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Madelaine May 8th, 2019 01:49 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Why Do We Hold? (Post 592038)
Blazeclaw purred and followed, intertwining his tail with his mate's

Morningleaf walked out of camp, beside her mate with a smile. She watched all the burds fly around them. "Isn't it beautiful today.", she meowed.

Madelaine May 8th, 2019 10:36 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory
~ @~Silverkit~ ~

Graypaw walked out of camp to get out for a while to clear his thoughts. The young tom walked through the territory, scenting prey but not stopping to hunt. He didn't feel like it today.

~Silverkit~ May 9th, 2019 07:00 AM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by GLaDOS (Post 593014)
~ @~Silverkit~ ~

Graypaw walked out of camp to get out for a while to clear his thoughts. The young tom walked through the territory, scenting prey but not stopping to hunt. He didn't feel like it today.

Sunpaw walked through the unfamiliar territory. She wasn't used to the hard ground yet. She smelt the familiar scent of Graypaw and fastened her pace. She finally found Graypaw and smiled.

Madelaine May 9th, 2019 08:29 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by ~Silverkit~ (Post 593036)
Sunpaw walked through the unfamiliar territory. She wasn't used to the hard ground yet. She smelt the familiar scent of Graypaw and fastened her pace. She finally found Graypaw and smiled.

Graypaw heard footsteps and scented a familiar scent, The Riverclan molly he had met all those moons ago stood in front of him. "What are you doing here?", he asked. The tom glanced around to make sure none of him clanmates came.

~Silverkit~ May 10th, 2019 03:31 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by GLaDOS (Post 593143)

Graypaw heard footsteps and scented a familiar scent, The Riverclan molly he had met all those moons ago stood in front of him. "What are you doing here?", he asked. The tom glanced around to make sure none of him clanmates came.

"Joining Thunderclan so I can be with you. "Sunpaw said.

Madelaine May 10th, 2019 04:24 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by ~Silverkit~ (Post 593243)
"Joining Thunderclan so I can be with you. "Sunpaw said.

Graypaw looked at her with a smile and a purr. "Really?", he asked. He didn't know if this was a joke or not.

~Silverkit~ May 10th, 2019 04:50 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by GLaDOS (Post 593248)

Graypaw looked at her with a smile and a purr. "Really?", he asked. He didn't know if this was a joke or not.

Sunpaw smiled. "Yep! I told everyone goodbye in Riverclan." She said, puring. Bloomingstream had died in the battle so she really didn't have to say goodbye to anyone.

idia May 12th, 2019 10:12 AM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by FireAndBright (Post 591905)
Okay,” Brightpaw meowed, relieved. “What next?” She glanced up at the sky. It wasn’t late, exactly, but time was starting to get on. “Or maybe we should just practise?” They’d probably have time for her to learn one last move, but if Addereye said they should go over the moves she’d learnt, she wouldn’t object.

"We'll practice, I'll make sure to teach you some moves soon." Addereye meowed, long tail flicking . The black tom got into position, nodding. "You can practice this moves i taught you in any order." he informed.

Madelaine May 13th, 2019 11:37 AM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by ~Silverkit~ (Post 593250)
Sunpaw smiled. "Yep! I told everyone goodbye in Riverclan." She said, puring. Bloomingstream had died in the battle so she really didn't have to say goodbye to anyone.

Graypaw smiled and purred back at her. "Im so glad your going to be here with me.", he meowed. The tom couldn't hide his excitement too much.

Calliecat May 13th, 2019 12:18 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory
Wrenfeather hung low to the ground, tail tip flicking just slightly as she narrowed in on an ignorant sparrow, opening her mouth to taste the air as she drew closer. Very slowly she took a step forward, and then another, only to leap forward the next moment and come crashing down on the bird, tossing it to the side and breaking its neck with her teeth before it could flutter away like all the other prey animals she had tried to chase down. "Finally," she mumbled, sitting up and grooming a forepaw. She'd been trying to hunt all day, but it had never really been her strong suit. She always pounced to soon, never thought things through... Coalheart had always said she was too impatient.

She scooped the bird up and headed back to camp, only to hear the snap of a twig behind her. She swiveled around, flicking her ears. Must have been another ThunderClan cat, or maybe some other kind of prey.

Charmer May 13th, 2019 07:39 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Flameleaf (Post 592929)

Tigerdawn had to stop herself from snapping right then and there as she was reminded of her blind eye. She didn’t like thinking about it since it reminded her of a stupid mistake she made in battle. She glared at Cherrydawn, not saying anything for a few moments. “I have.” She turned away, flattening her ears. She no longer wanted to continue the conversation, she just wasn’t in the mood anymore. Whatever. Tigerdawn looked down at her paws. “Anyway, when they are apprenticed,” She blinked. “Do you think you’ll return to your warrior duties, or remain a queen.” She shrugged.

Cherrydawn flinched at the older warriors sudden shift to anger. Truly she had not meant to offend Tigerdawn but only to offer sincere condolences. She cleared her throat, trying to ignore how hurt she felt at how ready her old mentor seemed to shred her ears. "Oh I'll be going back to warrior duties for certain," she remarked matter-of-factly. "I love my kits, but staying in camp all day... It's enough to drive a shecat crazy." A flicker of amusement flitted across Cherrydawn's face at her next thought. "And the kits themselves do a good job of that all on their own. Yarrowkit especially. Most kits have a hard time staying in the nursery at his age, but he only wants to stay in the den and count the each piece of moss." She let out a sigh as she shook her head. "His mentor will have their work cut out for them."

~Silverkit~ May 14th, 2019 10:44 AM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by GLaDOS (Post 593814)

Graypaw smiled and purred back at her. "Im so glad your going to be here with me.", he meowed. The tom couldn't hide his excitement too much.

"Im glad too"Sunpaw said and smiled.

Tundra May 14th, 2019 11:17 AM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Charmer (Post 593883)
Cherrydawn flinched at the older warriors sudden shift to anger. Truly she had not meant to offend Tigerdawn but only to offer sincere condolences. She cleared her throat, trying to ignore how hurt she felt at how ready her old mentor seemed to shred her ears. "Oh I'll be going back to warrior duties for certain," she remarked matter-of-factly. "I love my kits, but staying in camp all day... It's enough to drive a shecat crazy." A flicker of amusement flitted across Cherrydawn's face at her next thought. "And the kits themselves do a good job of that all on their own. Yarrowkit especially. Most kits have a hard time staying in the nursery at his age, but he only wants to stay in the den and count the each piece of moss." She let out a sigh as she shook her head. "His mentor will have their work cut out for them."

Tigerdawn narrowed her eyes. “Ah, taking care of kits can be that hard?” Her fur was beginning to lay flat, but she still wasn’t happy with the mention of her injured eye. She was still looking down. “Well.. Is- Is Skyfeather doing well? Did he survive the uh... The battle?” She jumped as she remembered the apprentice under her claws, trying to break free. Tigerdawn shuddered, then looked up at Cherrydawn. “Have you been doing well?”

FireAndBright May 14th, 2019 11:28 AM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Rosemew (Post 593542)

"We'll practice, I'll make sure to teach you some moves soon." Addereye meowed, long tail flicking . The black tom got into position, nodding. "You can practice this moves i taught you in any order." he informed.

Okay, so he wants me to attack him. Cool. I can do that. She tried to remember what he’d told her about the front paw blow, but in the end, it was easiest to forget about the exact words he’d told her and do it from instinct. Brightpaw aimed the blow, remembering to try to keep her balance, wondering if her mentor would try to dodge it. Are we like, practising a battle, or just my moves? He isn’t going to try and attack me back, is he?

idia May 14th, 2019 05:56 PM

Re: ThunderClan Training Cave

The dark brown and black tom padded into the cave with a sour expression. He was assigned an apprentice, and he didn't like it. Lemoneyes didn't want an apprentice, he didn't even want to be around his clanmates! With a huff, the salty tom sat down, deciding to give his pelt a quick wash. What was her name? Drizzlepaw? Stormpaw?..no! It was Rainpaw. He guessed she just stayed in the background, as he hadn't met her before.

TawnyNeedsACoffee May 15th, 2019 01:57 AM

Re: ThunderClan Training Cave

Originally Posted by Rosemew (Post 594021)

The dark brown and black tom padded into the cave with a sour expression. He was assigned an apprentice, and he didn't like it. Lemoneyes didn't want an apprentice, he didn't even want to be around his clanmates! With a huff, the salty tom sat down, deciding to give his pelt a quick wash. What was her name? Drizzlepaw? Stormpaw?..no! It was Rainpaw. He guessed she just stayed in the background, as he hadn't met her before.

A grey and white molly nervously into the cave- since her old mentor retired to the elders den she had been assigned a new mentor. Her leafy coloured eyes looked around the cave before she sighed a bit- luckily there was no site of her sister which made her feel relieved.'W-What if Lemon'Eyes doesn't like me? W-W-What if he makes me do things like hunt 100 squirrels?! W-What if he gives me a wound for every mistake I do?!'.Rain'Paw fretted over her new Mentor jumping a little when seeing a very annoyed looking Tom in front of her.

idia May 15th, 2019 08:08 PM

Re: ThunderClan Training Cave

Originally Posted by TawnyNeedsACoffee (Post 594080)
A grey and white molly nervously into the cave- since her old mentor retired to the elders den she had been assigned a new mentor. Her leafy coloured eyes looked around the cave before she sighed a bit- luckily there was no site of her sister which made her feel relieved.'W-What if Lemon'Eyes doesn't like me? W-W-What if he makes me do things like hunt 100 squirrels?! W-What if he gives me a wound for every mistake I do?!'.Rain'Paw fretted over her new Mentor jumping a little when seeing a very annoyed looking Tom in front of her.

Lemoneyes perked his ears , hearing soft pawsteps growing closer to him. In front of him, he saw a grey and white molly, who he could only assume was Rainpaw. He gave a small 'humph' seeing the nervous look on her face, already growing annoyed. "What's with 'that' look?" he asked with a grumble, before rolling his lemon like eyes and stood up.

Madelaine May 15th, 2019 08:18 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by ~Silverkit~ (Post 593960)
"Im glad too"Sunpaw said and smiled.

Graypaw gave her an affectionate lick on the nose. "would you like me to show you where the camp is?", he asked. He wanted to make sure no trouble came to her.

Madelaine May 15th, 2019 08:21 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by ~Silverkit~ (Post 591926)
Goldenflower smiled. "Of course" she meowed

Dreamdance padded out of the camp alongside Goldenflower. His tail flickered with excitemement to be out of the camp for a while. He looked at her with a smile.

TawnyNeedsACoffee May 16th, 2019 01:44 AM

Re: ThunderClan Training Cave

Originally Posted by Rosemew (Post 594160)

Lemoneyes perked his ears , hearing soft pawsteps growing closer to him. In front of him, he saw a grey and white molly, who he could only assume was Rainpaw. He gave a small 'humph' seeing the nervous look on her face, already growing annoyed. "What's with 'that' look?" he asked with a grumble, before rolling his lemon like eyes and stood up.

Rain'Paw jumped slightly at the tom's annoyed growl, speaking quietly but frantically.L-Look? W-W-What look?".Her leafy coloured eyes darted to her paws as shrank back a little.

~Silverkit~ May 16th, 2019 10:58 AM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by GLaDOS (Post 594166)

Graypaw gave her an affectionate lick on the nose. "would you like me to show you where the camp is?", he asked. He wanted to make sure no trouble came to her.

"Sure!"Sunpaw said excitedly.

~Silverkit~ May 16th, 2019 10:59 AM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by GLaDOS (Post 594167)

Dreamdance padded out of the camp alongside Goldenflower. His tail flickered with excitemement to be out of the camp for a while. He looked at her with a smile.

Goldenflower followed Dreamdance out of camp. She gave him a returning smile.

Madelaine May 16th, 2019 11:52 AM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by ~Silverkit~ (Post 594239)
"Sure!"Sunpaw said excitedly.

Graypaw nodded and lead the way to the camp. He tried his best to hide his excitement that she would actually be able to be with him. He thought they would never work out, but now his mind had changed.

Madelaine May 16th, 2019 11:54 AM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by ~Silverkit~ (Post 594240)
Goldenflower followed Dreamdance out of camp. She gave him a returning smile.

Dreamdance walked beside her, his fur brushing against hers. The tom couldn't help but purr that a beautiful cat had agreed to acompany him. "Where do you want to go?", he asked.

~Silverkit~ May 16th, 2019 11:55 AM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by GLaDOS (Post 594244)

Graypaw nodded and lead the way to the camp. He tried his best to hide his excitement that she would actually be able to be with him. He thought they would never work out, but now his mind had changed.

Sunpaw smiled. She had never expected this to happen but now it was happening and it made her happy.

~Silverkit~ May 16th, 2019 11:56 AM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by GLaDOS (Post 594245)

Dreamdance walked beside her, his fur brushing against hers. The tom couldn't help but purr that a beautiful cat had agreed to acompany him. "Where do you want to go?", he asked.

"I dont know. Where do you want to go?" Goldenflower asked him, a smile on her face.

idia May 16th, 2019 06:26 PM

Re: ThunderClan Training Cave

Originally Posted by TawnyNeedsACoffee (Post 594206)
Rain'Paw jumped slightly at the tom's annoyed growl, speaking quietly but frantically.L-Look? W-W-What look?".Her leafy coloured eyes darted to her paws as shrank back a little.

The dark tom scrunched up his muzzle for a split second, brows furrowed as he shook his head. "We'll be learning hunting techniques today." Lemon told, Hunting is more useful than fighting anyway! he thought , flicking his tail.

TawnyNeedsACoffee May 16th, 2019 09:56 PM

Re: ThunderClan Training Cave

Originally Posted by Rosemew (Post 594281)

The dark tom scrunched up his muzzle for a split second, brows furrowed as he shook his head. "We'll be learning hunting techniques today." Lemon told, Hunting is more useful than fighting anyway! he thought , flicking his tail.

Rain'Paw nodded somewhat embarrassed at how nervous she came off as."O-Okay!".She looked at him determination to succeed filled her eyes but her negative mindset.'I-I'm probably going to fail this...like always..'.she sighed a little.

RedHead May 19th, 2019 06:15 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Calliecat (Post 593818)
Wrenfeather hung low to the ground, tail tip flicking just slightly as she narrowed in on an ignorant sparrow, opening her mouth to taste the air as she drew closer. Very slowly she took a step forward, and then another, only to leap forward the next moment and come crashing down on the bird, tossing it to the side and breaking its neck with her teeth before it could flutter away like all the other prey animals she had tried to chase down. "Finally," she mumbled, sitting up and grooming a forepaw. She'd been trying to hunt all day, but it had never really been her strong suit. She always pounced to soon, never thought things through... Coalheart had always said she was too impatient.

She scooped the bird up and headed back to camp, only to hear the snap of a twig behind her. She swiveled around, flicking her ears. Must have been another ThunderClan cat, or maybe some other kind of prey.

Having just finished a patrol, Flintspirit had decided to hang back for a while, as the other cats in the patrol group had headed back to camp for some well-needed rest. It hadn’t been the dawn patrol, but with the heat gradually creeping in he knew that his clanmembers were more prone to being tired more often with the drowsy heat that plagued the clans during light hours.
Though, with the snap of a twig, the dark-furred tom became alert, ears angling towards the noise and nose twitching as he breathed in the scents around him. His hackles stood un-raised, as he caught the familiar scent of his own clan wafting through the air. Must just be someone out on a walk. He decided he would investigate. Not because he was suspicious of the cat or anything, but because he was looking for someone to socialize with. The patrol had been a littlest heated, a couple of the cats not getting along, and he simply needed some positive energy to refuel his system. With a new purpose in his step, Flintspirit rounded the outcropping branches of a large bush to spot a she-cat in front of him. Hoping she hadn’t wanted to be alone, he stepped out from behind the bush and came up next to her, making sure to appear friendly. “Hey there...” He studied her, scouring his brain for a name. He’d gotten better at names, but there were certainly those that still got away from him. Umm. Robinwind? No that’s not her... Sparrow- Nope... Wren.. Wrenfeather! His eyes lit up as he caught the name, the recognition snapping into place. “Wrenfeather. Hunting, are we?” His green eyes green slightly nervous upon seeing the prey she held. Usually cats went to hunt alone when they wanted to be alone. He hoped he hadn’t intruded where he was not wanted.

Madelaine May 19th, 2019 11:10 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by ~Silverkit~ (Post 594247)
"I dont know. Where do you want to go?" Goldenflower asked him, a smile on her face.

Dreamdance looked at her and remembered a place he used to hunt at all the time. "I know where to go. Follow me.", he meowed. He began to walk slowly towards it.

Calliecat May 20th, 2019 08:04 AM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by RedHead (Post 594616)

Having just finished a patrol, Flintspirit had decided to hang back for a while, as the other cats in the patrol group had headed back to camp for some well-needed rest. It hadn’t been the dawn patrol, but with the heat gradually creeping in he knew that his clanmembers were more prone to being tired more often with the drowsy heat that plagued the clans during light hours.
Though, with the snap of a twig, the dark-furred tom became alert, ears angling towards the noise and nose twitching as he breathed in the scents around him. His hackles stood un-raised, as he caught the familiar scent of his own clan wafting through the air. Must just be someone out on a walk. He decided he would investigate. Not because he was suspicious of the cat or anything, but because he was looking for someone to socialize with. The patrol had been a littlest heated, a couple of the cats not getting along, and he simply needed some positive energy to refuel his system. With a new purpose in his step, Flintspirit rounded the outcropping branches of a large bush to spot a she-cat in front of him. Hoping she hadn’t wanted to be alone, he stepped out from behind the bush and came up next to her, making sure to appear friendly. “Hey there...” He studied her, scouring his brain for a name. He’d gotten better at names, but there were certainly those that still got away from him. Umm. Robinwind? No that’s not her... Sparrow- Nope... Wren.. Wrenfeather! His eyes lit up as he caught the name, the recognition snapping into place. “Wrenfeather. Hunting, are we?” His green eyes green slightly nervous upon seeing the prey she held. Usually cats went to hunt alone when they wanted to be alone. He hoped he hadn’t intruded where he was not wanted.

Wrenfeather heard and then spotted Flintspirit appear through the bracken, and she flicked her ears. Yes, she'd gone out hunting hoping for some alone time away from ThunderClan - other cats could be so annoying, but she never minded the deputy's company very much. After all, this hunting alone thing wasn't working very well for her anyway. "Yes, I'm hunting," she replied with a frustrated flick of her tail, "Not very good at it," she tossed the sparrow across the clearing with a forepaw so that it landed at the gray tom's forepaws. "It's been nearly an hour, and that's all I've got. Some hunter, aren't I?" she groaned.

~Silverkit~ May 21st, 2019 07:01 AM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by GLaDOS (Post 594632)

Dreamdance looked at her and remembered a place he used to hunt at all the time. "I know where to go. Follow me.", he meowed. He began to walk slowly towards it.

"Ok!" Goldenflower said and followed him, curiousity showing in her eyes.

Fuzzy May 22nd, 2019 12:05 AM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Branch of Life (Post 582360)
Kiwifeathers’ heart beat fast as the tom neared her. It had to be Thistleheart didn’t it? The black cat didn’t make a sound as she peered down at him. She slowly climbed own one branch silently. “I’m coming down.” She meowed. Her green eyes looked at him as she focused on stranding her breath. She climbed down until she was a few branches from ground level. It’s close to the ground but I can get up if I need to. She was silent until she meowed “Sorry, I was trying to figure out if you were trespassing or not.” She meowed quickly.
(;-; I think it is writers block)

{Sorry this is late}

Thistleheart was surprised when a warrior came down from the tree. He'd suspected an apprentice not a full grown molly. Tail twitching he studied her, her excuse made since. Though he wouldn't have gone the same measures she had. Letting out a slight huff through his nostrils the gray and white tabby waited to see if she's come all the way down. It appeared she wasn't. "Well you weren't to quiet about it. Next time try watching were your going, it might be a real intruder." He explained tail twitching. His prey was lost but he wasn't to keen of chatting randomly. Looking over the molly he tried to identify her. "Your Kiwifeather right?" The tom asked slightly glancing aeay. He was unsure he wasn't the most likeable or sociable cat in ThunderClan.

Branch of Life May 22nd, 2019 07:19 AM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Fuzzyfeline (Post 594914)
{Sorry this is late}

Thistleheart was surprised when a warrior came down from the tree. He'd suspected an apprentice not a full grown molly. Tail twitching he studied her, her excuse made since. Though he wouldn't have gone the same measures she had. Letting out a slight huff through his nostrils the gray and white tabby waited to see if she's come all the way down. It appeared she wasn't. "Well you weren't to quiet about it. Next time try watching were your going, it might be a real intruder." He explained tail twitching. His prey was lost but he wasn't to keen of chatting randomly. Looking over the molly he tried to identify her. "Your Kiwifeather right?" The tom asked slightly glancing aeay. He was unsure he wasn't the most likeable or sociable cat in ThunderClan.

Yeah. Again I’m really sorry.” She meowed looking down at her paws. When he said her name she jumped. She had completely forgotten were she had been. “That.... is my name. Your name is Thistleheart? If I’m not mistaken.” Kiwifeather meowed jumping down from the branch. “ You were hunting right? I was on the path of a mouse when I heard you. I can see if I can make up for your catch.” Kiwifeather meowed. This was something she did a lot. The black cat sat and awaited his response.

idia May 22nd, 2019 06:31 PM

Re: ThunderClan Training Cave

Originally Posted by TawnyNeedsACoffee (Post 594317)
Rain'Paw nodded somewhat embarrassed at how nervous she came off as."O-Okay!".She looked at him determination to succeed filled her eyes but her negative mindset.'I-I'm probably going to fail this...like always..'.she sighed a little.

Lemoneyes felt his eyes narrowed at the stammering of the apprentice. He turned his attention to the lesson, speaking in a stern voice, well as stern as he could muster. But he sounded more uninterested than anything. "Show me your hunters crouch first." he told, giving a flick of his tail, shifting slightly. "Once you do that, I can share my amazing hunting skills with you." he grinned slightly. Lemoneyes personally thought he was one of the top hunters in his clan, seeing as his brown and black pelt helped him easily blend in with the surroundings. Though, in leafbare he considered himself the worst Hunter. Ever. He stuck out like a sore thumb in the snow.

RedHead May 23rd, 2019 09:33 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Calliecat (Post 594661)
Wrenfeather heard and then spotted Flintspirit appear through the bracken, and she flicked her ears. Yes, she'd gone out hunting hoping for some alone time away from ThunderClan - other cats could be so annoying, but she never minded the deputy's company very much. After all, this hunting alone thing wasn't working very well for her anyway. "Yes, I'm hunting," she replied with a frustrated flick of her tail, "Not very good at it," she tossed the sparrow across the clearing with a forepaw so that it landed at the gray tom's forepaws. "It's been nearly an hour, and that's all I've got. Some hunter, aren't I?" she groaned.

He watched with amusement as the sparrow was tossed to his paws, and he moved his tail, dusting the prey off with a few quick swipes of the fluffy appendage. Then he raised his green eyes back to Wrenfeather. “Hey, you still caught something!” He picked up the bird and trotted over to the she-cat, setting it gently next to her paws. “That’s more to show for than I usually get. I’m a terrible hunter.” He gave her a sideways smirk, his ears flicking ever so slightly with his movements. “I bet you can’t be as terrible of a hunter as I am.” Flintspirit was speaking the truth. He’d never been a great hunter, even in his younger moons. He was excellent with fighting, and had an incredible sense of hearing. But when he would try to actually catch the prey, his coordination would fail him. As well as any patience. He wasn’t the most patient cat in the world.

Calliecat May 24th, 2019 09:20 AM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by RedHead (Post 595163)

He watched with amusement as the sparrow was tossed to his paws, and he moved his tail, dusting the prey off with a few quick swipes of the fluffy appendage. Then he raised his green eyes back to Wrenfeather. “Hey, you still caught something!” He picked up the bird and trotted over to the she-cat, setting it gently next to her paws. “That’s more to show for than I usually get. I’m a terrible hunter.” He gave her a sideways smirk, his ears flicking ever so slightly with his movements. “I bet you can’t be as terrible of a hunter as I am.” Flintspirit was speaking the truth. He’d never been a great hunter, even in his younger moons. He was excellent with fighting, and had an incredible sense of hearing. But when he would try to actually catch the prey, his coordination would fail him. As well as any patience. He wasn’t the most patient cat in the world.

Wrenfeather let out a little sigh, studying the prey at her paws and then more closely examining Flintspirit's expression. She twitched her tail and shrugged, "Welcome to the club, then," she meowed jokingly, lifting her head to look about her. "Seeing as we're both bad hunters, maybe we could work together and try to catch something between the two of us?" her ears flicked backward and forward smoothly as she spoke. She'd never really known the ThunderClan deputy, but she found him more friendly than she'd first assumed and that was something more than she expected from another cat. Why not try to make a new friend? Tigerstripe isn't around anymore, and she couldn't blame me for moving on.

TawnyNeedsACoffee May 25th, 2019 06:59 PM

Re: ThunderClan Training Cave

Originally Posted by Rosemew (Post 595034)

Lemoneyes felt his eyes narrowed at the stammering of the apprentice. He turned his attention to the lesson, speaking in a stern voice, well as stern as he could muster. But he sounded more uninterested than anything. "Show me your hunters crouch first." he told, giving a flick of his tail, shifting slightly. "Once you do that, I can share my amazing hunting skills with you." he grinned slightly. Lemoneyes personally thought he was one of the top hunters in his clan, seeing as his brown and black pelt helped him easily blend in with the surroundings. Though, in leafbare he considered himself the worst Hunter. Ever. He stuck out like a sore thumb in the snow.

Rain'Paw nodded quickly,frantic to get this right she crouched down making sure that most of the pressure wasn't going into her front paws, she kept low to the ground but made sure she wasn't too low that her fur could be heard scraping the ground."I-I-Is this good?". She stuttered.

Rainstories May 25th, 2019 07:35 PM

Re: ThunderClan Training Cave
Rainrose padded in, planning to work on some moves before her snack of vole. She nodded toward the cats and sat down. "Whatcha working on?" She meowed, her plumy tail waving. Rainrose was getting a little heavy off of the prey the clan had been catching recently.

Madelaine May 25th, 2019 11:56 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by ~Silverkit~ (Post 594812)
"Ok!" Goldenflower said and followed him, curiousity showing in her eyes.

Dreamdance walked over to an open place with just two trees. He glanced at Goldenflower with a smile. "Here we are.", he meowed.

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