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Ivy October 10th, 2016 11:01 AM

Re: WindClan Territory
Soaringcrane smiled at her. "Im fine..." he whispered before pinning her down and using his forepaws to aim soft blows at her white belly fur, gently while putting all his weight on her. The ginger tom was kinda overweight so all of his belly weight was on her haunches which was probably making poor Crestpaw's hind legs ache. "Care to give up, Crestpaw like a kit or are you gonna fight like a real warrior?!" The ginger tom gazed into her eyes, adoringly. He knew for sure now that he would tell her if she beat him. IF she beat him. He gave his apprentice a cocky grin, leaving him open for an attack

stormblaze October 10th, 2016 11:13 AM

Re: WindClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Ash (Post 6134)
Mistkit wined. "Mommy" she cried cuddling closer to suckle. As she drank up the milk she got more energy she bounced up and ran around the nursery laughing.

Pinekit squeaked and ran to Mistkit. " come on! lets play! mummy can we go outside?" Pinekit asked, hoping Featherpool would let them go. " can i come?" said Rowankit. " No you your to small!" said Pinekit, wishing that, for once there mother would not make them play with their brother. " Pinekit! don't be mean to your brother! of cause you can play with them!" Featherpool snapped at the kits harshly. " But it's not fair! he always slows us down! he's so small!" Pinekit said. " I wish that for once Pinekit you would stop this! just because he's the smallest in the litter, does not mean you can exclude him from all the things you do!" Featherpool noticed then that Rowankit had gone to the corner and was whimpering. Pinekit felt a stab of guilt, Featherpool was right, he should be nicer. just for a while he would let Rowankit play with them. " I'm sorry Rowankit! you can play with us if you like?" Pinekit said halfheartedly. " really? YAY!!!! " came the reply. Rowankit burst out of the nursery and into the clearing . he left Featherpool thinking, was he faking it to get what he wanted? the thought was so funny, her kits were growing up already.

stormblaze October 10th, 2016 11:15 AM

Re: WindClan Nursery
( derp you can be rowankit if you like?)

dionysus October 10th, 2016 11:15 AM

Re: WindClan Territory

Originally Posted by Ivy (Post 6156)
Soaringcrane smiled at her. "Im fine..." he whispered before pinning her down and using his forepaws to aim soft blows at her white belly fur, gently while putting all his weight on her. The ginger tom was kinda overweight so all of his belly weight was on her haunches which was probably making poor Crestpaw's hind legs ache. "Care to give up, Crestpaw like a kit or are you gonna fight like a real warrior?!" The ginger tom gazed into her eyes, adoringly. He knew for sure now that he would tell her if she beat him. IF she beat him. He gave his apprentice a cocky grin, leaving him open for an attack

Crestpaw felt tingly when Soarincrane whispered to her and pinned her. She gazed up at him, not really feeling the blows since he wasn't actually trying. The she-cat hissed at him and felt her legs go numb slightly, "Get off me you big log!" She growled, batting her petite paws at his face and chest. An odd emotion was clearly visible in Soaringcrane's eyes, one that had no place in a battle. "I'd never give up against you!" She hissed, hitting him harder with her paws. She shuffled her hind end, trying to dislodge his weight from her and reached out to bite anything near her face. Eventually, a memory of an earlier session came to mind and Crestpaw took a deep breath, closing her eyes and going limp. The theatrical molly even added a few whimpers to make it more realistic. As soon as Soaringcrane fell for her trick and released some of the pressure, Crestpaw planned to kick upward with all her might and send him flying across the clearing.

Ivy October 10th, 2016 11:24 AM

Re: WindClan Territory
Soaringcrane relaxed as he watched Crestpaw go limp and give surrendering whimpers. "I win which means Im stronger!" He jovially announced. Unfortunately this means that youre still my apprentice!" Inside, Soaringcrane was rejoicing at the thought of having Crestpaw to himself for a little longer. He purred and stood up a little, happily. However, he was still on top of her, just standing up now. "Now say you give up, Crestpaw.." he whispered jn her ear.

Caligo Everton October 10th, 2016 11:32 AM

Re: WindClan Nursery

Originally Posted by stormblaze (Post 6163)

Pinekit squeaked and ran to Mistkit. " come on! lets play! mummy can we go outside?" Pinekit asked, hoping Featherpool would let them go. " can i come?" said Rowankit. " No you your to small!" said Pinekit, wishing that, for once there mother would not make them play with their brother. " Pinekit! don't be mean to your brother! of cause you can play with them!" Featherpool snapped at the kits harshly. " But it's not fair! he always slows us down! he's so small!" Pinekit said. " I wish that for once Pinekit you would stop this! just because he's the smallest in the litter, does not mean you can exclude him from all the things you do!" Featherpool noticed then that Rowankit had gone to the corner and was whimpering. Pinekit felt a stab of guilt, Featherpool was right, he should be nicer. just for a while he would let Rowankit play with them. " I'm sorry Rowankit! you can play with us if you like?" Pinekit said halfheartedly. " really? YAY!!!! " came the reply. Rowankit burst out of the nursery and into the clearing . he left Featherpool thinking, was he faking it to get what he wanted? the thought was so funny, her kits were growing up already.

Most kit snorted then leaned in to rowankit. "You'll never be like us so stop trying." She new she was being harsh but he had to get over trying to be normal plus she was still angry that she had to play with him. She took a step back and then leaped on him bowling him over. With a smirk she said. "Told you." She walked over to pinekit and Rowankit walked back to the nursery. Mother would never believe I was mean to him I'm just tooooo sweet.

Brooklyn Trees October 10th, 2016 01:01 PM

Re: WindClan Clearing
For Lilacwood

Moonpaw padded into the clearing and looked around for her friend Fernpaw, since she was hoping to do something with her, and as she looked, Moonpaw drew one of her cream colored paws over her nose and watched the cats around her with grey eyes.

Owl October 10th, 2016 01:09 PM

Re: WindClan Territory

Originally Posted by patroclus (Post 5976)
Crowheart bounced with each pawstep, not able to keep his bubbling excitement out of his movements. The tom was easily excitable, that much was clear, though he tried to keep himself in control. They would be battle training today, an important step in Windcrest’s training. It was a serious affair, yet Crowheart didn’t do serious very well. An elated grin lit up his face as he glanced over to her, his paws crunching in the drying grass with each step. The pale she cat wasn’t looking at him while she spoke and the tom frowned slightly, suddenly very aware of her meek behavior. Windcrest was often quiet, but not usually so closed off when it was just them two. They were the only ones on the moor and the quiet of the territory made it seem as though they were the only two in the entire forest. Crowheart quite liked that idea, though he had a sinking thought that he might end up annoying Windcrest. Although, he hadn’t managed to annoy her out of hanging out with him yet, as it seemed he was one of the few cats she enjoyed being with. “Course!” He chirped brightly, nudging her slightly with his shoulder, laughter glittering in his amber eyes. “Ya gotta learn sometime. Who better than to teach it than me: the greatest warrior in all the land.” Crowheart had puffed his chest out as he spoke, giving himself more credit than he ought to. He was a good warrior, of course, but he was far from the best. Not able to take himself seriously, Crowheart dissolved into delighted giggles that sounded more like a new apprentice than a seasoned warrior. “C’mon. You got nothing to worry about.” He flicked his tail at her shoulder before coming to a stop in the midst of a small clearing with matted down grass surrounding by taller stalks. Crowheart turned towards Windcrest with an encouraging smile.

Windcrest wasn't so much closed off because of him, she was just extremely nervous about battle training. It brought back memories of when she was younger and how her parents bruised and bloodied her body all up when she didn't do what she was told. The she-cat felt safe with Crowheart although the tom was very childish and immature most of the time. However, there was a care-free nature to him, one she never witnessed as she was growing up. In all honesty, the pale she-cat wanted to adapt and modify that care-free nature and make it her own. She hated the way she was molded and sculpted into a submissive, anxious fae that couldn't properly express herself. She was always scared, except when it was just the two of them. Looking around the moor, seeing the grass blades wave in the wind as if they were saying hello, she smiled softly at the peace and quiet. It was so lucky that they were the only ones there. Usually, it was bouncing with mentors teaching their apprentices or patrols rallying around. Windcrest then suddenly flinched at the sudden physcial contact of Crowheart nudging her. The she-cat always flinched no matter what, although she never flinched as bad if Crowheart had touched her compared to another clan mate or cat in general. A small chuckle escaped her, smooth like honey. She gave him an amused expression when he said he was the best of the best. Rolling her eyes ever so slightly, the she-cat stopped as he did and awaited what they were going to do next.

dionysus October 10th, 2016 01:29 PM

Re: WindClan Territory

Originally Posted by Ivy (Post 6171)
Soaringcrane relaxed as he watched Crestpaw go limp and give surrendering whimpers. "I win which means Im stronger!" He jovially announced. Unfortunately this means that youre still my apprentice!" Inside, Soaringcrane was rejoicing at the thought of having Crestpaw to himself for a little longer. He purred and stood up a little, happily. However, he was still on top of her, just standing up now. "Now say you give up, Crestpaw.." he whispered jn her ear.

Luckily for Crestpaw, she wasn't a hotheaded cat. Otherwise she may have given herself up by bursting out angrily at his exclamation. Instead, the calm, cool-headed apprentice simply let out another whimper to keep the act going. Panic clutched her heart at the thought of having failed her assessment, but she felt slightly relieved at the same time. Weird, she thought. Crestpaw forced herself not to tense up in anticipation as he loosened his grip. When Soarincrane leaned down to whisper in her ear, Crestpaw opened her eyes slightly, until they were narrow slits, and whispered back, "Never." As soon as the words left her mouth, Crestpaw thrust upwards with all of her might. Her back legs kicked up on his belly and her front legs on his chest.

Abstracted Dog October 10th, 2016 01:43 PM

Re: WindClan Clearing
Fernpaw noticed Moonpaw looking around and she slowly limped over to her. "Hey." She said simply, her tail twitching.

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