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Tundra August 17th, 2017 05:08 PM

Re: RiverClan Medicine's Cat Den
Mintpaw crouched next to her sister and began grooming Lynxpaw's pelt.

Clover August 17th, 2017 08:23 PM

Re: RiverClan Medicine's Cat Den

Originally Posted by AbsurdJinx (Post 356803)

Juniperkit entered the den, prancing confidently. Her gleaming green eyes seemed to give away the curiosity that drove her actions. Recently, she's been introduced to ShadowClan. What an honor! Usually it was apprentice-age when cats are first introduced to the other clans. However, Juniperkit didn't like the ShadowClan cats' scent, and it was even worse that she had to share the nursery with some of them. She was sure she wouldn't be able to smell soon!

She's explored every den so far - excluding the leader and medicine cat den - and she decided now was the perfect time to investigate one of the mysterious dens. Juniperkit chose the medicine den because it was free for visitors unlike Russetstar's den where you had to be invited in. She swore that one day she would receive the opportunity to explore his den. Focusing on current events, Juniperkit found herself looking around in awe. The den was practically flooded with cats, both ShadowClan and RiverClan, she she could easily make out a young feline whom tended to each patient. She watched with fascination as the medicine cat completed her duties so swiftly yet accurately.

Juniperkit hadn't realized she'd come to a complete halt, her jaw having dropped due to the same fascination that danced in her eyes. The mottled kit stood still, her tail dangling behind her. She couldn't help but murmur, ``Wow...``, an abundance of awe laced in her voice. She was easily distracted, though, at the sharp tang of herbs. Her head twisted in every which direction to determine where the scent came from. It was blended with many other new scents, which unbeknownst to her was simply other herbs. However, these new scents intrigued Juniperkit and she began to head in the direction of the scent.

Geckoleaf had been distracted by ShadowClan coming into camp; she had also been helping to train Daypaw in what seemed like all of her spare time. Herbs were strewn across the floor carelessly as Daypaw learned the names and uses of every one, and put them into practice as they healed. But now, Geckoleaf had to deal with the carnage; Daypaw was too injured, too exhausted to deal with it. But she didn't mind much; it felt like she was getting a chance to become re-intimate with her medicines, and it relaxed her considerably.

Her paws worked quickly, sorting the various roots, barks, leaves, flowers, and seeds; each was piled with others of their own kind, and soon they were sorted into neat piles. She smiled slightly and then began slipping them into the cracks of the stone wall, using them like a crude shelving system. She'd have more work to do later, gathering herbs in the territory and such, but for now they'd have enough to last.

A curious noise hit the molly's ears; the soft paw-steps of a kit, a soft gasping whisper of admiring. It had been a while since someone had shown interest in her, or her practice. Geckoleaf's smile returned, the familiar press of depression seeming to ease somewhat. Her head turned, and she spotted a small mottled she-kit standing towards the front of the den, gaping in seeming awe at the den. Shifting her body so she faced the kitten, she recognized the tiny one; it was Cloversplash and Frostedhawk's kit, though she couldn't remember her name. "Hello, love. What's your name?"

AbsurdJinx August 17th, 2017 09:03 PM

Re: RiverClan Medicine's Cat Den

Originally Posted by Clover (Post 357074)

Geckoleaf had been distracted by ShadowClan coming into camp; she had also been helping to train Daypaw in what seemed like all of her spare time. Herbs were strewn across the floor carelessly as Daypaw learned the names and uses of every one, and put them into practice as they healed. But now, Geckoleaf had to deal with the carnage; Daypaw was too injured, too exhausted to deal with it. But she didn't mind much; it felt like she was getting a chance to become re-intimate with her medicines, and it relaxed her considerably.

Her paws worked quickly, sorting the various roots, barks, leaves, flowers, and seeds; each was piled with others of their own kind, and soon they were sorted into neat piles. She smiled slightly and then began slipping them into the cracks of the stone wall, using them like a crude shelving system. She'd have more work to do later, gathering herbs in the territory and such, but for now they'd have enough to last.

A curious noise hit the molly's ears; the soft paw-steps of a kit, a soft gasping whisper of admiring. It had been a while since someone had shown interest in her, or her practice. Geckoleaf's smile returned, the familiar press of depression seeming to ease somewhat. Her head turned, and she spotted a small mottled she-kit standing towards the front of the den, gaping in seeming awe at the den. Shifting her body so she faced the kitten, she recognized the tiny one; it was Cloversplash and Frostedhawk's kit, though she couldn't remember her name. "Hello, love. What's your name?"

Juniperkit looked up at the ginger feline who she already knew as Geckoleaf. It wasn't rare to hear about the medicine cat of RiverClan, especially now when so many cats were in need of healing after the storm. The name Geckoleaf - and Daypaw - were passed around so often, how could she not know who they were? Admiration flooded Juniperkit's green eyes. She had to crane her neck in order to actually look at Geckoleaf. ``Hi!`` She chirped in excitement. ``I'm Juniperkit. And I know you! You're Geckoleaf. Everybody talks about you!`` Juniperkit flashed the older feline a grin, her tail sweeping softly behind her.

Currently facing her role model, Juniperkit couldn't help but ramble on about how amazing Geckoleaf was. ``I've seen your work! Sometimes, I see warriors leaving your den with cobwebs on their wounds. Actually, that's probably the only thing I've seen, but I'd like to see more! When you're putting cobwebs on, do you struggle to get them off your paws and onto the other cat? Because they're so sticky! I ran into a cobweb once - the poor spider had to make a new home. I felt so guilty! I tried to help it make its home again, but I couldn't get all the cobweb off, and it just didn't work out.`` Instead of her usual excited smile, Juniperkit now frowned sadly as she remembered destroying the spider's home. She quickly moved on though, her sadly-narrowed eyes widening with joy. ``Ah, I'm just so excited to meet you! I still can't believe it!`` Juniperkit purred loudly as she gazed up at Geckoleaf, hoping she was making a great first impression on her role model.

Clover August 18th, 2017 09:05 PM

Re: RiverClan Medicine's Cat Den

Originally Posted by AbsurdJinx (Post 357125)
Juniperkit looked up at the ginger feline who she already knew as Geckoleaf. It wasn't rare to hear about the medicine cat of RiverClan, especially now when so many cats were in need of healing after the storm. The name Geckoleaf - and Daypaw - were passed around so often, how could she not know who they were? Admiration flooded Juniperkit's green eyes. She had to crane her neck in order to actually look at Geckoleaf. ``Hi!`` She chirped in excitement. ``I'm Juniperkit. And I know you! You're Geckoleaf. Everybody talks about you!`` Juniperkit flashed the older feline a grin, her tail sweeping softly behind her.

Currently facing her role model, Juniperkit couldn't help but ramble on about how amazing Geckoleaf was. ``I've seen your work! Sometimes, I see warriors leaving your den with cobwebs on their wounds. Actually, that's probably the only thing I've seen, but I'd like to see more! When you're putting cobwebs on, do you struggle to get them off your paws and onto the other cat? Because they're so sticky! I ran into a cobweb once - the poor spider had to make a new home. I felt so guilty! I tried to help it make its home again, but I couldn't get all the cobweb off, and it just didn't work out.`` Instead of her usual excited smile, Juniperkit now frowned sadly as she remembered destroying the spider's home. She quickly moved on though, her sadly-narrowed eyes widening with joy. ``Ah, I'm just so excited to meet you! I still can't believe it!`` Juniperkit purred loudly as she gazed up at Geckoleaf, hoping she was making a great first impression on her role model.

Her smile only widened at the small story of the spider, how Juniperkit had bumbled into it and ruined the spider's home. Thing is, Geckoleaf had the opposite outlook; spiders deserved to have their webs taken down, for how creepy and crawly they were, at least to her. Despite her love for nature and plants, she was timid and squeamish around large insects with more than four legs. Especially because she was so timid; they spooked her, and she never wanted to kill them, even if she hated them.

"Don't worry; I always leave food out for them. And, yes, their webs are very very sticky; I have to keep it off my paws best I can, and even then I have to wash off my fur. It's usually easy to get it onto the other cat; it'll stick to their fur and wounds instead of my toes," she replied, gently, smiling at Juniperkit with fondness. She was starting to enjoy this kit's company; happy, excited, and willing to learn. She was certainly, certainly promising.

AbsurdJinx August 19th, 2017 02:33 PM

Re: RiverClan Medicine's Cat Den

Originally Posted by Clover (Post 358020)

Her smile only widened at the small story of the spider, how Juniperkit had bumbled into it and ruined the spider's home. Thing is, Geckoleaf had the opposite outlook; spiders deserved to have their webs taken down, for how creepy and crawly they were, at least to her. Despite her love for nature and plants, she was timid and squeamish around large insects with more than four legs. Especially because she was so timid; they spooked her, and she never wanted to kill them, even if she hated them.

"Don't worry; I always leave food out for them. And, yes, their webs are very very sticky; I have to keep it off my paws best I can, and even then I have to wash off my fur. It's usually easy to get it onto the other cat; it'll stick to their fur and wounds instead of my toes," she replied, gently, smiling at Juniperkit with fondness. She was starting to enjoy this kit's company; happy, excited, and willing to learn. She was certainly, certainly promising.

Unlike Geckoleaf's timid personality, Juniperkit was a loud and outgoing character. She practically flaunted her confidence which was probably too much, actually, as a great amount. She strode around with her nose in the air and her tail held high, as if she were better than everyone else. However, she didn't believe she was better than everyone, but she liked everyone to know not to mess with her - or else she'll call her father! No, not actually. She was more bark than bite, but her bark always stung. Juniperkit owned a rather sharp tongue that wasn't afraid of anyone, but she only used it when someone was getting on her nerves.

Juniperkit was distracted from the spider story when Geckoleaf explained how she was capable of getting the sticky cobwebs off her paws. The mottled offered a small jump of excitement, before exclaiming, ``Next time I find a cobweb, I'm going to pretend I'm you, and my mother will be my patient. I'll heal her, because she'd of just gotten in a fight with a badger, and it left a nasty scratch on her!`` Juniperkit's eyes narrowed and she frowned as she spoke, as if her mother had really been attacked by a badger and she was very determined to heal her.

Mango August 19th, 2017 02:38 PM

Re: RiverClan Medicine's Cat Den

Originally Posted by Chameleon (Post 353212)
@Clover (Sorry if I wasn't suppose to mention you)
The normally slender, white cat was puffed up and limping in,Cloudsky heaved herself down on a mossy healing bed and winced, due to a bee sting behind her, she sighed," Geckoleaf, I was stung by tons of bees and I bloated up like this, is there anything you can do about this or will I just die, and if I am going to die, can you atleast make it more comfortable and remove the stingers, I have one in the center of my left front paw, tons on my right side, one on my chin, and two on my bottom, along with a few on my stomach and tail." She meowed.

@Clover a little Bump.

Clover August 24th, 2017 11:22 PM

Re: RiverClan Medicine's Cat Den

Originally Posted by Chameleon (Post 353212)
@Clover (Sorry if I wasn't suppose to mention you)
The normally slender, white cat was puffed up and limping in,Cloudsky heaved herself down on a mossy healing bed and winced, due to a bee sting behind her, she sighed," Geckoleaf, I was stung by tons of bees and I bloated up like this, is there anything you can do about this or will I just die, and if I am going to die, can you atleast make it more comfortable and remove the stingers, I have one in the center of my left front paw, tons on my right side, one on my chin, and two on my bottom, along with a few on my stomach and tail." She meowed.

Geckoleaf's ears perked, and she trotted briskly over to the cat, who had practically collapsed into a nest. Listening to the complaints of the warrior, she nearly let out a snort of amusement; the cat, adorable and innocent as she was, would not die from bee stingers, unless she was allergic. She surveyed her quickly and saw that the stingers, most of them, had already rubbed off, either into the moss or just fallen out while Cloudsky moved. "Don't worry, you'll be alright; terrible as they may feel, it's a venom in the stinger that causes a bit of nerve pain, and swelling." Turning away from the fluffy white warrior, she pulled down a mix of blackberry leaves, dandelion stems, and marigold, with poppy seeds for pain. Chewing the plants into a thick pulp, she applied it liberally to the wounds, the poultice sticky, leaving residue on her tongue. She pushed the two poppy seeds towards the warrior's nose. "Eat those, and sleep. I'll check on you later."

Mango August 25th, 2017 07:11 AM

Re: RiverClan Medicine's Cat Den

Originally Posted by Clover (Post 366090)

Geckoleaf's ears perked, and she trotted briskly over to the cat, who had practically collapsed into a nest. Listening to the complaints of the warrior, she nearly let out a snort of amusement; the cat, adorable and innocent as she was, would not die from bee stingers, unless she was allergic. She surveyed her quickly and saw that the stingers, most of them, had already rubbed off, either into the moss or just fallen out while Cloudsky moved. "Don't worry, you'll be alright; terrible as they may feel, it's a venom in the stinger that causes a bit of nerve pain, and swelling." Turning away from the fluffy white warrior, she pulled down a mix of blackberry leaves, dandelion stems, and marigold, with poppy seeds for pain. Chewing the plants into a thick pulp, she applied it liberally to the wounds, the poultice sticky, leaving residue on her tongue. She pushed the two poppy seeds towards the warrior's nose. "Eat those, and sleep. I'll check on you later."

Cloudysky nodded,"Thank You. It means alot knowing I won't die." She meowed lapping up the poppy seeds drifting off to sleep.

wolfie August 25th, 2017 03:15 PM

Re: RiverClan Medicine's Cat Den

Ashenstorm limped in, "Daypaw?" He asked. Trying to move out of the way of all the cats, the ashen-colored warrior lean against a wall. " Nightraven wanted me to get my paws check." He said. Narrowing his eyes down at his paws, leaning down and lapping at them. A cat had dug it's claws in his front-paws, hopefully she wouldn't notice or ask. Ashen gaze around the den, not good in closed spaces.

Captain August 26th, 2017 12:30 AM

Re: RiverClan Medicine's Cat Den

Originally Posted by woly (Post 356213)
Daypaw hummed, walking across the den with Pinewhisker resting against their shoulder and walking them to an empty nest. It was clean, with fresh new moss and feathers. Once the tom was settled down and such they took a look at his leg, sniffing at it and looking for other injuries, where it was bleeding before, and so on.¨Looks like your leg is broken, and there might be some muscle damage. You may have a limp from now on depending how this leg heals.¨ they mewed. They sat up more, placing a paw on the leg. ¨Tell me if you feel pain,only pressure, or nothing at all in your leg when I press down.¨ After that in a quick motion they pressed down harshly on the leg. Hopefully, Pinewhisker would feel pain. That would mean the muscle mass wasnt to damaged and the leg wasnt paralyzed. If he felt only pressure or nothing at all.. That was a different story..

Pinewhisker was grateful for the medicine cat’s assistance when helping to him to a comfortable nest, where he comfortably rested where he was in a position that didn’t put any crucial weight on his badly injured leg. He nodded a polite thanks to Daypaw, making sure that their help was appreciated throughout this whole procedure. The young warrior made sure not to ask too many questions or move when they sniffed and checked over his back leg, patiently awaiting their response on the matter. At hearing the mention of his leg being broken, Pinewhisker nodded, deciding not to say anything and just do as they instructed, watching as Daypaw rested a paw on his mangled leg and his ears twitched at their words, nodding once more and without warning, the cat pressed down on his leg quite roughly and a shot of pain coursed through his body. He uttered a small yowl of pain, trying to not overreact and disturb any of the other cats around them. “Yes.. I feel pain..” Pinewhisker murmured, his tone strained as his leg stung from the pressure, “That’s a good thing, right?” The brown-furred male asked them, doing his best not to move out of pure instinct at this moment.

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