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Tundra February 7th, 2017 09:52 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory
"I think we both do!" Flameleaf mewed. "We should let Zerosight cheek us out!" FlMeleaf rose to her paws and scrambled down the trunk of the tree. She leaped down the rest of the way and landed safely on all four paws. She crouched and leaped up a few drops of water from the river. She stood up, glanced at Quietstream and began licking her wound.

Fallpotato February 7th, 2017 10:51 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Flameleaf (Post 164182)
"I think we both do!" Flameleaf mewed. "We should let Zerosight cheek us out!" FlMeleaf rose to her paws and scrambled down the trunk of the tree. She leaped down the rest of the way and landed safely on all four paws. She crouched and leaped up a few drops of water from the river. She stood up, glanced at Quietstream and began licking her wound.

Quietstream jumped down and grabbed a drink. He sat up and started limping towards camp. He sighed and only looked out of his left eyes as he was currently blinded on his right

Tundra February 7th, 2017 10:55 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory
Flameleaf followed Quietstream. he's limping! She realized. I'll help him. Flameleaf padded to Quietstream's side and helped him. I'll tell him when we get to camp! And this time I can't mess up!

Fallpotato February 7th, 2017 10:59 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Flameleaf (Post 164219)
Flameleaf followed Quietstream. he's limping! She realized. I'll help him. Flameleaf padded to Quietstream's side and helped him. I'll tell him when we get to camp! And this time I can't mess up!

Quietstream dipped his head to the help. He continued until they got to camp (transfer to clearing.)

goddess of ducks February 8th, 2017 07:16 AM

Re: ThunderClan Training Cave

Originally Posted by MaskedBandits (Post 164167)
(I've PMed Zero, though I haven't gotten a response yet ^^ And how do you RP an unconscious cat? XD)

(Okay, leave me a comment on my page when you do get a response, until then the RP will have to be on hold. And as for RPing an unconscious cat, well it's difficult and strange. You don't have to do it at all, or you can RP them in the state of unconsciousness and their body position)

Stormpelt February 8th, 2017 10:25 AM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Hexict (Post 162608)
(i'm sorry for taking so long again :c)

He lifted a brow as she began to bet on his ability to fight off foxes. "Oh yeah? I'm tempted to take that bet, but a small kit like you needs as much food as they can get, right?" His orbs glittered with humor at this. "But then again... how could I possibly pass up the opportunity of a fun bet and some food involved?" His fluffy tail waved behind him as he thought about the future, picturing himself fighting of foxes that were threatening his clan - and they would all be watching him in awe, especially Timberkit.

Orchidkit was pleased when his own ball of snow hit her. I'm a natural! He thought proudly. Of course, this was similar to moss-ball. He was good at that too, but most kits were since it was such a simple game. All you did was throw a ball of moss at whom you happened to playing with. So now Orchidkit and Timberkit were putting their mad moss-ball skills into throwing snow balls at each other. They upgraded.

He noticed her crouching position, but decided to spring at her. His ears were flicking as he clumsily tried to rush his friend, playfully continuing their fighting. Anyone who saw him would know he had zero battled training. He wasn't too use to running in the snow, but he did love the fluffy white flakes that fell from the sky. The bigger tom almost trip as he approached Tiimberkit, but he was able to save himself at the last minute.

"Yes I am really taking that bet, besides I don't eat much anyway.", Timberkit said looking at the tom watching his amusement. She then laughed a little when he said he wouldn't mind taking the opportunity. "Orchidkit I know you very well that you wouldn't pass that.", Timberkit grinned her tail flicking behind her.

Shaking off the fur that hit her pelt she glanced back at Orchidkit seeing his pleased face. "Keep smiling I can still beat you.", The molly huffed brushing off the last small chunk of snow. After crouching into some position she could see that he reacted to her. When he sprung at her Timberkit stayed where she was. She had zero battle training just like Orchidkit but it was fun to just mess around. When he got close enough she scooped up a big chunk of snow as much as her tiny paws can get and flung it at the tom.

Starfall February 8th, 2017 03:54 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Slash-GNR (Post 163207)

Fala lay in the tree that Bluejay and her met at. It was an important land mark now to her personally. She looked down at the ground hoping that Bluejay would come along. She hadn't seen him for a while, and she had begun to think that he had forgotten her. She spent many nights and days thinking about him and if he was justing playing her as a fool. She then thought that he found a mate and settled down. She frowned at the thought. 'No, don't think that way,' she said to herself. 'You will not fall victim to sobbing over a tom you lost,' she thought. She wasn't going to be that way. If he wished to leave her, then so be it. However, in the back of her mind a heart she new that she would be upset.

Bluejay was already making his way to the large tree, hoping that he would spot a certain someone, but in all honesty, he wasn't supposed to be out prowling around, he had gotten gravely sick in the past moon and was ordered to stay in camp, but of course he wouldn't listen. The silver tom hopped off the rock and continued to sprint in the direction of the loner, hoping that she was there, hoping that she didn't forget about him, leave him, hate him. He felt a strong surge to go see her everytime he went away, and he felt the same pull twards Hawkfeather, both mollys took his breath away, yet he didn't know what to call such an emotion. The thought quickly vanished once he spotted the figure of the loner, joy erupted within him, which added a little skip in his step, he was joyous, pleased with the fact that she didn't forget about him. He stopped in front of her, making sure that he seemed presentable "I wasn't really expecting to see you here. Did you miss me?" he asked, but was quickly cut off by a coughing fit, his back arching in pain. He didn't want to accept it but he couldn't stay here for too long, he didn't want to get Fala sick.

Slash-GNR February 8th, 2017 04:57 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by starfall (Post 164610)
Bluejay was already making his way to the large tree, hoping that he would spot a certain someone, but in all honesty, he wasn't supposed to be out prowling around, he had gotten gravely sick in the past moon and was ordered to stay in camp, but of course he wouldn't listen. The silver tom hopped off the rock and continued to sprint in the direction of the loner, hoping that she was there, hoping that she didn't forget about him, leave him, hate him. He felt a strong surge to go see her everytime he went away, and he felt the same pull twards Hawkfeather, both mollys took his breath away, yet he didn't know what to call such an emotion. The thought quickly vanished once he spotted the figure of the loner, joy erupted within him, which added a little skip in his step, he was joyous, pleased with the fact that she didn't forget about him. He stopped in front of her, making sure that he seemed presentable "I wasn't really expecting to see you here. Did you miss me?" he asked, but was quickly cut off by a coughing fit, his back arching in pain. He didn't want to accept it but he couldn't stay here for too long, he didn't want to get Fala sick.

Fala turned her gaze at the scent of Bluejay. Her heart thumped quicker as her hazel orbs laid upon him. She slid down the tree to meet him. Once he was there, she nodded, 'I did, very much so," she sighed in relief, but her relief was taken away as he coughed in pain. She ran over to him and rubbed her side against his trying to cool his coughing fit. "What's wrong Bluejay?" she asked with worry in her eyes. She had grown to care for the tom since he was away for so long. She learned that she cared for him because she felt an unbarable lonliness and longing to be with Bluejay. She would stay up late in the night wondering if he had found someone to be with, and had forgotten about her. She shook her head at the thought and rubbed her head gently against his. "What's wrong?" she asked as her voice shook with fear. "What can I do to make you stop feeling this pain?" she asked looking at him.

spade February 9th, 2017 03:07 AM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Zero to Hero (Post 162817)
West was listening to South idly while staring off into the undergrowth, his thoughts elsewhere. However, when South suddenly cut off, he jolted back to reality. He opened his mouth to question what she had been about to say, but stopped himself when he also heard the rustling. Instantly, his fur bristled nervously, but he tried to look relatively friendly at the same time. He stepped forward protectively, moving to stand slightly in front of South. "We're looking for the clan cats, and somebody we know, more specifically our brother." The tom meowed, forcing his fur to lie back down flat. "We mean no harm." He swallowed heavily, looking at South and then returning his gaze back to the warrior she-cat. He was taken back by how fit the clan cat was, he could see her muscles moving under her pelt. There was no doubt that she could easily injure or even kill the both of them.

For a moment, fear radiated from ears to tail tip as South's eyes focused on the Clan cat that stood before them. After a few moments, her muscles relaxed just a smidge. All her life she had heard whispers of these majestic Clan cats, and had spent countless hours wondering over them. And now... the one standing before her was right around her size! Despite the tense situation, a scoff left her lips and she rolled her eyes. "You're a Clan cat?" she inquired, leaning her head forward as if she couldn't believe her ears. Amusement lit up her gaze and she shook her head. "I don't believe that for a second. You're the same size I am!"

The ThunderClan warrior focused on West as he spoke, clearly reading his anxious yet cautious advances. She could tell that he meant no harm, and her ears detected a hint of truthfulness to his words. Littledragon opened her mouth to speak, but was interrupted by South offering her own two cents. At the comment about her size, the dark she-cat's hackles rose further, and her eyes narrowed into slits which shot over to South. "I'm sorry, I must not have heard you correctly. I'm the same size as who?" she snarled, advancing slowly on the she-cat, claws already unsheathed and tail lashing. A fierce growl left her lips, causing South to jump back just a bit, ears flat against her head and the mocking look vanishing from her face. Casting one last glare to South, Littledragon looked back at West, relaxing a bit and matching his posture. "You said you're looking for your brother? Which Clan was he a member of? I don't recognize your scent, and by your companions remarks," she paused, casting an annoyed sideways glance towards South before continuing through clenched teeth, "I don't assume you're from one of the surrounding Clans either." A thought popped into Littledragon's mind and she blinked, a shocked expression dawning on her. "Are you two Syndicate members?"

Slash-GNR February 9th, 2017 12:06 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Plumpaw walked in the forest. She was thinking about her brother. The she-cat hadn't seen him in a long time. She worried for him. She sat down near a large tree. She sighed as she pawed the ground. Her hazel orbs looked around hte forest as she smelt and unfamiliar scent. (sry so short)

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