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SuspiciousMindz October 5th, 2016 02:37 AM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing
[I'm not a stranger I swear xD I'm Echo]

Jaguarclaw silently awaited her answer. He didn't mind waiting, he was very patient which earned him tough skin. Not even the meanest of clan mates seemed to ruffle his fur. Although once the she-cat did speak, the warrior's hues lit up even more. A border patrol! That could be exciting! The warrior tried to think positively about it. Sure, a hunt would have some excitement, but if no one has checked the Windclan border, as Marbledface said, then someone needed to. As the thoughts processed he realized he had left an awkward silence between the two and quickly attempted to fix that. "Oh! Uh, sure. A border patrol sounds terrific. Gets us out in the territory at least," he spoke, tearing his gaze away with embarrassment. Normally that didn't happen -- leaving a silence -- it was rude and Jaguarclaw wasn't one to act rude which made the whole situation weird for him.

The warrior rose to his paws now. Standing at his full height, the Bengal seemed to tower over many of his clan mates, though he couldn't help that. It was just due to his breed of cat. The warrior cast one last glance at Marbledface as he turned and began to pad towards the entrance, leaving her with the decision whether to follow or not. Personally, the feline hoped she would choose to follow even though he hadn't given a warning that they would be leaving at that moment.

Ever October 5th, 2016 11:06 AM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing
(I will post on the border)

lost October 5th, 2016 08:17 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing

PREVIOUS POST: "...Are you kiddin' me? Shrewcall, you're a wonderful cat!" Martenleap exclaimed, his eyes wide with disbelief as his buddy revealed how he was usually hidden in the background, unnoticed and alone. He'd never thought of Shrew like that- sure, he could be a bit shy, but he was such a lovely cat, one who deserved everything in the entire world. He needed attention, he deserved other cats to talk to him and compliment him. I don't want to be special, I just want to be the cat who makes others feel special. So they can be included, too. "Even though some other cats might've not noticed how great you are, I've never thought of you like that. You're my foreground, the first cat I recognize in a crowd. You're wonderful, y'know that? Just an amazing cat to be around."

REPLY: Shrewcall started as Martenleap with wide, surprised eyes. He never believed that this tom would think him wonderful, great... He was the foreground in Martenleap's painting, and that brought a strange feeling to his chest that he could not ignore. It warmed him, it scared him. But most of all, it made him want more. "Thank you, Martenleap... for being so perfect for me." He whispered those words, not quite sure if they were the best thing to say. He was new to this. Martenleap was the only cat he could act so flirty- no, loving- around. "You are an amazing cat, and I'm so glad that you are the only subject I see. Foreground, midground, and background. I'm glad you are in every part of my world."

lone October 6th, 2016 03:49 PM

~for @Owl~
Ashpaw sat in the clearing, the grey apprentice's cold yellow eyes staring straight ahead, absorbed by her thoughts. The apprentice's ears swiveled, following the conversation of the other cats, although it wasn't like they were talking about anything interesting. Ashpaw sighed and stretched out into a more comfortable position somewhat lazily, not quite sure what to do with herself. She would go hunting, but she wasn't in the mood to...she would have almost preferred another cat to come, just so there'd be some competition and it would make it more interesting, but then she would have to deal with their chatter. Ashpaw's ears went back in annoyance at the thought of spending her afternoon talking with some cat about stuff that didn't really matter. Well, it could be worse...I could be stuck sitting here talking to some cat about stuff that didn't matter, she thought with a slight snort. Ashpaw stretched out and rolled onto her side, her yellow eyes never leaving the other cats in the clearing. The apprentice's cold gaze rolled over them all carelessly, not seeing any cat that caught her eye at all. There had to be at least one cat that wouldn't waste her day, and would do something other than lounging around. Ashpaw sighed, rolling back over onto her stomach and getting to her paws, curling her long, fluffy tail around her with a swoop. She licked her maw as she often did when thinking, and cocked her head to the side in a curious fashion. She could look quite charming while doing this, as long as she didn't begin to speak. Once the apprentice opened her maw, any thoughts of charm and elegance disappeared.

*Lionblaze//Falconpaw October 6th, 2016 07:34 PM

Re: ShadowClan Nursery
Talonkit looked at his Twin Brokenkit with his head tilted"Hmm" he mumbled



Fel October 6th, 2016 08:26 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by toothlost (Post 284)

PREVIOUS POST: "...Are you kiddin' me? Shrewcall, you're a wonderful cat!" Martenleap exclaimed, his eyes wide with disbelief as his buddy revealed how he was usually hidden in the background, unnoticed and alone. He'd never thought of Shrew like that- sure, he could be a bit shy, but he was such a lovely cat, one who deserved everything in the entire world. He needed attention, he deserved other cats to talk to him and compliment him. I don't want to be special, I just want to be the cat who makes others feel special. So they can be included, too. "Even though some other cats might've not noticed how great you are, I've never thought of you like that. You're my foreground, the first cat I recognize in a crowd. You're wonderful, y'know that? Just an amazing cat to be around."

REPLY: Shrewcall started as Martenleap with wide, surprised eyes. He never believed that this tom would think him wonderful, great... He was the foreground in Martenleap's painting, and that brought a strange feeling to his chest that he could not ignore. It warmed him, it scared him. But most of all, it made him want more. "Thank you, Martenleap... for being so perfect for me." He whispered those words, not quite sure if they were the best thing to say. He was new to this. Martenleap was the only cat he could act so flirty- no, loving- around. "You are an amazing cat, and I'm so glad that you are the only subject I see. Foreground, midground, and background. I'm glad you are in every part of my world."

Martenleap was still smiling- he believes that Shrewcall was capable of anything he wanted to do, and had a gut feeling that the fellow tom didn't think of himself as equal to Marten- though that wasn't true. He was brave and kind, and he just didn't know it yet- and it made Martenleap beam even brighter when his friend thanked him. "I'm not perfect- nobody's perfect, but we're both wonderful." Hesitating, he continued to add to his statement, hoping Shre would be okay with it. I don't think we're just friends anymore. "We're wonderful for each other, Shrewcall- you've been my friend for awhile now, but you're more to me than a friend, or even a best friend could be. Ever." Taking in a deep breath, the Shadowclan warrior prepared to talk, hoping he wouldn't end up getting friendzoned, hoping that he was making the right desicion- but he couldn't be doubtful of this relationship. He couldn't have any doubts about the two of them, because they were meant to be together.

"Shrewcall, would you be so honored as to be my mate?"

lost October 6th, 2016 08:33 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by fenic! (Post 1309)
Martenleap was still smiling- he believes that Shrewcall was capable of anything he wanted to do, and had a gut feeling that the fellow tom didn't think of himself as equal to Marten- though that wasn't true. He was brave and kind, and he just didn't know it yet- and it made Martenleap beam even brighter when his friend thanked him. "I'm not perfect- nobody's perfect, but we're both wonderful." Hesitating, he continued to add to his statement, hoping Shre would be okay with it. I don't think we're just friends anymore. "We're wonderful for each other, Shrewcall- you've been my friend for awhile now, but you're more to me than a friend, or even a best friend could be. Ever." Taking in a deep breath, the Shadowclan warrior prepared to talk, hoping he wouldn't end up getting friendzoned, hoping that he was making the right desicion- but he couldn't be doubtful of this relationship. He couldn't have any doubts about the two of them, because they were meant to be together.

"Shrewcall, would you be so honored as to be my mate?"

There was a silence that met Martenleap's words as Shrewcall stared at the other tom, but it seemed his gaze went right past him and into the beyond. His pelt seemed to be bristled slightly, his ears shifted back in a hardly noticeable away. Martenleap wants to be my mate? I'm.. this... I am dreaming. His thoughts grew jumbled and he struggled to even gather a stable thought. Nothing came out like it should. He didn't trust himself to form words. But then he realized he had to talk. Martenleap would panic. "StarClan, of course!" he gasped out quickly, his eyes finally coming into focus on the amazing tom before him, "I wouldn't want anything less. I've wanted nothing less for so long..." He lunged forward just enough to put his nose to the other cat's, his eyes drifting closed for a few moments before he stepped forward to rub his body again Martenleap's before he sat beside him and leaned into him, too excited to contain his affections. "Of course I want to be your mate... It's... everything I've wanted with you."

Silverfur & Co October 7th, 2016 02:49 AM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing
Spiritfrost laid there cleaning her paws and looked up as she was getting tired and darkblaze had been purring at her. Midnightpaw rolled his eyes as his mentor had yet again fallen in love and he couldnt find a molly one that liked him.

Drago Victinius Bloodward October 7th, 2016 05:16 AM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing
[ QUOTE=Silverfur & Co;1624]Spiritfrost laid there cleaning her paws and looked up as she was getting tired and darkblaze had been purring at her. Midnightpaw rolled his eyes as his mentor had yet again fallen in love and he couldnt find a molly one that liked him.[/QUOTE]

Darkblaze strecthed his jaws wide as he yawned

cinder October 7th, 2016 07:25 AM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing
Cinderpaw had just crawled back out of the apprentice's den after sleeping for what felt like an eternity, as she slipped into the clearing in hopes of finding something to do, or someone to talk to, the she-cat curled up and rolled onto her back to stretch her legs and back out, almost wiggling against the floor before she turned over onto her four paws, grappling the floor with her claws and pulling herself up to her four paws, plopping down and tucking her paws underneath her chest to lay down in the most comfortable way she could.

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