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Tazzy February 2nd, 2018 05:01 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by RosePelt145 (Post 463855)
LightStrike scowled at her words. So she had seen him after all. He wished he could just disappear. Since Hollywhisper had caught him playing kittenish games, it just gave the older warriors another reason to treat him like a kit. He wanted so bad to fit in, but since he had shown impressive skills as an apprentice, he had his warrior ceremony a lot quicker than most do. He may be a remarkable warriior, but being one of the youngest had its drawbacks. He kneaded his paws into the dirt, trying to think up something, anything, to use as an excuse. Coming up with nothing, he gave up.
''Its not my fault I am young for a warrior'' he grumbled under his breath. His fur fluffed up a bit in embarrassment. He perked his ears at her next words and glanced at her warily. ''Join you? For what?'' he asked, his voice guarded.

Hollywhisper snorted in amusement “Its not bad playing game like that y’know. Keeps you young even when your 40 moons.” She meowed laughing. Her ear twitched at his guarded tone. “Sheesh relax it’s not like I’m going to take you out somewhere to do you harm. I’m just bored and thought to ask but...” she shrugged her shoulders and stood, giving a long stretch before waiting for his answer.

|+sari+| February 2nd, 2018 05:40 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Tazzy (Post 463878)
Hollywhisper snorted in amusement “Its not bad playing game like that y’know. Keeps you young even when your 40 moons.” She meowed laughing. Her ear twitched at his guarded tone. “Sheesh relax it’s not like I’m going to take you out somewhere to do you harm. I’m just bored and thought to ask but...” she shrugged her shoulders and stood, giving a long stretch before waiting for his answer.

LightStrike thought a moment, his whiskers quivering. He gazed at the she-cat a moment. Then, he reluctantly got to his paws and stood beside her. ''Lead the way'' he meowed, avoiding her gaze.

Tazzy February 2nd, 2018 06:17 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by RosePelt145 (Post 463904)
LightStrike thought a moment, his whiskers quivering. He gazed at the she-cat a moment. Then, he reluctantly got to his paws and stood beside her. ''Lead the way'' he meowed, avoiding her gaze.

“Well great.” She purred triumphantly and turned leading the way deeper into the forest. “How bout we hunt alittle?” She Asked opening her mouth and tasting the air. “Or we can...do something you want?” She looked at Lightstrike, holding back her laughter, noticing he was avoiding her gaze.

Tazzy February 2nd, 2018 10:06 PM

Re: ThunderClan Training Cave
Fernpaw skidded to a halt in the training cave, panting slightly. She turned towards her mentor, her eyes glittering and asked “So what are you going to teach me today?”

Empress Of Evil February 3rd, 2018 02:00 AM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Dust (Post 461676)

A test of confidence to start off their training. There was always time to fit multiple sessions into one - what Featherpaw didn't know was that Silversky had been up all night putting together his plans for the day. It was laid out in a neat time schedule, but stopping to test her was never a bad idea. It might put them a bit behind schedule though... Nonetheless, Silversky watched with quiet anticipation, taking notice of her slight hesitation. It was understandable. He was asking quite a hard task of her, considering all she probably smelled was things brought into the nursery and around camp. He'd have to start slowly so Featherpaw would be a bit more comfortable. Pulled from his thoughts, the silver tom parted his jowls once more, scenting the air around them with haste.The last thing he wanted was trouble on their first day! Slowly, Silversky rose to his paws, watching the apprentice from a few tail-lengths away as she made her way around the area, scenting what Silver himself had been able to smell beforehand. Once the young molly returned, Silversky listened intently as she reported her findings. "Excellent, yes very good!" He praised rather warmly, his eyes shining with approval.

"See? You did just fine for your first time." He meowed, rising to his paws with a huff. "Nasty huh? Here, follow me." And with that, Silversky maneuvered his way to the roots of the large oak tree. Shuffling around the base, he inhaled the stale scent of badger. "Hmmm.. here, come stand right here." The silver ragdoll motioned with his tail for other to come stand next to next to a hole in the roots about a few tail lengths deep. Bits of grass and moss were strewn about in the dark den, a few strands of hair littered across the floor. "Badgers. Vicious things. Thankfully, it looks like they cleared out." Breathing in the scent once more, he continued, "About... a week old so we should be good! Let's get a move on before they get any ideas about coming back, eh?" Turning away from the roots, Silver slipped through the surrounding patches of brambles, crunching leaves underneath his paws. Keeping a quick pace, he moved parallel of Shadowclan's border for a few moments before stopping once more. The area was less dense than before, huge oak trees erect into the sky with little to no foliage.

Looking back at Featherpaw, the warrior tilted his head to his left. "That's the border about a few paw-lengths away. You might be able to smell it already - it's similar to our scent, but more earthy." He meowed briskly. "Go ahead and give it a smell. I'll keep look out, nothing will be sneaking up on us." There was a playful edge to his voice, but as promised, Silversky began to pace around the small clearing, ears and eyes alert for any danger.

In all honesty, Featherpaw didn't have much confidence. Although she was willing to be friendly with unfamiliar cats, she was still shy and typically wasn't one to approach a stranger. There were times where she was hesitant with her actions and it took a bit of motivation to get her do something new. Around her friends though, this changed. She knew that they wouldn't judge her for what she did, whether she failed or didn't, she could do things without being scared or embarrassed. The Ragdoll molly had the feeling that Silversky and her would be good friends, but as of now they were acquaintances so she still had yet to open up to her mentor.

Featherpaw let out a breath that she hadn't realised she'd been holding at his praise. She hadn't stuffed up her first task. That was a good start. "Yeah," she breathed. Her body had been stiff while she waited for approval and now that she had received that approval, she could chase away that rigidness and relax. Her shoulders lowered and then stood up after her mentor. She followed the tom towards the tree roots, her hackles automatically raising at the scent of the 'fox'. The stale wasn't very fresh, but she still felt cautious as she peered into the dark hole. The nasty scent sent shivers running down her spine and she flexed her claws in discomfort. Her lips curled into a slight frown as she realised that the scent actually belonged to badgers and not foxes. Well, at least she was learning. Next time she would be able to distinguish the difference between a badger and a fox scent. Hopefully. The she-cat was relieved to hear that the badger scent was about a week old. Even though she herself could tell that the smell was stale, she felt better hearing it from an experienced warrior. Featherpaw nodded and then flattened her ears against her head before she followed Silversky away from the oak tree.

Soon enough, they were standing in a part of the forest that had nothing particularly special about it. It was just like every other bit of the forest, but there was something wrong about it. It didn’t smell right to her and after a few moments of examining what was in front of her, she came to notice the pine trees that stood behind the oak trees. She turned her head to look at her mentor and listened carefully. Everything clicked together with those words. It was the ShadowClan border! A grin grew on her maw and she bounced forward, Silversky’s playful words falling on deaf ears. She parted her jaws and tasted the air. He was right, it was a bit like ThunderClan’s scent, with an extra tint of earthiness. As she sniffed the border, she couldn’t help but wrinkle her nose. Even though it did smell like ThunderClan’s scent, there was something about it that was nasty. Something that she just couldn’t name. She decided that she didn’t like the scent and scampered back to her mentor. “It doesn’t smell right to me,” she commented.

Blueberry February 3rd, 2018 10:31 AM

Re: ThunderClan Training Cave

Originally Posted by Tazzy (Post 464011)
Fernpaw skidded to a halt in the training cave, panting slightly. She turned towards her mentor, her eyes glittering and asked “So what are you going to teach me today?”

“Well first I want to know if you remembered the move I taught you last time.” Goldenstream purred. Though her apprentice was energetic she tended to forget battle moves easily.

lio February 3rd, 2018 10:51 AM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by lonestar23 (Post 42)
It was one of the most irritating things when a cat refused to behave like a warrior. Powdernose was acting like a kit, and Stonegazer was angry about it. He was about to announce how he felt to the other tom before the younger warrior got up, pushed past him, and then ran away. The grey tom knew he couldn't chase him. With the leg injury, it would be impossible to run that fast, and he wasn't foolish enough to risk making it worse. His blue eyes remained the same as they always had been... calm, and without feeling, as he limped after the tom. His paws hit the ground with more force, the anger brewing within his mind taken out on the earth instead of in words or actions. Thud. Thud. Thud. Step by step, Stonegazer could feel himself getting closer to the younger tom. He could practically sense the other's presence with every step that was taken, and a smile spread over his maw as he thought of finally catching up to Powdernose.

They would be able to talk about this like mature warriors, not jealous kits. Whatever was going on with the other tom, Stonegazer needed to figure out if the medicine cat was needed or not... for mental reasons. With every step, he thought about what he had done. Intentionally or not, he had hurt Powdernose by leaving for the battle... which seemed silly to him, but he wasn't going to bring that up. Then again, why shouldn't he? This was silly, and it needed to stop. Powdernose had no reason to be acting this way. It's just a marking of an immature cat, that's all. I know he's not the perfect warrior, but shouldn't he at least try to show some signs of his age? That thought would remain unspoken, because Stonegazer knew that that was something you should not say in conversation.

He was not a socially apt cat, but he tried his best, and he was learning. He was better then he had been a few moons ago. Stonegazer came upon the younger tom, curled up, breathing shallowly and looking quite pitiful. "Do you... want to tell me what happened? Again, I am sorry if my actions caused your..." His voice trailed off as he tried to think of the right words to say here. Sorry state? Pitiful state? Neither one would be pleasant, and neither one belonged in an apology. "...current state." The warrior finished, guessing that was the best thing to say in this situation.

why does he keep coming back? he refused to look up, though he forced himself to breathe normally. his heart beat with the force of a million monsters against his ribs, tail twitching sporadically. stop acting so childish. he only wants to help. powdernose stayed quiet, lost in his mind. but he's the one that made you like this. show him what he did to you. he fought with himself, trying to choose between right and wrong. then, he chose. do the right thing. it isn't his fault.
"i knew what you had said. that you had made it clear that you would run as soon as the threat of battle appeared. but- but i didn't want it to come so soon." powdernose kept his gaze to the ground, frightened of what stonegazer may think. don't think. just speak.
"i was just so excited about finally getting to hang out with my id- er- you, that i guess i just didn't know how to handle being left there. i should have known that you would run to fight, even after all i had said. i'm just acting like a kit," his voice cracked and he flinched at the sound, claws digging into the ground. "you have no need to be sorry." forcing himself to stand his place instead of running again, powdernose waited fearfully for stonegazer's answer.

Tazzy February 3rd, 2018 02:18 PM

Re: ThunderClan Training Cave

Originally Posted by Ravenfang (Post 464202)

“Well first I want to know if you remembered the move I taught you last time.” Goldenstream purred. Though her apprentice was energetic she tended to forget battle moves easily.

“Ok Goldenstream” Fernpaw crouched down, keeping her eyes on her mentor, she wiggled her hind quarters and lunged forward trying to knock her mentors paws out from under her.

Charmer February 3rd, 2018 06:23 PM

Re: ThunderClan Training Cave

Originally Posted by Panic! (at the Disco) (Post 463750)
Lynxpaw's ears pricked as Morningblue spoke, her eyes glistening as she listened to his words. She thought she'd done well, but her mentor was still standing, towering above the small bobtail. Lynxpaw gave a tiny flick of her tail and waited as her mentor told her what to do to improve. Okay, I can do that! She thought, nodding as he told her she had to fight smart. Smart. Got it. Weaker spots, wait a minute- Her train of thought left as she fell slightly, she blinked but leaped back onto her paws, determined as ever. "Gotcha!" She mewed.

Morningblue faced the smaller cat with a glimmer of interest in his eyes. "You've got quick eyes, and quick steps. Very good," he meowed. "Now then..." the big tom began to pad in a slow circle around her, the soft tread of his pawsteps echoing in the cave. "Let's see how you do with defense," he meowed coolly, the lowering his body as he prepared to spring. "When you're ready." He waited there like a coiled viper. He knew the sight of him like this would be intimidating. That was the idea. Lynxpaw would need to think quickly under frightening circumstances. He wanted to see how she did with them naturally.

red_inactive February 4th, 2018 11:45 AM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Incandescence (Post 449554)
@Random Melody

The area was silent, with not even the twittering of birds to disturb the quiet. The ground was snowy white, with a smattering of dead grass poking out of the white powder. The trees surrounding the clearing stretched high up into the air, their skeletal branches reaching up for a sun that was hidden behind a thick layer of clouds. A small, sudden crack rang through the silent clearing, startling a flock of birds enough to send them twittering with fright up into the grey sky. A tom with a pelt as black as the midnight sky raised his paw, inspecting the dry branch he had stepped on before shrugging and moving on. His tail wove through the air, streaming behind him weightlessly as he drifted through the territory he had abandoned not too long ago. Neverwing exhaled, watching the white steam curl from his mouth and into the air, disappearing as the cold breeze swept it away. He smiled to himself, the smirk faintly devious in appearance. The tom had been going through quite a bit of drama the past few months, trying to 'find' himself. Originally, Neverwing had headed towards the Dusk Syndicate after running from the clans in an attempt to relearn what it meant to be a feral cat- the clans had changed his views and it had wrecked havoc on the tom's soul, struggling to figure out if he should abandon his training for a new life with his beloved Blackstorm or continue with his devious ways. In the end? The decision would be made by Blackstorm himself. Neverwing had returned to the ThunderClan territory with only one thought in mind. To confess his sins to Blackstorm and let the tom determine whether Neverwing would continue being a rogue or return to ThunderClan alongside him.

Parting his jaws open to get a clearer scent of the area, Neverwing finally stopped, settling down on a large rock that marked a very special spot. It was a place that Neverwing and hopefully Blackstorm held dear- where Neverwing decided to blindly follow Blackstorm out of the territory, and confess his love to him right then and there. The black Maine Coon wasn't sure why he treasured the memory, but it didn't matter. If he was going to meet Blackstorm, it would be here; under the trees, out in the territory, beside a great boulder where it all began. He curled his tail around his haunches and waited.

Neverwing's freezing ;-;
@Random Melody

Blueberry February 4th, 2018 01:34 PM

Re: ThunderClan Training Cave

Originally Posted by Tazzy (Post 464372)
“Ok Goldenstream” Fernpaw crouched down, keeping her eyes on her mentor, she wiggled her hind quarters and lunged forward trying to knock her mentors paws out from under her.

But Goldenstream was more quick than the apprentice had anticipated, and Goldenstream sidestepped out of the way right as Fernpaw jumped, and Fernpaw hit the ground hard, gasping.

Tazzy February 4th, 2018 01:40 PM

Re: ThunderClan Training Cave

Originally Posted by Ravenfang (Post 464767)

But Goldenstream was more quick than the apprentice had anticipated, and Goldenstream sidestepped out of the way right as Fernpaw jumped, and Fernpaw hit the ground hard, gasping.

Fernpaw gasped, trying to catch her breath. She had not expected her mentor to move that quickly “I did not see that coming” she gasped, climbing to her paws. The ground had heart but she wasn’t going to show her mentor that it had. She crouched down and moved quicker once more trying to knock Goldenstream down.

Blueberry February 4th, 2018 02:04 PM

Re: ThunderClan Training Cave

Originally Posted by Tazzy (Post 464773)
Fernpaw gasped, trying to catch her breath. She had not expected her mentor to move that quickly “I did not see that coming” she gasped, climbing to her paws. The ground had heart but she wasn’t going to show her mentor that it had. She crouched down and moved quicker once more trying to knock Goldenstream down.

This time Goldenstream made the mistake of trying to jump over the young -and sometimes sparatic- apprentice. Fernpaw’s paw flashed upwards and knocked Goldenstream off balance. Goldenstream hit the ground with a hard thud.

wren February 4th, 2018 08:20 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory


White Snow covered the ground in a chilly layer of frost. A sleek blanket that hugged against ever tree and covered everything around camp, and even within the wall of camp there was drifts of Snow wandering the Clearing in the wind. It certainly wasn’t chestnutpaw’s favorite season, his fur was sleek and fine. Best adapt to the new leaf seasons when it wasn’t below freezing temperature. The wind was maybe the worst part of leaf bare, if it wasn’t the snow that caught you off guard it was the blistering wind that seemed to follow you everywhere. In this case it was making itself comfortable pushing the apprentices fur the wrong way, causing him to puff up even if it wasn’t working in making him warmer. It was one of those days where there wasn’t a single cloud in the deep blue sky. The kind that looked so nice and warm until you actually stepped out your den and you felt your nose hairs freeze in your nose. The worst kind of day that tricked you into thinking the weather wasn’t hostile. But it is. the tom shivered Ashe tried through the snow outside the apprentices den. It had barely been thirty seconds and he was already regretting getting out of his warm welcoming nest. He glanced from side to side, maybe somebody wanted to go with him to hunt. His mentor had instructed he hunt with somebody that wasn’t him today- since well chestnut wasn’t exactly the most popular throughout the clan. Even though he liked being alone and keeping to himself and his thoughts he was forced to socialize. Maybe a friend of his? The lean tom turned and leaned back into the den, the warm waft of air tickling his face made him want to go and curl up again. He looked around eagerly for a familiar pelt, Jasminepaw where are you? I need you, please don’t be out already! “Jasminepaw?” his voice wavered from the cold.

Tazzy February 4th, 2018 09:25 PM

Re: ThunderClan Training Cave

Originally Posted by Ravenfang (Post 464789)

This time Goldenstream made the mistake of trying to jump over the young -and sometimes sparatic- apprentice. Fernpaw’s paw flashed upwards and knocked Goldenstream off balance. Goldenstream hit the ground with a hard thud.

Fernpaw looked at Goldenstream in shock “Great StarClan! Are you ok?!” She rushed over to her mentor and gazed down at her. “Do you need help? Anything?”

Blueberry February 5th, 2018 05:51 AM

Re: ThunderClan Training Cave

Originally Posted by Tazzy (Post 465100)
Fernpaw looked at Goldenstream in shock “Great StarClan! Are you ok?!” She rushed over to her mentor and gazed down at her. “Do you need help? Anything?”

A very sharp rock had cut a long gash on the side she had landed on. She got up and hot, sticky blood gushed out of the wound. “I-I’m o-“ Goldenstream cut off as she collapsed to the ground. She lay there heaving her lungs. In between gasps she said, “please go get caliapaw.” Her hot breath billowed in the air.


Tazzy February 5th, 2018 05:49 PM

Re: ThunderClan Training Cave

Originally Posted by Ravenfang (Post 465242)

A very sharp rock had cut a long gash on the side she had landed on. She got up and hot, sticky blood gushed out of the wound. “I-I’m o-“ Goldenstream cut off as she collapsed to the ground. She lay there heaving her lungs. In between gasps she said, “please go get caliapaw.” Her hot breath billowed in the air.


(Im waiting for Lonestar to get back to me hang on xD)

Blueberry February 5th, 2018 06:38 PM

Re: ThunderClan Training Cave

Originally Posted by Tazzy (Post 465535)
(Im waiting for Lonestar to get back to me hang on xD)

(I gave him a heads up earlier lol)

dionysus February 5th, 2018 07:53 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Celestial (Post 465038)


White Snow covered the ground in a chilly layer of frost. A sleek blanket that hugged against ever tree and covered everything around camp, and even within the wall of camp there was drifts of Snow wandering the Clearing in the wind. It certainly wasn’t chestnutpaw’s favorite season, his fur was sleek and fine. Best adapt to the new leaf seasons when it wasn’t below freezing temperature. The wind was maybe the worst part of leaf bare, if it wasn’t the snow that caught you off guard it was the blistering wind that seemed to follow you everywhere. In this case it was making itself comfortable pushing the apprentices fur the wrong way, causing him to puff up even if it wasn’t working in making him warmer. It was one of those days where there wasn’t a single cloud in the deep blue sky. The kind that looked so nice and warm until you actually stepped out your den and you felt your nose hairs freeze in your nose. The worst kind of day that tricked you into thinking the weather wasn’t hostile. But it is. the tom shivered Ashe tried through the snow outside the apprentices den. It had barely been thirty seconds and he was already regretting getting out of his warm welcoming nest. He glanced from side to side, maybe somebody wanted to go with him to hunt. His mentor had instructed he hunt with somebody that wasn’t him today- since well chestnut wasn’t exactly the most popular throughout the clan. Even though he liked being alone and keeping to himself and his thoughts he was forced to socialize. Maybe a friend of his? The lean tom turned and leaned back into the den, the warm waft of air tickling his face made him want to go and curl up again. He looked around eagerly for a familiar pelt, Jasminepaw where are you? I need you, please don’t be out already! “Jasminepaw?” his voice wavered from the cold.

Jasminepaw stretched and yawned in her nest as she uncurled herself and sat up. The branches and leaves of the apprentice’s den preserved some warmth, but the biting cold still snuck in through cracks. The den was tantalizingly sheltered, but still shook each time the wind blew and let in a few cold bursts of air. Better to get moving now and keep her heart rate up to stay warm. After a quick grooming, Jasminepaw hopped out of her nest and bundled out of the den only to tumble straight into her best friend. Jasminepaw let out a muffled laugh as she tripped over the slim tom and landed in the snow. She had bumped into him just as he had called out her name. “Morning, Chestnutpaw!” She mewed in her usual voice. Jasminepaw had a sweet voice, though she didn’t sound to sugary or bubbly. Her voice held notes of warmth and friendliness with overtones of calmness. The tortoiseshell molly has the uncanny ability to calm down pretty much anyone in her company. Jasminepaw didn’t have an abundance of energy but was far from sluggish. So, instead of hopping to her paws or trudging to her paws, Jasminepaw slid languidly and gracefully into a standing position. A vibrant smile graced her face and shone through the air around her, almost like the sun on pristine white snow. “What do you want to do today, Ches?”

lone February 6th, 2018 04:40 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by hiraeth (Post 464218)
why does he keep coming back? he refused to look up, though he forced himself to breathe normally. his heart beat with the force of a million monsters against his ribs, tail twitching sporadically. stop acting so childish. he only wants to help. powdernose stayed quiet, lost in his mind. but he's the one that made you like this. show him what he did to you. he fought with himself, trying to choose between right and wrong. then, he chose. do the right thing. it isn't his fault.
"i knew what you had said. that you had made it clear that you would run as soon as the threat of battle appeared. but- but i didn't want it to come so soon." powdernose kept his gaze to the ground, frightened of what stonegazer may think. don't think. just speak.
"i was just so excited about finally getting to hang out with my id- er- you, that i guess i just didn't know how to handle being left there. i should have known that you would run to fight, even after all i had said. i'm just acting like a kit," his voice cracked and he flinched at the sound, claws digging into the ground. "you have no need to be sorry." forcing himself to stand his place instead of running again, powdernose waited fearfully for stonegazer's answer.

The grey tom cocked his head to the side a little, listening to Powdernose’s words. They sounded… silly, and a little bit childish, and strange. They definitely didn’t sound like words that would be coming from a fully grown warrior. And yet, the tom couldn’t help but feel a little bit of pity for Powdernose. The younger warrior clearly admired him, or liked him, or something like that, otherwise he wouldn’t have been quite as frustrated about Stonegazer having to leave and he definitely wouldn’t have been upset that it was so soon, and that it was to protect the Clan.

”Your honesty is appreciated, thank you.” Stonegazer mewed after the tom was through speaking, and stood there for a moment in complete silence before thinking of what to say next. He had always been someone who was right. Someone who did the right thing, said the right things (in his opinion) and fought the right way. He lived his life through honesty and punctuality and a sort of discipline that brought new excitement to it every day. And he tried his best to be the type of tom that other warriors would admire and respect, and it seemed he was getting his goal.

”I understand your frustration. However, that is not an excuse to pout - especially not when we could be spending this time doing more enjoyable things. I intend to make our outing up to you, since you were looking forward to it so much, as long as this-” He paused for a moment, letting the word hover in the air between them and guessing the understanding was already there - ”does not happen again. Is that clear?” Stonegazer found Powdernose to be… interesting, at least. Perhaps it wouldn’t be so bad making the afternoon up again. At the very least, it would stop a clanmate from sulking.

seasalt February 6th, 2018 08:01 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Lonestar23 (Post 456847)

Leafwatcher's story should have given Stormwing some sort of peace of mind. Now she knew what had happened, how he had disappeared, that he hadn't stayed out of touch on purpose. Now she knew that he hadn't left by his own choice. But instead of giving her peace of mind, it only made her angrier. "Why wasn't this the first thing you told me? Why, why, why did you have to fight that Dusk Syndicate cat, Leafwatcher? Do you understand how stupid that was?" She asked, her blue eyes lighting up in anger. They were like miniature flames, dancing against her silver tabby pelt, frustration and fury showing in them. She couldn't believe this was happening. She had lost everyone before, and now that she had Leafwatcher back, she wasn't sure if she was happier or sadder. He was a different cat then he had been - there was a distinct air of that.

Or maybe she was the one who had changed, she felt braver then normal, though it was anger fueling her fire. "You're crazy. You are absolutely crazy." She repeated over and over, her ears flattened against her head, her tail still twitching back and forth, trying to grasp ahold of the reality of the situation. So... Leafwatcher had gotten amnesia... meaning he hadn't remembered her, or anyone else, and - and the Dusk Syndicate had taken him... how had that even happened? And why? These might not be questions that he could answer, but the Dusk Syndicate cats could. Stormwing knew they were gone now, but she wished she could go down there, take every single Dusk Syndicate cat, and ask them questions until she found out the entire truth. And she was scared of Leafwatcher now, at least a little bit. He made her nervous. Being in the Dusk Syndicate for so long was bound to have some sort of an impact on a cat. Was there a chance... even a little one... that he would hurt her?

Leafwatcher flinched at the anger in her eyes and in the she-cats tone. He knew he deserved it and she had a right to be furious at him. But it still hurt. A lot. "I... I know." The brown tabby spoke, his tone almost sad and angry too. The anger was more or less directed at himself than anything. He was furious with himself for being so foolish, and so stupid. His ears flattened. "I'm... so sorry. I am the dumbest cat alive." He said, shaking his head at Stormwing. "I understand your anger." His green optics were a bit glassy, and he dropped the pebble he had been still holding onto where it had been before. "I'm going to go..." Leafwatcher spoke and he slid through the undergrowth rather quickly.

lio February 6th, 2018 08:42 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Lonestar23 (Post 465872)
The grey tom cocked his head to the side a little, listening to Powdernose’s words. They sounded… silly, and a little bit childish, and strange. They definitely didn’t sound like words that would be coming from a fully grown warrior. And yet, the tom couldn’t help but feel a little bit of pity for Powdernose. The younger warrior clearly admired him, or liked him, or something like that, otherwise he wouldn’t have been quite as frustrated about Stonegazer having to leave and he definitely wouldn’t have been upset that it was so soon, and that it was to protect the Clan.

”Your honesty is appreciated, thank you.” Stonegazer mewed after the tom was through speaking, and stood there for a moment in complete silence before thinking of what to say next. He had always been someone who was right. Someone who did the right thing, said the right things (in his opinion) and fought the right way. He lived his life through honesty and punctuality and a sort of discipline that brought new excitement to it every day. And he tried his best to be the type of tom that other warriors would admire and respect, and it seemed he was getting his goal.

”I understand your frustration. However, that is not an excuse to pout - especially not when we could be spending this time doing more enjoyable things. I intend to make our outing up to you, since you were looking forward to it so much, as long as this-” He paused for a moment, letting the word hover in the air between them and guessing the understanding was already there - ”does not happen again. Is that clear?” Stonegazer found Powdernose to be… interesting, at least. Perhaps it wouldn’t be so bad making the afternoon up again. At the very least, it would stop a clanmate from sulking.

powdernose's ears perked with surprise. "really?" he jumped to his paws excitedly, almost as if he was never saddened. his tail raised and he rocked back an forth like an energized kit. powdernose hopped closer to stonegazer, like he was going to tackle him in a show of thanks, but he hesitated. would stonegazer be annoyed by that? just in case, the tom stepped back and forced himself to calm down in the slightest. taking a deep breath, his eyes glimmered happily as he thought of what to say. "i- i promise," spoke the tom, dipping his head respectfully.

he straightened up once again before tilting his head to the side. "what do you want to do?" powdernose questioned. his fur fluffed out as he suddenly remembered the battle, and he rushed closer to check stonegazer's wounds. "you didn't get too injured, did you?" sniffing the grey tom's fur, he scanned for the smallest signs of infection. his gaze held that of worry while he repeatedly searched for every wound that stonegazer had received.

i can't lose h- he isn't yours to lose, powdernose. mentally scolding himself, he sighed and sat down once again. at least he seems okay, for the most part. his paws kneaded the ground and he looked around warily. it would be rather humiliating if someone saw them at that very moment. nose twitching, powdernose shook his head, trying to clear away his thoughts as he nervously waited for a response.

Mango February 7th, 2018 04:50 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Ravenfang (Post 466178)

Larkpaw flashed past. “Bet I can beat you there!” Larkpaw teased.

(Moved the RP to the territory)
Her eyes twinkled in amusement,” Can not!” She set off into a fast sprint in hopes of beating Larkpaw.

Blueberry February 7th, 2018 07:11 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by 2018 Okapi (Post 466233)
(Moved the RP to the territory)
Her eyes twinkled in amusement,” Can not!” She set off into a fast sprint in hopes of beating Larkpaw.

Larkpaw bolted after her and ran as fast as she could.

Mango February 8th, 2018 08:07 AM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Ravenfang (Post 466324)

Larkpaw bolted after her and ran as fast as she could.

Poppypaw didn’t allow herself to slow down.

Blueberry February 8th, 2018 08:53 AM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by 2018 Okapi (Post 466570)
Poppypaw didn’t allow herself to slow down.

They bolted through the forest matching each other pawstep for pawstep, until they reached the shadowclan border, but larkpaw forgot to slow down and skidded to a halt right in front of the shadowclan border. “Phew! That was so close!” Larkpaw said padding carefully away from the border. “I almost crossed the border! Then we would be in all kinds of trouble!”

Mango February 8th, 2018 09:27 AM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Ravenfang (Post 466584)

They bolted through the forest matching each other pawstep for pawstep, until they reached the shadowclan border, but larkpaw forgot to slow down and skidded to a halt right in front of the shadowclan border. “Phew! That was so close!” Larkpaw said padding carefully away from the border. “I almost crossed the border! Then we would be in all kinds of trouble!”

Poppypaw purred,” I wouldn’t, just you. I never almost crossed the border.” She teased. That was just her way, always contradicting them slightly. She sniffed for prey, though she didn’t smell anything.

Blueberry February 8th, 2018 09:54 AM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by 2018 Okapi (Post 466590)
Poppypaw purred,” I wouldn’t, just you. I never almost crossed the border.” She teased. That was just her way, always contradicting them slightly. She sniffed for prey, though she didn’t smell anything.

“Well... it was worth a try.” Larkpaw said disappointment sorting her words.

Mango February 8th, 2018 10:36 AM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Ravenfang (Post 466598)

“Well... it was worth a try.” Larkpaw said disappointment sorting her words.

Poppypaw shrugged,” yeah.”

lone February 8th, 2018 11:56 AM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by seasalt (Post 465982)
Leafwatcher flinched at the anger in her eyes and in the she-cats tone. He knew he deserved it and she had a right to be furious at him. But it still hurt. A lot. "I... I know." The brown tabby spoke, his tone almost sad and angry too. The anger was more or less directed at himself than anything. He was furious with himself for being so foolish, and so stupid. His ears flattened. "I'm... so sorry. I am the dumbest cat alive." He said, shaking his head at Stormwing. "I understand your anger." His green optics were a bit glassy, and he dropped the pebble he had been still holding onto where it had been before. "I'm going to go..." Leafwatcher spoke and he slid through the undergrowth rather quickly.

Maybe, if she were someone else, or if she had thought of it, Stormwing would have stopped him from leaving. Reached out to him and tried to fix things. But instead, the silver tabby watched him go, her icy-blue eyes colder than usual as she hung her head and took a deep breath. He was gone. It was her fault, she had driven him away, but she couldn’t feel that bad about it now. She was still too angry about the worry the tom had caused her. Didn’t he know what it was like to lose someone? Why would he ever have taken on Dusk Syndicate cats on his own? Maybe someday, someway, she would make it up to him. But for now? Stormwing was only all too content to be alone again. Leaving Leafwatcher’s collection behind, she slunk in the opposite direction, a silver blur against the trees, and eventually she was out of sight - almost ashamed to be seen there.

Originally Posted by hiraeth (Post 466003)
powdernose's ears perked with surprise. "really?" he jumped to his paws excitedly, almost as if he was never saddened. his tail raised and he rocked back an forth like an energized kit. powdernose hopped closer to stonegazer, like he was going to tackle him in a show of thanks, but he hesitated. would stonegazer be annoyed by that? just in case, the tom stepped back and forced himself to calm down in the slightest. taking a deep breath, his eyes glimmered happily as he thought of what to say. "i- i promise," spoke the tom, dipping his head respectfully.

he straightened up once again before tilting his head to the side. "what do you want to do?" powdernose questioned. his fur fluffed out as he suddenly remembered the battle, and he rushed closer to check stonegazer's wounds. "you didn't get too injured, did you?" sniffing the grey tom's fur, he scanned for the smallest signs of infection. his gaze held that of worry while he repeatedly searched for every wound that stonegazer had received.

i can't lose h- he isn't yours to lose, powdernose. mentally scolding himself, he sighed and sat down once again. at least he seems okay, for the most part. his paws kneaded the ground and he looked around warily. it would be rather humiliating if someone saw them at that very moment. nose twitching, powdernose shook his head, trying to clear away his thoughts as he nervously waited for a response.

”Good.” That was the warrior’s only remark to Powdernose’s promise, his expression never changing, never softening, although it seemed like an appropriate time. Yet Stonegazer didn’t seem to care much what an appropriate time was - he was the type of cat to act kind of weird when it came to that sort of thing. It was irritating, almost, and sometimes he wondered if it would have been better to be raised in a more loving manner. Stonegazer had never been super affectionate - perhaps a little less serious, but he had always been kind of funny about showing his feelings for other cats. Maybe it was a weakness, and maybe it wasn’t. It was a little bit of both for him. Impossible to say which one it really was, though.

Before he could respond to Powdernose’s first question, the smaller tom had already asked another and was right there, next to him. So close that they were actually touching. So close that Stonegazer could have leaned his head down and he would have been right there - right beside it. For a minute, the normally stoic tom wasn’t sure what to do. His always-stony expression changed, flickering with confusion and concern, like he didn’t know how to react to this kind of thing. He wanted to jerk back - but that didn’t seem like the appropriate reaction at all.

He wanted to say something, but what, he didn’t know. After a few moments of this interaction, Stonegazer did something he normally didn’t do - he broke eye contact in order to look anywhere but directly at the younger warrior. ”To answer your questions, what we do is your choice - I left early on our outing, so you get to choose what we do. And as for my injuries, I didn’t get the worst of it.” He answered, a serene expression on his features as he continued to avoid eye contact.

Random Melody February 8th, 2018 02:12 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Incandescence (Post 449554)
@Random Melody

The area was silent, with not even the twittering of birds to disturb the quiet. The ground was snowy white, with a smattering of dead grass poking out of the white powder. The trees surrounding the clearing stretched high up into the air, their skeletal branches reaching up for a sun that was hidden behind a thick layer of clouds. A small, sudden crack rang through the silent clearing, startling a flock of birds enough to send them twittering with fright up into the grey sky. A tom with a pelt as black as the midnight sky raised his paw, inspecting the dry branch he had stepped on before shrugging and moving on. His tail wove through the air, streaming behind him weightlessly as he drifted through the territory he had abandoned not too long ago. Neverwing exhaled, watching the white steam curl from his mouth and into the air, disappearing as the cold breeze swept it away. He smiled to himself, the smirk faintly devious in appearance. The tom had been going through quite a bit of drama the past few months, trying to 'find' himself. Originally, Neverwing had headed towards the Dusk Syndicate after running from the clans in an attempt to relearn what it meant to be a feral cat- the clans had changed his views and it had wrecked havoc on the tom's soul, struggling to figure out if he should abandon his training for a new life with his beloved Blackstorm or continue with his devious ways. In the end? The decision would be made by Blackstorm himself. Neverwing had returned to the ThunderClan territory with only one thought in mind. To confess his sins to Blackstorm and let the tom determine whether Neverwing would continue being a rogue or return to ThunderClan alongside him.

Parting his jaws open to get a clearer scent of the area, Neverwing finally stopped, settling down on a large rock that marked a very special spot. It was a place that Neverwing and hopefully Blackstorm held dear- where Neverwing decided to blindly follow Blackstorm out of the territory, and confess his love to him right then and there. The black Maine Coon wasn't sure why he treasured the memory, but it didn't matter. If he was going to meet Blackstorm, it would be here; under the trees, out in the territory, beside a great boulder where it all began. He curled his tail around his haunches and waited.

Blackstorm wasn't sure why he was headed in this particular direction. He knew he remembered it well. A soft smile tugged at his lips as his amber eyes traveled around almost warily, a sigh escaping his lips. His ears flicked faintly, taking in a deep breath of the piercingly cold air and letting it out kind of slowly, the black Tom's head shaking faintly from side to side. It was nothing but a memory, but a memory that Blackstorm treasured. Perhaps it wasn't the one he treasured the most, but it was one he liked to replay in his head, over and over again. Neverwing... He couldn't help but wonder exactly what the other Tom was up to lately, how he was doing. If he was even still alive... It was hard to remember the last time Blackstorm had spoken to him.

Blackstorm closed his eyes, lifting his head and allowing the breeze to gently ruffle the fur around his neck. He'd always liked the cold for some reason.... And the snow. All of his siblings liked the snow - Especially Foxthorn, who would often roll some into a ball and throw it at them. He was... An odd one. Shaking his head, Blackstorm turned his thoughts back to Neverwing. It was so easy for him to get distracted lately. He continued walking until his gaze fell onto the boulder... And then onto the cat sitting beside it. Blackstorm's steps faltered and stopped completely, and his eyes widened in disbelief. "...Neverwing..?"

red_inactive February 8th, 2018 05:47 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Random Melody (Post 466692)
Blackstorm wasn't sure why he was headed in this particular direction. He knew he remembered it well. A soft smile tugged at his lips as his amber eyes traveled around almost warily, a sigh escaping his lips. His ears flicked faintly, taking in a deep breath of the piercingly cold air and letting it out kind of slowly, the black Tom's head shaking faintly from side to side. It was nothing but a memory, but a memory that Blackstorm treasured. Perhaps it wasn't the one he treasured the most, but it was one he liked to replay in his head, over and over again. Neverwing... He couldn't help but wonder exactly what the other Tom was up to lately, how he was doing. If he was even still alive... It was hard to remember the last time Blackstorm had spoken to him.

Blackstorm closed his eyes, lifting his head and allowing the breeze to gently ruffle the fur around his neck. He'd always liked the cold for some reason.... And the snow. All of his siblings liked the snow - Especially Foxthorn, who would often roll some into a ball and throw it at them. He was... An odd one. Shaking his head, Blackstorm turned his thoughts back to Neverwing. It was so easy for him to get distracted lately. He continued walking until his gaze fell onto the boulder... And then onto the cat sitting beside it. Blackstorm's steps faltered and stopped completely, and his eyes widened in disbelief. "...Neverwing..?"

Having been downwind from Blackstorm, Neverwing was prepared for the other tom's arrival. He turned his head slightly to the right, looking over at Blackstorm through cool green eyes and a soft smile. "Blackstorm," He replied, not yet making a move to get up. His voice was a little stronger and confident. His eyes held a look of authority, like a leader or a medicine cat. "It's been a few moons I dare say." He murmured, rasping his tongue down a piece of fur that stuck up in an awkward way. Once he had finished fixing the rebellious tuft, he got up and shook the snow out of his long fur, kicking back his legs to dislodge some snow settled on his haunches. "I'm glad you still visit this spot. I might've frozen to death otherwise." He casually joked, smiling at the only tom he'd ever loved. Neverwing didn't quite jump on the subject he needed to talk about, waiting for Blackstorm to say something- anything- before he continued. His smile didn't fade, staying constant all the while. "How are your siblings? Is Snowstar still having troubles with Blazingstar?"
[Short reply, I'm falling asleep on the couch haha)

Blueberry February 9th, 2018 06:03 AM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by 2018 Okapi (Post 466607)
Poppypaw shrugged,” yeah.”

“Oh well, but we can still catch some prey while we are away from camp!” Larkpaw said.

Mango February 9th, 2018 10:03 AM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Ravenfang (Post 467030)

“Oh well, but we can still catch some prey while we are away from camp!” Larkpaw said.

She nodded,” That’s true.” She meowed happily

Blueberry February 9th, 2018 10:15 AM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by 2018 Okapi (Post 467068)
She nodded,” That’s true.” She meowed happily

“Let’s go than!” Larkpaw had forgotten about their failed aventure, and was bounding into the forest to catch some prey.

Mango February 9th, 2018 10:28 AM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Ravenfang (Post 467078)

“Let’s go than!” Larkpaw had forgotten about their failed aventure, and was bounding into the forest to catch some prey.

Poppypaw darted after Larkpaw laughing silently about the energy in Larkpaw she was so youthful and energetic, and made Poppypaw seem dull and lifeless.

Random Melody February 9th, 2018 12:01 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Incandescence (Post 466808)
Having been downwind from Blackstorm, Neverwing was prepared for the other tom's arrival. He turned his head slightly to the right, looking over at Blackstorm through cool green eyes and a soft smile. "Blackstorm," He replied, not yet making a move to get up. His voice was a little stronger and confident. His eyes held a look of authority, like a leader or a medicine cat. "It's been a few moons I dare say." He murmured, rasping his tongue down a piece of fur that stuck up in an awkward way. Once he had finished fixing the rebellious tuft, he got up and shook the snow out of his long fur, kicking back his legs to dislodge some snow settled on his haunches. "I'm glad you still visit this spot. I might've frozen to death otherwise." He casually joked, smiling at the only tom he'd ever loved. Neverwing didn't quite jump on the subject he needed to talk about, waiting for Blackstorm to say something- anything- before he continued. His smile didn't fade, staying constant all the while. "How are your siblings? Is Snowstar still having troubles with Blazingstar?"
[Short reply, I'm falling asleep on the couch haha)

At first Blackstorm's ears had flattened at how... Formal Neverwing seemed to be acting, but the black Tom just nodded as Neverwing spoke. "It's been too long." He mumbled, ears flicking faintly as he glanced around, straightening up slightly and shaking out his black fur. He nodded when Neverwing spoke again, looking over at the other Tom as he spoke again, whiskers twitching. A relieved smirk broke the mask on his face, shaking his head slightly at the joking tone and the smile Neverwing was offering him. "Well, we wouldn't want that," he mused. "But, yes, I do come here often," he sighed, tail flicking. His ears perked up when Neverwing spoke again, and the smile became a little more forced. "Mm, yeah. Drama, you know... It'll blow over soon. Anyway... They're all fine. Just as usual." He mused, shaking his head before taking a few steps forward. "Well, what about you? How have you been...?"

lio February 9th, 2018 04:49 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Lonestar23 (Post 466633)
”Good.” That was the warrior’s only remark to Powdernose’s promise, his expression never changing, never softening, although it seemed like an appropriate time. Yet Stonegazer didn’t seem to care much what an appropriate time was - he was the type of cat to act kind of weird when it came to that sort of thing. It was irritating, almost, and sometimes he wondered if it would have been better to be raised in a more loving manner. Stonegazer had never been super affectionate - perhaps a little less serious, but he had always been kind of funny about showing his feelings for other cats. Maybe it was a weakness, and maybe it wasn’t. It was a little bit of both for him. Impossible to say which one it really was, though.

Before he could respond to Powdernose’s first question, the smaller tom had already asked another and was right there, next to him. So close that they were actually touching. So close that Stonegazer could have leaned his head down and he would have been right there - right beside it. For a minute, the normally stoic tom wasn’t sure what to do. His always-stony expression changed, flickering with confusion and concern, like he didn’t know how to react to this kind of thing. He wanted to jerk back - but that didn’t seem like the appropriate reaction at all.

He wanted to say something, but what, he didn’t know. After a few moments of this interaction, Stonegazer did something he normally didn’t do - he broke eye contact in order to look anywhere but directly at the younger warrior. ”To answer your questions, what we do is your choice - I left early on our outing, so you get to choose what we do. And as for my injuries, I didn’t get the worst of it.” He answered, a serene expression on his features as he continued to avoid eye contact.

powdernose's ears flicked as he thought of what to do. "well, we could go back to my secret place, but i guess we could go to another place i know? it's more hidden than the stump, actually. unless you want to just hunt for the rest of the day," he muttered the final phrase, clearly displeased with the option. crystallic eyes trailed the territory around them, seemingly searching for something. after a heartbeat or two, he shrugged and turned back to stonegazer.

"did anything... too terrible occur?" he cocked his head to the side, genuinely concerned about the battle's damage. even after stepping away from the other tom, powdernose remained close enough in order to watch over his wounds. his soft fur rustled in a breeze, but he ignored it in favor of gazing towards stonegazer. "i mean, anything long-lasting?" his tail twitched.

oblivious to stonegazer's sudden change in spirit, he carried on. "i should have contributed, i'm sorry. i was being immature." he dipped his head and chuckled awkwardly, eyes alight with nervousness. don't mess this up, powdernose, the tom thought, taking a deep breath.

lone February 10th, 2018 09:25 AM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by hiraeth (Post 467251)
powdernose's ears flicked as he thought of what to do. "well, we could go back to my secret place, but i guess we could go to another place i know? it's more hidden than the stump, actually. unless you want to just hunt for the rest of the day," he muttered the final phrase, clearly displeased with the option. crystallic eyes trailed the territory around them, seemingly searching for something. after a heartbeat or two, he shrugged and turned back to stonegazer.

"did anything... too terrible occur?" he cocked his head to the side, genuinely concerned about the battle's damage. even after stepping away from the other tom, powdernose remained close enough in order to watch over his wounds. his soft fur rustled in a breeze, but he ignored it in favor of gazing towards stonegazer. "i mean, anything long-lasting?" his tail twitched.

oblivious to stonegazer's sudden change in spirit, he carried on. "i should have contributed, i'm sorry. i was being immature." he dipped his head and chuckled awkwardly, eyes alight with nervousness. don't mess this up, powdernose, the tom thought, taking a deep breath.

Hunting for the rest of the day was something Stonegazer would have been all-too-happy to do, which Powdernose should have known. The mere suggestion was enough to make the tom’s hues light up and he glanced at the younger warrior with a flicker of doubt crossing his expression. He knew Powdernose probably wouldn’t be too happy with that, and so, without a word, just shrugged a little. ”Wherever you think would be best.” It was just one day. Stonegazer couldn’t hunt anyways - he couldn’t really do any of the normal duties, except patrol, perhaps… but all the Clans were too busy taking care of their injured to even think of launching an attack right now.

He guessed some other, more healthy warriors were dealing with the patrolling of ThunderClan’s borders, and thankfully - thankfully - so far, there had been no mention of any type of attack. ”We had a lot of losses. The other Clans did as well, at least I think they did… but Snowstar should have had a better strategy planned out. Especially in this case. You have… no idea how hard it is to see clanmates dead or dying.” Powdernose didn’t look like the type of cat to have ever fought in a battle. In a way, Stonegazer envied him. He was living his life choosing to turn a blind eye to the darkness of battle, but he was happy.

He was… adorable, to be perfectly honest, and Stonegazer wished that he was that small and cute. He was battle-scarred, large, and had an energy that drove away most clanmates. Thank goodness this was one who was staying. Stonegazer did not have a need to be liked, but he did want at least a little bit of a bond with at least one clanmate. Just one cat. Was that too much to ask?

red_inactive February 10th, 2018 12:37 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Random Melody (Post 467122)
At first Blackstorm's ears had flattened at how... Formal Neverwing seemed to be acting, but the black Tom just nodded as Neverwing spoke. "It's been too long." He mumbled, ears flicking faintly as he glanced around, straightening up slightly and shaking out his black fur. He nodded when Neverwing spoke again, looking over at the other Tom as he spoke again, whiskers twitching. A relieved smirk broke the mask on his face, shaking his head slightly at the joking tone and the smile Neverwing was offering him. "Well, we wouldn't want that," he mused. "But, yes, I do come here often," he sighed, tail flicking. His ears perked up when Neverwing spoke again, and the smile became a little more forced. "Mm, yeah. Drama, you know... It'll blow over soon. Anyway... They're all fine. Just as usual." He mused, shaking his head before taking a few steps forward. "Well, what about you? How have you been...?"

Neverwing flicked his ears in surprise as Blackstorm stepped forward, lifting a paw and shuffling back slightly. "I've been doing... fine," He said carefully, thinking over what he'd tell Blackstorm. He ran his tongue over his jaws before speaking again- his previously amused expression now serious. He twitched his ears in annoyance before beginning. "How I've been acting was a disgrace to my upbringing. I was cowardly and unsure of myself, and I was paranoid that someone would reveal my darker secrets." He looked Blackstorm right in the eyes, tensing up slightly. "I left because I thought a cat from WindClan would reveal that I had murdered the cat left on the WindClan border. I left because I wanted to encourage the mounting tensions between WindClan and ThunderClan and that disgusted me. I left because I was a murderer and a traitor and I couldn't stand the thought of being exiled by Snowstar herself in front of you and everyone I considered a friend." He lashed his tail in frustration. His shy and nervous demeanor was completely gone, and instead, there was a look of utter self-loathing in his gaze. He raised his head to look Blackstorm right in his eyes. "I want to return to ThunderClan. However, my intent is to be a better warrior and to actually take things serious between us." He paused and bent down to pluck a frost-covered dandelion from the frozen ground, the flower looking just as bright and beautiful as when it had bloomed. "You can reject me and I'll leave if you wish. But I'd like us to become mates, Blackstorm. You give me a reason to stay in ThunderClan, and a reason to abandon everything I learned in the Dusk Syndicate to become a better warrior." He hesitated, waiting for Blackstorm's response. Honestly, Neverwing had been preparing this speech ever since he stepped on ThunderClan soil. He wanted to come across strong and confident to Blackstorm, to show he'd taken his life and decided what to do with it. He wanted to be honest and blunt. But he hadn't planned to ask Blackstorm to be his mate; he hadn't planned it at all.

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