimate one." Would Lynxpaw have to fight in the battle to come? He couldn't be sure. But he owed it to his apprentice to make sure she was well prepared in any case.

Lynxpaw shuddered, slightly stepping back from the boarder. The scent of cat unnerved her, even though it was stale. What if there was a patrol hiding in the heather ready to strike?! Even though there was not, Lynxpaw couldn't push the thought away. "Yeah, I overheard some warriors talking about the Gathering a bit ago." She mumbled, shuffling her paws. She didn't like eavesdropping, but she just happened to overhear Gathering gossip, and that Blazingstar declared war. Lynxpaw remembered her kit-self retreating to her nest and dreading the upcoming conflict. "Yes, Morningblue." She replied quickly, having no intentions of coming here alone, her nerves tensing at the thought as she nodded. Rabbit she'd eat, it was lean and not as nice as mouse or thrush, but it occasionally got into the fresh-kill pile, and Lynxpaw enjoyed the lean meat from time-to-time. Open spaces, however, she was not okay with. She preferred going through the trees, using shadows and trees for stealth. Surely the prey would see you in the moor? Lynxpaw nodded. Quick and agile. She herself was more sturdy and a bit slow, so they'd easily outspeed her and dodge her blows. She didn't like that thought. She nodded, preparing herself.

Charmer November 17th, 2017 08:32 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Trickster~ (Post 423182)
Lynxpaw shuddered, slightly stepping back from the boarder. The scent of cat unnerved her, even though it was stale. What if there was a patrol hiding in the heather ready to strike?! Even though there was not, Lynxpaw couldn't push the thought away. "Yeah, I overheard some warriors talking about the Gathering a bit ago." She mumbled, shuffling her paws. She didn't like eavesdropping, but she just happened to overhear Gathering gossip, and that Blazingstar declared war. Lynxpaw remembered her kit-self retreating to her nest and dreading the upcoming conflict. "Yes, Morningblue." She replied quickly, having no intentions of coming here alone, her nerves tensing at the thought as she nodded. Rabbit she'd eat, it was lean and not as nice as mouse or thrush, but it occasionally got into the fresh-kill pile, and Lynxpaw enjoyed the lean meat from time-to-time. Open spaces, however, she was not okay with. She preferred going through the trees, using shadows and trees for stealth. Surely the prey would see you in the moor? Lynxpaw nodded. Quick and agile. She herself was more sturdy and a bit slow, so they'd easily outspeed her and dodge her blows. She didn't like that thought. She nodded, preparing herself.

"Let's move on," Morningblue meowed, turning in the direction of Riverclan and glancing over his should to make sure the young shecat was following after him. He broke into an even stride, making good time as they moved before coming to a stop at the next scent marker. Morningblue had never like the scent of this border. He found it offensively pungent and think with salt and fish. And they were still a fair distance from the ocean, he hated to think of what it would smell like deeper in the territory. "Riverclan is next," he said to his apprentice.

wickedvirtues November 17th, 2017 08:53 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Charmer (Post 423194)
"Let's move on," Morningblue meowed, turning in the direction of Riverclan and glancing over his should to make sure the young shecat was following after him. He broke into an even stride, making good time as they moved before coming to a stop at the next scent marker. Morningblue had never like the scent of this border. He found it offensively pungent and think with salt and fish. And they were still a fair distance from the ocean, he hated to think of what it would smell like deeper in the territory. "Riverclan is next," he said to his apprentice.

Lynxpaw nodded. She followed Morningblue towards RiverClan, her ears pricked as they got farther from WindClan. She glanced back at their boarder, grimaced, and followed quickly after the tom. She smelled fish. The scent hit her in the face, making her want to gag. How did they live with that reek?! Lynxpaw kept her comments to herself, however, and held her breath. Lynxpaw had to breath, though, and exhaled sharply, inhaling again to bring oxygen into her lungs. It smelled of fish and salt. "It smells..interesting." She mewed, managing not to gag.

Charmer November 17th, 2017 09:03 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Trickster~ (Post 423211)
Lynxpaw nodded. She followed Morningblue towards RiverClan, her ears pricked as they got farther from WindClan. She glanced back at their boarder, grimaced, and followed quickly after the tom. She smelled fish. The scent hit her in the face, making her want to gag. How did they live with that reek?! Lynxpaw kept her comments to herself, however, and held her breath. Lynxpaw had to breath, though, and exhaled sharply, inhaling again to bring oxygen into her lungs. It smelled of fish and salt. "It smells..interesting." She mewed, managing not to gag.

"That's one word for it," Morningblue muttered. "What do you know about Riverclan cats?" he asked Lynxpaw.

wickedvirtues November 17th, 2017 09:10 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Charmer (Post 423216)
"That's one word for it," Morningblue muttered. "What do you know about Riverclan cats?" he asked Lynxpaw.

"They eat fish, they swim, they..er.." she stopped. "That's about all."Lynxkit admitted, shrugging slightly. RiverClan wasn't on her mind much, so she didn't know too much about the water-loving cats.

Charmer November 17th, 2017 09:25 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Trickster~ (Post 423218)
"They eat fish, they swim, they..er.." she stopped. "That's about all."Lynxkit admitted, shrugging slightly. RiverClan wasn't on her mind much, so she didn't know too much about the water-loving cats.

"Both true," the tom said, nodding at her. "They also have a steady source of food thanks to their fishing, so they're rather large and muscular. So unlike Windclan, Thunderclan cats usually have the speed advantage in combat. However, getting pinned by a Riverclan cat could end a battle quickly." Morningblue had wondered where Riverclan would stand in all of this, and the more he thought about it, the more they seemed like the key to the battle. Shadowclan had just taken refuge in Riverclan for a long while when their territory flooded. If Riverclan were to choose a side, Shadowclan may feel pressure to support them in their decision. Perhaps it would be worth having a talk with Passionblaze about it. "This way. We won't travel all the way to Skyclan, but I'd at least like to show you the direction of the camp." Morningblue followed the treeline, breathing easier now that the fishy scent was fading. At length, they can to the edge of the woods an open field. "The starcave is straight ahead, sheltered in the woods across the field," he said, pointing straight ahead with his tail. "Skyclan territory is right beside that, also sheltered," he explained, angling his tail to point toward where the camp should be. "The field is neutral ground Seastones is in this open space and toward the sea. That's where the gatherings take place. We won't get any closer than this today though. With the dusk syndicate disbanded and the cats in it scattered, it's better for us to keep to our own territory for now while it's just us two."

FadingEchoes November 17th, 2017 10:08 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Kyra-Wolfe-666 (Post 422945)
Willowleaf raised a paw to silence the apprentice. He nodded as Boulderdust came up them. "Hello, Boulderdust. I trust you're ready?" he turned to Frostedpaw. "Remember, a cat can only handle so many questions at a time." he sounded friendly and he purred at the small cat.



Originally Posted by Ennard (Post 422960)

( @Okapi is joining us)
Boulderdust looked at the apprentice in amusement. "You remind me of myself when I was an apprentice." he purred.

She ducked her head as Willowleaf gently corrected her, "Yes Willowleaf." She said politely, shuffling her paws as she glanced anxiously around the territory.
Frostedpaw straightened up proudly as Boulderdust commented on her. "I'm surprised you can remember that far," She said to the elder, her voice light with humor, her tail flicking playfully.

Barnabas November 18th, 2017 12:38 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Okapi (Post 423137)
Redpaw’s eyes lit up,” Deal. But my mentor will still make me do apprentice duties.” He chuckled then forced his face to straighten Warriors don’t have fun

Boulderdust looked at him surprisingly as he chuckled. "What I meant by treating you like a warrior,
I mean you'll never have to do my nest ever again."
replied Boulderdust.

Mango November 18th, 2017 04:14 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Ennard (Post 423426)

Boulderdust looked at him surprisingly as he chuckled. "What I meant by treating you like a warrior,
I mean you'll never have to do my nest ever again."
replied Boulderdust.

He blinked,” What? But some warriors get punished and have to do apprentice duties....” (Should Boulderdust make it or not)

Starfall November 18th, 2017 10:13 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by seasalt (Post 420070)
But, would it get better? This thought drifted into the tabby she-cats mind often. No.. She thought. They would probably never get better. But she would only have to hope. Hope. Mossdrop had once upon a time as a new apprentice, hoped for StarClan, and maybe.. she would again. Would StarClan really forgive her for what she had done? She hoped so. But, would they really? She had done many unforgivable things that cats would normally, never forgive. But StarClan was wise, and perhaps.. they would forgive her. But she knew they would never give her, her answer she wanted. StarClan worked in mysterious ways. Mossdrop also wanted to prove, and to do something she wanted to do. Fix what she had broken. She couldn't fix all of it, but hopefully, she could fix a percent of what she had broken. Would that be good enough? All she had to do was hope.

The tom heart twigs and leaves snap and crackle behind him, making the ebony feline whip his head around, only to meet amber eyes. The same eyes that have managed to strike fear into the very core of his soul, the same pair of eyes that made his blood freeze, and that was just the eyes. The warriors own silver optics widened with fear, he took a step back, tail tucked between his legs, ears flattened against his skull, he tried to shrink himself down as much as he physically could. "R-Ratstar." he said aloud, his voice quivered and was barely above a whisper. Oh, this molly scared him so, so much, everytime he saw her pelt it made him want to hide himself in the darkest corners of the world, unseen, unheard of. He dipped his head and tried his hardest to avoid eye contact, afraid he would annoy the reincarnation of the former leader. "I-I apologize, I ha-haven't been doing anything, I-I wasn't informed to compl-complete any tasks a-as of yet." he stated, his whole body now visibly shaking, he hated seeing her, he hated coming across her scent, he hated hearing her taunting voice. Nightcry just wanted it all to stop.

Jay's Wing November 18th, 2017 10:34 PM

Frost Kit layed down in a bush.She had thankfully left camp without being seen,and she didn't want to be founded.:naughtywag:

Accidently, without knowing, the oldest kit padded into ShadowClan territoryShe padded farther and farther away from camp,away from ThunderClan territory,and father into Shadow Clan territory

lone November 19th, 2017 08:16 AM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by BluBunnie (Post 422502)
Kestrelpaw nodded sadly, the recent battle had taken a lot from the clan. Kestrelpaw had been injuried as well but thank Starclan that he wasn't hurt as much as others. He could guess how frustrated the she cat must be to not be able to train as hard as she wants to. The tom was a bit surprised by Kestrelpaws random qyestion, "Hmmm, to be honest I haven't spoken with them much. They seem okay, what do you think about them?"

"Don't really trust her." Kestrelpaw's voice was low, almost like she didn't really want the tom to hear her, but she stood by her answer. How was she supposed to trust a medicine cat who didn't really seem to like other cats? "I'm not sure that she's ready." Truth be told, Kestrelpaw was slightly bitter - she wasn't really a jealous type, but the fact that Caliapaw was medicine cat so early... considering that was pretty much the equivalent of becoming a warrior, just more special... she felt like the other cat didn't deserve the honor yet. And, like she had said, Caliapaw wasn't ready! She wasn't ready to treat worse injuries, and what was going to happen if there was an emergency in the Clan? Cats could die! Thank StarClan they still had Zerosight around, although whether he would be able to really help, Kestrelpaw wasn't sure. Perhaps a medicine cat from another Clan would come. It wasn't an idea that she particuarly liked, but it might be the only way to help if something went seriously wrong. And with the tension with WindClan... Kestrelpaw was more on edge then ever.

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