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BEAR. September 20th, 2017 01:36 AM

Re: DayClan
[don't mind! and i'm fine with it as long as the others are @Undercover ]

"Where's the fun in 'eventually?'" Thrushstar's voice was light, as if he was amused by the warriors' lack of enthusiasm towards patrolling. "You'll never get anywhere if you don't jump at the occasion." He glanced in the direction of Softstep at the sound of her voice, welcoming the she-cat with a gentle "Softstep. I'm doing well, how are you?" Other than his conflicting thoughts on the future deputy and having to wait for consultancy, the young leader was fine. Relatively speaking, that is. "Ah yes, I was asking Riskflight if she was heading out soon. It's about time for the dawn patrol, and I don't see why you wouldn't be able to come along. Is Fawnpaw going to accompany you?"

@Bandido, @Rubinato, @CandyFlossCat

red_inactive September 20th, 2017 02:38 PM

Re: DayClan
@Bandido @Mad King @CandyFlossCat

"Ah, yes." Softstep responded, her tail swishing back and forth with barely contained energy, ready to be let out during a hunting patrol, or running along the borders with her apprentice. "Fawnpaw could use some more experience outside of the camp, and it wouldn't be a bad idea to remind her where the borders are. Have you figured out who your deputy will be, or are you still working on that?" The molly inquired, finally sitting down in a bid to keep herself still. Her yellow eyes were locked with Thrushstar's, giving him her full attention. Softstep tried very hard to be a good role model for her apprentice, and she felt like she was succeeding in that endeavor. Which was rather good; with her parents originally being kittypets, she felt like some warriors didn't respect her simply for her kittypet heritage. StarClan forbid her own apprentice thought that way about her as well. "And will you be joining us on the patrol?" Softstep couldn't help but blurt out the question, her fur fluffing up with mild embarrassment as she gazed at the tom in front of her, curious as to what his answer would be.

Cosmo September 20th, 2017 02:54 PM

Re: DayClan

[ @Undercover of course! ]

Role September 20th, 2017 03:04 PM

Re: DayClan
Robinwing turned, a faint smile on his maw. "Yes, Whitepaw? Can I help you?" The tom blinked his pale, green eyes at the younger tom while he tipped his head. He noticed Whitepaw looked disturbed, but by what? The large tom sat down, and swayed his tail across the ground beside him. It was merely an offer to sit beside him.
Robinwing let himself get distracted for the few moments he had to spare. He watched small birds chatter above, and flutter about without a care in the world. A small feather swayed in the wind until it inevitably landed on the ground.

( @starfall
Sorry it's short!)

wickedvirtues September 20th, 2017 05:35 PM

Re: DayClan

Originally Posted by Rubinaito (Post 388972)
@Bandido @Mad King @CandyFlossCat

"Ah, yes." Softstep responded, her tail swishing back and forth with barely contained energy, ready to be let out during a hunting patrol, or running along the borders with her apprentice. "Fawnpaw could use some more experience outside of the camp, and it wouldn't be a bad idea to remind her where the borders are. Have you figured out who your deputy will be, or are you still working on that?" The molly inquired, finally sitting down in a bid to keep herself still. Her yellow eyes were locked with Thrushstar's, giving him her full attention. Softstep tried very hard to be a good role model for her apprentice, and she felt like she was succeeding in that endeavor. Which was rather good; with her parents originally being kittypets, she felt like some warriors didn't respect her simply for her kittypet heritage. StarClan forbid her own apprentice thought that way about her as well. "And will you be joining us on the patrol?" Softstep couldn't help but blurt out the question, her fur fluffing up with mild embarrassment as she gazed at the tom in front of her, curious as to what his answer would be.

Fawnpaw sprinted over to her mentor, a bit out of breath by the time she arrived. Her eyes were still glowing with energy, however, like always.The young Somali grinned up at her mentor eagerly, hoping there was something fun to do. Seeing boarders sounded a tiny bit boring, but perhaps it wouldn't be? Fawnpaw sat, trying to remain still-ish and smiling brightly. She admired both cats next to her, and she almost couldn't help squeaking out hundreds of questions. She kept her mouth shut, however, for now. They were talking about more warrior-ish things, so she distracted herself with a random butterfly she saw until they finished. Fawnpaw's tail flicked, and she smiled still. "Hunting patrol?" She squeaked, grinning.

BEAR. September 21st, 2017 01:56 PM

Re: DayClan
"I'm still working on it. I wanted to consult with Cloudrunner to get his advice, but he doesn't seem to be awake at the moment and it can wait until after the patrol. It's not Moonhigh yet!" Thrushstar had most of the day to figure out who he would make his deputy, and he knew if necessary he could hold it off longer. StarClan likely wouldn't smite him for his indecision.

Or maybe they will, he thought, and take away the last life I have so the most senior warrior can take my place. He wouldn't blame their ancestors if that was the path they chose, but he didn't think it'd be an issue. "I wouldn't miss a patrol for the life of me," he responded with a small grin of his own. "Yes, a hunting patrol. Depending on how close we are to the borders we might as well check them, too. Are you ready to go? We should leave sooner rather than later!"

@Rubinaito, @CandyFlossCat, @Bandido

Socks September 21st, 2017 02:10 PM

Re: DayClan
Dewnose lay in camp under the rays of the morning sun, feeling the gentle heat on her multicolored fur as she shifted onto her back. It was a lazy morning for her, she hadn't been called to do any dawn patrols and intended to get some extra relaxation in before she went out on a hunt. She looked up at the sky and watched the slowly drifting clouds against the blue and listening to the chirping of birds around.

She slowly got restless as she looked up, squirming in her spot didn't help so she decided it was time to get up. Twisting onto her paws, she extended her paws out until she felt her bones shift and become less stiff. She stood, satisfied and shook out her long pelt. With a brisk lick of her chest, she looked around the clearing for a cat to take hunting with her.

Fawn September 21st, 2017 02:14 PM

Re: DayClan
((if anyone would like to roleplay with Cloud, have a short starter))
Fascinated eyes rose to be level with the small root in front of Cloudrunner. The tom was crouched down near the entrance to the medicine cat's den, staring intently at the scene before him: on the root was a beetle, scurrying to some unknown destination. "You're a cute one, aren't you," murmured Cloudrunner, inching closer and closer to the subject of his studying gaze. His movements were slow and steady as he attempted to avoid scaring the tiny bug, who was unaware of his presence. "Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you." Unlike some of my rather barbaric clanmates, he thought sadly, wishing they would leave the insect population alone -- there was no reason to take the lives of what they did not need. Suddenly, the beetle appeared to notice him since it picked up its pace, disappearing from sight within only a few moments and leaving Cloudrunner to his thoughts. Straightening his body out, the medicine cat peered around the camp to ensure all was peaceful - it seemed like a quiet day so far, and that was probably for the best. As much as he adored his herbs and helping his clanmates, using them generally meant someone wasn't completely healthy.

"A marvelous sunup, indeed," Cloudrunner chirped to nobody specifically, having a habit of blathering to himself (and anyone else who he felt comfortable with) about nothing in particular. He wasn't the most social cat but tried to be amiable; he didn't want to give the impression of being rude even if he hardly knew what to say. Cloudrunner spoke the language of his herbs first and foremost, they were his most treasured companions and couldn't really run away like the beetle had.

wickedvirtues September 21st, 2017 03:30 PM

Re: DayClan

Originally Posted by Mad King (Post 389521)
"I'm still working on it. I wanted to consult with Cloudrunner to get his advice, but he doesn't seem to be awake at the moment and it can wait until after the patrol. It's not Moonhigh yet!" Thrushstar had most of the day to figure out who he would make his deputy, and he knew if necessary he could hold it off longer. StarClan likely wouldn't smite him for his indecision.

Or maybe they will, he thought, and take away the last life I have so the most senior warrior can take my place. He wouldn't blame their ancestors if that was the path they chose, but he didn't think it'd be an issue. "I wouldn't miss a patrol for the life of me," he responded with a small grin of his own. "Yes, a hunting patrol. Depending on how close we are to the borders we might as well check them, too. Are you ready to go? We should leave sooner rather than later!"

@CandyFlossCat, @Bandido

Hunting with the leader of the Clan? Do not be mouse-brained! Fawnpaw thought, smiling. She just had to be less..bouncing around-ish. Yeah. Okay there was probably a better word but her mind was too preoccupied with excited squealing. Fawnpaw contained her excitement and sat next to her mentor, deciding to think about the new deputy instead. I bet they'll be nice, and fair, and loyal and awesome! Fawnpaw thought, imagining her 'perfect cat' for their next deputy. She was a bit saddened she wasn't old enough to be deputy. She was only a young apprentice, after all, but she was too curious to be jealous.

red_inactive September 21st, 2017 04:10 PM

Re: DayClan
@Mad King @CandyFlossCat @Bandido

"Yeah!" Softstep declared, standing up quickly and almost knocking her apprentice over. She blinked for a moment, before glancing at the leader and her energy returning in full force. "Alright, we're gonna be the best hunting patrol today!" She declared, lashing her tail with determination before looking down at her apprentice. "And you will catch a rabbit before sundown." Softstep said, flicking her tail over Fawnpaw's shoulder. It was typical of Softstep to assign her apprentice a piece of prey to catch before the end of the day in a bid to help her get better at hunting.

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