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Gusty December 1st, 2016 03:45 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory
@narwhalgirliv @Moonfur @Turtlestar

Pastelle snarled and drew out her claws, looking from Shadow to Lakekit to Shadow once more. "Well, it seems that you've finally opened your eyes." She said, directing her comment towards the healer. The molly spoke as if Shadow were an infant kit, who knew nothing. Although Shadow was probably quite intelligent herself, Pastelle didn't care and wasn't going to acknowledge this.
Her gaze seeped over towards Slash for a second, being that he was lying on the ground right next to Shadow. The syndicate cat sighed, as if he were another burden on her mind. Which he sort of was, actually.
But the worst part about it was the clan kit... She had already made up her mind about it; the newcomer must be quite dumb and untrained to step into enemy land. "Well, well, well." She said, smirking slightly as her yellow orbs turned onto Lakekit. "What brings you here, little one? Lost your clan?" The adult taunted, wagging her tail menacingly.

dino. December 1st, 2016 04:02 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory

Originally Posted by Gusty (Post 58888)
@narwhalgirliv @Moonfur @Turtlestar

Pastelle snarled and drew out her claws, looking from Shadow to Lakekit to Shadow once more. "Well, it seems that you've finally opened your eyes." She said, directing her comment towards the healer. The molly spoke as if Shadow were an infant kit, who knew nothing. Although Shadow was probably quite intelligent herself, Pastelle didn't care and wasn't going to acknowledge this.
Her gaze seeped over towards Slash for a second, being that he was lying on the ground right next to Shadow. The syndicate cat sighed, as if he were another burden on her mind. Which he sort of was, actually.
But the worst part about it was the clan kit... She had already made up her mind about it; the newcomer must be quite dumb and untrained to step into enemy land. "Well, well, well." She said, smirking slightly as her yellow orbs turned onto Lakekit. "What brings you here, little one? Lost your clan?" The adult taunted, wagging her tail menacingly.

Slash looked from the kit to Pastelle and back. The poor scrap looked terrified. "Look, she-cat," Slash began. "Is this necessary? The scrap's a kit. It can't do anything to us." A memory flashed through his mind: Him as a kit, facing three full-grown cats. Two of them had their eyes glittering with murder and malice, a brown tom and a white she-cat. The thrid, a grey tabby tom, saying, "Its a kit. It can't do anything to us. Leave it be." and getting knocked into a tree with a smack by the brown tom, the brown tom slitting the gray tabby's throat. The brown tom turning back to Slash, saying, "Now its your turn. Ready Tinycloud?" The white she-cat, Tinycloud, mewing back, "Whenever you are, Brackenclaw." The two leaping at Slash, Tinycloud lashing at his eye, Brackenclaw claw his flank. Slash, bleeding and crying, running away, away from the Clan cats, away from the territory, away forever. The memory faded and Slash was breathing heavily. He blinked tears away and stood shakily. "She-cat," he said strongly, "I forbid you from hurting this kit."

Autumnblaze December 1st, 2016 04:07 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory

Originally Posted by Gusty (Post 58888)
@narwhalgirliv @Moonfur @Turtlestar

Pastelle snarled and drew out her claws, looking from Shadow to Lakekit to Shadow once more. "Well, it seems that you've finally opened your eyes." She said, directing her comment towards the healer. The molly spoke as if Shadow were an infant kit, who knew nothing. Although Shadow was probably quite intelligent herself, Pastelle didn't care and wasn't going to acknowledge this.
Her gaze seeped over towards Slash for a second, being that he was lying on the ground right next to Shadow. The syndicate cat sighed, as if he were another burden on her mind. Which he sort of was, actually.
But the worst part about it was the clan kit... She had already made up her mind about it; the newcomer must be quite dumb and untrained to step into enemy land. "Well, well, well." She said, smirking slightly as her yellow orbs turned onto Lakekit. "What brings you here, little one? Lost your clan?" The adult taunted, wagging her tail menacingly.

Lakekit was surprisingly rough, "I'm not a helpless kit, mind you!" She snapped. "I left RiverClan moons ago! I've been roaming these woods looking for the Dusk Syndicate because my future mate lies here! Do you know what I did to get here? I met with Red, but he told me if I wanted to join the DS, I had to do something bad, so, I killed my brother, and I can kill you if I really need too. Her name was still Lakekit, but she was old enough to be an apprentice. Her claws unsheathed fearlessly, ready to attack.

Gusty December 1st, 2016 04:18 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory
Pastelle was in for quite a shock when Slash said this, and although she did not know what was going through his mind, she faltered for a moment- ignoring Lakekit for the time being. "Look at her. She's a clan cat, or ex-clan cat, whatever she calls herself." As each word was spoken, her voice raised louder and louder, with sudden force. "And anyways, have you lost your mind? Are you suddenly supporting the clans?" The molly's yellow gaze was narrowed towards Slash suspiciously, as if he were a traitor in disguise. He might very well be.
Of course, Pastelle was in no way frightened by Slash's sudden command of 'no fighting the kit'. Although she had no purpose of attacking the youngster as of right now, she would most likely do so if necessary. But her attack wouldn't hurt too bad, anyways- she'd never learned proper fighting strokes. Only hunting ones.
The molly then turned her whole body towards Lakekit- she was finished talking with Slash for now. "Oh, you're quite special, I see. You left RiverClan and wish to join now?" Her eyes glinted dangerously. "And you killed your brother. Bravo, bravo. All this for 'true love', right? You do understand that Red might have been cheating behind your back?" She laughed, as if that were the funniest thing in the world.

Oh, this was another example of now nobody should be trusted. If only she'd stuck with what she was doing to begin with- hunting. Then, nothing would happen. Lakekit would probably be chased off by a fighter patrol, who'd do some damage to the poor one's mind.

Autumnblaze December 1st, 2016 04:30 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory

Originally Posted by Gusty (Post 58958)
Pastelle was in for quite a shock when Slash said this, and although she did not know what was going through his mind, she faltered for a moment- ignoring Lakekit for the time being. "Look at her. She's a clan cat, or ex-clan cat, whatever she calls herself." As each word was spoken, her voice raised louder and louder, with sudden force. "And anyways, have you lost your mind? Are you suddenly supporting the clans?" The molly's yellow gaze was narrowed towards Slash suspiciously, as if he were a traitor in disguise. He might very well be.
Of course, Pastelle was in no way frightened by Slash's sudden command of 'no fighting the kit'. Although she had no purpose of attacking the youngster as of right now, she would most likely do so if necessary. But her attack wouldn't hurt too bad, anyways- she'd never learned proper fighting strokes. Only hunting ones.
The molly then turned her whole body towards Lakekit- she was finished talking with Slash for now. "Oh, you're quite special, I see. You left RiverClan and wish to join now?" Her eyes glinted dangerously. "And you killed your brother. Bravo, bravo. All this for 'true love', right? You do understand that Red might have been cheating behind your back?" She laughed, as if that were the funniest thing in the world.

Oh, this was another example of now nobody should be trusted. If only she'd stuck with what she was doing to begin with- hunting. Then, nothing would happen. Lakekit would probably be chased off by a fighter patrol, who'd do some damage to the poor one's mind.

"Don't hope that I'm killed missy." Lakekit saw the experession in Patelle's face, "Red would never cheat, he's a good cat. Good in an evil way. So back off will ya? I can take care of this injured cat, I was going to be a medicine cat."

Gusty December 1st, 2016 05:06 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory
Pastelle snorted and sighed; this newcomer would never understand. "Okay. Maybe, if Red was one of those nicer types that wouldn't deceive you, he may be on your side. Chances are that he isn't, but don't say I didn't warn you." She paused for a second, gathering up her thoughts, and spoke again. "Oh, sweetie, you were going to be a medicine cat? I doubt that." The molly said. She knew a little bit about the clans from snips of conversations in the clearing. It was mostly about how screwed up they were, but she managed to gain enough facts to know what a medicine cat was. They were like an experienced healer, except more spiritual and connected to their afterlife, StarClan. "I highly doubt that a medicine cat-to-be like you would kill a cat so innocently." She said, flicking her tail from side to side. "And I know that they choose their medicine cat apprentice wisely. They only choose the most favorable, intelligent ones... and look at you! You're nowhere near smart or kind! I'm sure you're lying."

Autumnblaze December 1st, 2016 05:36 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory

Originally Posted by Gusty (Post 59092)
Pastelle snorted and sighed; this newcomer would never understand. "Okay. Maybe, if Red was one of those nicer types that wouldn't deceive you, he may be on your side. Chances are that he isn't, but don't say I didn't warn you." She paused for a second, gathering up her thoughts, and spoke again. "Oh, sweetie, you were going to be a medicine cat? I doubt that." The molly said. She knew a little bit about the clans from snips of conversations in the clearing. It was mostly about how screwed up they were, but she managed to gain enough facts to know what a medicine cat was. They were like an experienced healer, except more spiritual and connected to their afterlife, StarClan. "I highly doubt that a medicine cat-to-be like you would kill a cat so innocently." She said, flicking her tail from side to side. "And I know that they choose their medicine cat apprentice wisely. They only choose the most favorable, intelligent ones... and look at you! You're nowhere near smart or kind! I'm sure you're lying."

Lakekit couldn't stand it anymore, she unsheathed her claws and lunged at Pastelle, scratching her throat, hoping in did something harmful.

Gusty December 1st, 2016 06:15 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory

Originally Posted by narwhalgirliv (Post 59188)
Lakekit couldn't stand it anymore, she unsheathed her claws and lunged at Pastelle, scratching her throat, hoping in did something harmful.

Pastelle instinctively backed away, feeling the cat's paw scrape against her throat. Well, Lakekit probably wasn't lying about the killing of her brother, but she probably had been fibbing about the medicine cat part. No wonder she jumped so malevolently towards her!
The Dusk Syndicate molly quickly fought back against the intruder, which was against what Slash had said earlier- but hey, it was self-defense! Using her claws, the feline swiped against her flank. Lakekit never got any training in the clans. She couldn't be much better than her.

Autumnblaze December 1st, 2016 06:56 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory

Originally Posted by Gusty (Post 59321)
Pastelle instinctively backed away, feeling the cat's paw scrape against her throat. Well, Lakekit probably wasn't lying about the killing of her brother, but she probably had been fibbing about the medicine cat part. No wonder she jumped so malevolently towards her!
The Dusk Syndicate molly quickly fought back against the intruder, which was against what Slash had said earlier- but hey, it was self-defense! Using her claws, the feline swiped against her flank. Lakekit never got any training in the clans. She couldn't be much better than her.

Lakekit hissed as she was thrown off. Though she remembered some moves Red taught her when they met in secret. She leaped at Pastelle's face as the molly appeared to be about to attack her, though at the last second, she swerved her body downward, slithering underneath the molly, reaching out her claws and raking them down Pastelle's belly.

Gusty December 1st, 2016 07:22 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory

Originally Posted by narwhalgirliv (Post 59459)
Lakekit hissed as she was thrown off. Though she remembered some moves Red taught her when they met in secret. She leaped at Pastelle's face as the molly appeared to be about to attack her, though at the last second, she swerved her body downward, slithering underneath the molly, reaching out her claws and raking them down Pastelle's belly.

"Stop it!" Pastelle shouted aloud. The feline's paw was raking against her belly, which was the fleshiest and weakest part of her body. Remembering to keep that part safe next time, the tortiseshell scowled and rolled over, in an attempt to wring off Lakekit. She finally managed to leap onto her paws again, but the hunter was already out of breath. Shadow? Any help here? She thought, casting a small glance towards the healer. It was unlikely that anyone else would help out, though, being that Pastelle had treated them all unfairly before.

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