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Puddle~ September 19th, 2020 03:07 PM

Re: Thunderglade

Singepaw followed her mentor's gaze over to the rustling in the bushes. Hmmm... After a deep inhale, she took her best guess. "M-mouse... ?"

The dark gray molly had smelled prey enough times to have at least a little more confidence this time, but that didn't mean she wasn't still anxious. It only meant that things would be more embarrassing if she got the question wrong.

Bread September 26th, 2020 11:18 AM

Re: Thunderglade
On the way to the Thunderglade, the tortoiseshell kept having random thoughts in her head. 'Is this patrol going to be bad? What if something bad happens?' For some reason, the molly was getting bad vibes from the start. But the warrior didn't want to let it get to her; after all, it was a patrol.

As they wound up at the border, Amberglow got to work immediately and started rubbing her scent on some nearby plants. She wanted to work quickly because she still felt like there was going to be something bad that was going to happen on this patrol.

@Slushie @Slinky

wren October 4th, 2020 08:01 PM

Re: Thunderglade


Tired tired tired. The tabby deputy felt the ache deep in his muscles, that pain and pumping of blood with each driven stride and strike of paw against pebble. For the most part he’d worked off most of his extra weight, the medicine cat weight. As much as he was beginning to reminisce on the old fat cat days he was wondering how he would’ve faired being a medicine cat for the rest of his life. It didn’t matter he was, in Twilightstars words, helping her out. He couldn’t resist the pressure of being needed by somebody who he thought took advantage of him. That was his horrible horrible flaw, one of which he would never break out of.

Coyotesnarl was racing up and down the hillsides of the moor, it was late afternoon while the sun skimmed the tops of the hills basking it in a glorious orange and gold glow. Cats were settling down to groom each other and eat final meals before letting the evening sounds lull them into sleep. But not mighty coyote, no sir, he was going to be the fittest deputy anybody had ever seen. He was going to succeed even if it meant the death of him.

Finally the tom breached the hill with puffs of exhausted breath steaming from his mouth and nostrils, skidding to a rocky halt. He’d been running for sometime and didn’t actually realize he’d come right up to the thunderclan border. The tom took a few seconds to stare longingly into the distant trees and the shadows that leapt from their trunks. He could remember trudging through there with half windclan on his ass and a whole lot of headaches on his back. He could almost find himself smiling at the thought, though the night was deviating he’d found some value in the exhaustion. Found companionship through the hardship. His sweet long legged prince. A touch of bitterness rested on his tongue knowing now the tom was gone without a trace... likely to chase that rambunctious little rascal of a niece. Why didn’t he stay home. Stay with him. Whatever, he couldn’t expect anything good from long term commitments and friendships. They always died or went missing.

The tabby sighed with a glazed look in his eyes before he began to trot up the side of the border, eyes every fixed on the little slices of pure blackness that hugged the trunks of the trees and hid dormant. He wondered what it was like to be in thunderclan during the day, if the trees felt as suffocating as they did from this distance.

Perhaps he’d visit one day.

On better circumstances... next time.
@Supernatural Slushie

dino. October 5th, 2020 02:46 PM

Re: Thunderglade

[ @wren ]

Much like the WindClan tom, Buckstar was also exhausted. Running a Clan was hard. Cats were idiots. Children were wild. Medicine cats vanished. Apparently his warriors kept managing to get lost even when they'd held the territory long enough for them to get used to it. It was just so, incredibly frustrating. His paws hurt all the time. He had a constant stress headache. Everything was awful. All of it.

He'd been walking aimlessly, not paying attention to where he was going but rather to the thoughts racing through his head. At least Coldamber was here to take care of Swallowkit, and Lionwhisker had appeared out of the blue. So there was that. But Lionwhisker was being an ass, so he wasn't sure how long that would last. Ugh... He sat down heavily at the scent line, his ears flopping forward as he stared at the ground for a long while. For once, the shadows cast by the evening light felt almost comforting.

The sound of movement made him raise his head. His eyes sparkled in the evergrowing dark of the forest as he peered over the border. It was possible that some cat could be doing a last minute patrol, but it seemed to late, even for an evening patrol. He pulled himself to his paws, rocked back and forth indecisively for a moment before he called out softly, "Hello? Anyone there?"

wren October 5th, 2020 07:40 PM

Re: Thunderglade

What exactly did he mean by better circumstances? Well... to be honest there was any reason the deputy would need to make his way over there. His clan was well fed, didn’t need favours, didn’t need- or want to form an alliance. Hmm. He pondered this thought a moment longer until a voice intrusively stopped him in his tracks.

Coyotesnarl paused in his dainty trot ears flicked forward to funnel the sound in his direction, he wasn’t hallucinating was he? Where... did that come from? He blinked a few times and stepped onto the more cleared out side of the border out from behind the shrubbery. Honestly at first glance it was just a thunderclanner out on a late night.. whatever they were doing until further inspection.

Buckstar got himself out of camp for a walk he assumed. Though he looked jumpy and tired.. like a little baby. The tabby deputy moved from his spot to further reveal himself as not to frighten the tom by accident. “My my thé ring leader of the crazies” the tom mused blinking a few times to signify that was in fact a joke.

Or was it?

“How did you get away from the nuts? I thought they had you on lockdown” he snickered in a teasing tone stopping short of the thunderclan leader to drop onto his butt.

@Supernatural Slushie

Feather-kit October 9th, 2020 07:53 AM

Re: Thunderglade
Mistytail walked around and went to a stream to get a sip of water

shaae_26 October 11th, 2020 05:48 PM

Re: Thunderglade
@TheNyanCatMinecart @Ariiiiii
Frozenleaf led the other's to the Thudnerclan border.

Ariii October 12th, 2020 07:39 AM

Re: Thunderglade

Originally Posted by StarSpirit2009 (Post 822788)
[SIZE="3" @TheNyanCatMinecart @Ariiiiii
Frozenleaf led the other's to the ThunderClan border.[/SIZE]

Snowberry quietly followed Frozenleaf, taking in her surroundings. Her pale green eyes shimmered with excitement, and her face was turned in a small smile. There was always something exciting to her about going to the borders, and she loved patrols.

shaae_26 October 12th, 2020 07:49 AM

Re: Thunderglade

Originally Posted by Ariiiiii (Post 823060)

Snowberry quietly followed Frozenleaf, taking in her surroundings. Her pale green eyes shimmered with excitement, and her face was turned in a small smile. There was always something exciting to her about going to the borders, and she loved patrols.

Frozenleaf led their patrol around the border, spaying scent markings. Then they caught the smell of fox, and halted with their tail up. @TheNyanCatMinecart (Please don't quote and mention. ty!)

TheNyanCatMinecart October 12th, 2020 08:04 AM

Re: Thunderglade
@Ariiiiii @StarSpirit2009

Rosebriar had quickly hopped up from her grooming, ruffling a tuft of fur on her shoulder. She had to stop herself from glancing at it with agony. Did they have to leave so quickly? Following them through the Thunderglade, she stopped as Frozenleaf paused. “Why are we stopping? she asked, taking the opportunity to lick down the tuft of fur on her shoulder. Seeing it smooth down was satisfying and she instantly relaxed. Then the scent of fox flooded over her clear as day and her freshly groomed pelt began to bristle. “Ugh! Fox!” she exclaimed, her nose wrinkling at the wretched smell. “We should report this to Twilightstar!”

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