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PeaFlower October 23rd, 2017 06:14 AM

Re: Teddy's residence(Always Open)

Originally Posted by SparkleDemon (Post 409039)

Teddy let out a small chuckle as she did. "No I Don't ever get visitors, but the only cat I really know around here is my owners new kitten. That little annoying kid is too much for me to handle. I Don't think I can stay here for very long. He gets all the attention and I Don't even get a hello or a pat on the head. So I'm guessing you get all different kinds of cats." replied Teddy. The kittypet Tom looked at her See if what she would think of him leaving his home.


Originally Posted by Ashpetal (Post 409061)
An orange tabby she-cat jumped onto the fence next to Hazel, "Hello... I think I'm lost. I'm so far away from home and I don't recognize anything and... um, I'm Blossom. Can you tell me where we are?"

Hazel was about to let on how she kinda felt the same as Teddy did, but the moment she opened her mouth she smelled a new scent, and turned around as another she-cat jumped down next to her, seemingly lost. And,
as it turned out, she was.
She silently watched the other two cats interact, not saying a word, as equally curious about the newcomer as Teddy was.

"I'm new to this area, my home is somewhere around here, but I don't know where that somewhere is" At this, Hazel got closer to Blossom and put her tail tip on her back in what she hoped was interpreted as a comforting gesture. Most cats thought she was being condescending whenever she did that ... it earned her a few share of ... problems ...
"Don't you worry your pretty face, not many cats know how to get around these two-legs homes, especially newcomers like yourself. But lucky for you, I'm an expert at finding my way back ! Plus Teddy, that tom that you just met ..." She pointed her tail towards the other cat " ... Was just telling me about his need to go on a little adventure or something. You couldn't have gotten lost at a better time !" She was about to wait for the others' reaction when she remembered something. "Oh, yeah." She meowed to herself. "I'm Hazel, by the way. What's your name ?"

(My mentions usually never work so I quoted you both)

Barnabas October 27th, 2017 12:59 AM

Re: Teddy's residence(Always Open)

Originally Posted by Ashpetal (Post 409106)
"Well, I came from my two-leg home, but now I don't know where I am..."She said sorrowfully. She thought she had made sure to turn left at the second street, but now she was unsure. "I knew I shouldn't have turned right there!" Blossom muttered to herself. "I'm new to this area, my home is somewhere around here, but I don't know where that somewhere is"


Originally Posted by PeaFlower (Post 409544)

Hazel was about to let on how she kinda felt the same as Teddy did, but the moment she opened her mouth she smelled a new scent, and turned around as another she-cat jumped down next to her, seemingly lost. And,
as it turned out, she was.
She silently watched the other two cats interact, not saying a word, as equally curious about the newcomer as Teddy was.

"I'm new to this area, my home is somewhere around here, but I don't know where that somewhere is" At this, Hazel got closer to Blossom and put her tail tip on her back in what she hoped was interpreted as a comforting gesture. Most cats thought she was being condescending whenever she did that ... it earned her a few share of ... problems ...
"Don't you worry your pretty face, not many cats know how to get around these two-legs homes, especially newcomers like yourself. But lucky for you, I'm an expert at finding my way back ! Plus Teddy, that tom that you just met ..." She pointed her tail towards the other cat " ... Was just telling me about his need to go on a little adventure or something. You couldn't have gotten lost at a better time !" She was about to wait for the others' reaction when she remembered something. "Oh, yeah." She meowed to herself. "I'm Hazel, by the way. What's your name ?"

(My mentions usually never work so I quoted you both)

Teddy looked at the two she-cat. "Where do you live exactly?" asked Teddy, thinking that he might be able to help the lost she-cat.
The Tom sat down, trying to think. If only I knew where she lived or even know what her home looks like.

Liekki October 27th, 2017 03:33 PM

Re: Teddy's residence(Always Open)
"um," she said, eyes looking up while she tries to remember. "Well, it's blue, and it's by a giant area of grass with lots of animals, and chickens."

PeaFlower October 27th, 2017 05:06 PM

Re: Teddy's residence(Always Open)

Originally Posted by Ashpetal (Post 412093)
"um," she said, eyes looking up while she tries to remember. "Well, it's blue, and it's by a giant area of grass with lots of animals, and chickens."

Hazel's whiskers betrayed her excited state, as she yelled out "Hey ! I know that place !".
She quickly collected herself, and cleared her throat, before clarifying "Well, I mean, I never went there, but some old cats told me of such a place, so ... " She let her ears fall down. "Yeah, I don't really know where that is. Sorry." But then she lit up again. "But by eliminating all the places I do know ... we'll have a smaller area to explore !". She sat down, seemingly proud of herself.

Barnabas October 27th, 2017 09:18 PM

Re: Teddy's residence(Always Open)


Teddy looked at them with a smile. We could go on an adventure to find her home. That would be fun. The tom gave his chest fur a few licks before saying, "We could help you find your home. How about it Hazel?" Teddy had always wanted to go on an adventure, but never had the chance to. There was movement behind him, causing Teddy to turn around. A tom kit stood in front of him. "Your going on an adventure you say?" asked the kit.

PeaFlower October 28th, 2017 09:03 AM

Re: Teddy's residence(Always Open)
"I. Am. In." Hazel replied. "No offense, but I usually don't stick around so long in one place and ..." She was about to finish that sentence, when she smelled another scent coming their way, and felt some movement from behind Teddy, as a kit made his presence known. Seriously ? Hazel thought. At the kit's question she couldn't help but snort a little. "Yeah, little one. We're going on a big adventure to help a damsel in distress. It's grown up stuff though, nothing for a kit to take part in." She thought for a moment that this was a bit too rude, as she had just met the little guy, but she remembered how many adventures she had been denied by the elder cats in her area when she was a kit, and didn't feel as bad. Plus, she wasn't going to play kitsitter in an area she hadn't visited yet. Who knows what stuff they would encounter on their way to Blossom's place ?
She looked back at Teddy and Blossom. If the kit wanted to just ask them where they were going, she'd be fine with it. But if he wanted to come with and they accepted ... well, their loss. She wasn't going to waste her time for a kit she barely knew.
Standing up, she looked back at the kit. "But I guess you'd rather have someone else's input on the matter." With that, she went to sit back down a little further away from the other felines and licked her fur back into place, waiting for the rest to unfold.
@SparkleDemon @Ashpetal

Liekki October 28th, 2017 03:50 PM

Re: Teddy's residence(Always Open)
Blossom blinked, "Thank you." She turned around and saw a kitten nearby them. He had said he wanted to come with. "Where's your family, little one?" She asked. "You should go with them, it's not going to be as exciting as you think, we're just..." she searched for the right term that would dissuade him, "searching for my home, nothing special. Boring, you might say." Blossom put an indifferent face on, as to make the kitten disinterested. She looked at the others. Hazel obviously wasn't in favor of the kitten coming, she looked over at Teddy. After all, the kitten had approached him.

Barnabas October 30th, 2017 12:05 PM

Re: Teddy's residence(Always Open)
Teddy looked at the kitten with a roll of his eyes. The Tom knew this kit in fact it was the kitten that lived with them. "Miles you can't go with us. Its too dangerous and plus our two-legs will miss you." meowed Teddy. Miles looked at him with a low growl. He had just heard this from the other she-cat and now his friend. "Ill be fine. Those two-legs won't miss for too long. They get too busy with the new baby." complained Miles. Teddy shook his head in annoyance.
(For a plot, I'm going to have miles follow them and then they'll have to save him from getting attacked by a dog.)

PeaFlower October 30th, 2017 12:32 PM

Re: Teddy's residence(Always Open)

Originally Posted by SparkleDemon (Post 413765)
(For a plot, I'm going to have miles follow them and then they'll have to save him from getting attacked by a dog.)

(sounds good, hazel might be reluctant to help him though, but she has a good heart so she probably will attempt to save him anyways)

At this point, Hazel's patience was wearing thin. She really wasn't good with kits, and this was another instance in which she was definitely proving that. She was about to open her mouth when she remembered her previous decision, and shut it back again.
Though, incapable of refraining herself from commenting things, she quietly mumbled a "Ugh. Kits." and shook her head, annoyed, imitating Teddy's previous actions.
Speaking of Teddy, and Blossom too, their apparent decisions were to leave the kit there, too. She almost purred in relief.
But, if the little troublemaker was to follow them and get in trouble anyway ... hey, his loss. She wasn't going to risk her life for a disobedient little runt. She had suffered waiting on her own, he was going to be experiencing that too. That was the way life was supposed to go.

(Sorry this is kinda bad and has little to no dialogue, I didn't know what to do with this ^^")

Liekki October 30th, 2017 04:18 PM

Re: Teddy's residence(Always Open)
Blossom sighed, "Little kitten, it won't be fun, it'll be boring and dull and nothing fun is going to happen. We're just... just..." Blossom looked at the kit. He kept persisting, his face pleading. Blossom's heart crumbled. She couldn't remember being that young, but she had a small memory of herself huddling in the woods, cold and alone. She was scared for the kit that he could get lost, or hurt. @SparkleDemon @PeaFlower

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