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JackHunt_17 September 27th, 2020 05:41 AM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
@gs29513 @Shadowpaw234
"Lets meet back here at sunhigh". Agreed Ravenwing, then set off on his own path.

JusticeRabbit September 27th, 2020 11:35 AM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
"Ok!!!"she called padding away

Quasar September 29th, 2020 08:04 AM

Re: Sunkissed Creek

Originally Posted by Arie (Post 811804)

Oh this was quite interesting, Chicorybee couldn't help but smile softly. The blind molly had learned that since others couldn't read expressions in her eyes - eyes that she lacked - she would have to state very clearly her points and her intentions and this had given the molly another feeling of self confidence and well, when you were blind and was going to get picked on you better have the power to stand up for yourself because no one else was going to do that. So smiling softly and relishing in the sun on her back and the company of someone who seemed to be extremely flustered by her own forward words she couldn't help the small giggle. It wasn't rare that Chicorybee giggled, but it wasn't too common either, and only in specific company did it happen or if someone had pissed her enough off for her to make fun of them instead of taking the insults to heart. "Awh, dearest Glidingfeather that was exactly what I wanted to hear. See," she poked the she cat with a paw despite the small ache in her back and smiled, "there are those words of yours. Gotta use them and bring out the power hidden within your chest. I know you speak loud and fiery around others, I would prefer if you spoke outloud about things that... hmm, terrify you too." Because Chicory wasn't able to see her expression, she would solely be relying on the emotions through others voices and therefore well... therefore she did prefer when others voiced whatever they thought and their fears. "But yes, I too have adored and loved you ever since I. I cant really use that classic phrase now can I? Anyhow, I've loved you as well ever since you decided to stand up and yell at everyone. Did you know how that flustered oneself? I had to keep myself from not running head first into ya." That was the truth, Gliding's power and overall hotness - through voice - was what had originally drawn Chicorybee to befriend the other molly and had only cemented the fact that she'd been heels over heads in love with the other cat. "What? Got nothing else to say to your love dear? Have my speech and shining presence overridden that spicy tongue of yours? Where are the fiery words? Can I report to Buckstar that my love is broken and demand a new one?"

Before she could stop herself, a loud sigh of relief escaped glidingfeather. Her previously scrunched up shoulders relaxed, and all the worries she had in her mind seemed to dissipate. So, thankfully her outlandish thoughts were just her freaking out about things. That was...good? Honestly, she didnt like the idea of freaking out at all, but it was kind of okay since it was over chicory. As much as she hated it, minor freak outs were becoming more and more common when she was around her crush, and she did not like it. The blind she-cat just...clicked with her. They got along way too well, and sometimes it seemed like Chicory could read her mind. Kind of creepy, but still appreciated. Sometimes she didnt feel like talking, and Chicory could accurately answer for her, which was a perk to having her as a friend.

A small smirk slowly made its way to her face at the suggestion, and she immediately started to talk, ¨Well... Im terrified of losing you. As cheesy as it is, its true. Im also terrified about being kicked out of thunderclan. Its...baffling at why I would be, but its a reasonable fear. There are other things too, I just cant seem to word them properly¨ she replied with a small chuckle, her tail brushing against Chicorys. Being there alone with chicory was quite relaxing, in her eyes. It was enjoyable. But she still felt a bit odd, having poured out her relatively locked up feelings all of a sudden.

Her eyes widened in surprise as Chicory started speaking again, and her mouth hung open slightly. That...that was quite a long time. And she had that affect of chicory, even all that time ago? Wow. That was unexpected, to say the very least. Her initial shock wore off quickly though, and she felt herself slowly getting back to normal. ¨hmmm, I suppose you can use that, can you?¨ she mused, a small laugh escaping her. That laugh only grew at the next statement, and she lifted a paw to lightly shove Chicorybee, ¨Well then, youre getting a bit cocky, arent you?¨ she teased, leaning lightly against her side. ¨Im not sure buckstar could afford to replace me. I doubt he would even be able to find a suitable replacement.¨ she remarked, smirking slightly as she gazed forward.

Arie October 2nd, 2020 05:14 AM

Re: Sunkissed Creek

Originally Posted by Mumble (Post 815393)
Before she could stop herself, a loud sigh of relief escaped glidingfeather. Her previously scrunched up shoulders relaxed, and all the worries she had in her mind seemed to dissipate. So, thankfully her outlandish thoughts were just her freaking out about things. That was...good? Honestly, she didnt like the idea of freaking out at all, but it was kind of okay since it was over chicory. As much as she hated it, minor freak outs were becoming more and more common when she was around her crush, and she did not like it. The blind she-cat just...clicked with her. They got along way too well, and sometimes it seemed like Chicory could read her mind. Kind of creepy, but still appreciated. Sometimes she didnt feel like talking, and Chicory could accurately answer for her, which was a perk to having her as a friend.A small smirk slowly made its way to her face at the suggestion, and she immediately started to talk, ¨Well... Im terrified of losing you. As cheesy as it is, its true. Im also terrified about being kicked out of thunderclan. Its...baffling at why I would be, but its a reasonable fear. There are other things too, I just cant seem to word them properly¨ she replied with a small chuckle, her tail brushing against Chicorys. Being there alone with chicory was quite relaxing, in her eyes. It was enjoyable. But she still felt a bit odd, having poured out her relatively locked up feelings all of a sudden.Her eyes widened in surprise as Chicory started speaking again, and her mouth hung open slightly. That...that was quite a long time. And she had that affect of chicory, even all that time ago? Wow. That was unexpected, to say the very least. Her initial shock wore off quickly though, and she felt herself slowly getting back to normal. ¨hmmm, I suppose you can use that, can you?¨ she mused, a small laugh escaping her. That laugh only grew at the next statement, and she lifted a paw to lightly shove Chicorybee, ¨Well then, youre getting a bit cocky, arent you?¨ she teased, leaning lightly against her side. ¨Im not sure buckstar could afford to replace me. I doubt he would even be able to find a suitable replacement.¨ she remarked, smirking slightly as she gazed forward.

If she had eyes, she would've most likely rolled them, but as she did not Chicorybee was left to let out a loud puff of air at the comment or well rather suggestion of being kicked out of Thunderclan. "Why sweetie, would you every worry about such an unnecessary concept? I am still here am I not. And I would like to think I piss our leader enough off to give him multiple reasons to kick me out of the clan and yet..." gesturing to the area around them with her tail. "Here I am. In one piece still, as far as I am aware. I'm not missing a limb or a random tuft of fur am I?" she questioned with a laugh in her voice. If only her eyes could express the amusement she felt but here she was left to voice everything out instead. Not that she minded. Chicorybee to some extent liked the sound of her own voice. You had to grow used to it at some didn't you. "I don't want to dismiss your fear dearest but try to put it into context, I can piss dearest Bucky off all day every day, I assure you you can do the same or I'll have to have a very stern talk with my brother which might require beating him up a bit." She should probably be afraid of the power that Buckstar held but in truth? Chicorybee wasn't afraid of her brother. Overconfident and arrogant were two of her flaws and they came into best representation through situations like this. And then, "Cocky? Who me? Never sweetest Gliding. Never in the world could I ever grow cocky and arrogant knowing you weakness being this very cat sitting right next to you with an aching back and joints and who somehow can get through life with chronic pain and no eyes. Never could I grow cocky knowing all my flaws. But... I could grow cocky knowing I've got someone like you wrapped around my claw. Would be just perfect would it not sweetie?" Chicorybee just couldn't help herself, and slowly she stood up from her seated position, tail tickling Glidingfeather's side briefly before she turned and actually would do some hunting. Wouldn't do any good if she and the deputy seemed completely unable to fulfill a task although her pain could be used as an excuse, Chicorybee didn't want to. "A suitable replacement? I think I know a perfect suitable replacement for you dearie. If we manage to catch something I can share it."

Shade. October 10th, 2020 01:53 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
Pinepaw was out on a walk once more. She was at peace. She never really got the hang of ambition and friendship and such. She was just.... better now. She'd let go of the old memories. Existence was calm and peaceful. And with StarClan steering her paws, she felt confident. The creek was lovely as usual. She sat next to the water and stared at her reflection. A deep scar tore her ear and spread down to her muzzle. It had been a bad memory. Now it was part of her.
"Thank you, StarClan, for giving us this lovely day." she mewed calmly. She always made sure to thank them.
A sound caught her attention. It sounded...suspicious.
"Wha-" she turned around but before she could say anything a fow lunged at her, pushing her into the creek.
Pinepaw's eyes opened. She was in a strange starry field. Huh, that fox....She wasn't upset. She did feel a bit cheated but StarClan knew best. And now she was part of them. And she'd help anyone in need...

[she ded]

gs29513 October 11th, 2020 01:15 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
Fawntree had been for once, enjoying herself. Her daughter was at peace, enjoying the world, and while she wasn't supposed to be out of camp by herself, she wasn't really. Her MOTHER was there, if not there in reality. But then the fox. Killed her daughter. She wanted to shred it, rip it, KILL it. End it for ending Pinepaw. Make it feel the claws ripping, heart shredding feeling of your loved one dying. But she couldn't. She was a SPIRIT. Spirit's couldn't hurt living cats.

Pinepaw. I'm........So sorry. The words choked out. She knew how inadequate, how frail they were, but they were all she had. Her kit was dead. She hadn't been able to protect her. She thought it was getting better but........it hadn't. Was she glad Pinepaw was with her now? No, not at all. But it was what it way. Stepping forward, she pressed against her daughter, trying not to be to sad, not wanting to hurt her daughter more. @Shadeleaf

Shade. October 11th, 2020 01:42 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek

Originally Posted by gs29513 (Post 822702)
Fawntree had been for once, enjoying herself. Her daughter was at peace, enjoying the world, and while she wasn't supposed to be out of camp by herself, she wasn't really. Her MOTHER was there, if not there in reality. But then the fox. Killed her daughter. She wanted to shred it, rip it, KILL it. End it for ending Pinepaw. Make it feel the claws ripping, heart shredding feeling of your loved one dying. But she couldn't. She was a SPIRIT. Spirit's couldn't hurt living cats.

Pinepaw. I'm........So sorry. The words choked out. She knew how inadequate, how frail they were, but they were all she had. Her kit was dead. She hadn't been able to protect her. She thought it was getting better but........it hadn't. Was she glad Pinepaw was with her now? No, not at all. But it was what it way. Stepping forward, she pressed against her daughter, trying not to be to sad, not wanting to hurt her daughter more. @Shadeleaf

Pinepaw just stared at her. After a second she returned the hug and loked at her mother, her expression unreadable.
"It's...OK. I never had much going for me anyway. At least we're together now. I'll do my best in StarClan, at least." she said with a sad little smile and headed for the starry plains before her.

(da end)

ophelia October 18th, 2020 11:26 AM

Re: Sunkissed Creek

Darkfire lay on the bank of the creek, tail dragging in the waer. He didn't mind getting wet as much as other non-Riverclan cats, and figured that it was hot enough to cool down in the creek. He yawned, white teeth flashing and spotted a fish. He withdrew his tail and moved to a crouching position, wondering idly if he could catch one. He'd never tried before. He watched it curiously as it swam against the current. Interesting.

nykyrian October 18th, 2020 12:14 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
Pigeonhop watched curiously, wondering what the other warrior was planning on doing if he caught a fish, he doubted anyone would want to eat it. A few seconds pasted as the shy Tom tried to decide whether to say anything or not. The gray tabby time a few steps so he was visible, and opened his mouth, "Do you really think you can catch a fish without falling in?" Pigeonhop questioned.

ophelia October 18th, 2020 12:17 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
Darkfire's ears flicked up to the approaching tom, but his eyes stayed focused. "I don't know. Maybe." He was definitely stealthy enough, but he would probably lose his balance of drop the fish. He reached out a paw but quickly withdrew it as he noticed his shadow on the water. "Hm." He looked up at the sun, trying to figure out how to get the fish without his shadow scaring it off. "I wonder how River Clan cats get them." He pondered aloud to Pigeonhop.

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