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Leucos October 7th, 2017 12:18 PM

Re: Powered??

Originally Posted by Darky (Post 399385)

Ronnie slowly got up as she saw the boy with a boulder to her face.
"How is this for a human?" The boy asked.(Indiana jones reference in 5..4..3...2......1) the boulder started to roll as Ronnie ran off. The boulder chased her as she had summoned a fire whip as she had when aross the cliff to the other side were she met up with Aika.
"Don't ask" Ronnie said.
Blackhood took Marcie inside.

Aika glanced at Ronnie and was still confused as to why she was beside her still
" um why are you following me? " she asked as she walked in the shadows she dared not make any more eye contact she didn't want to start a really long conversation at all.

Darky October 7th, 2017 12:23 PM

Re: Powered??

Originally Posted by Hawkstar (Post 399392)
Aika glanced at Ronnie and was still confused as to why she was beside her still
" um why are you following me? " she asked as she walked in the shadows she dared not make any more eye contact she didn't want to start a really long conversation at all.

"Not at all, this time I didn't." Ronnie said as she pulled aika back as a car almost fell on the girl.

Leucos October 7th, 2017 12:29 PM

Re: Powered??

Originally Posted by Darky (Post 399399)

"Not at all, this time I didn't." Ronnie said as she pulled aika back as a car almost fell on the girl.

Aika gasped as she was moved
" why are you still trying to help me?give me an answer " she said and crossed her arms
" normally no one helps me they just laugh . " she said and threw the bully far away from her.

Darky October 7th, 2017 12:32 PM

Re: Powered??

Originally Posted by Hawkstar (Post 399402)
Aika gasped as she was moved
" why are you still trying to help me?give me an answer " she said and crossed her arms
" normally no one helps me they just laugh . " she said and threw the bully far away from her.

"I want to help someone out like me and the bullies that are bullying you don't think you deserve your power, trust me I been there" Ronnie said.

Leucos October 7th, 2017 12:41 PM

Re: Powered??

Originally Posted by Darky (Post 399409)

"I want to help someone out like me and the bullies that are bullying you don't think you deserve your power, trust me I been there" Ronnie said.

" they think that?? I honestly don't care what they think " she said and started walking again . She swore it was a joke that Ronnie wanted to help her she just looked at the ground

NightWarrior4Life October 7th, 2017 12:41 PM

Re: Powered??
(Imma just quickly do a little thing of them when they were little and then go to when they're adults)

Aradia played on her own in the park. All she had was a basket, so she could pick flowers. After drawing pictures in the sand with her fingers for a while, she looked up and noticed a boy playing on his own, looking rather jealous and sulky. She realised it was Frost. He was a big deal around here...or sort of...he wasn't really talked about much. Frost was the least favourite and the younger brother of Lightning. Well, they say "younger" but there are rumours that he was adopted, or kidnapped by his parents after they killed his real ones...that's where he gets his Ice powers from. Aradia didn't know too much, and she didn't want to dig too deep into his backstory either. Frost was known to be Salty and she didn't want him to lash out at her. So instead, she decided to make friends with the black haired boy.
"Hi Frost!"
"And you are?" Frost didn't look at her, just continued to make a mound of sand by pouring more and more onto it.
"I'm...Aradia. Can I play with you? I've got no one else to play with and...you look kind of sad-"
"Well keep looking...I'm not looking for friends today...and I don't want your sympathy!" He spat. She was a little hurt but continued to talk.
"I have these flowers...would you like some? Or you could use them to decorate your..." Aradia hesitated, unsure of what Frost was doing.
"I don't know either to be honest...perhaps it could be a volcano...and then it'll erupt into everyone here...and burn them to death..."
"Oh! That's very uhh..."
"Yeah, yeah...whatever...boys don't need flowers like girls do...we're strong..."
"Well then...don't you think your mother would like some?"
"Not really...not from me anyway..." He grumbled.
"What do you want then? I'm trying to cheer you up! I will help you build your volcano!"
"I DON'T WANT YOUR HELP! Go away..." This really upset Aradia. She took his words to heart and left. They rarely saw each other after that, and when they did, they never spoke.

Darky October 7th, 2017 12:45 PM

Re: Powered??

Originally Posted by Hawkstar (Post 399418)
" they think that?? I honestly don't care what they think " she said and started walking again . She swore it was a joke that Ronnie wanted to help her she just looked at the ground

Ronnie got tackled by the attacker. She didn't keep time. The attacker had blinded Ronnie as she couldn't see till the battle was over.

Leucos October 7th, 2017 12:47 PM

Re: Powered??

Originally Posted by Darky (Post 399424)

Ronnie got tackled by the attacker. She didn't keep time. The attacker had blinded Ronnie as she couldn't see till the battle was over.

Aika tackled the attacker and held his throat she narrowed her eyes at the person and hit him in the head she threw him away from them both . The thirteen year old girl grabbed Ronnie and teleported them to her home

Darky October 7th, 2017 12:51 PM

Re: Powered??

Originally Posted by Hawkstar (Post 399428)
Aika tackled the attacker and held his throat she narrowed her eyes at the person and hit him in the head she threw him away from them both . The thirteen year old girl grabbed Ronnie and teleported them to her home

Ronnie groaned as she gotten her eyesight back, it was blurry as she didn't know were she was.

Leucos October 7th, 2017 12:58 PM

Re: Powered??

Originally Posted by Darky (Post 399438)

Ronnie groaned as she gotten her eyesight back, it was blurry as she didn't know were she was.

Aika sighed as she set Ronnie on her bed she had a wash cloth and put it on her fore head . The girl had a massive head ache already , she just wanted silence she just sat beside Ronnie and read a book

Darky October 7th, 2017 01:02 PM

Re: Powered??

Originally Posted by Hawkstar (Post 399445)
Aika sighed as she set Ronnie on her bed she had a wash cloth and put it on her fore head . The girl had a massive head ache already , she just wanted silence she just sat beside Ronnie and read a book

Ronnie was quiet as she was felling better. She saw thought the walls.
Blackhood was watching a movie with Marcie as she heard her friends. Sky and darky were fight over what tv show was better again! She heard Weiss and haruko talking as hazel and Ella were opening the door.

NightWarrior4Life October 7th, 2017 01:03 PM

Re: Powered??
Fast forward about 15 years later...

Frost's mother was murdered and he blames himself. His father was put in a coma for some time and is now homeless an living on the streets.
Aradia has run away from her family and is now rich, living as a normal woman in the city. Lightning has also been away, supposedly on a holiday, for quite some time therefore Frost is running the house on his own.

Frost opened the door to meet a man with a letter in his hand.
"Letter for you sir." He lifted his arm and handed it to Frost.
"Thank you." He dismissed the man and closed the door behind him. Opening up the envelope, he noticed that it was from his father. I haven't seen him for months...years even...why write to me now?
It said:
Frost, my son.
I see you're struggling a little with running the house in my absence and you seem lonely. No good King can rule without a queen now, can he? Go and get one! I've found the perfect one for you too...head down to the city...a girl in blue...you'll know when she's the one...
Good luck!
~ Your father

"Guess I'm going on a trip...you know what, I may as well cause some trouble while I'm down there...I could meet up with that gang of thieves and we can rob a bank! Yeah...sounds like a good idea..." So he headed across the bridge, toward the tunnel that linked his little countryside village to the city.

Leucos October 7th, 2017 01:07 PM

Re: Powered??

Originally Posted by Darky (Post 399449)

Ronnie was quiet as she was felling better. She saw thought the walls.
Blackhood was watching a movie with Marcie as she heard her friends. Sky and darky were fight over what tv show was better again! She heard Weiss and haruko talking as hazel and Ella were opening the door.

Marcie ears perked as she heard more people come in and she tilted her head she hopped off the bed and peeked out of the door
Haruko rolled her eyes at weisses conversation
" well I don't think it will ever happen you being a millionare " she said and Weiss scoffed and she put her hands on her side" not with that attuted " Weiss said with a smile. Haruko gagged and smiled at hazel
Aika looked up from her book
" seems like you are feeling better " the girl said as she levitated a glass of water to Ronnie

judas October 7th, 2017 01:12 PM

Re: Powered??
I got tagged so 030
Name: Rima
Age: 16
Power: Dark magic/Can control Shadows
Appearance: Short masculine female, blond hair and blue eyes. Her eyes turn red sometimes if she gets angry or annoyed
Personality: Shy - Secluded - Awkward
Other :

Darky October 7th, 2017 01:13 PM

Re: Powered??

Originally Posted by Hawkstar (Post 399455)
Marcie ears perked as she heard more people come in and she tilted her head she hopped off the bed and peeked out of the door
Haruko rolled her eyes at weisses conversation
" well I don't think it will ever happen you being a millionare " she said and Weiss scoffed and she put her hands on her side" not with that attuted " Weiss said with a smile. Haruko gagged and smiled at hazel
Aika looked up from her book
" seems like you are feeling better " the girl said as she levitated a glass of water to Ronnie

"I say Lucifer is better than the flash!" Sky said.
"No the flash is better!a at least he doesn't have big ass wings!" Darky said.
"The name of the hero is lame! Super speed and you call it the flash!" Sky said.
"QUIT IT YOU TWO" hazel said as the girls whined
"Thanks"'Ronnie said getting the cup.

Darky October 7th, 2017 01:13 PM

Re: Powered??

Originally Posted by Myik (Post 399459)
I got tagged so 030
Name: Rima
Age: 16
Power: Dark magic/Can control Shadows
Appearance: Short masculine female, blond hair and blue eyes. Her eyes turn red sometimes if she gets angry or annoyed
Personality: Shy - Secluded - Awkward
Other :


NightWarrior4Life October 7th, 2017 01:14 PM

Re: Powered??
Meanwhile, A young woman was putting together some sort of time machine looking thing.
"That's looking good Aradia! Thanks for your help..."
"Well, with our money and your skills I think we could get this to work...and make a good profit off it as well..."
"And use it for some good. What if we could go back and stop wars? But perhaps it's better that we don't meddle in that stuff...I don't trust myself enough." The man smiled cheekily.
"Thanks so much Rodger! It's been my pleasure...see you again on Saturday?"
"Sure-if you're still here. There's a lot of crime in this city...you go careful...Lightning's been pretty strange lately, disappearing like that...watch out if Frost comes back..."
"What's he gonna do? Tell us to bow down then trample us with his horse?"
"Well, last time he caused some sort of Alien invasion or zombie apocalypse...he stabbed our second I command to death...we'll sort of...and he turned 2 of our best into mind controlled servants so...I think he could do a lot! Not to mention the fact that he could freeze us all and have the city to himself if he wanted to...anyway, you take care of yourself. Call me if there's anything wrong or a change or something..."
"Will do...bye!" And with that, Aradia left.

NightWarrior4Life October 7th, 2017 01:15 PM

Re: Powered??
(Question, can Frost have Mind control as well?)

Leucos October 7th, 2017 01:18 PM

Re: Powered??

Originally Posted by Darky (Post 399463)

"I say Lucifer is better than the flash!" Sky said.
"No the flash is better!a at least he doesn't have big ass wings!" Darky said.
"The name of the hero is lame! Super speed and you call it the flash!" Sky said.
"QUIT IT YOU TWO" hazel said as the girls whined.

Marcie had to disagree with both of them as she bardged in and shook her head
" aha correction once upon a time is better than both! Since it has snow white and all of the other fairy tail characters . And emma swan is snow whites daughter " Marcie said with a wide smile and her ears perked up in happiness her tail wagged . Haruko and Weiss decided there opinion should be heard
" ugh no! RWBY is better! " Weiss said and Haruko face palmed
" well no duh you where named after a character ! Doesn't supernatural deserve love ? " Haruko asked as she had a Dean Winchester button and Weiss stuck her toun out

judas October 7th, 2017 01:23 PM

Re: Powered??
Rima yawned, stretching her arm out as eyes flickered open. Sighing as she walked down the street. Her sleeves pulled up, exposing a small mark. Most wouldn't notice it's importance.
"Master, cover your arm please." A voice says in the background.
"Shush, Asuramaru it's fine." She replies, oddly no one around her. "You can't let them know how you increased your powers. Master plea-" "Shush!" She walks faster, seeing a few people about to turn the corner she was on. Her hand touches the wall, shaded by a building. The mark glows purple and she melts into the shadow. Moving without making a sound.

Darky October 7th, 2017 01:29 PM

Re: Powered??

Originally Posted by Hawkstar (Post 399469)
Marcie had to disagree with both of them as she bardged in and shook her head
" aha correction once upon a time is better than both! Since it has snow white and all of the other fairy tail characters . And emma swan is snow whites daughter " Marcie said with a wide smile and her ears perked up in happiness her tail wagged . Haruko and Weiss decided there opinion should be heard
" ugh no! RWBY is better! " Weiss said and Haruko face palmed
" well no duh you where named after a character ! Doesn't supernatural deserve love ? " Haruko asked as she had a Dean Winchester button and Weiss stuck her toun out


Originally Posted by Myik (Post 399472)
Rima yawned, stretching her arm out as eyes flickered open. Sighing as she walked down the street. Her sleeves pulled up, exposing a small mark. Most wouldn't notice it's importance.
"Master, cover your arm please." A voice says in the background.
"Shush, Asuramaru it's fine." She replies, oddly no one around her. "You can't let them know how you increased your powers. Master plea-" "Shush!" She walks faster, seeing a few people about to turn the corner she was on. Her hand touches the wall, shaded by a building. The mark glows purple and she melts into the shadow. Moving without making a sound.

"Hey why don't we watch the shows then approve which is the best, plus one upon a time is best!" Blackhood said.
"Fine but we are wacthing the flash first" darky said.
Ella walked around as she looked at the girl. She was spinning her sias as she stopped. She was pushed off by an bully as she landed on the trashcan as she was still on her feet. She groaned.

Darky October 7th, 2017 01:30 PM

Re: Powered??

Originally Posted by NightWarrior4Life (Post 399466)
(Question, can Frost have Mind control as well?)

Sure why not

Leucos October 7th, 2017 01:32 PM

Re: Powered??

Originally Posted by Darky (Post 399479)

"Hey why don't we watch the shows then approve which is the best, plus one upon a time is best!" Blackhood said.
"Fine but we are wacthing the flash first" darky said.
Ella walked around as she looked at the girl. She was spinning her sias as she stopped. She was pushed off by an bully as she landed on the trashcan as she was still on her feet. She groaned.

Have you seen once upon a time yet? )
Marcie shrugged and sat down and Weiss squealed she sat on the couch as Haruko showed no emotion and she sat on the floor holding her book
' How long is this show!' The three girls thought

Darky October 7th, 2017 01:35 PM

Re: Powered??

Originally Posted by Hawkstar (Post 399483)
Have you seen once upon a time yet? )
Marcie shrugged and sat down and Weiss squealed she sat on the couch as Haruko showed no emotion and she sat on the floor holding her book
' How long is this show!' The three girls thought

"It's freaking 30 minutes" darky said as it was the first episode. Hazel was the judge as she didn't like any of theses. It was interesting.

Leucos October 7th, 2017 01:40 PM

Re: Powered??

Originally Posted by Darky (Post 399487)

"It's freaking 30 minutes" darky said as it was the first episode. Hazel was the judge as she didn't like any of theses. It was interesting.

Never mind..)

Haruko raised her eyebrow as she was opening her book she didn't really like hero's that much besides books where better . Weiss was humming red like roses from her favorite show and Marcie was trying to focus on watching the tv show as her ears where perked

judas October 7th, 2017 01:41 PM

Re: Powered??

Originally Posted by Darky (Post 399479)

"Hey why don't we watch the shows then approve which is the best, plus one upon a time is best!" Blackhood said.
"Fine but we are wacthing the flash first" darky said.
Ella walked around as she looked at the girl. She was spinning her sias as she stopped. She was pushed off by an bully as she landed on the trashcan as she was still on her feet. She groaned.

Rima jumped forward, releasing her from the shadows. Her rune marking glowing on her arm. "Master!" Asuramaru yelled, her tripped, landing on top of Ella.

Darky October 7th, 2017 01:43 PM

Re: Powered??

Originally Posted by Hawkstar (Post 399489)
Never mind..)

Haruko raised her eyebrow as she was opening her book she didn't really like hero's that much besides books where better . Weiss was humming red like roses from her favorite show and Marcie was trying to focus on watching the tv show as her ears where perked


Originally Posted by Myik (Post 399491)

Rima jumped forward, releasing her from the shadows. Her rune marking glowing on her arm. "Master!" Asuramaru yelled, her tripped, landing on top of Ella.

Ella groaned louder as she was in much pain.
"Would you please get off me" Ella groaned.
(30 minutes later)
"Whoes going next?" Hazel asked as she gave the flash a 9

Leucos October 7th, 2017 01:48 PM

Re: Powered??

Originally Posted by Darky (Post 399492)

Ella groaned louder as she was in much pain.
"Would you please get off me" Ella groaned.
(30 minutes later)
"Whoes going next?" Hazel asked as she gave the flash a 9

" I am! " Weiss said and she got up she changed it to rwby and Marcie jumped she loved the show as well
" BLAKEY FOR THE WIN! " Marcie said as Weiss smiled wide . Haruko glared at the rabbit " what I can't have more than 1 fAv? " Marcie said and put her arms on the sidE Haruko scoffed and rolled her eyes . The first episode was on

Darky October 7th, 2017 01:49 PM

Re: Powered??

Originally Posted by Hawkstar (Post 399498)
" I am! " Weiss said and she got up she changed it to rwby and Marcie jumped she loved the show as well
" BLAKEY FOR THE WIN! " Marcie said as Weiss smiled wide . Haruko glared at the rabbit " what I can't have more than 1 fAv? " Marcie said and put her arms on the sidE Haruko scoffed and rolled her eyes . The first episode was on

Hazel rated a 9.9 as she liked it.

judas October 7th, 2017 01:51 PM

Re: Powered??

Originally Posted by Darky (Post 399492)

Ella groaned louder as she was in much pain.
"Would you please get off me" Ella groaned.
(30 minutes later)
"Whoes going next?" Hazel asked as she gave the flash a 9

Pulling her sleeve down, she could feel Asuramaru's glare. Even though he wouldn't be seen for a while. "Wow, you're friendly." I muttered, standing and brushing herself off. "You are the only who caused me to fall, after all."

Darky October 7th, 2017 01:54 PM

Re: Powered??

Originally Posted by Myik (Post 399501)

Pulling her sleeve down, she could feel Asuramaru's glare. Even though he wouldn't be seen for a while. "Wow, you're friendly." I muttered, standing and brushing herself off. "You are the only who caused me to fall, after all."

"I was freaking pushed!" Ella said getting up. She grabbed her sias as she made a drago sign to heal herself.

(Ella will explain what drago is later on)

Leucos October 7th, 2017 01:57 PM

Re: Powered??

Originally Posted by Darky (Post 399500)

Hazel rated a 9.9 as she liked it.

Haruko grumbled and turned the show to her favorite it showed Dean and Sam in their car and Dean put a spoon in his brothers mouth as Sam was asleep he took a picture as he was driving .
Later it showed the two in an insane asylum
" PUDDIIINNG " Dean said as he acted crazy . Marcie couldn't help but laughs Weiss giggled and Haruko rolled over laughing
" my favorite part " she said

judas October 7th, 2017 01:57 PM

Re: Powered??

Originally Posted by Darky (Post 399504)

"I was freaking pushed!" Ella said getting up. She grabbed her sias as she made a drago sign to heal herself.

(Ella will explain what drago is later on)

"Yeah Yeah," Her eyes glanced down at her arm. Moving her sleeve up as a deep gash covered it. "Asuramaru..." She grumpled. Using most of her sleeve to dab away the blood. Exposing her odd marking outlined in red and black.

Darky October 7th, 2017 02:01 PM

Re: Powered??

Originally Posted by Hawkstar (Post 399512)
Haruko grumbled and turned the show to her favorite it showed Dean and Sam in their car and Dean put a spoon in his brothers mouth as Sam was asleep he took a picture as he was driving .
Later it showed the two in an insane asylum
" PUDDIIINNG " Dean said as he acted crazy . Marcie couldn't help but laughs Weiss giggled and Haruko rolled over laughing
" my favorite part " she said


Originally Posted by Myik (Post 399513)

"Yeah Yeah," Her eyes glanced down at her arm. Moving her sleeve up as a deep gash covered it. "Asuramaru..." She grumpled. Using most of her sleeve to dab away the blood. Exposing her odd marking outlined in red and black.

Hazel gave it a 9.9
Ella had got up as she saw the bully and threw an trash can at the boy.
"Damn bully" ella said grabbing her sias as he cat tail was down.

judas October 7th, 2017 02:05 PM

Re: Powered??

Originally Posted by Darky (Post 399517)

Hazel gave it a 9.9
Ella had got up as she saw the bully and threw an trash can at the boy.
"Damn bully" ella said grabbing her sias as he cat tail was down.

Elbowing the girl, she let out a smirk. "Watch this," She giggled. Her hand held out. "Master, I rather not." "Shut it," She muttered. A small black ball formed at her palm. Using a tossing motion as it hit the kid in the head.

Leucos October 7th, 2017 02:06 PM

Re: Powered??

Originally Posted by Darky (Post 399517)

Hazel gave it a 9.9
Ella had got up as she saw the bully and threw an trash can at the boy.
"Damn bully" ella said grabbing her sias as he cat tail was down.

Marcie face brightened as she put it on ouat ( abbreviation ) and it showed Regina facing the wicked witch of the West
" bring it greeny " Regina and Marcie both said as the wicked witch said
" oh I will sisy " she said and flew off on her broom stick the evil queen walked back to the palace and robin was confused
" did you find out what it was? " he asked
" you where right the sleeping spell wasn't my answer " Regina said and robin smiled " you found a purpose ? " he asked and Regina smirked
" I found something that I needed " she said and robin tilted his head
" some one to destroy " Regina said Evily and Marcie squeeled her rabbit ears twitched as she jumped off the bed . Weiss and Haruko tilted there heads

Darky October 7th, 2017 02:08 PM

Re: Powered??

Originally Posted by Myik (Post 399520)

Elbowing the girl, she let out a smirk. "Watch this," She giggled. Her hand held out. "Master, I rather not." "Shut it," She muttered. A small black ball formed at her palm. Using a tossing motion as it hit the kid in the head.

The boy fell unconscious.
"Even better" Ella said.mshe used a drago sign to bring the boy to her. "That's going to hurt in the morning for him" Ella said as he had gone thought a brock wall.

Darky October 7th, 2017 02:10 PM

Re: Powered??

Originally Posted by Hawkstar (Post 399522)
Marcie face brightened as she put it on ouat ( abbreviation ) and it showed Regina facing the wicked witch of the West
" bring it greeny " Regina and Marcie both said as the wicked witch said
" oh I will sisy " she said and flew off on her broom stick the evil queen walked back to the palace and robin was confused
" did you find out what it was? " he asked
" you where right the sleeping spell wasn't my answer " Regina said and robin smiled " you found a purpose ? " he asked and Regina smirked
" I found something that I needed " she said and robin tilted his head
" some one to destroy " Regina said Evily and Marcie squeeled her rabbit ears twitched as she jumped off the bed . Weiss and Haruko tilted there heads

Hazel gave it a 9.99 the highest so far. Just a show and a movie left. Sky put it on Lucifer. Hazel wacthed it as she gave it an 9.
"And now for the mummy" hazel said putting it on the 2 hr and 5 minute movie.

judas October 7th, 2017 02:10 PM

Re: Powered??

Originally Posted by Darky (Post 399523)

The boy fell unconscious.
"Even better" Ella said.mshe used a drago sign to bring the boy to her. "That's going to hurt in the morning for him" Ella said as he had gone thought a brock wall.

"Oh, it gets better. I used a cursed spell, he'll me having nightmares for weeks." Her personality had always changed using her powers. Her wound cutting into her more. She sighed, attempting to clean herself up.

Leucos October 7th, 2017 02:13 PM

Re: Powered??

Originally Posted by Darky (Post 399525)

Hazel gave it a 9.99 the highest so far. Just a show and a movie left. Sky put it on Lucifer. Hazel wacthed it as she gave it an 9.
"And now for the mummy" hazel said putting it on the 2 hr and 5 minute movie.

Haruko didn't mind the mummy but Marcie eeped as she saw the scary parts of in her case where scary as she clung to blackhood. Weiss almost through up watching it as she thought it was disgusting

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