Warrior Cats Online

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beau January 17th, 2022 07:46 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
[sorry this took so long to respond to, it slipped my mind! just tossing out a quick wrap-up before reporting the patrol tomorrow, but feel free to have Rosepaw try and catch one last thing as well!!]

Sundust shook his head, "Nonsense. There's no wasted time in an apprentice practicing hunting." The golden tom paused, scanning the small creek for a moment before returning his gaze to the apprentice. "Tell you what, I'll go see what I can find on the other side of the creek, and you try to round up the last of the squirrels or whatever critters remain over here, yeah?" And with that, the burly warrior trotted to the creek, leaping over it in one bound - wincing as his hind paws splashed in the frigid water - and scented the nearby air.

He only managed to catch sight of a pigeon, who was, luckily, fat and lazy. He crouched down, creeping towards the plump bird, and sprung towards it once he was a tail-length away. Claws outstretched, he pinned the bird, killing it swiftly. He picked up the avian and hopped back over the stream - thankfully clearing it completely this time - making his way back to Rosepaw. "So, manage to nab anything? Don't fret to much if you didn't; prey is always trickier to catch in the winter. They get awful scrappy when times get tough."


Shade. January 18th, 2022 05:46 AM

Re: Sunkissed Creek

Rosepaw had little faith in herself at this point but she didn't want to seem rude or lazy. So she gloomily decided to try again. Maybe she'd be less nervous with Sundust looking away.

The small tabby wagged her bobtail awkwardly as she lightly stalked around for prey. The awkward wagging was meant to be tail-lashing of frustration but having a bobtail made you look like a puppy.

The apprentice finally spotted a small sparrow. Oh no, last time she tried hunting birds it attacked her. The apprentice crouched nervously and incorrectly and began to stalk the bird, unaware of it's nest of chicks hidden above. The bird was a mom and those were scary.

She leaped at it finally, paws outstretched, hoping hard to finally catch it. The bird immediately flew up but, rather than retreating it circled back around and began to viciously peck Rosepaw between the ears.

"OHNOLEBIRBISATTACKINGMEHAGAINHALP!" she sreamed and began running away from it, running past Sundust and falling into a bush.

beau January 18th, 2022 08:34 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
["le birb is attacking me" I'm dyING]

Sundust jumped back as Rosepaw darted past him, eyes round as moons and fur bushing out in shock. He stood, flabbergasted, as a feisty little sparrow chased down the apprentice, pecking relentlessly at the poor molly's ears. It wasn't until the apprentice crashed into a bush that the tom went into action. "I'm coming, Rosepaw!"

The warrior barreled towards the bush, swatting the sparrow away. Unfortunately, this only angered the beast. The bird chattered irritably as it tugged at his fur, slashing with it's tiny talons and pecking with it's sharp beak. Sundust hissed, lashing out once more and smacking the bird into the ground.

He stood, panting as he stared at the slightly flattened bird that now lay limp on the ground. "Well.. I didn't mean to kill it. Only a bird with nestlings around here somewhere would be that much of a nuisance." His eyes sparkled with concern as he searched the tree-tops for a nest, but he wasn't able to pick out which would belong to the bird. "Well, it can't be helped now. Perhaps the chicks are old enough to fly. If they aren't, then I think they would die in this leafbare anyways. Harsh life." He paused awkwardly, realizing that conversation topic was somewhat of a bummer.

He glanced back at Rosepaw, releasing a soft sigh. "Here, you carry back the squirrel. That was some excellent stalking on your part; you would have had it if the darn rodent hadn't been so vicious." He picked up the pigeon and sparrow, nudging the squirrel towards Rosepaw, and began leading the way back to camp.


Shade. January 19th, 2022 09:20 AM

Re: Sunkissed Creek

As Rosepaw untangled herself from the bush she was relieved to see Sundust had rid her of the vicious bird. She watched him flatten it and then sweat nervously in embarrassment. She felt really guilty as Sundust explained the possibility of the bird's chicks dying in leaf-bare. Hunting was an unpleasant necessity. She followed along solemnly with the squirrel. That went, er...at least no one died?

~Sayonara~ January 23rd, 2022 10:59 AM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
[ @Spooky_SpottedPaw ]

Frostfire slipped out onto the land by Sunkissed Creek... He looked out at the water and sighed. It was beautiful honestly. He goes and lays by the water, looking into his reflection before flinching back at seeing his own face... His face marked with a scar. He shook his head and lay his head on his paws, closing his eyes.

SpottedPaww January 23rd, 2022 11:05 AM

Re: Sunkissed Creek

Originally Posted by Jae (Post 1134618)
[ @Spooky_SpottedPaw ]

Frostfire slipped out onto the land by Sunkissed Creek... He looked out at the water and sighed. It was beautiful honestly. He goes and lays by the water, looking into his reflection before flinching back at seeing his own face... His face marked with a scar. He shook his head and lay his head on his paws, closing his eyes.

(Hey. So I responded to your rp finder before I talked to Implimm.

I won't be able to Roleplay with SpottedPaw until they have the Rejoining roleplay, so I can't mess around with her until then

~Sayonara~ January 23rd, 2022 11:06 AM

Re: Sunkissed Creek

Originally Posted by Spooky_SpottedPaw (Post 1134620)
(Hey. So I responded to your rp finder before I talked to Implimm.

I won't be able to Roleplay with SpottedPaw until they have the Rejoining roleplay, so I can't mess around with her until then

(Alright well I'll leave this up for when you get her back :heartbounce: )

SpottedPaww January 23rd, 2022 12:24 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek

Originally Posted by Jae (Post 1134621)

(Alright well I'll leave this up for when you get her back :heartbounce: )

(okie :>

Ian January 28th, 2022 08:51 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
Shiningskies let out a soft sigh once she reached the creek and briefly gazed around with sad eyes. She remembered all the horrible things that had happened here, but there were also good memories and she wasn't about to let the bad ones taint it. Shaking herself out of her daze she turned to see if her patrolmates had actually followed her. "Let's split up and meet back here once the sun begins to touch the tops of trees."

@Pheasantflight @duskfire1

Kunaisoul January 28th, 2022 11:09 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
[ Treepatch planted her feet, stalking a mouse ]


Ian January 30th, 2022 07:54 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
Well, it appeared that Foxpaw and Dirtfur hadn't followed her after all, or they had fallen behind. Whatever, she would hunt by herself, and if they caught up in time then hopefully they would be able to catch something before she was done. Shiningskies shook out her pelt and began to creep along the edge of the creek, her ears perked for any sounds of prey that might have been looking for a drink. Aspenstar... if you're watching me now then I hope I've done the right thing. I hope you're happy up there too, and I still love you, I haven't forgotten.

@Pheasantflight @duskfire1

carmen January 30th, 2022 08:14 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
@NinjaBloss @duskfire1
Foxpaw liked trees. They were tall and big and got to look down on everyone righteously. That sounded great, but she wasn't that self-centered. She just liked the no-care way that they lived. But they were trees and trees weren't alive. She didn't like the idea of not being alive. Life was life and as much as she hated it sometimes, it wasn't something to be trifled with. Suddenly, blinking into focus, Foxpaw realized that she had stopped moving, giving Shiningskies a chance to get ahead of her. "I'm right behind you." She muttered the words as she caught up, silent and completely uninterested."Are we looking for specific prey? Or just hoping to catch something."

duskfire1 February 1st, 2022 09:28 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
>> Dirtfoot <<

He followed his clanmates without question, padding silently behind when he raised his head, sniffing the air. Mmm, mouse? He thought, wondering if he should see what the scent was. Realizing he was behind, he hurried forward, gaping slightly in amazement at the forest around him. He loved it, he loved it a lot. He knows he belongs in ThunderClan, no other clan would fit him. I know it. He thought proudly, stopping quickly behind Foxpaw, who seemed uninterested in the patrol. He gazed around, an ear angled towards Foxpaw as she addressed Shiningskies, who seemed to be already searching for a meal. Not having any interest to hear what Shiningskies had to say, he slowly padded forward, his eyes darting around for prey, his ears perked and tail stiff. Trailing closer, he stopped. Vole. His eyes narrowed as he heard a scuff in the bushes. He turned and realized that he couldn't see his clanmates anymore. Oh well. I have a nose. He thought, lowering down, tail slightly above the prickly leaves and undergrowth below him as he crept forward, finally seeing it. As expected, it was small, and brown. Small and brown. Quite cute, but cute can feed the clan. He stopped, unsheathing his claws and opening his maw slightly, letting the scent flood his mouth. The vole was oblivious to the large cat that was going to take it's life as it scurried about, nibbling on sticks and leaves as it passed. It was no match for Dirtfoot as he leaped forward, landing neatly on the mouse-like animal as he gave it a quick killing bite. Satisfied, he took it in his jaws, and sniffed the air. Though his nose was filled with the scent of vole, he was able to detect his own scent and follow it back to his clanmates.

On his way back, he managed a blue jay. A scrawny one, but hey, it was food. He hadn't realized how far he had gone for the vole until his clanmates finally came into view again. Picking up the pace, he hurried over, dropping his prey without a word, then turned to the forest again. No harm in catching more, right? He bounded away once again, a different direction than the vole trail, with the hope of pleasing Shiningskies and Foxpaw. If he could catch a sufficient amount of food, then maybe, just maybe, he could prove himself to his clanmates. He thought of almost everyone as a great cat, someone to be admired, even the kits. Soon to be strong warriors, and currently strong warriors, who cares! Everyone deserves respect at some extent. So young! I wish I was young. Well, I am, but not kit-young. It was a priority to him to prove himself. It has been since he was an apprentice.

[ @Pheasantflight @NinjaBloss ]

Shade. February 6th, 2022 11:51 AM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
@Brightlight @duskfire1 @Mistletoe

[i hope you don't mind me starting the patrol.]

Rosepaw's first herb patrol, first duty as a medicine cat. It would have been great and exciting except:
A. This is Rose we're talking about, she knew something would go wrong.
B. She'd just cancelled a meeting with her siblings after one of them had a meltdown.
There were small beads of tears in her eyes as she headed out to Sunkissed Creek with her patrol. But she knew she needed to get it together. She'd removed the splinter from her paw but now it hurt. But she needed to keep going. She stopped to remind everyone what they were looking for.

"Ok, a little reminder as to what we need: Tansy and Marigold, aka the yellow flower bunched and the single yellow flowers. Catmint is purple but you'll most likely find it by the alluring smell. Don't eat it though, it'll make you woozy and silly. Honey might be harder to get since we'll have to deal with bees. Oh, and this one's from me: I need chamomile, it calms cats down and I think we all need a bit of that. This one isn't a priority but if you spot any near the creek, they look like daisies but their leaves are rounder, bring them over. Is...Is it all good?" she asked awkwardly.

Brightlight February 6th, 2022 04:11 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
@Shade. @duskfire1 @Mistletoe

(I don’t mind at all!)


The tabby queen quietly followed behind the new medicine cat apprentice, cautiously making observations about her. Clearlight didn’t like making assumptions about other cats, but she found it was always useful to just make some unbiased notes, and hold on to them. Only lightly, in case she was wrong. And what Clearlight found about this cat was that she seemed to be upset about something. The queen suspected it had something to do with her siblings, maybe the endearingly loud one who had been so excited about Rosepaw’s promotion. Clearlight wondered about how the dynamic would be between her own kits.

She listened carefully as Rosepaw described the herbs they were looking for again, and gave a comforting smile when the other cat finished speaking. “That’s very helpful, Rosepaw, thank you.” She meowed warmly. Clearlight hadn’t had much interactions with apprentices before, but Rosepaw’s descriptions had truly been helpful. She just hoped the other cat could see that it helped her, slightly forgetful her. Alright, now she just had to look for yellow flowers. Clearlight padded off, sharp eyes scanning for any bright flashes of yellow. She was sure she’d seen at least one flower that fit that description here before…now all she had to do was find it.

duskfire1 February 6th, 2022 07:07 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek

He stopped, nodding seriously as Rosepaw described what they were hunting for. "Okay. All good." He meowed in the most respectable voice as he could before looping off, sniffing for herbs. Wait, Dirtfoot you idiot, you don't know what they smell like! He stopped, hesitantly considering his minds words. Okay, I'll use my eyes. He thought, proud of his turn around.

He stood there for a good minute, forgetting what he was looking for as he daydreamed. Sun, sun, sun, sun, sun, sun... I like sun. Flowers, pretty... He thought woozily as he stood, his eyelids flitting up and down as he thought of everything he wasn't supposed to. HERBS! He stopped, narrowing his eyes as he set his mind on marigold. Are those the single yellow flowers, or the bunch of 'em? Eh. He strode off, hunting yellow flowers, of any sort, and just hoping none of them were dandelions.

His tan fur was fluffed out as he stood atop of a hill, bathed in flowers, and sadly, none of which were yellow. He sniffed the air, a sharp, cool, yet free scent caught his attention, recognizing it as water. Rushing down, he spotted it, a small stream, which later grew wider with more rocks and flowers. Flowers! He forgot his goal to get a drink as he sniffed a bound of small, white flowers. Kinda look like daises... He thought, his interest picking up on them. Poking them with his paw, he realized that they might be chamomile. Hoping they were of use, he carefully bunched them in his jaws, and pulled, hearing the many snaps! as they all were released from their earthly bond.

Okay! Now yellow flowers, or, maybe not. Maybe yes? I'll just wander. He thought, interest buzzing in his head as he strode towards his previous hill, attention caught of every passing flower, making it difficult for him to actually reach the top, the scent of chamomile flooding his nose.

[ @Brightlight @Mistletoe & @Shade. ]
(i don't mind! i would have forgotten about if you didn't lolz)

Mistletoe February 8th, 2022 07:33 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
@Shade. @Brightlight @DuskFire

[So sorry for the late response! It’s been a crazy week. No worries on starting the patrol!]


The black tom padded up behind the others. He tried to picture the flowers as Rosepaw mentioned them. Vague memories of them popped in his head. Yes I think I saw those in the medicine cat den. How long ago would that have been? As his thoughts trailed away he shook his head slightly to bring them back. This was important.

“Thanks.” He meowed, his voice gruff as usual. He dipped his head slightly, to the younger molly. He supposed that’s what they had done for Icicleripple. Right? He couldn’t really remember. Oh well better to have done to do it then not. With a flick of his tail he went to go search.

There sure aren’t many flowers here. As he thought this he scolded himself. Obviously, it was leaf-bare there weren’t supposed to be any flowers here. He hoped the others were having more luck. The warriors probably should have looked for herbs regardless of whether or not there was a medicine cat. It would be nearly impossible to find some now. Just another reason that our clan is failing. He thought with a slight sigh.

Shade. February 9th, 2022 12:19 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
@Brightlight @duskfire1 @Mistletoe

Rosepaw was now on her own quest for plants. Exploring the cold territory around here, she made her way to a sudden flash of yellow. Now, was that tansy or marigold. Ah, tansy. She grabbed it carefully in her maw and pulled it out of the cold earth. It was quite strong cold earth, mind you, and Rosepaw fell on her rump.

Now, maybe something grew close to the creek...Rosepaw walked over to the frozen stream, straining her eyes and nose until she felt a whiff of a lovely scent she identified as catmint. She quickly followed it, only to find she'd stepped onto the ice and slipped. Now her tailbone hurt twice as much. Ouch.

With some awkward limping on the ice Rosepaw reached the lovely catmint, plucking it with effort. Hopefully it's intoxicating smell wouldn't distract her.

Brightlight February 10th, 2022 09:09 AM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
@Shade. @duskfire1 @Mistletoe


Weaving around a tree, Clearlight's sharp eyes caught sight of a flash of yellow. Her excitement rose. Could it be? Was that marigolds? Or tansy? Heart in her mouth, Clearlight padded over, only to find it was a lone daisy, leaves fluttering in the wind. She sighed. Did daisies have any medicinal properties? She didn't know, but decided to pluck it just in case. Gently carrying the daisy in her mouth, Clearlight padded along the more grassy areas of the Sunkissed Creek, hoping to find even one marigold flower. Just one would suffice.

Suddenly, an annoying fly flew past her ear, twisting and turning around her head like the pest it was. Clearlight flicked her ears, irritated. That yellow striped, good for nothing- wait. Clearlight watched as the fly landed on a flower, narrowing her eyes. No. That wasn't a fly. It was a bee. Her eyes widened now, pulse racing. The bee lived on and Clearlight quickly followed behind it. Where there was a bee, there was a hive. All she had to do was find it.

Brightlight February 13th, 2022 11:59 AM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
@Shade. @duskfire1 @Mistletoe


The queen followed the bee patiently. She hadn't even realized how long this would take. She thought it'd be faster, but it seemed that this would take longer than she'd expected. The bee buzzed quietly around, searching for a few flowers. By following the buzzing thing, Clearlight was able to find another daisy. She wasn't sure if they really had any medicinal values, but hey, if they didn't at least they were pretty. The buzzing from the bee seemed to be getting louder now. Clearlight sighed quietly, in annoyance.

Until she realized what the louder buzzing meant. Eyes wide, Clearlight poked the her around the tree. Yes. YES! A hive, hidden in the hollow of a tree! Excited, Clearlight committed the sight and location to memory before racing back as fast as her paws could carry her, waving her tail in the air. "Rosepaw, Mallardstep, Dirtfoot, come fast, I found a bee hive!" She called out. Clearlight needed the other two if she ever was going to get any honey.

Shade. February 20th, 2022 01:09 AM

Re: Sunkissed Creek

(Bump on the patrol)

Brightlight February 20th, 2022 11:27 AM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
@Shade. @duskfire1 @Mistletoe
(If that's alright with you all, I'm going to end the patrol here.)


Well. The queen turned around slowly when no one had answered her call. It was alright. She'd just do this by herself. By herself. Clearlight sighed, facing the bee hive. It looked almost harmless from here, bees buzzing around with relative calmness. But she knew better. Clearlight didn't remember much about the last time she had found honey, but she did know it was quite a rare find, and in this season too. But what had she used to gather it....moss! Clearlight looked quickly around. There. On a log, there was a good sized clump of moss. Perfect for this task. Clearlight padded over, ripping it off in 3 about even portions. It was good enough. Biting down on the fuzzy stuff, she stared up at the hive. Here went nothing.

The first branch was easy enough to jump onto. Just a small leap, and up she went. The second branch was harder, but Clearlight made it, swaying a bit to keep her balance. She narrowed her eyes at the third branch. Now that...looked far away. But she'd make it. Right? She bunched her back legs, and then leapt. Clearlight landed shakily, flailing a paw to keep upright, just barely making it, almost stumbling into the hive in the process. She narrowed her eyes. Now here was the hardest part. Using one of her paws, Clearlight pushed the moss into the hive as slowly as she possibly could. She kept her breaths even, knowing the more nervous she was, the more likely she'd be stung. Clearlight pulled the moss out just as slowly. Yes. It was positively dripping in honey. Clearlight resisted the urge to shriek in delight. She still had 2 more pieces to go, no use celebrating now.

The second piece went well. It had a little less honey than the first, but that was alright. For the third and final piece, Clearlight did the same process, pushing it in with a paw. She flinched, just a little, when a bee landed on her leg, but that flinch was enough. Pain shot up her front leg and Clearlight resisted the urge to cry out, instead, she drew the third piece of moss out just as carefully. But not carefully enough. Another bee stung her and Clearlight whimpered quietly. Finally, finally, the third piece was out. Carefully laying all three pieces of moss onto a rather ragged looking brown leaf, and picking up that leaf in her maw, she jumped down from branch to branch relatively easily for being stung on one of her legs.

Clearlight winced when she landed on solid ground, placing her paw down. Setting the leaf with the honey soaked moss pieces aside, Clearlight methodically picked out the bee stingers, ignoring the pain as they came out. Now here was the hardest part. Getting back to camp. Picking up the leaf again, Clearlight sighed. "Let's head back now!" She yowled out, hoping her patrolmates heard her this time, before turning and limping back to camp.

Zesha February 28th, 2022 08:45 AM

Re: Sunkissed Creek

Originally Posted by Sweetie (Post 1152577)
Wisteriapaw always attended the clan meeting but did not expect to be picked to go on a patrol, it shocked her. What surprised her more was the fact that she wasn't assigned to a patrol with her mentor. But none the less, the apprentice will step up and do what was asked of her.
Now where i-
Before the molly could finish her thought Thistlerose was in her face smiling and ready to go. "Yes Ma'am". Wisteriapaw nodded her head in acknowledgment, the apprentice was ready for her first patrol!

★ Thistlerose ★
The brown spotted tabby she-cat was glad that Wisteriapaw wasn’t as stubborn as some of the apprentices in the camp. “Wonderful,” she purred. “Let’s go!” She led the way out of the camp, through the thorn tunnel, and out to Sunkissed Creek. It was incredibly cold today, but the sun was shining and there was barely a cloud in the sky. They at least wouldn’t have to worry about rain coming and washing away all the scents of prey.

Once they reached the creek—which was half-frozen, with just a bit of calmly flowing water at the center—Thistlerose gazed around before asking Wisteriapaw, “What can you scent?” Even though she wasn’t the young cat’s mentor, she figured that her mentor would want this to be the kind of question asked while out on patrol. Her only real fear at the moment was that the air would be too cold to scent prey well, but that was a hardship they just had to deal with in leaf-bare.

Zesha March 2nd, 2022 01:16 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
★ Thistlerose ★
When the apprentice didn’t answer, Thistlerose felt a bit flustered. Had she not heard her? Or perhaps she was ignoring her because she wasn’t her mentor. Whatever the case, they needed to get this hunting patrol underway so that the Clan had food to eat. The brown spotted tabby did hope, for Wisteriapaw’s sake, that she’d decide to start doing some hunting. The last thing the warrior wanted was to report back to Shiningskies that the apprentice hadn’t done as she was instructed. Shaking her head, she tried to get all her thoughts out so that she could focus on hunting.

Thistlerose opened her mouth and drank in the frigid morning air. It was only around 14°F according to twoleg measurements, so it was quite cold, but with the sun shining there had to be at least something out. She could just barely make out the smell of a starling and decided she’d go after that. “I’m going to go this way,” she said, nodding her head in the direction she had scented the bird. “Why don’t you try going the opposite direction? Then we can meet up back here to go back to camp.” She hoped desperately that the apprentice would listen.

With that she turned and went to go hunt down that starling. She found it pecking around some tree roots, its back to her. The black feathers danced with color under the glimmering sun. Thistlerose slipped into a hunter’s crouch and slunk forward as swiftly and quietly as she could, and just as the bird was about to turn toward her she leaped and cut off its alarm call swiftly with a bite to the neck. At least there would be something to take back to the camp. Quickly she scraped dirt over it and went about looking for another piece of prey.

Sweetie March 3rd, 2022 05:42 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
Wisteriapaw followed in tow after the warrior. The cold air nipped her nose in hello while the sun warmed her pelt. Wisteriapaw wasn't sure what to think about her first hunting patrol. Half of her thoughts were consumed by the worry she had for her older brother who is missing and the other half was how the patrol was going to go.
Wisteriapaw was too caught up in her thoughts that the pair had reached the creek before she knew it. Bare-leaf had left the running water flowing in the middle with the sides frozen to the touch. Huh, how cool. The golden-brown molly had been out of the camp for a pawful of times and enjoyed the beauty nature had to offer each time.

“What can you scent?”

Ohhhhhh dear...
How do you smell for prey? Wisteriapaw was at a loss. Her mentor hasn't even taken her out to hunt yet. The molly stood there dumbfounded, what do I do??? Wisteriapaw tried to catch a whiff of the area but the cold air hurt her nose and she winced in slight pain. She didn't know what to do.
Wisteriapaw felt bad when the warrior showed annoyance with her and declared to hunt in some other area.

“I’m going to go this way...“Why don’t you try going in the opposite direction? Then we can meet up back here to go back to camp.”

Before Wisteriapaw could say anything the warrior walked off and the apprentice was left alone. Unsure what to do Wisteriapaw looked around and tried to catch something but was unsuccessful


Kunaisoul March 3rd, 2022 05:47 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
{Softshadow of ThunderClan}

He unsheated his claws, spotting a mouse. He crouched, and slowly creeped up on it. He then heard a large growl from behind him. A fox. He hissed, and leapt back. He ignored the mouse, leaping onto the fox's back.

Zesha March 4th, 2022 01:18 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
★ Thistlerose ★
As Thistlerose continued her hunt, she started thinking about the apprentice again. She had seemed sort of… confused, and a pang twitched in her heart. She had been so busy wanting everything to go perfectly so she wouldn’t be kicked out of the Clan that she really hadn’t even gotten to know the apprentice she had been put on patrol with. Wisteriapaw did seem pretty young. How long had she been an apprentice, even? Thistlerose had no answer for that, since she had no idea what had happened in the two or three moons that she had been away from the Clan.

The brown spotted tabby brought down another starling and decided to grab the other one and return to the apprentice. She needed to apologize for being so abrupt. Once she returned to the area they had been in, she began looking for Wisteriapaw and eventually found her. Head bowed, she approached.

“Hey,” she said softly. “I’m sorry about earlier. I’ve been so afraid of being kicked out of ThunderClan that I wasn’t thinking about anything else, and I was wrong for that.” Noting that the apprentice hadn’t caught anything, she tipped her head to one side and asked, “How many hunting trips has your mentor taken you on so far?”

Sweetie March 5th, 2022 09:17 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek

Originally Posted by Zesha (Post 1155182)
★ Thistlerose ★
As Thistlerose continued her hunt, she started thinking about the apprentice again. She had seemed sort of… confused, and a pang twitched in her heart. She had been so busy wanting everything to go perfectly so she wouldn’t be kicked out of the Clan that she really hadn’t even gotten to know the apprentice she had been put on patrol with. Wisteriapaw did seem pretty young. How long had she been an apprentice, even? Thistlerose had no answer for that, since she had no idea what had happened in the two or three moons that she had been away from the Clan.

The brown spotted tabby brought down another starling and decided to grab the other one and return to the apprentice. She needed to apologize for being so abrupt. Once she returned to the area they had been in, she began looking for Wisteriapaw and eventually found her. Head bowed, she approached.

“Hey,” she said softly. “I’m sorry about earlier. I’ve been so afraid of being kicked out of ThunderClan that I wasn’t thinking about anything else, and I was wrong for that.” Noting that the apprentice hadn’t caught anything, she tipped her head to one side and asked, “How many hunting trips has your mentor taken you on so far?”

How do they do this???

Wisteriapaw truly was confused to all Starclan and tried to remember the snippets of advice her older brother gave here and there. But of course, with her luck, she forgot everything the moment she really needed them. Not wanting to try sniffing again Wisteriapaw opted for hearing and looking for tracks. But the problem was the stupid river, while half of it was frozen
the rushing water was loud enough to cause a minor inconvenience. The golden-brown molly did not want to wander farther than needed and keep close for when Thistlerose came back.
Okay, so scent and listening were out of the question, what about sight? Dark blue eyes quickly darted to the ground, searching for any signs of life. But once again, nature was not giving Wisteriapaw the easy way out. The ground by the river was muddy and there were patches of ice in random spots. Welp, now Wisteriapaw was at a true loss.

“I’m sorry about earlier. I’ve been so afraid of being kicked out of ThunderClan that I wasn’t thinking about anything else, and I was wrong for that.”

The apprentice was too caught up in her thoughts that she didn't hear the warrior walk up to her until she spoke. Snapping her head up and giving a sheepish smile the molly answered the warrior. "It's fine, it's early in the morning and I'm sure you haven't had your daily dose of squirrel yet." The molly tried to bring a light sense of humor. "Sootwind...hasn't taken me on any hunting patrols or has even taught me how to hunt yet." While the learning part was not her fault Wisteriapaw still felt embarrassed explaining her situation.

(We can end the patrol here if you want and you can report back)

Zesha March 6th, 2022 10:46 AM

Re: Sunkissed Creek

Originally Posted by Sweetie (Post 1155840)
How do they do this???

Wisteriapaw truly was confused to all Starclan and tried to remember the snippets of advice her older brother gave here and there. But of course, with her luck, she forgot everything the moment she really needed them. Not wanting to try sniffing again Wisteriapaw opted for hearing and looking for tracks. But the problem was the stupid river, while half of it was frozen
the rushing water was loud enough to cause a minor inconvenience. The golden-brown molly did not want to wander farther than needed and keep close for when Thistlerose came back.
Okay, so scent and listening were out of the question, what about sight? Dark blue eyes quickly darted to the ground, searching for any signs of life. But once again, nature was not giving Wisteriapaw the easy way out. The ground by the river was muddy and there were patches of ice in random spots. Welp, now Wisteriapaw was at a true loss.

“I’m sorry about earlier. I’ve been so afraid of being kicked out of ThunderClan that I wasn’t thinking about anything else, and I was wrong for that.”

The apprentice was too caught up in her thoughts that she didn't hear the warrior walk up to her until she spoke. Snapping her head up and giving a sheepish smile the molly answered the warrior. "It's fine, it's early in the morning and I'm sure you haven't had your daily dose of squirrel yet." The molly tried to bring a light sense of humor. "Sootwind...hasn't taken me on any hunting patrols or has even taught me how to hunt yet." While the learning part was not her fault Wisteriapaw still felt embarrassed explaining her situation.

(We can end the patrol here if you want and you can report back)

★ Thistlerose ★
The brown spotted tabby molly gave a laugh. “I certainly haven’t eaten yet today, so that probably isn’t helping,” she admitted. Then she listened intently and nodded as Wisteriapaw explained her situation. “Ah, that makes sense. Hopefully Sootwind gets around to that soon. If not, you’re welcome to come find me and I’ll show you what I know. I may have been lost for a few moons but I’m sure my teaching skills aren’t that rusty.”

Glancing up at the sun, she knew that they needed to start heading back. “Alright, let’s head back to camp and get warm. It’s freezing out here!”
(Will do! Patrol officially complete~)

Beaan March 6th, 2022 05:36 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
Clearpelt sat in the shade of a tree, waiting for her mate. When he got into sight she got up and led him to the tree. They sat down. "Look, i need to tell you somthing" She said with a big smile @corgigirl

corgigirl March 6th, 2022 05:45 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
While slightly confused, he walked up to his mate and sat right up next to her. He breathed right next to her, deeply, sighing. "Yes?" he mewed, drawing it out, licking his mate's ear affectingly. Heat, powerful heat, bounced back and forth between the two cat's bodies.


Beaan March 6th, 2022 05:48 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
She smiled at him. "Were having kits!" She mewed. "Our kits!" She purred and put her head on her mate's chest.

corgigirl March 6th, 2022 05:59 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
Birchheart mouth opened slightly and he gapped at her, then his mood changed. "That's wonderful! Have you told Dapplekit?" He wrapped his tail around his mate. He smiled warmly, and wondered, about their future kits.


Beaan March 6th, 2022 06:44 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek

Originally Posted by corgigirl (Post 1156211)
Birchheart mouth opened slightly and he gapped at her, then his mood changed. "That's wonderful! Have you told Dapplekit?" He wrapped his tail around his mate. He smiled warmly, and wondered, about their future kits.


She shook her head. "She's all caught up with her ceremony happening soon" She mewed. "But she's coming now" She told him

corgigirl March 6th, 2022 06:54 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
Birchheart pressed harder against his mate.

VexSkullz March 14th, 2022 12:32 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek

Alright then. Looks like she was on a patrol with Sir. Grouchy. Since the first time she met the Apprentice she had felt nothing but a lingering grudge against him, yet she couldn't reveal it while they were meant to be working together. She gave a long, exaggerated sigh all of a sudden, the need to be dramatic pulsing through her, like it was a uncontrollably irritant itch she needed to scratch, like it was a-

She suddenly felt mud underpaw, and she stepped back with her three clean paws and gave a disgusted gasp, then yowled with rage as she flicked her muddied paw. "Dear StarClan, save me now! How could this happen?! What..." She looked and saw mud all in front of her, and she gave a groan as she tried her best to lick her paw clean, only to give a hurl of disgust, and a growl rose in her throat. "Bumblepaw, this hunting better be quick," She spat. "If I get any dirtier I might ruin the prey to cope!"

dino. March 17th, 2022 05:15 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek

Originally Posted by VexSkullz (Post 1160396)

Alright then. Looks like she was on a patrol with Sir. Grouchy. Since the first time she met the Apprentice she had felt nothing but a lingering grudge against him, yet she couldn't reveal it while they were meant to be working together. She gave a long, exaggerated sigh all of a sudden, the need to be dramatic pulsing through her, like it was a uncontrollably irritant itch she needed to scratch, like it was a-

She suddenly felt mud underpaw, and she stepped back with her three clean paws and gave a disgusted gasp, then yowled with rage as she flicked her muddied paw. "Dear StarClan, save me now! How could this happen?! What..." She looked and saw mud all in front of her, and she gave a groan as she tried her best to lick her paw clean, only to give a hurl of disgust, and a growl rose in her throat. "Bumblepaw, this hunting better be quick," She spat. "If I get any dirtier I might ruin the prey to cope!"

Bumblepaw practically radiated irritation as he trailed behind Thistlestorm. He was holding back the urge to "accidentally" shoulder past her and shove her into the mud of the riverbank—she totally deserved it for being such a pompous, irritating ass. Stars, if only that wouldn't mean getting beat into the dirt later, probably.

...Apparently, nature decided to do all the work for him. At first he stared incredulously at her (good SKIES it was just mud, get a grip), and then he started to laugh—small, broken snorts that quickly turned into high-pitched peals of laughter. "PLEASE," he cried when he managed to suck in a breath. "You are so pathetic, it's hilarious. Get over itself, it's mud, there's no reason to go tearing up perfectly fine prey over it." Almost mockingly, he scooped up a pawful of the stuff and flung it in her direction, then turned in the other direction to scent the air for prey. Hopefully he could figure out this hunting thing on his own; one quick den lesson done a couple moons ago wasn't enough to cut it, and he doubted this fool would get off of her high horse long enough to teach him properly.

VexSkullz March 18th, 2022 07:27 AM

Re: Sunkissed Creek

The weird laughter and words that came from the Apprentice made her whip around and give him a furious glare, but as she opened her maw and gasped in air to get ready to spit a retort back, yet she closed it after a second of thought and simply growled, "I suppose having a pathetic Mentor makes you just as pathetic. Maybe even more so." She felt like a mousebrain after doing all that just to say something that tame. She knew she could do better, say something that really hit a nerve with him, but she didn't know him. At all. All she knew so far was that she disliked him since the first time she met him. That he wanted a good Mentor and that he doubted her abilities.

Sighing inwardly she rolled her eyes at him and faced forward again to look around and see what prey she could scent. After a few sniffs she couldn't smell much, so with a flick of her tail she motioned for her Bumblepaw to follow, trying her best to avoid any obvious layers of mud under her - not to make sure she didn't slip, oh no, but to not get her pristine paws dirty - but it didn't work as well as she wanted it to.

dino. March 19th, 2022 06:12 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
// @VexSkullz

Bumblepaw rolled his eyes. He didn't respect this cat at all, so what the hell would her stupid insults do? Besides, she could hardly even be called his mentor—this was their first and only outing together and Bumblepaw was willing to bet another wouldn't happen until someone forced her to. Ugh. This was exactly the issue with ThunderClan. "Whatever makes you sleep at night," he called over his shoulder in a sing-song voice.

Unfortunately, it seemed that his captor wanted him to follow her like some Twoleg dog, so he turned in place to trail after her, albeit as agonizingly slowly as possible. He resisted the urge to hurl more mud at her; as funny as it was, he hated her stupid voice, and if he could go the rest of the trip avoiding having to listen to it as much as possible, then that would be so freaking fantastic.

poppy March 27th, 2022 05:27 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
Timberwolf, cloudypaw and houndpaw hunted.

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