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wolfie January 17th, 2018 01:31 AM

Re: ThunderClan/WindClan War

Originally Posted by Megan (Post 456604)

Splashpool looked at Flarestrike with fear in her eyes before realizing that the tom that had done a blow to her shoulder. Small drops of blood splattered the ground from the wound. Splashpool starred at the Shadowclan tom with hurt in her eyes. 'He actually scratched me,' thought Splashpool 'Even after all we have been through.' The soon to be queen looked at Flarestrike, seeing that he didn't mean to hurt her. With all the fighting cats it was hard for anyone to see which cats are from which clan. Splashpool gave her newly made wound a lick, trying to stop the bleeding. After a while the bleeding stopped completely, a few crust of dried blood was all that was left.

Flarestrike had a pure look of horror, slowly backing away from her. His claws were lightly covered with blood. What would she think? His expression was easily to read. He knew this cat and hurt her, without meaning to. He was hesitant to help her. Mostly because what would happen if someone noticed? His heart felt torn in two. He loved her. He was loyal to his clan. He shook his head, nudging her lightly in the other shoulder. "S-sorry.. um, we need to get under cover. I can't risk someone seeing us." Flarestrike said, cringing at his own apology. It was bad, yes but he would say something more `heartwarming` when they were under cover. Flarestrike knew it was kind of betraying his clan but the moment he talked to her, the moment he could jump back in the battle.

Barnabas January 17th, 2018 01:42 AM

Re: ThunderClan/WindClan War

Originally Posted by Spiral Whirl (Post 456606)
Flarestrike had a pure look of horror, slowly backing away from her. His claws were lightly covered with blood. What would she think? His expression was easily to read. He knew this cat and hurt her, without meaning to. He was hesitant to help her. Mostly because what would happen if someone noticed? His heart felt torn in two. He loved her. He was loyal to his clan. He shook his head, nudging her lightly in the other shoulder. "S-sorry.. um, we need to get under cover. I can't risk someone seeing us." Flarestrike said, cringing at his own apology. It was bad, yes but he would say something more `heartwarming` when they were under cover. Flarestrike knew it was kind of betraying his clan but the moment he talked to her, the moment he could jump back in the battle.

Splashpool dipped her head, knowing that her too wanted to make sure nobody saw her talking to an ememy cat. The molly looked around for a good spot to hide at. "We can probably hide behind the nursery. There are hardly any cats there, buecause I have something important to tell you." replied Splashpool in a hushed voice, so nobody could hear her. The Riverclan cat made her way through the crowd, stopping a couple of times to see if Flarestrike was following and make sure that nobody else followed them. Once she made it behind the nursery Splashpool relaxed once she knew that nobody would be able to find them there, since there were green covering them from view of the battling cats.

wolfie January 17th, 2018 01:51 AM

Re: ThunderClan/WindClan War

Originally Posted by Megan (Post 456608)

Splashpool dipped her head, knowing that her too wanted to make sure nobody saw her talking to an ememy cat. The molly looked around for a good spot to hide at. "We can probably hide behind the nursery. There are hardly any cats there, buecause I have something important to tell you." replied Splashpool in a hushed voice, so nobody could hear her. The Riverclan cat made her way through the crowd, stopping a couple of times to see if Flarestrike was following and make sure that nobody else followed them. Once she made it behind the nursery Splashpool relaxed once she knew that nobody would be able to find them there, since there were green covering them from view of the battling cats.

"Okay." Flarestrike said, following after her quickly. He was purposely lagging behide, looking around to see if anyone was watching. Well didn't care if a Windclan or Thunderclan cat was. Heck, as long as his clan or her's didn't find out he was fine. He stopped once they were behide the nursery. He never really had the chance to see what Thunderclan's camp looked like. It was kind of like their's but different. Flarestrike sighed, looking at her. "About.. that.. I just didn't recognize you, and I just thought someone was trying to pick a bone with me.. I'm so sorry about that." He apologized properly. Then he paused. Why did she call his name? After all, if they avoided each other in the war it would be for the best. Flarestrike looked her in the eyes. ''Why.. why did you call my name, my Queen?"The tom didn't know if he wanted to find out.

Empress Of Evil January 17th, 2018 04:19 AM

Re: ThunderClan/WindClan War
The young tom's eyes were focused and determined as he ran alongside his clanmates to aid ThunderClan in their battle against ShadowClan and WindClan. To be honest, he didn't even care about making sure that ThunderClan won. He was just here because his brother had chosen him to come along and he was loyal to his leader, which meant that no matter what happened, he would listen and obey. He had been surprised to see a wounded ThunderClan warrior racing into the camp, requesting for RiverClan's assistance. The Tuxedo hadn't even known that his clan and ThunderClan were allies. It was a surprise to him but he'd kept the surprise off his face and replaced it with excitement. He was going to his first official battle ever! He would have a chance to show off the battle skills which he had learnt from Shellfeather.

As Fallenstar let out the battle cry, Pleasantpaw charged forward along with the rest of his clanmates. His claws were unsheathed and his yellow eyes gleamed with both excitement and hostility. There was no room for fear in his gaze. That was kept somewhere else. Hiding in a place inside of him, waiting to emerge when things got really dangerous. Pleasantpaw dove into the crowd of fighting cats, his tail lashing as he waited for someone to jump on him. Ever since he'd entered the camp, he'd been expecting to have someone jump onto his back or knock him over. But nothing hit him. Cats were fighting all around him but no one seemed to be paying attention to him. He would've thought that cats would target a small apprentice. The apprentice frowned, it looked like it was up to him to find someone to fight against. With his teeth bared, he moved forward, dodging to the side every now and again to avoid being hit. Pleasantpaw eventually stopped moving when two fighting cats bowled into him. They were locked onto each other, use their claws to dig in and cling to the other cat. He sprawled to the ground and clumsily scrambled to his paws, expecting the two cats who had knocked him over, to come and target him. But nothing came and he realised that if he wanted to fight, he would have to find someone himself. So he parted his jaws and tasted the air, searching for enemy scents. A few moments later, he was lunging through the air, aiming to bowl over a WindClan tom with ginger fur.


Tundra January 17th, 2018 07:59 AM

Re: ThunderClan/WindClan War
Dusktalon spotted a ThunderClan warrior and headed over. “Aww... What are you looking for?” The she-cat mewed as she padded in a circle around her. Dusktalon lashed out with a paw and scratched her cheek. “This is a battle you know!” The ShadowClan warrior reared and slammed her paws onto her back. “If you wanna survive, you gotta fight!”

fresh January 17th, 2018 08:22 AM

Re: ThunderClan/WindClan War

Originally Posted by Charmer (Post 456374)
"Here!" Cherrydawn called out, sprinting out of the dirtplace tunnel and headlong toward her mate with her claws unsheathed and her fur bristling. She stood by his side, with a snarl on her muzzle as the clearing around her erupted into chaos and Windclan stormed in. Warriors and apprentices began to break into snarling masses of claws and teeth.

On Blazingstar's command, Thistlepaw burst into the Thunderclan clearing with a fierce battle yowl. His brother and father were at his side. Here they were as a family, fighting to avenge the home that these Thunderclan cowards had threatened for far too long. Thistlepaw hadn't been in the clearing for more than a heartbeat when he spotted the cat he most wanted to fight, a cat who had once been his friend. "Traitor!" He yowled, charging at Skyfeather with all the speed his mentor had taught him to use. He leapte through the air, intent on tackling the former Windclan cat to the ground.

@blue jellie in case you want Ambercloud involved at all with Thistle this fight.

definitely! if im needed, of course. wouldn't want to intrude

Cosmo January 17th, 2018 08:29 AM

Re: ThunderClan/WindClan War

Originally Posted by Constellation (Post 456287)

It all happened so fast. No time to prepare. No time to primp himself up for this battle. The heavyset flamed tom hackles raised as he was met with Windclan! - and, Shadowclan? Passionblaze recognized the golden eyes of Goldenstar from Shadowclan. “Hmph,” Passionblaze snorted. “Windclan is so weak that they had to get help from another clan to fight their battles?” No matter that, however. Passionblaze felt his paws itching to claw at a rabbit-chasing sorry-excuse-of-a-cat. A rush of adrenaline flooded into his veins, and shot forward. Any target. Now, Passionblaze never found himself to have any bad blood with other cats, but when it came to his clan, he fought to protect his territory. So, like a menacing tiger with baring teeth he welcomed in this battle. The scorched tom was going to let Windclan know, he was going to make sure they remembered that Thunderclan was not to be messed with. In the distance, he saw another ginger cat. No doubt Windclan by his rotten scent, so Passionblaze didn’t hold back as his lowered himself into a crawling crouch and shot forward to swipe an unsheathed sharp claw at his opponent.


Weaselshade tried to dodge as the tom leaped for him, but the claws raked his sides. His thick fur blocked him from getting scratched as badly when he dodged. He felt no blood oozing from the scratch, but he was positive that the other cat was not going to leave until he was at least scratched. Weaselshade quickly turned to face the other cat. Much to his annoyance the cat happened to be the ThunderClan deputy. "Dang it!" He growled under his breath. He had come to help his clan, not fight an older, far more experienced cat, much less a deputy! If Passionblaze didn't kill him then Thea or Lionsoar would. His kits would probably be terrified by the whole thing, and he was aware that Thea was anxious about the war and her kits. Lionsoar might be more understanding, but then again she would probably be super concerned for him. The tom narrowed his eyes at the other and swung a unseathed claw at the deputy's hind leg

Blueberry January 17th, 2018 08:43 AM

Re: ThunderClan/WindClan War
Morningscar hissed at a shodowclan shecat that was about to pounce on his mate goldenstream. “You fox-heart! Where do you think you are going!” He spat.

Barnabas January 17th, 2018 10:03 AM

Re: ThunderClan/WindClan War

Originally Posted by Spiral Whirl (Post 456612)
"Okay." Flarestrike said, following after her quickly. He was purposely lagging behide, looking around to see if anyone was watching. Well didn't care if a Windclan or Thunderclan cat was. Heck, as long as his clan or her's didn't find out he was fine. He stopped once they were behide the nursery. He never really had the chance to see what Thunderclan's camp looked like. It was kind of like their's but different. Flarestrike sighed, looking at her. "About.. that.. I just didn't recognize you, and I just thought someone was trying to pick a bone with me.. I'm so sorry about that." He apologized properly. Then he paused. Why did she call his name? After all, if they avoided each other in the war it would be for the best. Flarestrike looked her in the eyes. ''Why.. why did you call my name, my Queen?"The tom didn't know if he wanted to find out.

Splashpool couldn't keep it in anymore, especially when they were now alone. "This is something big and I really need to discus this with you." replied Splashpool. The molly looked in her head for the right words to say. The Riverclan molly looked around in case anyone noticed them walking behind the nursery before she said anything to Flarestrike. 'Come on you gotta tell him now,' thought Splashpool. "Okay here it goes. I'm expecting your kits." the molly replied in a whisper that only him and Starclan could hear.

Brunch January 17th, 2018 10:06 AM

Re: ThunderClan/WindClan War

Originally Posted by starfall (Post 456593)

The ebony tom lashed his tail and dove into the clearing, his fangs barred and his claws unseathed "Riverclan Attack!" he yowled as he landed, pushing aside any cat near him. He wouldn't stand for an unfair fight, two clans against one wasn't fit to be called a fair war, now he didn't plan on letting them get off scott free.



The ebony leader lashed his tail and swiveled his head, and the stench of the moors caught his attention, the scent came to his left. He swiveled on his heels and swiped, trying to hit the cheek of the cat he's now calling his opponent.
[sorry it's so short]

The battle was intense, bodies laying, unmoving on the ground. The scent was thick, and just as WindClan and ShadowClan were closing in on the win, new enemies had bounded into the clearing. Canineheart lashed her tail; why did RiverClan have to join this fight? They had no idea what they were doing, that preventing ThunderClan from being decimated was a mistake, that the high and mighty ThubderClan wouldn't stop until their tyranny spread across all of the clans. Letting out a huff of annoyance, the warrior whipped around, her emerald eyes wide with fear for her clanmates. Seeing the leader of RiverClan rushing forward, heading to attack her clan and allies. Charging in, Canineheart aimed for Fallenstar's left flank. With a snarl, Canineheart ducked under the swipe at her face, his claws managing to tear at her whiskers. Canineheart backed up, her emerald eyes narrowed in pure fury. Bundling herself, Canineheart leapt forward, her claws reaching out to strike at the leader's chest, just bellow his neck.
Cloudyfoot broke into the clearing, gagging at the scent of death lingering over the ThunderClan territory. Over the screeches of battle, he could hear Fallenstar's battle cry, signaling for RiverClan to attack. The tabby hurried towards the fighting, his amber eyes searching the clearing to do his duty, to protect his clan, and the warrior-code.

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