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idia April 3rd, 2019 03:07 PM

Re: ThunderClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Flippaw (Post 584090)
Adderfrost purred, nodding to Redkit, eyes shining. He crept slowly toward Redkit, haunches down, and pounced, grasping his son in his forepaws and licking him, growling playfully, he kept licking, taking his nose and poking him in the flank and sides, tickling his pads with his tongue.

His eyes glinted in amusement.
"I'm a big scary badger and I broke into the nursery! I'll gobble all of you up!" He mewed, deepening his voice and continuing to tickle and poke Redkit, the little tom still clutched in his fluffy forepaws.

(Anyone can begin to talk whenever! I think Adderfrost is trying to get Redkit to talk! XD)

@Shivers @YourAromanticAlly @Hyp3rGamin @~Silverkit~ @Rosemew


Originally Posted by Hyp3rGamin (Post 584144)

Featherkit stumbled backwards as she pounced upon, then sent a quick counter attack back his way. She let out a little "Rrrrr!" as she flipped them over, forcing him down to the bottom. She let out a triumphant mew, then got off of her brother, laying beside him and grooming his ears.

Seeing his father crouched down, Acornkit ran as fast as his little legs would let him. He let out a loud mew, jumping onto Adderfrosts tail. He looked at Featherkit and Redkit letting out a meow, as if to say; "Come help me".

Hyp3rGamin April 3rd, 2019 03:13 PM

Re: ThunderClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Rosemew (Post 584148)

Seeing his father crouched down, Acornkit ran as fast as his little legs would let him. He let out a loud mew, jumping onto Adderfrosts tail. He looked at Featherkit and Redkit letting out a meow, as if to say; "Come help me".


Featherkit stumbled blindly, following the mew. She mewled back, desperate to help, to do anything to protect her family. She stopped moving when the mew faded away, stuck and not knowing where to go. Her eyelids felt less heavy, but she still couldn't open them yet.

~Silverkit~ April 3rd, 2019 03:20 PM

Re: ThunderClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Flippaw (Post 584090)
Adderfrost purred, nodding to Redkit, eyes shining. He crept slowly toward Redkit, haunches down, and pounced, grasping his son in his forepaws and licking him, growling playfully, he kept licking, taking his nose and poking him in the flank and sides, tickling his pads with his tongue.

His eyes glinted in amusement.
"I'm a big scary badger and I broke into the nursery! I'll gobble all of you up!" He mewed, deepening his voice and continuing to tickle and poke Redkit, the little tom still clutched in his fluffy forepaws.

(Anyone can begin to talk whenever! I think Adderfrost is trying to get Redkit to talk! XD)

@Shivers @YourAromanticAlly @Hyp3rGamin @~Silverkit~ @Rosemew

Smallkit was beside her mother. She felt small compared to the others. Maybe because she was the runt? She wanted to get noticed and play but she was too shy.

Cindercloud777 April 3rd, 2019 11:13 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing
(( Boooop! @Rosemew

YourAromanticAlly April 4th, 2019 12:07 AM

Re: ThunderClan Nursery

Originally Posted by ~Silverkit~ (Post 584160)
Smallkit was beside her mother. She felt small compared to the others. Maybe because she was the runt? She wanted to get noticed and play but she was too shy.

"Help!" Redkit meowed out, his voice squeaky due to laughing. He was trapped under his father's paws and being tickled mercilessly. He's eyes were wet with mirth as he tried to escape from his father's grasp, turning his head to look his siblings. He saw the new kit and meowed at her, trying to get her to join in. He didnt remember her name. Was she named?

@Rosemew @Flippaw @Shivers @Hyp3rGamin

~Silverkit~ April 4th, 2019 06:31 AM

Re: ThunderClan Nursery

Originally Posted by YourAromanticAlly (Post 584400)

"Help!" Redkit meowed out, his voice squeaky due to laughing. He was trapped under his father's paws and being tickled mercilessly. He's eyes were wet with mirth as he tried to escape from his father's grasp, turning his head to look his siblings. He saw the new kit and meowed at her, trying to get her to join in. He didnt remember her name. Was she named?

@Rosemew @Flippaw @Shivers @Hyp3rGamin

Smallkit looked up and saw Redkit. "I'll help you!" She meowed, running to help him.

Aroogi April 4th, 2019 08:38 AM

Re: ThunderClan Nursery

Originally Posted by ~Silverkit~ (Post 584424)
Smallkit looked up and saw Redkit. "I'll help you!" She meowed, running to help him.

Adderfrost turned to Smallkit, letting out a fearsome, playful growl.

"One step closer I'll gobble this little kit up!"

He kept tickling Redkit, laughing a purring from sheer joy.

This was the best. He loved his family.

@Shivers @YourAromanticAlly @Hyp3rGamin @~Silverkit~ @Rosemew

~Silverkit~ April 4th, 2019 01:04 PM

Re: ThunderClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Flippaw (Post 584447)
Adderfrost turned to Smallkit, letting out a fearsome, playful growl.

"One step closer I'll gobble this little kit up!"

He kept tickling Redkit, laughing a purring from sheer joy.

This was the best. He loved his family.

@Shivers @YourAromanticAlly @Hyp3rGamin @~Silverkit~ @Rosemew

"No!" Smallkit meowed, pouncing on Adderfrost.

Foxjump purred. Ashstep could never break this family. she thought.

Madelaine April 4th, 2019 03:00 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Branch of Life (Post 582568)
That’s a better answer than what most cats would say.” He chuckled. He had gone hunting earlier so he trotted over to the prey pile to pick up a little food. He chose a tiny mouse and took a bite out of it. It was juicier than he expected and then said “Want some? It’s juicy.

Waterpaw looked at her friend with a smile and a nod. "Sure! i haven't eaten at all today. My mentor's letting me go for today, since I found about myself being half riverclan.", she meowed. Waterpaw quite her talking and took a small bite of his mouse.

idia April 4th, 2019 03:03 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Cindercloud777 (Post 583381)
Cindercloud definitely took the compliment to heart and grinned happily, standing tall. "I'll take it!" She couldn't help but laugh a little, "Beats being the opposite. You're not so bad yourself." The grey warrior went to lightly bat at the other's ear in a playful manner. It was easy to say that she was very out-going.

Jaycall rested his head on his paws. His tail tapped against the ground, as he once again closed his eyes. Feeling the other feline bat as his ears, his whiskers twitched. He could tell that Cindercloud was definitely an outgoing molly.

((Sorry for a late reply! ))

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